Home Newspaper of Halton Hills WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Main St South Georgetown Ontario WILLIAM Publisher BOB BUTTER Editor Numbtr of J Whats the reason Hills council has been posed a question by Milton school trustee Bill nnd while we dont presume to what will be council s answer we can suggest two possible replies The question cnme at Thursday board meeting when trustee noted that the board hud accepted from Hills an offer of MO for the vacant Chapel Street In Georgetown a price below market value and that council in tended lo use the empty school a library But council wants to build new horary trustee Lnv son said in referring to stories about a proposal for an library unveiled before council last week and he wondered to what use the vacant school would be put to We can t say what plans arc harbored in council heart of hearts Way back in July when the offer to purchase was first brought up no future uses for the building were indicated by of Its pur chase It was noted mat the Duutung was zoned institutional Since then council has shelved pinna to build an addition to the town offices on Trafalgar an issue or was It in the municipal elections and has called or a of how much space It takes to run the town If council finds out that the departments really are too crowded perhaps it would consider housing them In the Chnpcl Street school And should It find that not a suitable use perhaps considering how lough It is to find rental in Georgetown and in deed in all Hills council could turn the place into an apartment building But whatever council decides to do If only nothing we feel safe in predicting that getting citizens to support an library won t nearly be as difficult as getting them to support an addition to the municipal building Calculator crisis The Calculator Crisis or What a and Good titles for books vesdgating the short and long term affects of allowing students to supplement their own thinking facilities with those pocket calculators However there are no such books and there are no such studies Yet students are racing headon into the computer age For a board that so generously supports studies on almost all aspects of education including that very fine document on the affects of television on school children we find it amazing that the Halton Board of Education has not considered an investigation of how calculators should be fn classrooms But there hasn been any such research Students are now being allowed to use the machines in math We feel that educational crut dies like that are detrimental to students They re not being fully challenged in handling problems when they re allowed to turn to an alternative means of thinking This entire matter Is almost as serious in its long term affects as those resulting from values education In fact one seems to be weighing against the other One Is teaching students to rationalize more competently while the other one Is supplying an aid so that they don have to Yet we dont hear any from parents about the introduction of those 98 calculators into the teaching methods of Halton HI Boost forces morale by separate roles uniforms and names By STEWART MacLEOD Ottawa Bureau Of The raid A few days ago Barney Damon our enthusiastic minister of notional defence remarked that our servicemen hove pride in the different branches of the Canadian Armed Force and that more should be done to utilise that pride I am not sure those were his exact words In fact I am quite sure they were not but that was the general gist of his thinking Mr Danson who was involved In the Day invasion he Queen s Own Rifle of Canada has always had a great deal of pride In the land forces and until his appointment as defence minister he had an honorary colonel of some regiment Anyway after Mr made his remarks to the annual meeting of the Conference of Defence Association I have been preoccupied with hi problem In fact I am so anxious to be helpful I sometimes feel 1 should go Into social work Last night after dwelling on Mr Dan son quandry oil evening I was blasted awake with on explosion or Ideas for our jolly defence minister And If he accepts my ad vice am not even going to ask for any credit will be my contribution to my country tort of making up for the fact that I was too young to go into the Second World war and too scared to go to Korea RADICAL I know some older servicemen sorry lady but I find the term rather clumsy will cringe at my suggestion traditions but I propose this as the only solution to Mr dilemma He should consider establishing separate land sea and air divisions in our armed forces I know it a a revolutionary Idea and the process would take a good deal of time but I am sure Mr could gradually fell the country on the need for separate branches He could even give them Individual names such Bathe Royal Canadian Navy the Royal Canadian Air Force and the Royal CanadlanArmy force would specialize in flying the navy v to gravitate around ships while the army would concentrate on land ac livitles In order to avoid trampling on traditions Mr Danson would hove to go slowly but I could foresee the day when these separate branches of the armed forces even had different uniforms But this wouldn be done until there had been extensive hearings by a Commons committee and Mr staged a lew shouting matches with enraged admirals There arc bound to bo emotional statements such as I patrolled the entire Georgia Straits in my green uniform and I would rather quit than wear blue lSS Others will argue that wherever Canadian servicemen now go in the world they arc proudly Identified as members of Air Command or Maritime Command II would be terrible to be merely identified as a member the Air Force or the But Mr Danson is a persuasive fellow He could argue for instance that there I been a decent raunchy military song written for unified forces And there Is a strong case to be made for separate budgets so hat the purchase of tanks In Germany scuttle the entire Fast Coast naval fleet And if unification Is supposed to result in such perfect coordination of military ac the minister could point to that example of on airborne regiment being transferred from Edmonton to Petawawa while the parachute packers stayed behind Under my radical proposals transfers like this wouldn be under the Jurisdiction of former torpedo officers would be In the Even though the present green uniforms don hold a crease some opposition MP would probably argue that millions of square feet of material would go to waste wit uniforms But Mr could any self respecting Crown corporation d dispose of the cloth by greasing the pi of some foreign agent I am not optimistic enough revolutionary Ideas will be embraced by Mr Danson overnight But I wanted to make the suggestion before some other columnist such as Paul lid Iyer got there first On The Home Front- A no holds barred comment on important current issues I Another no holds barred knock em sock em column on three issues of current importance irst let us once again as a full blooded Canadian notionalist offer our full support to the British I Prince Andrew Here a kid who can open his mouth without the slightest bold type blown out of proportion A simple question asked In the inquisitive manner of any newcomer to a country Do you hove Shakespeare here is turned Into a monstrously insnlttng- The question was answered in the Toronto Star by one irate reader with yes and we have flush toilets loo How sad Overage iGycarold should hue the poise this young Prince appears to have Prince Andrew is not personally responsible for what the medio chooses write about him He is also according tradition not allowed to openly retaliate as an average year old might The whole protocol surrounding the Koyal family is a pain in the neck But since that the way it is ana that the way its always been we cannot expect any changes How difficult it must be for children born into such a situation Life in a goldfish bowl Both Andrew and especially Charles seem to have learned to out their duties extremely well Let the Canadian media get An drew back and give this 16yearold boy an even break He Is supposed to be here as just plain Andy just a kid going to school Why not give him the chance lo do Just The fault is not with Prince Andrew but with the sensationalist jockeys who play shadow and secret spy trying to cash In on everything that the poor kid says or does Few things reach inside of me as the story of the spraying of the dog Boron with acid by some sadist The was supposedly sprayed with the acid for making too much noise The dog has wounds all over his body with some goping holes or inches My first reaction is compassion for the dog my second Is surprise the number of letters sent in the papers regarding the The act was despicable there is no denying that but the same people who become out raged do not blink an eye at their own species being kinlfcd or abused in some similar manner Incidents such as the finding of a new born in garbage eon brings no great cry of outrage from Joe Public Abortion on demand that means that anv tool who bothered to lake the time or the effort to protect themselves against unwanted pregnancy can wail till its con and then dcmind her rights the to destroy another living life Is sacred nil life e like to una iiioae choose our outrage sol at such i sadistic the spraying of a defenceless with acid we Ignore beatings killings burnings mutilations our own species and Our last item is regarding right Judge overruled in tendon the decision of parents of a II The baby HELPl pick Don watte up up Mall botes crammed with circular and varioui other articles are becoming real problems for our local mail the Georgetown Post Office repord in residents mall not regularlypoaing a problem for the carrier who ll trying to deliver a Inter quickly and be on his way no place o put the mall the post office reports and lor that they re asking realdrnU to clear the mall botri soon ai possible richer a or advertising circular placed In it was born with Down Syndrome mongoloid it needed an operation lo close a bowel obstruction The Judge ruled that child well being no matter what his mental capacities could hardly be served by kiting him die In our mind It is a most excellent When man decides to play God he makes a double botch of things as he i even learned to be competent in his role as mm yet Me can place value on human life according to a person mental or physical capabilities That is why I oppose abortion on demand J believe in abortion euinslanccs always alter altitudes but ibortion on demand denies the value of human life Judge Morris Genesis ruling will I am certain be used as a precedent Tor future eases Hospitals make life and death decisions dally many It is said do not use the full facilities available to them in an effort to keep a mongoloid or other birth defected babies olive Life is just that quality of life is for alone to decide not man The nature of the human species to overcome great physical and mental nan is remarkable Within each human soul lies potential that we are Just on the brink of uncovering and understanding Human beings throughout history have risen above he greatest handicaps and performed remarkable feats We cannot decide ahead of time who is destined where in life let us not then tamper with any life but place the highest of value on it I weslandonlhothresholdof the extermination of man by his own hand Winter fantasy By SUSAN DE For many winters my husband and I have enjoyed a comfortable quiet fireside routine towhlteaway theblluards freezing rain and other assorted goodies tho Canadian elements impose upon us ail Resembling nothing more than a pair of hibernating bears we would settle ourselves Jointly In front of a couple of blazing logs a bowl of ice cubes a t our side with something appropriate to pour over them and retire respectively behind sports pages and a good book Now while this may not be the healthiest pastime In the world It is certainly the warmest but this idyllic existence has now been shattered by our two eldest children who Canadian to the core have discovered the joys of skiing When father finally gave In to Richard and Louisas pleading for ski equipment and the cost of that alone would have provided us all with a January holiday in Barbados I think it came as a shock to him to discover that the gentle slope on our driveway proved insufficient for them after an hour and a need to find a hill became paramount I now sit alone in front of the fire while this heroic man rises early on weekend mornings to battle treacherous roads leading to Orangevllte and other far northern out posts sliding In and out of ditches and snowbanks with aplomb in an elusive search for ever bigger and better hills Now agree that this is great for the children who arrive home with rosy cheeks and healthy titles but while they are merrily zipping up and down hills what is poor father left lo do who refuses to be left out of anything has to toboggan and father spends happy frostbitten hours pulling her sled up a hill so Teresa can con serve her energy for ihe downhill run While he Is no longer as well Informed on the state of Bobby troublesome knee he can from the level of soaked pant legs now tell you to the nth degree the depth of a recent snowfall and the wind chill factor You probably are wondering why we do not Join our children in these delightful wintertime pursuits Well It is certainly not from a lack When the children were small and we launched them off on their first pairs of skates we Joined them Father landed on the base of his spine and nearly crippled himself for life I fractured a wrist The only time I attempted skiing I ploughed through the side of a bam for tunatcly a very old and wooden one but received the distinct Impression that winter sports were simply not my bag Asrorgettingmyhusbandonskls I think he is experiencing enough thrills and ex from driving the icy that to wrap himself around a tree on a pair of skis could only prove to be an In lighter vain Working The most popular record on the juke box In one bar and grill is a novelty number playing only the sound of typewriters working It Is played every lime one of the regulars phones home to say he working late at the office Queens Park- Looking through our files Police thief W Marshjll who had served Georgetown for yeirs resigned from the towns three man force but would not cite his reasons Council moved to ask the Ontario police to service the town The Georgetown of Trade an titled You 1 In Gcorgclown at Its meelmg About copies I tit book were primed at an estimated of jO The town purchased a ion truck with a snow plow and other equipment do Us own plowing garbage collection gravel similar duties With trade in on its half in truck the town lid 45 owners wh were protcsling the of rules in their pnmpled council to ex imino the feasibility of supplying rmltrs for each family unit At Ihi untune f and Crafts of new executive was voted In They were Mrs president Mrs A Nielsen 1st vice president Mrs J Milne 2nd vlei Mrs Baxter secretary Mr I nr Mrs Wallace Thompson auditor and Mrs J Acton Group leader council decided lo move towards loc il service following a move by directors across the province disci nllnue Ihnt service council favored a St John Ambulance Brigade A Toronto bond firm representing Georgetown old council that there was one American for the towns entire ikljenture An overflow crowd of Progressive chose Sandy Best a in lo succeed ihe lato Miss Sybil Bennett MP The post in Georgetown reported that il had indled the heaviest Christmas mail in the historyover 160 greeting curds and parcels Del was elected the new president of IcjI 1BPSPW it Alliance Piper Mills I Id Alex Hendry was reelected to third term js president of at Irovlncnl Paper ltd In Acton instruction began of the liristl in Iferormcd IftMAHSUO first lime in the history of vnship assessment outstripped the firming issessmcntThc fact whs noted is i Quiet evolution changing face of township Mayor Joseph Gibbons termed library quest for a pet capita ml of Si IS is ridiculously high Gi lold Hi it the tiwns l5mon pdtce I in was justified The department In two pi In cruisers which rolled up a inert mileage of 103 miles the year I it I toil is major Innovitinn was the hiring police William Cunningham enforce bylaw Infractions Miyor Joseph Gibbons called for a review of municipal salaries it Mounted Police raided tut homes and discovered illicit stills ounces of high proof till r Electioneering talk Put up or shut up Quern Park Bureau It seems so close con almost smell the gun powder Pretty well everybody talking election writing election in many cases breathing election trouble Is nobody seems just when why and particularly how John Rhodes made a speech and he a spring election Darcy McKeough made a speech and talked election Bob Nixon made a speech and talked election The If nol always talking about Is always ready for an election So when do they put up or shut up COMING BACK u e source here And though a good source it been wrong before says to expect an election any time between April and June IS He says and he should know that the premier is still dragging his feet but that his pro advisers arc pressing him strongly to get to he country now Reports from throughout the province have convinced them that the PC are well on the way back They feel Davis should strike now And they ore not unaware the Liberals have been showing strong signs of coming to life DEAL Even if the premier agrees there still is the big question of how he will swing It He just can I think we should have an election and then name a day There has to ben bit more substance than this though true not all that much If he Is going to call a vote before the house meets he would need an Issue And about the only thing Insight is the Ron to deal involving the late Ron Todghom and back room savant Eddie Goodman In which a substantial tax relief was granted This la an Issue that Leslie Frost would He would have thrown his unchallengeable honesty at the opposition and at the public and would have romped home an easy winner But Premier Davis has never shown the facility to trade on his honor Frost had Barring an Issue such as the government would probably have to wait until the session Which la duo for early March before calling a vote Then a logical course would be to present a budget perhaps wait for the leadoft critics from the opposition parties and then declare It was going to the country for an expression of support from the people