Tock expert at getting youths to dig into horticultureBy Nathan Howestheir families, Tock said. The children will learn OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFFthe basics of horticulture through education, advice and support, and will be involved in mak-An Oakville womans seeds of hard work haveing garden-related crafts and social activities.blossomed into a leadership award for her effortsThe children (buy) the plants, the children with the Oakville Horticultural Society (OHS).are watering and, last week, we fertilized. The Linda Tock will be presented with the Youthfamilies also have to help with prep in the Leadership Award this weekend in Sudbury atspring, said Tock. We have to go over there and the Ontario Horticultural Association conven-clean up the garden in the fall, when were fin-tion for her contribution to the advancement of ished.horticulture working with youths. The award isWe have a lot of milkweed growing on the presented to a member who has been a youthproperty, so we look for monarch butterfly eggs club leader for a minimum of five years.(as) the children are very interested in insects, I didnt expect it, but its nice. Volunteers put but the focus is a vegetable garden, she a lot of time and I guess thats where the At the end of the program in August each reward is being given a thank-you in recog-year, Tock and the children usually throw a bar-nition for all the time, but my biggest reward isbecue, she said. This year, they are going to make working with the children, said Tock. The kids their own pizza with the vegetables they grow.are so keen to learn and, by nature, they just loveWe should end up with some tomatoes, the outdoors and things that grow, and insects.some peppers and a few things we could put on Theyre natural naturalists and its great to see a vegetarian type pizza. That will be our end-of-them in this outdoor classroom, she added.the-year kind of party, said Tock. The kids are SUBMITTED PHOTOThe former teacher works with youths aged supposed to go in August to Whole Foods six to nine years, and their families, in the Juniorkitchen with all of our produce and goods, and SEWING SEEDS:Oakville's Linda Tock is to receive an award this weekend for her work withGardening program at the Oakville Municipal make some individual pizzas.youths in the field of horticulture. Greenhouses. Classes are one hour and held Tock said some of the children have come Tuesdays from May to July, when most of the back again for several years.another, youre amazed because they got stuff broccoli, among others.planting is done, but the gardens still have to be Its a real learning curve for the kids and I growing.We had a tough start this year because it wasmaintained and cared for in August, Tock said.think for the adults, as well. A lot of these parents An adult must accompany the youths in thesuch a cold spring and a very wet spring (and)Im up at the childrens garden a coupledont know about gardening. Theyre coming to program and is given a garden plot for planting,the location also has its challenges, its verytimes a week, not just Tuesdays, and make surethe program and learning a lot, too, said Tock.cultivating and harvesting. Tock said the focus issunny, but it can be very hot and windy, typicaleverything is okay up there. Things grow veryThe cost per family for the season is $25. For a vegetable garden, and some of the foods theyfor every gardener, said Tock.quickly, said Tock. You go one week and then information, visit can grow include tomatoes, onions, carrots andThe program can take up to 12 children and<RXU<RXUInsurance rates to perk you upHOMECAR;Insurance premiums for your home and vehicle are on the rise. Dobson &Toncic deliversvalue getting you the most competitive rates and connecting you with the perfect insurance partners. Well further maintain your trust by making sure any claims are handled quickly, personally and easily. Connect withmore than trusted professionals, connect withfriends. Insurance and financial services theway you want them.Call today for an insurance review and askfor Christine Marshall at:905.829.2907Dobson & Toncic Insurance Brokers Ltd.2020 Winston Park Drive, Suite 101, Oakville, ON L6H 905.829.29077 Thursday, July 14, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER