the HERALD WEEKEND EXTRA Friday Mj I Page Sportsweek HARVEYS TIRE CENTRE Moore Park Plaza Georgetown 8775110 Geminis ponder strategy at annual general meeting ByDAVEROWNEV Herald Sport Editor The Annual Georgetown Junior B meeting last Tuesday night at North Golf and Country Club dldn provide any con answers to two quest ions on many shareholder a minds mainly will the club survive another year of op eration and will they press further for amalgamation with the Acton However the general con census after the discussions were over was that yes the Geminis can and will con operating and no dub Ian t yet ready to throw in the towel and try a merger with the Junior Sabres Gemini president McCandless told the IB members present at the ann ual meeting that he sees the financial constraints of the club and amalgamation with Acton as one issue that go hand in hand He told the group that If Georgetown con tinue for another year they should then consider asking Acton to join foces with Dr Boyd told the president he felt the of merger should be looked at but for the 168384 season and not the 198283 season The newly elected repre sentatives arc scheduled to meet in the next few weeks to discuss the options available to the club regarding opera t Ion for another year and a proposed merger If amalgamation talks arc continued it seems almost crucial to scheduling re quirements of the league that Georgetown make up their mind In the next three or four BACK IN ACTION The ladies season began last Monday four teams took to two diamonds Here pitcher Joanne Kemper and catcher Marl Jones Inset lots the ball for their Brown team Herald photo Opening Ladies day at North Halton had golf members By KATHRYN LATIMER Herald Special Tuesday May was Lad les Opening Day at North Halton Golf and forty five ladles turned out for Scram Golf Sixty four ladles were there for opening dinner when president Barb Gates welcomed everyone back for the new season of golfing penny Sale Chairman Wyn Bradbury outlined plans for the upcoming Penny Sale on June and Invitational Chairman Peggy spoke about the Club In vita tional on the 1st of August Playing Captain Shirley McDemtot outlined events and new rulings for the season Including Guest Day on June Then she and VicoCa plain Gerry Caird presented the for the day First prize went to he team of Mary Rand Shirley Crlchton and Jewell second to Donna Ann Hartford and VI Cochrane third to Bradbury Judy Thomas and Linda Adams For the tho priie went to the team of Julie White Doreen and Esther Mai one Most honest golfers were Carol Voyce Gall Fin lay son and Chris Young Elected to the new George town Gemini executive for the 19823 season are Doug Harlow Dean Taylor Sec ond Vice Bill Hewitt Bob Vice- President Fin Bob McCandlcss Sr Pres Dave Bob Webster Mike McCandless Bob Jr Susan Ewlns and Bob Tost New faces from ether hockey organizations Include Bob Webster from the Tri County Support Group hockey league and Fin from Georgetown Raiders organization A financial report was handed out and read to the members present ice costs hit the team with a stagger lngieHbill but an ambit fund raising season pro duced a net gain of up about from last year fund raising ventures However the president mentioned that the cost of running the club were also going up each year Last year the Gemini 17B but the Junior club tabled a foreseeable deficit for the 1981 season of 8G0 The club is hoping that a major sponsor Para mount will come through for they had promised at the beginning of the season even though the company Is experiencing economic prob lems of 11 sown The promis ed Is Included In foreseeable deficit which would rise to if the company could not pay the Geminis Amotion was carried to change the official name of the to the George town Junior Athletic club instead of hockey club in the hope thai the federal government would give Georgetown the status of a charitable organization This way donations to the club would be tax decuctlble past president Bob Gird wood said The amalgamation issue was talked about sparingly but a motion of to continue amalgamation cussions was tabled Meet Heralds feature team- wet ago The seniors placed third and the ere fourth photo by Seven local athletes picked for provincial award dinner Seven athletes from Hills are among the BOO slated to receive athletic achievement awards at the 15th annual provincial sports awards dinner May In Toronto In alphabetical order are the following local athletes to be presented with awards Ann and Susan Budge Julie McCorry Wayne Morrow Debbie Stephen Power and Doug Smith Susan Budge a University of Waterloo student and her mother Ann won the United States Orienteering champ ionships in their specific categories They reside near Terra Colta on Julie McCorry of Prince Charles Drive In Georgetown attained the title of Junior Girls National Youth Bowl Council Champion Wayne Morrow of Ray lawn Crescent In Georgetown and Stephen Power of IBS Drive in George town were both members of the Canadian Bantam Championship wrestling fiUSANBUDGE Do Instructor at the WayJay club in Nerval now the Nerval Junction won the Women Pattern Tae Kwon Do event at CNE last Doug Smith of 108 Sinclair Ave won the Eastern Canad ian Junior Individual BOO metre running event in track and field The swards arc presented annually to Ontario amateur athletes who either Individ or through partlclpat Ion In a team sport won top honors In national Internal or world competition A highlight of the evening will be the presentation of the Gladstone Sculpture to the provinces outstanding of the year an honor which for the first time will be shared equally by the two world class champions 1981 of Ontario athletes who he described as to excellence and the spirit of sportsmanship said many events over 13S1 stand out in his memory particularly In the Canada Summer Games in Thunder Bay where Ontario placed first among the provinces collecting gold silver and bronze medals Lite is i a Mutual affair BRIAN GOODLET Life Buiirwss Mutual Life of Canada or 8774515 DOUG SMITH JULIE downhill skier Steve of Don Mills and swim mcr Alex Baumann of Sud Along with the athletic awards amateur sport volunteers and Ontario corporations will be recog nlzcd at the banquet In announcing awards presentations Tourism and Recreation Minister Reuben Baetz lauded the efforts dur National amputee sports founder gets medallion Qoodsorvfce price That StataFsrmwty ROBERT TAIT AGENCY LTD 877 FOR NEWB- USED CARS NOW OPEN is RUST Check and how does wok Rial Check Centre MIS John Gibson of Hale Georgetown Is being pre sented with a Shield of tho Sport Organization for the Disabled The presentation at Holiday Inn will honor Gibson contributions to the Canadian Amputee Sports Association Gibson is founding father of the National Amp utee Sports Association and he was also instrumental In Ho Is stilt active with both YMCA DAY CAMPS For A Summer lb Remember GEORGETOWN Custom Car Sound iff Repairs to ail stereos Tape Decks Turntables Portables Home or Auto 90 Day Guarantee Big or Small We Fix Them All UNITS 8772425 WILDWOOD MANOR RANCH Summer Camp REGISTER NOW Gymnastics Riding Archery Swimming Tennis Open House Sundays 25 pm FREE Pony Rides for children Only miles from Georgetown Una of Ball I fid GEORGETOWN Y ACTON Y GEORGETOWN TIRE SALES LTD Improved steering control end longer tire IHel Wheel Alignment Here what we do Adjust camber caster and toe In to manufacturer specifications tor bars Inspect front end springs Phone for appointment now Georgetown Tire Sales Ltd 345 GueEphSt Georgetown 8771535 GOOD YEAR