Small towns beware Fair board director warns SECTION A THE HERALD Wednesday March IS Page Letters to the Editor Dont be intimidated says Little Miss contestants mom To Whom it May Concern Im sending this loiter after reading the newspaper last week and seeing that the ladies arc Blill carrying on about he iiltie girls contest As a molhcr of one of the girls invoked in last falls event I don t think this is any of their business I also want to say good or you Fall Fair Board for not being intimidated by these ladles I noticed also in last weeks paper that nobody had any thing to say about the Snow Queen contest I hope you re proud of yourselves picking on the little ones I believe in everyone to their own It is a free world or would you like to dictate to the world and have everyone In line with Just what yog believe In Ill tell you a little about my daughter shes com- TOWN OF HILLS LIBRARY AND CULTURAL CENTRE Rodent Rags gets into act with new book By JOHN ROE Herald Special A Utile bundle of animated fur weighing hardly more than a packet of is Joining the campaign to raise funds for the new Hills Library Theatre Arts Centre Rags for Ragge dy Ann is the Peruvian guinea pig who look up residence in old George town Library two years ago winning her way into the hearts of library workers and borrowers alike Now her story is being published in the form of an illustrated children coloring book with sole proceeds going toward furnishings in the new library Rags Story and The Good Stuff Cookbook a potpourri of favorite hand down recipes are just two of the items Georgetown library staff are featuring in their While Hippo Sale and Big Bake Table at he Giant Garage Sale at Alcott Arena May Anne Irvine who heads up the librarys promotional activities said the library decided to lake two stalls at the Giant Garage Sale in order to raise community awareness as well as some financial support for the new facility As with the cookbook Rags Story is another library staff initiative It Is being written and Illustrated by library workers Pam Payne and Starkey and is expected to sell for SI a copy Mrs Payne said the book is written in such a way that children can add their own and their friends names In the text Continued on page At PHOTORAMA SAME DAY SERVICE IN BY 10 OUT BY 5 KODACOLORII SPRING SPECIAL YOU HAVE A CHOICE OF 116GUELPHST GEORGETOWN 8774588 PHOTORAMA plotely different from myself I prefer Jeans shes the type you Just cant got In pants Its dresses perfume powder and her hair being done completely a 11 1 tie lady Because these things are not really what Im all about does not mean Im going to change her I never push or try to change any of my children So if this is what she likes end enjoys this is what shell do I m definitely not going to tell her that I wont let her enter these contests because the ladies of the community dont approve Why should Ihey affect our lives The contest last year was a great experience for her She did not get hurt or upset even thoughshe didnt win She is so proud to tell people she was in the coolest and show off her trophy When she sees Die bigger girls contests she gels a glow and thinks of the one she was In taught both my childr en that the meaning of enter ing a contest or any other competition Is for fun and the thrill of being there is as great as winning They will be competing all their lives and should learn now how to handle It As far as Im concerned you dogooders are ruining all Ive taught hem about playing for fun and not to win You write in Ihe papers about them being losers and you say you are doing this because you dont want them to be exploited Tell me who Is ihe guilty party here Just take a look where you are sticking your nose and what damage you are doing This does not concern you Do you have nothing else Why try lo run other lives who you donl even know An alternate direction you may choose to pursue which would be more rewarding and selfsatisfying would be the Investigation of childrens rights A Concerned Mother Georgetown To the editor of The Herald Small Town Ontario be ware some big city boys and girls have recently been dis covering there Is life beyond the city limits and in their worldly wisdom they seem have decided that that life will have to change For the better they hope It all started with one little event during the Saturday morning program at the I960 Georgetown Fair Utile Miss Halton Hills and where It will stop Is anybodys guess But a number of people did not like the competition and the word has been spread to a big city columnist who does not Like it either and she is out to stop such things as Baby Contests and Utile Miss Hallon Hills and Fair Queens because she thinks they are a crock and Just downright silly Well people in the country certainly know whats in the crock and it past experience means anything we know that it takes people from the city to really spread it around liberally As for silly maybe but then I think It takes a sense of humor lo get by In this upsidedown world of ours and maybe just maybe the city folks have already lost theirs Generally speaking people In rural communities can look at a sccaUed Beauty con test and see it for what it is A fun thing Fun for both participants and viewers alike A little light hearted entertain ment in a somewhat dreary workaday world Nothing more It is not Important enough to get angry and upset over the smallest things while the real problems go unsolved Easter at Toy adorable Dakin ducklings bunnies Easter egg gift holders Easter baskets grass novelties Special gifts Georgetown Market Place 8778800 YOU KNOW THIS SIGN BUT DO YOU KNOW THESE SIGNS Life is full of signs Signs that advise Signs that warn And we know must of these signs because we know theyre meant to protect us Thats why when it comes to cancer there are important signs you should also know Because the quicker you can recognize them the quicker you I can lake action lump persistent cough a sore that dncsn heal if von discover one of these signs see wur doctor Chances are you dont have cancer at all but why lake chances When it comes to cancer know the signs It does seem like a rather strange way react Georgetown should be get ling used to the hit and run school of city journalism by now was not too long ago maybe a year of two when a young out by nine In by five city Journalist hit Georgetown to write the towns history in a nutshell Only the shell turned out to be a bombshell and some people have not gotten over It yet It was a remarkable piece of Journalism when you come to think of it a stranger writing the entire history of a town by talking to a handful of people In the few hours of a day Remarkable in its And here we go again I Columnist Michcic of The Toronto Star is on Ihe warpath about Little Miss Hills A few days ago she and her secretary got on the telephone to members of the Georgetown Fair Board who were around and prompt ed by some local agitators wanted to know why Little Miss Hills was being carried on for Ihe second year The city of Burlington can carry on their successful Utile Miss Burlington pag cant but how dare George town carry on with their small production Some people in Toronto do no I approve In the last seven months members of the Fair Board and Agricultural Society have been harassed by a number of detractors and accused of such things as exploiting little girls sex role stereotyping unfair competition and so on These accusations have been made by a small group of local Con tinned on page AS Here we got stuck PC backer chastises backbiters An open letter to oil C Party members Al around the Conservatives made a great sweep but here we got stuck Maybe now Ihe backbiters will learn to keep there bickering within he confines of the party Personally I am sure Fran would have won hands down but for the bad publicity due to her nomination misunderstandings Georgetown CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY I FAMOUS Spred Satin Latex Flat Wall Paint 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