1117 le George Gray reports on economic conference At the request of The Herald Mr who at tended the recent economic conference ntarlo Turkej In Board has consented to report on his observations Since major confer- affects virtually all The Herald Is to waive Hi usual limit on letters to the Iter To the editor or The Her ild On Feb 10 11 1 was privileged to as i the in Toronto sponsored the Government in Tins con it of controls both I tie metluxl and tuning id course- for into the Those litem ml I lusir I lib nil religions bodies While Hurt ton if d t Itipti In I then ilk rum 1 pirliLipills IS Ml IS TTIV The- follow in itiutts from addresses Ihe participants I Iteubrr llu Hi lormi ill ic The Current downturn In Productivity in Canada is due to planl Plants in Canada arc now working at per cent of capacity This is due to the decline of the economy and be cause of the A I control problems Profit controls do nol Industrial plants the incentive to push to maximum production Controls should Lomeoff riht away J Pele Chairman Chief Officer Company of Wi should have less Gov control and create an in which business in progress Jack I lompanj A I controls cannot be at this time will right tuck into our ordinal position Whin nine off ma jor iumpiniesh ive to lake the lead and with their own workers develup programs to offset major price Hubert Macintosh in President Hit ink of must our Ihmking i to a luuir of in the fiw This economy and continue our re straint programs Itkhard Ma lout Publisher in Chief the Globe Mali The media hive to tell Government what to do The credibility and respect of Gov Honest mistakes should movi mistakes must home the truth don I w for things lo till it like Hi- nidi orlil of Inhshnrlnycin the next ID years will more severe in fields than will be in Industry President Ontario of Iibmir mini rnde is to importation of m iihinir iiiutpminl should In developing seeond irv lo in 1oril I muted risjKinsibililj Phillips work Mill in flinch i is ihingin the work Oil l IK Ills I Milk Marketing farms ind thereby food supply Juhn r Professor hivelud school training so that the fuld selected will provide em ploymcnl High school drop outs should be discouraged with vigour Casual employ will be scarce with remuneration at or slightly above minimum wage stand Continued on Page 10 IRSPsarenotalike MARCH Were open this satuixlay A Canada Trust could help you save a bundle on income lax il you acl by March 1st Compare widest interest fates no sales commission or other charges no red loans tor making deposits decades RSP experience All are not alike so even il you nave an RSP with someone else consider switch to Canada Trust A Canada Trust can do a tot more than save you a bundle on income lax Canada Trust CENTRAL Boor it J Si 1 Eg St 43 I EQlnlomt i3 lOsoirlh Soul One ittond level near Woolen J0 RICHMOND KILL Mill well side meet King 5221 lialilgif Mb 28 Mini GEORGETOWN- Mi ir457 MILTON Your basic winter transportation Admirals CLEARING OLD INTRODUCING NEW ADMIRAL S COLONIAL AND TRADITIONAL MODELS are all Super solar colour percent solid stale with Colour Master one touch Finish in Maple or Knotty Pine and include many more features mentioned starling from as low as 599 95 THE IMPERIAL Graceful elegant Mediterranean lines highlight this superb colour console colour Push Tuning Colour Master light and In Play are just a lew ol Ihe features The New Push Button Tuning on Ihe el is a style Tomorrow Tin panel controls on oft selector and volume it also hns a built in con for cable TV subscribers Drop in and see this and many oilier models on display BEST PRICES IN TOWN THE HONDACMCOVERSHOES sum trout 2 inn iltliokcrinkti Ion is tiling i In ituumtNliidcl ik roster itiilmkluini if wist 7 lull rLilinuii front sots O til i lik in idioms it iHdiulilXtitrstthilttlKmttls tniction body is over the drive litre A and buckles can be a problem here And options to v gloves tcxjiie You could hoof it And Put them on and walk over TV SALES and SERVICE ENTRANCE OFF MOUNTAINVIEW Put a smile on your a Honda Baz Motors Limited 199 Guelph St Georgetown Ontario L7G 4A8