Home Newspaper of Hills Wednesday l A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Main St South Georgetown Ontario 1AM Publisher BOB Editor Second Ctn Is Hyde vindicated Hyde has been vindicated by the release last week of a town report showing a desperate need in most departments for expansion Mr Hyde who lost his Ward seat in December for what most observers say was outward support of a proposed expansion of the municipal offices has reason to feel slighted The report released last week reinforces a short but objective report wntten by the Halton Public Inspections last November which only surfaced publicly last month Council is formed this term largely by opponents to the expansion of the municipal offices and indeed these elected officials recently rescinded a bIaw approving such a Unanswered questions on pay proposal Regional council last week took a step which may prevent public outrage about proposals to make up large salary increases for future elected politicians And while the approval of tying the salary level to the Consumer Index CPU is a logical move it leaves in its wake questions unan about the mechanics of the whole proposition What for example would happen to councillors should the come out as a negative factor Ad its very remote but tying the pay to a scale which can rise or fall leaves open such a possibility move The bylaw served as the catalyst for ratepayer opposition which opposed the expansion because the need had not been shown The reporl last week shows that at least two contraventions of the Industrial Safety Act are occurring at the finance offices on Mam Street Georgetown This in itself must force council to act to eradicate these in fractions As well there is danger to the public in visiting the building and engineering departments at the works garage Had the report been released last year than the of the expansion project would not been in question Now council is forced to act to correct both the in fractions and the over crowding of its various departments While seeking to overcome this problem however council must tradeoff municipal and rattpayer needs It will be faced with seven possible alternatives completing the expansion of town offices finding alternative space to avoid such a large capital project the need to find more modern library facilities improvements to Cedarvale Com Centre the purchase of the Chapel Street school and lm to the Acton Town Hall and expansion or new quarters for Acton fircfiRhttrs No matter what direction council takes it will be expensive And there appears no way of avoiding such expenditures if Hills is to grow into a prosperous community Time will be needed to make a decision recognizing present and future needs But one thing is certain a need Ins been demonstrated for town offices Hi Filibuster closure ends entertaining legislative debate Ottawa Bureau There a division drami not long ago in which a troubled pitienl went to a psychiatrist complaining hi consistently awoke in a cold sweat alter dreaming lhat when he stood up lo deliver public speech hi discovered his notes had disappeared There can be no thought more terrifying than that said the sympathetic psychiatrist Thai doctor should have been in the the day that John the New Democratic Party MP for Nickel Belt stood to deliver what he thought would be a minute talk on an income tax bill Before he reached cruising altitude he was told by veteran Stanley that he should keep going for four days And he hat an eye As events transpired Mr a little battler who claims lo be from the backwoods of Ontario able lo complete his assignment because the government fully aware thai the speech would occupy a full week moved in with closure It was a pity After to the yearold Mr for Just hours on that opening day it was Parliament would have had a far more entertaining week than actually experienced And it would have been an Inspiration to all of those people who wake up in cold sweats looking tor lost It seems that Parliaments best days always happen hy accident Just about it There you arc stun ding In the country greatest debating forum all geared for a short snappy presentation on a highly complex piece of legislation when you suddenly learn you have entered an oral marathon What would you Beatitudes from the Bible and he seemed to convince the House that they related directly to the lax legislation lie managed list the of Canada financial elite Including hockey players and newscasters Ho read an entire editorial He Initiated a discussion on whether rbbit have after accusing the Liberals of putting their tails between their lcgJ and running like a bunch of rabbits And he threw in great asides- I tan ant to digress tonight Furthermore hi Tims if slowing tin interjections idles w mi It was a perform inn Mr l sort stumble il in whin unexpectedly Ik first speaker on the third reading Ii n I speakers Inn luting linn Stinky is fully it and while Mr was Juki ting started a filibuster hi sake Ihi I hope will In mnn Who w I lis listen to dull roullm IKlnH color there is tin il MP out on survival And If TV viewers n to Mr llicy him hi gin wilh notes reciting an imprtssm irny of statistics about inmlun I system And then as notes illy disappeared they would how in peneneed tabular can iirgunie ills with is with you lories Likes a long time or my idi In sink through your thick skulls At another point hi said h it llii tax system has loopholes big enough fur in elephant to crawl through And with Ihut Pivot suggested an astonished MP that he wjs becoming personal Not all he said She could never be equated with an elephant Hut later be referred her as cookie a re I reference to her position with an Ottawa very minule counted With one minute In adjournment Mr Rodriguez fell back on the words to Hallelujah lama bum a depression song Another few precious seconds To the cheers I Ik remaining MPs Mr Rodriguez adjourned the debute and he four days to resl In Ion completing his elial Meanwhile he I no doubt lhal the NOP opposes the hill On The Home Front Numbers have life meaning reveal uncanny facts about us I my mm pi iv mm die ml role in in spin il numbers Horn In us link or r ijht so until I is I sou mil from til Inn illotted In us and ir em turn up nil une inn about our lust i people Ihti in either il In hull il ire is Willi then it irk dirk Mm purple ani in Irunds e imntillv Infill strung hue i shim if ikui mint Willi oilier Their colour- in ill of lldit white Six I mindie l mini si iks In those Inn Tin love In things 10 In- with or Unit should si i from heir minus ill ides ind pinks ipinden pu in ind independent are people of tninlly Thel go best nil jHipli ire red rose rid purple Nov lo take the year of birth add the digits and I plus 4 ii 1s plus lis lir It should in jour hie 1 11 mil nek should events in 1 il r ting siy 11 it Sill Planning is sheer agony llvSLSVN I t plans they no to stir mens Mr is entitled opinion il would appear to me that lime I ike big or only up my red to trailing mini hut induct in ulcer Thi little pi in I mi having wilh is surprise part or hush pi m that should he simple One gels on Ihe telephone and invilcs a group of pre plans ju iasy menu ind stocks up on supplies right wrong Given Imslnnd and a milipnint firmlj cup 1111 liK house on mi nothing eu that simply tld carefully I ixplained lo while Ins birthday did indeed fall rid iv this due our daughter hiving on the preceding and when is I had surprise on iturd for him a Inrmless while lu I would prefer hail a quit I 1 on il div of his lb ill Ihi a nee of Ihe nil oh Hit two field home from i shopping edition llu frontdoor Jj informed mi Ihsl his r id busy on the le phone dless to were d Una muled some confusion if stern ill is soon is hi informed me of is 1 mlo in ignifittntli stent lhal Illicit 1II1 illdui done juslice ihi si of the Si r Pit hi dowi phoned his J- r il plans lm int our pu7zlfd it this point with and mi 1 mcelhlion If just in ihm should be misundirsLinding wis lor nn ill the following iln sure they nol the 1 mediation stnmislv ind to inform them it indeed is ON ignore ill bulletins from no ind but look us ill 1 hiding pi lets lor think of 1 singlt son xplin should mi llu of hidden in Coundl reports dialogue remain dual responsibility Hills dirk Stilt nd 1 i mere ling Ihi mikkisIioh lint Hie whole win public I hi I plus it fill 111 the upvng luihi hid rt ir Hill is lis rejKirttd to hut of sutb Her tin tot press corps extiphoiiof me org ininliotl which support would ilmut 1 iiimment lo si that such in 11 through the town terms Municipal Act lotil put lit rikht to know Ihe locil ilut lies inipmietl ilogue fur mil iiturite rtportmi With three wsp iptrsliiri del iy in rtportinlhisi fin ike week to report As in of tit ippomimint of Id region il 11 until In Itn Morrow mi sensitive issue not presented Iv in lore thi public cm create an for loo politicians The locil press corps is not asking or mm thin libit the lire id receive in form of Co ope rition from jurisdictions fount il should re minded the of iltmotr in 11 met This is pud the who represent Ihe public at Tbt ilmost within bound irtts of Hills We ripnsuu voting within bound it is our dutv to provide our re with forum for local to Cum mum rem 11ns 1 du il Looking through our files Villi nth Ihr also the low parking nuds ill die of tin en 1 jump 1 for Dim 1 Mis Mrs Iirt nor visitors Mrs and lis Knld properly Mrs unit Mrs Iters we by from run Poland thanking 11m lor gills u clothing In 1 i tin I IK 1 iihir- I mil s third public It Henry wis Prior to tin opining Wiggle had been rating shifts Hurt win 1 Ilk sluili in I niployns lie nuiionl Knitting Mills edutalion was to In introduced lHirgttown unit dislritt nigh smool 01 gradisJiind iinlansis Orudis and wen also to study six I I and Winder phtid first in I in mint 1I1I1I o It to ill hi ilth e IK to III tint Queens Park- God help the NDP if it gets power 1U DOMINI- Ituienslirkllunju if il ivtr Rets power to di for the it its me 111 days of mi nl controlling tin House 1 il into power this could where 1 spine money it would mike impossible Thin loiitdbenort il planning no order Just lm rs lost out on their point it Ihe Public Accounts Committee for toculbatkon future spending on membtrs supported by iroteslid this is Interfering mill tin riglii the to Ihi Mid mil role this inmiiiiltti ins only lo sn money hid been spirit been spent Hut still somt NDP group fell not onli rilil in obligation to see itiiinei tube spent in the spinl If tills wire lobe ease if were lobe igoiinimentwhenand Hill if then wire in power opposition parlies wanlitl to imbirrissil which would there would In nothing lo le back to it and to si it interfere with governing And thi would a job denying Hum Some of nit present loinuuttti such 11s Hud of ihe lun Angus Fort William most probably would be cabinet ministers in such i government this would mnkc the een more compelling It gnat lun now Some of the members arc having lull with power which hold Hut re could come Ihc day The whin will wish that perhaps been quite so big lor Iheir