Home Newspaper of Halton Hills BOARD GETS SECOND CHANCE Don Long offers a way out of chairmanship dispute Hilton Hills Don his evolution of tin el high or proceeding with this emit pi Mr his rim irks defending a 1m school system until both have r objectively examined for advantages trustee His motion foiled to pass on a icmd lie paint of Chairmanship organization hools and In whuh subjects arc under board I road categories rother than traditional departments came from the United States during the ird innovative binge in I He lOOfl Mr Long and although both school Lord in he high school Burlington was set up to list the concept In design of the experiment we bother to state haw the evaluated it years huvt passed and we demonstrate an in student achievement or development reduction in cost Mr Long sold To justify the experiment and high tost we proceid lo make ehairmanship man and punish those Fine point of procedure delays trustees proposal Hilton of determine if then can be legal used tint point of stnkt by teachers and not on pirh imcnlnrv procedure lo board policy the motion to kill on motion by table carried Don long During the new business 1 Itii tonlrntrsnl issue of portion of the meeting however Mr Long gave notice that he would move at tomorrow Thursday si meeting that the tabled motion be lifted and with his irganml headship f high schools in Mr lonf of motion whtUi would iniuidcd In to for tin I in and Report no major problems with breakup on Credit liv itm pi lied an 1 m It liphones in I r until after midnight i tig iff from urn up hi us Willi msh still has nut mm mi 1 resulted from down trees ice jams il andit the I niches of Shaw s reek h qu ilil Mr to Iht the Cala IMINNM EXERCISE IN DISGUISE in disguise is how Donna Lambert it bo the bell course she teaches at Glen While ire fluid the dance to ropri music don real lie that you re if up long winter she added We need lit trying get Williams reopened Registrations for yoga pri ewn pre rhjthmics and beginners pjuil ire low the said slow start last fill in courses offered by tie and District puked upby ell igam she said However hi mi s i offered by craftsmen Jiob and programs f r citizens were in the Hint inwim Ins in courses to offer 111 hi in from them For more details of nurse offerings or dates for the In most part as you ill at SOW or the at per ttind to JjO icfeit Iridn i in said No mi ilimiM has sprint but Morton ruled that thi revision was out of order asked alt trustees not to bring forward any motions on the issue until after the curators decision Trustee Armiloge said the board is going around the roseberry bush in this thing the minority keep bringing it back Morion ruled it is within the right to bring it up The issue has put the board in conflict with secondary school teachers in nine high schools Georgetown and district high school Included still under the headship other high ire the hair system School Tiachers denlion placed a on pljing or any of 160 positions in its opposition the mandatory the reorganization On J the board riafflrmed its policy with trustees Cooper Mtares Howard I Alexander Itoblnson Herd Auger Crosier and Morton In favour and I Armstrong Jackson and opposed We re evading the Issue Mr Long said at the end of the parliamentary fencing Let s get the darn thing done The issue is not one to be settled behind closed doors he said schools which foiled to sec the benefits and get on the band wagon Seven high schools In art under the chairman system Acton high school among Ihim nine arc under the headship system and secondary teachers across the region are opposed to the mandatory of the hoard policy to have all schools under the system Mr Long said he is neither for nor against cither system We arc really in very en viable position in that we still have both structures func tioning with competent dedicated staffs firmly believing In the merits of the structure lo which they belong Before dismembering the traditional organization Mr Long said let us continue both systems clearly slate our objectives as to the purpose of the organization and how both strictures will be evaluated and compared in a given time span Although the chairmanship system was implemented experimentally to improve leadership integrate studies and more effectively use educational funds Mr Long said after six years the board know which system has given better quality of education or if unallocated funds used for the different staff structure have improved quality of education Mr Long said he could find no difference between Lord Elgin school and Georgetown and district high school in the quality of education or the cost He has visited both schools Mr Long criticized the board execution of the management by objectives concept borrowed from In where all objectives can be measured and evaluated as lo performance If the board docs not have an objective measure for the quality of education its most important task Is to devise one Without clearly defining the objective and a method of evaluation we arc clearly a most inept body and must be faulted for using only half the system called management by He said the board had measured only whatever is easily measured such as student and parent reaction and self evaluation and disregarded thai which is difficult student quality of education Next I suppose well say that because quality of education can be measured easily it not very important and then take the next fatal step and say it docsn I exist And To ignore the feelings and misgivings that a large portion of our teaching stiff has expressed regarding the mandatory nature of the chairmanship is folly and Is certainly counter to progressive management which we strive to emulate he said The board should encourage diversity in its schools Mr Long said We are on very Ihln ice when we insist on uniformity in every school Let us now encourage and promote both the head and chairman structures so that the advantages of each can be encouraged and developed for the benefit of the students the schools and community by supporting this motion he concluded We must not dismember either organizational structure without more factual data than presently exists The board will have another Thursday to decide if it wonts to discuss trustee Long s recommendations Propose expansion of town offices Jan 1 has been proposed us the date for construction to begin on on Hilton Hills municipal building Tht proposal is the single long tirni recommendation report to finance from town engineer lustin on behalf of the department In after a report released that said con at some of town offices were unsafe in con In up ilth uth i home s ri rted In Willi l been luck smill wis flooded been Will re workmen hue not this Thtrt Ihe minor Council library board meet to determine future project iff mil the odd W cm until and iry board to the file if proposed Town bike path proposed lit I irk flood Tit pi n Hills mil pposilim lo lis iosl councillor now of the libr board Hi ilt ml majority I numbers of Iht bo favor ill sile over prestnt Hills doped in Halle need like in ither such us In hotkey he told com millet There s is i ill mind this type of recri He phn siheilule and a eil this is i pull it rop lir recriilmi Glen that pilh 1 is bom PRINCE ANDREW VISITS CALEDON AREA III rl I Herald It II a is iv Ski I weekend Thif much skiing Ihiiil dm I bad we ilhtr us bill ht the budget give us a chance lo meet with you Mr Council members agreed half hour meeting would determine little Monday since committee meetings were rcidy scheduled The meeting must be held as soon is lie to determine what action council will lake with any proposal and to in elude such project In its capital works forecast which must In approved by the end of Ihe month Hoy who has ided recent opposition tow ird the proposal said council hid never reject previous proposals to ex the facilities Church Street and in agreements to be signed for such work 1 it McKcnzie said tenders for the project were found twin be higher thin moled and scrapped Walter member ill tow ird the Led irvilc proposal based on a rtpori he is prepared on cast or novation of the William rcpli tint some parts of Ihe limed in recent contract to refurbish the I of the ind this resulted i Chief librarian Betsy Com well said an example of intangible costs is the work carried out last lo the foundation The architect was but the only bidder we could find charged us for the Strong opposition is expect from Wird Coun Pat Patterson who placed council on notice he is nol Ihe proposal The tost of this library is going to be ihoul in the first phce and several thousand more In this place he told council I want In register with you Ihil people of Ward al Ira on of the Industrial Safety Act cramped and psychologically depressing to stiff the committee asked the engineer to report an long term and short term recom for office staff Treasurer Hay King said money lo pay or the municipal building was In eluded in the capital budget as requested by the committee in Short term recom mindations approved Included that SIT SCO be spent renovate treasurer department at Main St S that A A Two lire depart ment personnel move out Mam St to the Maple that recreation and per sonnel remain as situated until a control building is available thai the clerks planning and engineering departments also remain In their present offices ind that be spent to winterize the engineering department located at the rear of works garage and install windows there Tht expansion of the municipal building on Trafalgar toad is a public education issue Peter Marks said He called or a public forum in September on proposed addition Marks also the past council or the poor job it did on Informing the public the need by town staff lor office space If the municipal building wen to be ixpondcd said Miller it could be carried out in three stages tooth said the first step of accommodating staff would be to allow the planning depirtment to ex pand out into the hallway by its present quarters year prior to the election campaign it was called i municipal complex sudCoun This year its merel an addition As far as building a municipal complex he said it is desirable for us to get under one roof but I would sooner new library than a IDA AND AND FRIEND GIRL DONATES WINNINGS TO HUMANE SOCIETY A yearold Slewarllown girl who won as second prize in a poster competition has donated it to the Humane Society for general upkeep of its building Wieland gave the cheque to humane sociaty officials March during a tour of the society s building Beside handling McTavlsh the rabbit Susie the rat and ceding some nameless two week old kittens that were found abandoned In a warehouse named the society most recent acquisition Freddie the chinchilla The money was raised by an employees club at iinrrett Manufacturing in where her father works The club called Ihe Give Once Club held a poster competition open to cmiaren ana younger employees only with the prizes going to a charitable foundation Because there is no humane sociaty In Halton Hills said she picked the Humane Society in an the closest in the area I wanted to give to one that was not too rich Bob Olliviers antipollution fight is still on was lighted i nrnen i the in In no container rcgul 11 it he people billot tlisi ins idcdllt tin by our Their excuse for need in Ihe is expense mil in Ihe design in Iteniw lit liners which will ice Ihi flip lop in litest change when the March I deadline or nwill the filling the of fliptop tans until July 1 and they will still be on store shelves until the stock is used After Ihil dite however we will find ourselves using con of a different sort says that changes in section II of Con tamer Regulation have ilrcoriy received government This includes a in the regulation slat ng that must carry both red liable and refill able bottles after April 1 To m ike it easier for the vendor now ill size ind do nol hive I interchangeable Another change was lo grant and in from hiving offer both returnable ind returnable containers of pop lo their has been fighting Ihe use of disposable containers since liny became popular He feels that banning the fliptop is only the beginning of the battle The time extension lowed the manufacturers has him wary in case other arc allowed which will take some of the teeth out of this pollution control measure A statement made over the weekend by a spokesman for the ministry of the environ men the effect Ihot they never intended for cans to be banned only to discourage their use points up the fact that pollution fighters seeking to ban the use of cons still have a long way to go he sold was somewhat en by word from minis try information officer Bob that they hope to see a tax on disposable cons includ in new budget The ministry reasons that people will not want to pay the extra on cans and thus buy pop in returnable bottles in stead So far even the ministry is nol sure whether to tax pop cans will be used in the budget Nor do they know how high a lax will be charged if the measure is adopted Whether the word Queen Park is good or bad intends to keep the pressure on the government lo ban disposable pop containers For him the pollution fight is still on