THE HERALD Wednesday October E JOYCE BEATON Turning as I did the other day Is a sobering experience That a why when I poured myself a glass of wine put a log on the fire and settled back to reflect my life I knew there was no danger of getting drunk Forty five It neither here nor there I suppose It s half way up the tree of life Because of my optimism I prefer to think the next years are a continuation of a climb upwards instead of a steady decline to old age I don t really believe It all downhill from this middle part of my life If were to lake a look at the way my life has flowed I say I reached several middle ages in my growth But they had nothing to do with age They were the times when I was offered a choice and I either accepted or rejected the challenge to expand my horiions In my lifetime chosen to accept the challenge of on education the lily of ng a family the gift of loving and being loved the trust and shared hopes of partnerships And I ve also accepted not too gracious my failure to succeed the heartbreak of losing loved ones and the shattering of dreams The greatest gift life has to offer Is choice I suppose that why dig in my heels so hard when 1 see choices being den cd mankind to women In particular When we make our choice with a free II we con accept the failure or success But when no choice is g we meet failure and resentment and we hard recognize success it is so clouded with frustration So happy all you other 45yearolds Re member from here on it uphill all the way Chess Mess The Brampton Chess Club gave out the pr for last year s Open and closed tournaments Sieve MacLeod won the Open tourney by defeating J Kalcwica In a best of three match Second went to J Kalewics and Third place was ate between Horace Walton Kevin and Brian MacLeod The closed tourney was a close race all the way however the end result was Steve 1st place and S MacLeod was second in the A sect an section was taken by V section was won by Bert Mlllenar and the consolation prize was won by Alice Lamer Here is an important game from round S MacLeod Story Ptrc Defence 1 3 f3 A sharp method of countering Black Pirc Defence intends a attack Black should play c6 Nbd7 and on the queen w As he plays he is great trouble or else 7 forces Black s KB off Preventing MB 9 Nge2 h5Nxh511 that the natural 11 BhB loses gh5 13 11 14 Kxg716 g5Nh5 18 Nxh5gh5 19 Bb5Re820 Now every White piece is after the Black royalty He threaten immed ate mate Nxh7 mate UPCOMING EVENTS Brampton Open round Swiss starts Oct 17 at the Chess Club At the Brampton HOME FRONT Down for the third time SEMINAR Ferguson Tim Ted sixers and seconders in cub packs through Moyse and Sean McVeigh from Acton put out North A total of boys showed their heads togelher to figure out the Items on up from packs In Milton Georgetown Acton splay in a game at a special Instructional and day at school lost Saturday for new Hornby girl wins crown A Halton girl won the Queen of the Furrow competition at the International Plowing Mat In Kingston last week Lynne Stewart eldest of Mr and Mrs Bertram Stewart of the Sixth Line near Milton was 1078 Fur row Queen and went on to win the International title against other competitors Friday In order to win Miss Stewart had to do some plowing she did well but was not the highest be interviewed by a panel Judging her poise per sociality and appearance and make a five minute Miss Stewart spoke on the International Plowing Match and traced the history of plow ing from its beginnings with a cleft stick to modern plows Spencer Wilson a George town area farmer was Miss Stewart plowing coach Miss Stewart s pnies In elude a pontine money and jewelry The Furrow Queen Com pell Hon Is not Miss Stewart first such win She won the title of Champion Dairy Showman at Milton fair last week and was Showman at the Royal Winter in 1975 Miss Stewart has her prov honors in 4H club work and has also taken 12 dairy and judging 4 club units In the past seven The 19 year old Furrow Queen graduated from Milton high school last January and Is currently a twoyear course in Travel and Tourism at London a college Part of Miss Stewart duties will Include advertising the 197B International I lowing Match to be held In Huron By SUSAN Help I think I am going under for the third lime Thee irony of life sometimes passe Ih all un derstandlng Here I sit a once happy housewife who gained a glorious well deserved dayilme freedom after lj years of only to suddenly and Inexplicably find herself to be the caretaker of two more little people Now granted while one child is with me on a hour a day basis and will eventually be attending school Tor half a day and the other Is only here for lunch and dinner when the menu appeals to her for a person who has never con dcred herself particularly Id oriented I now find myself playing the role of earth mother with a vengeance The line up of three faces that have always had to be spec ted and approved before flying out of the front door for school has grown to five and extends halfway down my hallway The table that has always comfortably seated five at nnert me now and groans to commodate seven Huge batches of homemade sot appear to be mmer ng indlcssly on the stove and my largest pot no longer large enough for the vait of that are needed Indeed as the fam each in Budget group formed Council has established a special com miltce this year to set up gu on expenditures bung undertaken by the municipality in 1978 A ght schedule has been dev loped for the varioui departments to report to the committees of on their 1 udgcts hope of having the opt rat budget for the region rcad to vote on early Junuary 197B The budgets for dual departments are to be ready in early December The region hopes to keep the Increase in gross expenditures down to j 4 per cent this year The first set of budget propo sals for the 1977 budget last year called for a per cent increase our somewhat small kitchen I feel as though I have stepped right from the pages of White The Seven Dwarf While my two older off spring have outgrown all outward displays of affection young Teresa has continued to give me kiss before leave for mj in Now however there are three little tomato saucesmeared facet that ho to be kissed patted and admonished to good in my absence What happened With the heady ex of an incurable dreamer I believed that in my new found sol I was going the universe or the great Canad an novel and stand alongside Margaret in stature factually planned to listen to a concerto from start to uninterrupted finish take university course and possibly even experience the Joy of a silence great enough to allow me to the hum of the from the ticking of the kitchen clock Instead 1 am once again conducting lengthy con with a dependent I one instead of com with myself although the truth be known there Is remarkably little difference those endless hat always begin with Why and giving tooth brushing classes four time a day Meanwhile the cookie crumbs are piling up an endlessly repeated scratchy recording of The Farmer In the Dell has replaced my usual morning sessions with Tony Bennett and Shirley afraid to even look at the pile of laundry that awaits my pleasure Yes my good ship Lollipop sinking fast and I think my fingers are about to slip from their fragile grasp on the poop deck Help Open Tats Wei SPECIAL THIS WEEK Thanksgiving Specials Ontario Ho I freih 2 BROCCOLI Reg 89- BANANAS 5 lbs for I Ontario No 1 for TURNIPS Popper or Butter Cup 3 for SQUASH And Many More Specials G FRUIT M Guelih St Fresh and STREET PLAZA I can sdl a beautiful bedroom condominium townhonie in for only 37150 And move you in for only 395 Sewards partner Ed Sure a lot of builders wont do that But then again a lot of them are selling similar units for 38000 Even more Thats their business Im a practical guy I cant wait for them to change So why should you 111 Ed Sants partner Martyn Particularly when I can give you architecturally controlled landscaping throughout with lots of trees and grass Who wants to live in a desert Walls that are extra insulated to be extra soundproof Hold this ad up to your ear Thats what youre going to hear from your neighbours I can give you a big master bedroom thats really big Who buvs small beds these days And a private pla ground for your kids After all I was one myself I can give you broadloom throughout Who wants to walk on cold slippery bare floors 3rd AVE norunusv And I can gie it all to vou for 37150 Ive also got bedroom bathroom models for just Still a modest price So come on out this weekend and see tor yourself Right ih 1 ORANGEVILLE orange mill