A THE 1ILRALD Wednesday August is 1HU Page a North Halton directory this fall among Tourism Assoc goals PUTTING US ON THE TOUR MAP Meeting in the Co mm unity Hull last Wednesday night members of the new North Tourist Association launched plans which will eventually lure more traveller to the area bringing with them substantia economic The members and Interested residents who attended last week meeting represent a brand cross section of the north business community and he Association membership drive steadily gaining momentum The Association president Is Steve Dawklns centre and it initial efforts to balld up membership and publish a tourist directory as early as this autumn are being handled by professional marketing consultant Jo Lister second from right Herald photo ASTRO ADVICE by Eugenia Jfitham My son the realtor Dear Eugenia I would like to know what line of work would be suitable for my son He was bom Aug 1900 Saturday at m in Montreal Also what do the stars Indicate In relation to his love life In the future and what his financial status be Curious Mom Dear Curious Mom Your son has been going through some pretty rough times over the last seven years and 1 glad to say that things should start looking up He seems to have an ability to work with other peoples money He has very good Ideas for making money and could work in real estate Insurance finances the stock exchange or possibly banking He may find that he has to take a course In order to start He also has an ability to sell One thing he must watch out for however is holding on to bis own money His acquaintances could talk him out of his hardearned cash because of his generosity He should never lend money to anyone As far as his love goes I feel that he has already been through an emotional and upsetting Dear Eugenia My son who is bom May 193 Friday at a is going out with a girl who is bom Dec 30 Do the stars foresee If they are compatible and will a marriage lake place and when Pleased Parent Dear Pleased Parent After completing the charts and comparison of your son and nis girlfriend I can quite easily see the attraction They not only have a physical fondness but also give each other a great deal of mental stimulation right now Providing the charts arc accurate as you did not mention the place of birth I would have to advise them not to marry as yet I also leel that If they are not careful they might find themselves in a situation that could push the issue Your son has a lot of changes coming up over the next five years not only in areas of career but also in attitude and outlook Five years from now be will view the world and relationships from a different angle He could do well in the communlca lions media if interested As for his girlfriend I feel that her education should not be pushed aside and that whether it be formal higher education or career training of tome sort It is important for her to pursue it Possibly accounting medical technology or working with or around animals would be of Interest to her as she appears to have an ability In these areas They are both nice people and must continue growing and opening new doors in order to achieve them if life Eugenia welcomes your questions Write tier at The Herald Guelph St Georgetown L7G 3Z6 By Herald Staff Writer The fledgling North Halton Tourist Assocla plans to publish a special tourist directory as early as this autumn attract more travellers to the area it was announced last Wed night A 24page directory including a centrefold map of north Halton with points of interest could be by the first week of October presl dent Steve told business people at an Association meeting in In addition to being distributed throughout Hilts Milton copies would also be available in sever Golden Horseshoe cities In the A wider distribution of future editions would depend on the success or he project About 12 the first edition will contain advertising while remaining space is to be filled with brief about ports of north Mr stressed that it is important for Ihe Assoc a lion to gel a fast start and colled on the membership who have pressed a commit men to the Association to regard remaining months of the year as a first phase in getting the Association off the ground Besides publishing a booklet on the area the Association directors will continue its aggress membership drive investigate areas of fund and solicit political and economic support from the province and arc municipalities suggested that a dramatic and quick move Into the tourist industry by the Association may even save some north businesses flagging under current recession Other Association members last Wednesday night that If tour Ism is to be attracted to the area related projects must have solid support from most If not alt members Marketing consultant Josephine Lister has been retained by tho Assocla to build up member ship and co ordinate advertising for the book let In addition she will help businesses prepare their own touristoriented brochures The membership is composed of shopkeepers ho tell era and restaurauteurs While last week session failed to draw many Georgetown there was a large number of interest people from outlying villages The Association plans to identify Itself with a logo currently under pro duction and is pushing north varied heritage as a theme The proposed booklet is des crlbcd as the North Heritage Area Directory Mr that north Halton Con tinned on page AS ITS BACK TO SCHOOL J savings Time With Eyes Like These WE Who cares about their feet MOTHERS Why Travel Why Hassle Your Childrens Feet are important We have the shoes We have the selection We fit feel Our Prices fit your SIZES BLUE OR RED WILDCATS by MACHN OLOUR STRIPE tun SIZES 4Q98 18 You know the name You know the comfort Come in and check our SHOES AN EXCELLENT SELECTION COMPLETE SIZE RANGE IN STOCK NARROW MEDIUMS WIDE FLETCHERS FAMILY SHOE STORE of Largest Storms in DOWNTOWN GEORGETOWN 8771664