Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 21, 1977, p. 4

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Home Newspaper of Hills 1977 A Division of Canadian Company Limited Main St South Georgetown Ontario Willi I IIOKIMOI- Publisher BOB BUTTER ilii Ma Dont forget Joseph Rumors persist of wholesale budget cuts forgotten on ban in ho mincer hi Hit promisi this ilukl would Hit long else Under the circumstances who would blame him if hi walked out The man he married w is going to have a he filhered If this Jisus is son of God Josiph miKht well have said then let lod hove the responsibility for bringing him up Of course hi that hi i know he wis still Jesu w is 1 lingered in I sttnint to tilt priests i iihcrs Hut Ihi list turn bothers mentioning there s in doubt Joseph was good to Jesus Throughout four Gospels bod as Father in a that no previous Jewish tier personal God warm mi with of too New Ttslamint offers no on thi family lid- of ind lad Hut if had been preoc tupied with his business or villugi womm or is harsh trutl or unjust Jisus would retained Hi would in said that God hum infithirs In fait if Joseph hid been In I ilbtr hlmsilf might hive dlldrcntly eivts the menage of Christmas a difdnnt ptrspttim For in a MM IS 1 ttllldol tvirv m ly detidt for it set v to him or hir to let someone ihi look that ihild and to instt id that pirent s own individual up child of od is an awesome Hut opting out would be i Josiph Think of how tht of Christmas might ban turned out if done his best as a EVEN A MOUSE lit mm I nilv Ink in linv mi rill through trowiUd Whin inlppli in slraw In t stood with nj1 tun Ml r lips lh tilid t Ihi with fingertips itthilfirslthrislmjNV isllisSon sprtad wist words and Ion to Sot n knew faith within Chris s reach Hut in in is and difficult to ihiu ir m lissons It irncd in liming low innir peace is which we should borrow put iup in hnst tomorrow in li v think In thinks fort wt sip our drink humbler vtt sharing of a tear In in silcm pr lyir Looking through our files mis ii r si In IV III Ill mil id illlv SI 1 ml l rip ici lit old of riii sihxilwilh i new uildinj hid i of doom Hum ir ik n w is madi tin building with the under r iilKil st Hiding that it Iht nucleus fur a i mplittniw highstlwil Tin sucuss of Ihe system his r it intt call for ihlv rM Hut gov i ids will iiij ilmul any In nisi has ltd in art i in Mini mil Mrs il Mill it id m i sis iruif vi i indtil illy las 1 r 1 iv in in mill s hi Mr Iu dims i It wis ihi hruklikh is dindid Iu ims iinlttr The i irilown tub ick whidi run from nuns rv nilil in s Hill i is pirlj mi imm Ins i id i ingulf dun im r vsIh k i nil inch ifon Hit his wnll spnl Apparent dislike showing between Davis Smith I 1 r This Im ividut si Whin run r This iniwug liamlMv ml I Hint lu IIk iyin I In i ubtli hut ii hi it ii doubt lh ri w is tutu Hi hind t jusl I llki Smilli slu of his own Tin i bt FUNNYSIDE i I I ill is ji iih lo do i i In in it fin illy lhroujli for Hi si liti rs in in il Act ind tiny an quilt si mo ill In il municipal my ii says ihe will iiling fir I so the I ri sponsible indlicinn fits i You dun I hive in far sit infloprdi1 III it hi a m my on Ihls gnvi rnminl in ry jealous Tht hill hit only bun for now ind won 1m proci tdid with until tin session Ottawa liuduiu has doni his si imp that his govtrn mi mi limit Hi intln us Hi nduiH restraints program Mill Hi In dominate miillilUs Wi id pretly hot over this minister and there are mure hot tip He to be g lo Hoard And ris who last March thai govtrnmtnl would In total fedtral spending lo per cent this year tompartd per tent last year is ippanntlj thi campaign to chop And ho is supported by ihi so called wingers of the cabinet Bui ihey have a fight on their hands parinularly from representatives of slow as ihey consider adminlslering the regional economic id affairs lions urban and science mid technology i Minister Don 1 Newfoundlander and Privy Allan a Cape ore among those who don I want to set of regional economic expansion eliminated while their provinces are so plagued by unemployment Bit SAVINGS five departments spend million of the government 1977 total outlay i billion but their elimination would not resull in a saving of million Many of the responsibilities would be However there would be significant saving and even more important any drastic step like Ihis would have a profound impact on the private sector There will also be pruning programs earned in existing departments The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is one government agency that is likely be major victim of the government i restraints After seeing Hit 1977 spend inR climb In million from last year million is determined to halt the p spiral I think we be culling the CDC budget by about millon says one chatty minister And talked aboul how was sending departmental spending estimates back to responsible ministers That guy in lie tough Although has appeared be rumors possible lion of departments he has carefully avoided flal denials When asked aboul the possibility or DUEL being eliminated Trudeau men Regional Expansion Minister M had already denied Ishallsimply add they the rumors miLnl originate from the act that more and more heir premiers their ministers newspapers congratulating the govern fur lis initiative recapitulating the imounts spent during the eight or nine years of existence of that department and asking federal government to continue lhat beautiful enterprise This did not alter the fact that the prime minister had earlier told New Brunswick Premier Hatfield thai might be climated But in Parliament said there matter to multiply them Again he care fully avoided issuing denials chatty minister I was referring to said that while there is still no over all policy on department eliminations one could be developed in a matter hours But he doubted whether as many as five depart mints would be affeclcd If you really want to gel ride of a couple of deparlmcnts you by suggesting five Then you hack off and settle for two and that way everyone emerges as winner The only thing I im sure is that Bob is not ooling around this lime Just We will Is religion all but gone Christmasa magical time it is thai joyous sini iimi of ir is tht time for throwing off shaektts of adulthood and lhat In is within us to if only for a little while Unfortunately somi within who ign it Christmas time art holy terrors overspend and beyond Iheir means and as children Ihey stamp their feet insist its right Some holy errors go on binges andlhi within hem No mailer how smttre Ihe promise or how painful mi last year off lee party the ehlld within shakes its head with a firm it s too if I can I enjoy drink after working my butt off all year Within ill of us the child stands strong at is lime some its remtm Inrmtts of not eat and so thty more and more as dots a ilnld till will pist bursting point tor others strong emotions invoke- makes r indulging I mid mil mordertocopewilh holidays and child Just won in to try a little please and its little eyes arc always its almosti It is Ihi child within us that buys the gifts often it buys not what is praetltal or ttcn hut it need from with p and tht longtd for beautiful doll or rait tar ill answer the ehlld within us our adult Is pushed out by an never satisfied child Of when that bills IK ring in his iway ivtrynm for holy lirros rampogi However not vi ryoni his iholylirror rtlmrn it iimi some ihild ipjn irs is in one sinking pnstnls and luddlmg mistletoe ind throwing for i lime woes of the world This delights at crunch of snow lit and giggles it he wrapping of wondinng if gift receivers will is much pli as the gift giver Il is within us lhat tiptoes down it midnight placing parcels under he trie md lining Ihe stockings with a dtfmitt ho ho ho is for and because of this quilt in our with the rtiosc of us whosi tikes over during Christmas itth at work and not doing aw wiih thtldhnod altogether but lhal is also pari of us to stand A w link I wrote poem of rtmtmhraniis sctms quite ill at this linn I hope you II enjoy sharing It wllh ontr as my wish for and is from house to the of Itv I tlnlil it it the height of Iht telling Just is giant as can be A look at tht tahlt with so much to A woman thinks of other years and brushes ears A happily banging parlour doors A child rallies presmls and slides on floors sings loudly md joins in the sprie A woman rimimbirs how childhood i in be kitp hristmus as thildren for alp bosoms yet there all Ihe for childhood for miking for loving all in if friends and of family of carols and if soft falling and chiming bells Of peaie and contentment of goodwill Christmas is for childhood Then let us all be children for Christmas once again Good advice Daniel a professor in en studies at York University Toronto a recenl international conference in New Zealand suggested that the United Nations convene a meeting of the hundred best Intellects In the world to discuss the purpose of human existence He has ex plained why he is calling or such a meeting WUh every ideology wavering religion all hut gone science unable to give the answers why no one can tell us any more what it ill professor Surely you recognize thai it is of the nature of an ideology to waver for it is a response of emotion and mind a matter of anxiety and aspiration with respect to a broad pattern of circumstance which is constantly changing Only for the totalitarian mind do ideologies not waver And science as such has never purported to give answers to lifcs basic Whys although it can help clear underbrush and indicate new directions Perhaps in some countries but it still seems to have an in Canada and to be showing signs of becoming stronger than it has been in the recenl past leaders report that more and more people now seem be looking lo church and synagogue for help in coping with Ihe deep basic problem of their lives The pressures and menaces and confusions of life today arc causing many to look for meaning and purpose in the resources of religion and there is evidence religious leaders recognizing this are offering in their ministrations the basics of religion and are less concerned with the mere incidentals of religion than many have been in the recent pasl The alleged evidence thai religion is gone is often superficial depending upon how miny people went to church or svnigogue last week But religion goes much deeper than lhat It not a question about organized religion at all but docs life have meaning for you And is it because like a member of you arc trusting a power yourself ind working that out dail lr s certain is worthy of serious consideration but he I rule the effectiveness of not vet anyway Editors notebook One of the world understand Ihe pleasures of the other huh Got a beef beef in write lo your elected member of fedtril or provincial parliament Then you tan the following eons ilulcncy liberal frank Philbrook MP House of Commons Ontario Constituency Lib Ross Milne MP House of Ottawa Wellington Liberal Maine MP House of Commons Oil here is no for to be iffixi o letters mailed to members of federal parliament There is however no provision for free mailing in elected provincial parliament ONTARIO liallon llurllnglon Liberal Julian Queens Park Toronto Progressive Con nerval Hon James Snow MPP Pork Toronto it ram pi on constituency Progressive Hon Willlom Davis Park Tor on I constituency Progressive Conservative Jack Johnson MPP Queen a Pork Toronto Headers contacting elected iboul any concerns they may have should also eel free dlrccl a copy of their The Herald where It will In for publication Wo welcome This holiday season and at every parly you host give your guests the gift of true friendship by considering those that must drive That the advice of Ihe Hamilton Aulomobilt club which is launching its an null hirst a Then a Host holiday The idtn behind the is to place Ik si interests of driving guests one step a hi id of efforts to tntcrtain lavishly the bar anyway Iticognizing that s Impractical to discouragt drinking altogether especially during Christmas and New ear season club suggests subtly tit empha sizing the liquor low methods club proposes won dampen spirit of the parly and gutsts ire mon be in a condition drive home safely The basic point is simply centre attention on food and fun rather than bottled spirit Here ore the club suggestions on how to be lirsl A Friend Then A Host Mix the first drink for guests IF you wish tonslder selling up a self serve bar so guests may pace themselves If you plan on playing barlender yourself always measure moderate amounts of liquor Include a variety of low and beverages for those who may wish to abstain Never push drinks on driving guests Centre attention on food Have an attractive and generous display rich and slarchy foods plenty of ihem throughout the evening Here where your culinary talents can be displaced Such foods will help slow down the absorption of alcohol Into the bloodstream loo Set an example and don t over indulge In drinking Keep guests circulating with dancing games or conversation diverting attention from the bar Make sure coffee is that ode Tor the road While coffee won sober anyone up It gains lime and lime is factor that leads to sobriety As the evening wcora on serve a rich or sweets along with a alcoholic Sweets t too compatible with ilcohol and may lead a guest lo choose instead Tictfully moke passengers out of driving guests who miy have had one too many Consider calling a cab or offering overnight accommodations for the guest If all else fails The club these steps should ensure a party yet may lessen the chance of morning after bad news about a elose

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