Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 3 Aug 2011, p. 31

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3 1 W ed n esd ay, A u g u st 3, 2011 O A K V ILLE B E A V E R w w w .o akvilleb eaver.co m EHHDBG@ ?HK : <A:EE>G@BG@ K>P:K=BG@ >FIEHRF>GM HIIHKMNGBMR8 The YMCA of Hamilton/Burlington/ Brantford is hiring part time/split shift staff for our Before and After School programs which provide licensed care for children between the ages of 3.8-12 years. Candidates should be enthusiastic, creative, child focused and able to work within a fl exible schedule. Responsibilities include frontline supervision of children, as well as, program development, administration and working as part of the YMCA School Age Child Care team. If you: Have a diploma in ECE, Child and Youth or Recreation Or have two or more years experience working with children in a recreation or child care setting Are 18 years of age or older Have strong communication skills, both written and verbal Please email your resume and cover letter to: saccjobs@ymca.ca We thank all applicants, however, only those considered for an interview will be contacted. Voith Industrial Services located in Oakville, provides janitorial and support services to our customer. Experience in janitorial and industrial cleaning, Paint booth process & cleaning is a asset but not required. Applicants should have the following skills write and speak fluently in English, min. 5 yrs. work in a unionized envi- ronment, Microsoft offi ce skills, ability to oper- ate in a fast paced environment, able to work shifts and weekends. Please send your resume to the address Email: careers.voith@gmail.com General Help General Help HONDA F/T LUBE TECHNICIAN Some even ings and weekends requ i red. Reliable team player w/ mechanical experience & hand tools. Competitive pay, A/C'd shop. Apply to Service Manager Halton Honda of Burlington markc@haltonhonda.com MECHANIC, CLASS A, good communication/ work skills for Central Burlington performance shop. Excel- lent wages and working en- vironment. Lots of hours ava i l ab l e . Fax resume 905-632-3780, email info@dreamtire.com CWB CERT IF I ED M IG Welders & Aluminum Fabri- cators required F/T for OpenAire Inc. located in Oakville for Day & After- noon Shifts. Send resume to: careers@openaire.com or Fax: 905-901-9662 BODY PREP & Painter- Body Prep & Painter need- ed immediately in Oakville for Lift Trucks. Full Time Monday to Friday. Excellent wages & benefit package. Experience preferred but will train. Send resume to: Glendon@halton-lift.com or fax 905-849-3515 Burlington based fi nancial services organization requires an individual for the fi ling department. Experience in fi ling mandatory. Competitive wage and benefi ts. Please fax or email resume to (905) 331-9977 or human_resources@cefi .ca Office/ Administration Office/ Administration ADMIN. ASSISTANT posi- tion available part-time a.m. Computer knowledge es- sential. Must love working with children. Applicants may forward resume to tlsage@fairviewglen.com. CALL CENTRE Debt Collectors F/T, Perm. No exp. Req. Must have good phone manner. QEW & Erin Mills Competitive Wages hr@contactre source.com F:905-855-0603 Ref#106 JUNIOR LEGAL Assistant Requ i red Fu l l T ime for a s m a l l l a w o f f i c e , recent graduate welcome. Respond to: oakvillelegal@ hotmail.com with referenc- es and transcripts. Technical/Skilled Trades Technical/Skilled Trades Office/ Administration OAKVILLE CONSTRUCTION company looking for skilled carpenters and framers m u s t b e e x p e r i e n c e d own tools an asset. must have own transportation C a l l L a u r i e o r f u z z y 905-338-6523 or email: sharon.homes@sympatico.ca Health Care/ Medical CARECOR HEALTH Ser- vices has immediate open- ings for RN, RPN, PSW, ICU and ER nurses for shi f ts in acute care fa - cilities in the Hamilton area. Submit your resume to hu- m a n r e s o u r c e s @ c a r e - c o r . c o m o r f a x t o 416 593-6362. FULL -T IME MED ICAL Secretary required by Oak- ville Cardiologist, beginning September/2011. Job in- cludes phones, OHIP bill- ing, transcription, fi l ing, booking appointments, sup- p l i e s , g e n e r a l o f f i c e . Medical secretary experi- ence Required. Must be de- tai l -or iented self -star ter w/excellent communica- tion skills. Email CV/cover letter: oakvillecardiojob@ gmail.com by Aug.17. LAB TECHNICIAN- Look- ing for a part-time to full- time Lab Technician/Nurse required with venipuncture experience for a busy fami- ly doctors office. Please f a x r e s u m e t o : 905-681-9404 COMMERCIALS, T.V. Series, Music Videos, Print work, Movies! Be the next to join our roster. Limited capacity! All ethnics between 5-55. Beginners or Professionals. Tired of your current management? We provide classic management. We don't sell courses or workshops (not a school). Proof of WORK provided. Visit www. morotalents.com Call now!! Stop Dreaming 905-949-6789 MAN WITH BOBCAT & EXCAVATOR *Digging patios Walkways*Grading *Exposing foundations *Post holes *Concrete/dirt removal Other services available 905-334-4028 alent WT anted General Contracting, Excavating GENERAL CONTRACTING- Fences, decks, home reno- vat ions. 905-844-6118, 905-510-4045. Moving & Storage MIGHTY MOVERS. No hourly gimmicks! Flat rates. Experienced. Insured. Huge S u m m e r S p e c i a l s . 905-296-1621 www.mymightymover.com Home & Garden HOW UNIQ is your Envi- ronment? Renovations or Additions, Decks, Fences, Landscaping, etc. Award w inn ing green focused company with many years experience Call Chris for a f r e e e s t i m a t e . " S u s - tainability First" 289-208-8755 AestheticTreeExperts.com Tree/shrub pruning & removal. Stump grinding. Careful & reliable. 289-244-1617 Visit us: www.AestheticTreeExperts.com CARPET LAMINATE HARDWOOD We do Repairs also! www.professionally installed.ca Best Price, Free Shop at Home Beat any price or receive free upgrade 905-977-7546 289-440-0114 Decks Fences Renovations Licensed & Insured References Available Senior's Discount Call Mike at 905-616-5669 www.timbersmith construction.com LEAKY BASEMENT ? BRONCO FOUNDATION REPAIRS LTD Exterior Membranes Tile Replacement Free written estimate Guarantee,Since 1987 905-572-0843 Mike's Drywall & Renovations Licensed & Insured Certifi ed Tradesman Complete Interiors, Frame, Board, Tape, Plaster, Insulation, Paint, Trim, Doors 30 Years Experience Free Estimate 905-515-5505 Tree/ Stump Service Flooring & Carpeting Home Renovations Handy Person DAVE'S A Handyman. Tiling, Plumbing, Crown Moulding, Baseboards, Doors, Painting, Floor- ing, Drywall, Framing a n d m u c h m u c h more. Specializing in Bathrooms. Dave 905-335-8835 Tree/ Stump Service BUXTON, Henry Lloyd (Harry) Passed away peacefully at his home in Oakville on Thursday, July 28th, 2011 in his 89th year, surrounded by f a m i l y. B e l o v e d h u s b a n d o f Margaret (nBannister) for almost 67 years. Much loved father of Barbara, Janet, Phi l ip, Andrew, Frances, Louise, Helen (d. 2006), Susan and Sylvia. Grandfather to 2 9 g r a n d c h i l d r e n a n d g r e a t - g r a n d f a t h e r t o 2 4 g r e a t - grandchildren. Harry was in the RAF Ferry Command in WW I I and, during a tour of duty in Montreal, met his wife to be, Margaret, whom he married in 1944. After the war, he and Margare t re tu rned to Cambridge to complete his B.Sc. degree. In 1948 Harry, Margaret and newborn Barbara re turned to Canada to Lachine, Quebec. Harry was a senior manager in Shel l Canadas Research and Development division in Burnaby, Montreal East, and Oakville, from which he retired. Harry was an active volunteer in church and local activities, including the Oakville Historical Society. Harry w a s a w a r d e d t h e L i e u t e n a n t Governors Ontario Heritage Award in 2009, recognizing his sustained volunteer contr ibut ions over a period of over 25 years. Funeral services will be held on Wednesday, August 3rd at 11:00 a.m. at St. Pauls United Church, 454 Rebecca Street, Oakville, with visitation on Tuesday evening, August 2nd from 7-9 p.m. a t K o p r i v a Ta y l o r C o m m u n i t y Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville (905) 844-2600. In lieu of flowers, donations towards the cure of childhood cancers would be sincerely appreciated. ANTHONY, George Herbert George Herber t Anthony d ied peacefully at Oakvil le Trafalgar Memorial Hospital on Saturday, July 30, 2011, after a long battle with bladder cancer. George was born o n O c t o b e r 1 2 , 1 9 1 7 i n S t . C a t h a r i n e s , O n t a r i o a n d w a s predeceased by his beloved wife of fifty years, Dorothy (nee Sadler). George i s surv ived by h i s two devoted sons, Grayme and Kym and his daughter-in-law Carole, his four grandchi ldren Michael , Cal len, Evelyne (Danny) and Morgynne, as well as many nieces and nephews, and their families. George lived a long and fulfilled life characterized b y h i s f a i t h f u l n e s s i n a l l h e undertook. He was loya l and devoted as a husband, father, grandfather, uncle, and friend. He enjoyed a 37 year career with Air Canada, serving in Montreal as well as Iceland and Goose Bay. He was devoted to the principles of Free Masonry and to his Faith. He was committed, to the end, to making life better for those around him and in 2007 was awarded the honour of "Senior of the Year" in Ontario. George was greatly loved and he will be sorely missed. Visitation will be held on Wednesday, August 3, from 2:00-4:00 p.m. & 7:00-9:00 p.m. a t W a r d F u n e r a l H o m e , 1 0 9 Reynolds St. Oakville. (905) 844 - 3221. A funeral service will be held on Thursday, August 4 at 11:00 a.m. at Ward Chapel. George's final resting place will be beside his wife D o r o t h y i n R i d e a u M e m o r i a l Gardens, Dol lard des Ormeaux, Q u e b e c . I n l i e u o f f l o w e r s , donations to the Canadian Cancer S o c i e t y w o u l d b e g r e a t l y appreciated. Please visit George's B o o k o f M e m o r i e s a t www.wardfuneralhome.com LUXFORD, Peter C. A. (C.S.C.) Peacefully on Friday July 29, 2011 after a short f ierce battle with Ly m p h o m a a t a g e 6 9 . P e t e r, beloved husband of Maggie (nee Melvin). Adored Daddio of Arran and Caitlin. Dear brother of Gill and h e r h u s b a n d D u d l e y A l l u m . Cherished uncle of Mandy (Chris), Debbie (Wayne), Blaire (Nic), Steve and Glen. Brother-in-law to Alan, Ian, Kay and Sylv ia (Bob). His passion and talent for work was driven by the love of his family. Peter was a respected member of I.A.T.S.E., Local 667 working in the Television and Film Industry. He will be greatly missed by many and d e a r l y r e m e m b e r e d b y a l l . Visitation will be held at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West (one block east of Kerr, 905-844-2600), Oakville from 2-4 & 7-9 pm Friday August 5, 2011. A Service to Celebrate Peters Life will be held at at 11:00 am on Saturday August 6, 2011 at the Church of the Epiphany, 141 Bronte Road, Oakville. Email condolences m a y b e m a d e t h r o u g h www.koprivataylor.com DOWIE, Ronald Robert (Longtime retiree of Shell Oil in Montreal East and Oakville) On Thursday, Ju ly 28 , 2011 at Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospi- tal. Ronald Dowie at the age of 87, beloved husband of the late Lorna Kenny. Loving father of Ken and his wife Rosemary, Donald and his wife L i n d a , L i n d a Wa r r e n a n d h e r husband Jeff, Bruce and his wife Corey. Devoted grandfather of Erin, Neil, Gillian, Sarah (Adam), Harrison, Carson, Caitlin and Kyle. Survived by s i s te r - in - law Sh i r ley Kenny of Montreal and many nieces and nephews. The family wishes to express their appreciation to the doctors and nurses at Oakvil le- Trafalgar Memorial Hospital for their care and compassion. Special thanks to Rev. Sean Foster for his support. Visitation was held at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home with a funeral service in the chapel. In lieu of fl owers, donations to Hopedale Presbyterian Church, 156 Third Line, Oakville, Ontario L6L 3Z8 would be appreciated. Email condolences may be made through www.koprivataylor.com WARMINGTON, Roy Harold Passed away peacefully at Oakville- Trafalgar Memorial Hospital on Monday August 1, 2011 at the age of 81. Loving husband of Glenna for 5 4 y e a r s . D e a r e s t f a t h e r o f J a c q u e l i n e a n d A n g e l a ( K i e r Mathieson). Cherished Grandpa of Brookelle and Liam. Deeply missed by his brother Gordon and his wife Marguerite and many relatives and friends. A visitation will be held on Thursday August 4, 2011, from 7-9 pm at Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West (one b lock eas t of Ker r, 905-844-2600), Oakville. A Graveside service will be held at 11:00 am Friday August 5, 2011 at St. Johns A n g l i c a n C h u r c h C e m e t e r y , Campbellville, with reception to follow. In lieu of flowers, memorial contr ibut ions to the Oakv i l le - Trafalgar Memorial Hospital or St. Johns Anglican Church would be appreciated by the family. Email condolences may be made through www.koprivataylor.com lObituaries lObituaries lObituaries NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Those with claims against the Estate of Walter Robert Hickling, late of t h e C i t y o f B u r l i n g t o n , retired artist, who died on June 27, 2011 , a re no t i f i ed t o send f u l l part iculars to the undersigned by Aug.19, 2011, after which the Estate will be distributed with regard only to claims received. The Canada Trust Company, Agent for the Estate Trustee 400 - 5515 North Service Rd., Burlington, ON L7L 6G4 Do you like being outside? Looking for extra $ ? Look no further! Adult carriers are currently needed to make deliveries in Oakville. Delivery days are Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays by 6 pm. If you are interested, please contact Rich at 416 568 9056 .ca Get Results community notices lLifetimes / Milestones egal Notices lLifetimes / Milestones Adult Carriers

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