Decline of fitness is early expert tells UWC meeting THE HERALD Wednesday May 18 117 Page II By TAUMAN The decline In the physical fitness of Canadians begins In Grade claimed Stuart Hob- bins of York University Education Department At a meeting of the University Women Club Robbing re commended a program of dally education for all elementary school children Such program could be ex peeled to enhance rather than detract from academic stud lea Bobbins referred a study a school near Paris France where students achieved while devoting one third ol each day to physical education Contrary to what might be supposed Little league sports do not make up for the lack of dally physical education in the schools One of the reasons is that parents too often drive their children to sports events Another drawback is the targe amount of time a team mem may spend inactive on the bench LI tile League also tuts the disidvantageof being too com plex for kids Socially the young child cannot cope with games in which there arc nine Not only do kids not relate to that many people but they have fewer chances play a leant role in the game Too often the expectations In Little League sports are real for kids objected to kids be ing burdened by rules govern Pros equipment used in kids sports is often unsuitable as it is designed for Ml grown Basketball hoops tend to be loo high and soccer balls too big Were adults forced to use equip ment on the same as kids their would suffer Perhaps the Chinese have led the vviv to new sanity in sports by producing ping pong if heights ere is a red fi kids I esc ipe peer ACTON CRAFT SHOW At the first of many Craft shows The show was held at the Acton Library sored by the Kills Libraries Saturday Other displays Included Grelg of Georgetown demonstrates weaving and metal working Board teachers to talk delay OKd in program Board of education and district Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation have farmed a committee to negotiate the Issue of reorganizing high schools The announcements came Monday at a joint press con when the board agreed not to implement the chair organization In the nine high schools still under the headship program while trie issue Is being negotiated and the teachers have lifted the embargo placed last December on approximately 114 chairmanship positions It is the first lime that the teachers are negotiating an item of board policy chairman Rev Garry Morton told reporters The eight member committee is expected to make recommendations which the board will then take a position cm The board ruled earlier that the chairmanship program would be implemented by Sept 1 and the teachers are opposed to the mandatory nature of the ruling However as Emerson Lavender director of education told reporters the time to hire chairmen and related positions has passed and any major change if required will be phased in after September or In D1D YOU KNOW Right now there are Cana cancer research lists Investigating viruses as a possible cause of human can others are concentrating on the body s Immune defense system still others are exam basic life processes with In cells This is a sampling of the many projects devoted to understanding and controlling tember 1978 None of us is interested in the disruption of the school system Mr Lavender said Mr Morton said the board position Is that It wants to keep the management rights on behalf of public but it Is not willing to disregard those involved in developing the policy He denied that the board was backing down on the issue It a positive step by the board David Judd the teacher chief negotiator said the boards action will have a positive effect on negotiations The sachet the structure of high schools studied and an evaluation process of the systems established The decision to set up a committee has no effect on arbitration hearings betweccn the board and the teachers The arbitration hearings expected to take place sometime in June is to see if the placing of an embargo is a violation of the collective agreement There is nothing In the arbitration proceeding about reorganization of high schools the boards chief negotiator and superintendent of Instruction said he was heartened by the optimism of the teacher s negotiating team and felt that the collective agreement could be completed by the end of June On the committee the board will be represented by Rev Morton trustee Judy Alexander Emerson Lavender director of education and John of Instruction The teachers will be represented by David John Lynch executive secretary district nine OSSTF John Phillips a principal at Nelson High School and Ray field secretary of provincial executive Moore Park residents seek police action Residents of Moore are concerned over the apparent lack of enforcement of to prevent pot and beer parties at Park idjacenl to Joseph Gibbons school A spokesman who wished not to be identified told council that warm weather is bringing out groups of for beer and pot parties on the properly and litlle appears to be done by police to control it She said residents of limiting properties are having beer bottles and stones thrown into swimming pools and onto properties the lighting at ihe tennis courts have been broken Into and ictiviiies take place under night lights to as late as i rn Young people n the irea bom intimidited and and I roken beer hollies in be found around school Tom Hill of the Hilton police promised in investigation of the surrounding in Incident in which a group youth played bill hockey on the tennis courts until after 1 a contrary to which sets curfew of pm The spokesman said police wen called In gate the incident being the scene least hour nuction was taken and a to police a day later indicated the police had an argument thai Ha group had a permit rem the town recreation department Mayor Hill said police are powerless to make an arrest on private property unless there Is contravention of the Code The in Moon he slid belongs to the board an police ean only act on complaint Wards and scho I trustee Don Long in the audience or another siid le is prepared to seek approval of in igreemenl between the bo ird an the town to allow police powers lo enter the The Moore Park spokesman youth hide on the roof of the school when police Mayor Hill said Hills now only has an agreement with the board of education for maintenance- and cost sinring of I ihe be ird and used for public activity Ward I Put i firmer principal argued that Ihe public rcgirds school board property as public properly as such police should be prepared to act on incidents such is this If they the school board believes this is private perty they arc fooling themselves he said Roy i resident of the area argued that police appear to have accepted on several excisions a song and dance by some pcrsjusivc teenagers It is not kn wn when the riport will be completed pressure in sports the opposing team lakes the fun out of games for kids From a study by the of Ottawa noted that sin to eight yearolds are dropping out of team sports These youngsters will be lost for teen years when they reasonably have been expected to play their best Ovcrspec la nation is a prob lem when team sports are played too young No Utile kid should have to choose between soccer and baseball Rather kids should be able to play a variety of sports once a week likewise it Is Inappropriate felt to subject pre schoolers to the nervous strain of compel I tons such as swim meets Turning from the negative aspects of athletics outlined the benefits of a wholesome programme of physical education In the schools For instance reading and writing readiness may be developed in the gym Exer In which a ball is followed from left lo right relates to following words across a page Games with printed letters or are also helpful Physio logical activities on such equipment as trampolines help develop the Co ordination needed for writing dames also assist In the socialization process While In kids play along side than with others they finally learn to cooperate in the creation of bigger and belter projects Through playing games kids also learn about the laws of society Left to their own kids work out reason able rules and balance out To keep games exciting they pre fer to keep sides fairly evenly matched so that the outcome is not a foregone conclusion Ideally the great benefit of physical education in the sehools is the development of he minds in healthy bod school teachers who In province that has the have problems with alcohol or ird most costly healthcare In druas or suffer from emotional add physical fitness can may have a program to not bo considered a luxury As assist overcoming their pointed out mil problems by September lion eould be saved annually if board of education everyone in Ontario were Thursday heard ugh to a level of minimum that it adopt an fitness employee assistance program Apart from the financial to provide for the prevention of i spec Is the desire avoid the dependence on alcohol and needless misery of early hack other drugs and that pnn CAR WASH BENEFIT Cathy of Georgetown puts the Texaco Service Station on Guelph Street elbow grease Into her efforts to clean the Proceeds from the wash will be directed to School board approves drug alcohol program occupation with high stress About three per cent of any average workforce is addicted and a further three per cent have iheir work performance affected by alcohol or drugs Mr Marks said The cost of treatment is paid for by the ulcers and heart attacks should spur Canadians to prove physical fitness A sound program In the elementary schools developed spcchltsls in physical wouldnot only ensure a he lithier future but would prove the quality of Canadian foundation Police seek suspect Police suspect a 16 or 17 year old youth with long blond hair about and thin with stealing reddish brown cos containing in cosh and personal papers from the purse of a Chapel Street The theft occured May in room at Park School police said JUST TAGGING ALONG Mother stands unconcerned as her ride yearold Bruce Rleger Is about named two week old colt gives himself the Ihomother a during open house held Sunday at short trip through the fields si Manor Visitors were treated to a riding stables tour of facilities and a short horseback and academic super be trained to learn the procedures in the program The program has the support of the elementary and secondary teachers associations principals and Addiction in approves establishment of the program ADAPT will be the prime referring agency and provide medical consultative services AM- spokesman Peter Marks of the board that teachers are in a high risk Flower show auction today After that long hard dreary winter let give a welcome lo Spring And what the Horticultural Soc is planning at lis Spring Show and Plant ion to be held today at Knox Presbyterian Church An auction will be experience a chance to obtain plants and flowers or that bare spot In the garden The show will be sure sign that spring is here Spring flowering bulbs and other perennials together with classes for polled indoor plants nil go together to promise a delightful show Arrangements will be enter under the theme of Spring Song with categories such as Apple Blossom Lime Singing in the Rain or Cruising Down the River A special arrangement class for Juniors those 16 years and under is being ottered There will also be an for Juniors only This is a picture composed of seeds It is hoped that the juniors will come up wilh some interesting exhibits If you think youd like to enter an arrangement or one or your prize tulips or lilacs don hesitate You don t have to be a member of the Society Any one can enter and special classes have been established for Novice a special prize for novice the most points In the decorative classes Ribbons will be awarded lo all winners Entry tickets arc available at Paulines Mowers Television or at church hall free of charge Vandalism Place motorist program Trustee H H Bert Hinton said he was not against the philosophy of the program but would rather sec the money spent on busing The teacher s federation should take care of its own he said He feared that if the board adopted the program it would eventually has about become part of the collective teachers and according to the agreement figures about 150 teachers The board is expected act would benefit from the on the proposal in June Downtown improvements start after eight years Architect Paul Martell is going to see results this summer after eight years of ideas to the Georgetown Downtown Association Included in the core business taxes first payments due July is money for the first application of the beauty treatment Total funds equal so improvements will be made over a five year period he The main project Mr Hyde would like completed Is the Silver Creek park The park would people to Georgetown and offer a relaxing spot for shoppers he said Barbara Shntttcworth manager of Touch of Class said We have talked for so many years of improving the downtown core once we start it will prove that we ve meant it all these years Downtown Georgetown But the would also buy docs have everything to offer trees in planters that may be distributed along Main Street individual price for a tree In planter six banners Identifying the downtown area and parking areas and with the remaining funds paint for two super graphics on buildings used to attract attention and liven up people but they arc not aware she said We have started promotion by the ads but we re not really promoting anything yet There is a problem with until fall The probler meeting the region s approval on placing trees on the curb Mr Martell was told by the Region that trees would pose problems for snow in a contained section and if you enter Main Street from the bs outskirts you do notice that enouHh room you re in a business district tht re a newcomers lithe trees were planted this month The main improvements Mr be acceptable The walkways need to be lighted and remodeled resemble walkway he said trees In planter Mr Martell and Mr Hyde plan to meet again before approaching the engineering feKt bringing the total number of parking places to Signs reported arc needed to show routes to parking lots The logo used in the lm project donated by the Herald will become a symbol that people will relate the Improvement project president of the who parked his vehicle at the Improvement Area Monty owner police said A youth Feeds parking lot In Peking signs was spotted on the roof of an May returned V designed with the logo outbuilding at the rear the to find the windshield had been a color people residence Later investigation smashed by unknown persons parking if they uncovered a screen which hod police said Toronto A thief who tried to break into a Mountalnvlcw Road South residence at about 3 a m May 11 made too much noise and the home- been removed from a window