Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 13 Jul 2011, p. 20

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OSC girls' U13 B squad wins Whitby tourneyThe Oakville Soccer Club's blanked Whitby C 2-0.girls' under-13 B team won the Members of the Oakville girls'championship at the recent under-13 B squad are KarinaWhitby Iroquois Tournament.Madill, Mabel Dunn, HannahOakville allowed only one goal Ritchie, Lauren Georgopoulos,during the tournament, coming Megan Harrison, Carter Merrigan,in a 1-1 draw with the Scarborough Lexi Noden, Julianna Martino,Blizzard in round-robin play. Kathyrn Manarin, SaritaOakville met Scarborough once Macaldaz, Juhl Henriksen,again in the championship game Kaitlyn Perichak, Claireand prevailed 3-2 in penalty kicks Hatziioannou, Vittoria Rago,after the teams finished regula-Sydney Wade, Chantal Pande,tion and overtime in a scoreless Jessica Twerdun and Samanthadeadlock.Verdurmen.Earlier in the tournament, Phil Martino, Mark TwerndunOakville defeated Whitby B and and George Georgopoulos coachWINNERS IN WHITBY:The Oakville Soccer Club's under-13 girls' B team won the recent Whitby Iroquois Oakville C by 1-0 scores and the team.Tournament, allowing just one goal in five games.MOHA will offer bodychecking to non-rep playersOAKVILLE SOCCER CLUBselect division which is exempters and parents want body checking from the OHF policy will also bein house league after all.offered in nearby associations suchNearly two-thirds of respondents as Brampton, Caledon, Milton,to a recent Minor Oaks Hockey Orangeville, Georgetown andAssociation survey Guelph.supported the creation Sixty-four percentof a new select divisionof respondents to thethat will allow body survey favoured thechecking. The select creation of the selectdivision will replace the division. The survey,Week SixMOHAs red house which was sent to allPhoto Contest Winner:league divisions that house league playersallowed body checking and parents in minorPhotographer Jeremy Saczkowskiin the past.peewee (born 2000)Sponsored by:The creation of the select divi-through to midget (born 1995) cur-sion is in response to the controver-rently registered in house leaguesial Ontario Hockey Federation rul-for the 2011-12 season, had a 66 perThe Oakville Beaver ing earlier this year that removed cent response rate. Results repre-A Proud Sponsor of Oakville Soccer Clubbody checking from nearly all house sented one vote per identified play-league hockey in the province. The er.Call Jessica at 905-845-3824 ext. 299 jlangero@oakvillebeaver.comHOME IMPROVEMENTPAINTINGPAINTING & WALLPAPERINGFOUNDATION REPAIRYOUR AD HERESERVING WET BAADVERTISE YOUR SEMENT?OAKVILLEInter-Can Painting Inc.SINCEPROFESSIONAL SERVICES HEREPROFESSIONAL PAINTERS1963RoyalCONSTRUCTIONPainters Builders Renovators ? Drywall specialty Plaster Repair StuccoDecorators Plus all other home DECORATING LTD.? Remodel your shower/ improvement servicesCOMPLETE PAINTING & WALLPAPERING SERVICE Wallpapering/Strippingbath enclosures eg: tiling? Install cabinetry & more RESIDENTIAL SPECIALIST INTERIOR & EXTERIORAND BE NOTICED! Interior/Exterior? Quick, precise completion CUSTOM COLOUR MIXING RESTORATIONSof all jobs Personalized Service PLASTER REPAIRS & TEXTURING Waterproofi ng? Rate is the best bar none20QUALITY WORKMANSHIP BY QUALIFIED TRADESMEN Ye? Compleate basement Free Estimater Damp Proofi ng Basement WallsTrarenos (established nsferable DECORATING & COLOUR CONSULTANTS Weeping Tiles & Window Wellsconnections with people WaReno/HandymanrrantyHubertwner) Klein(o Mini Excavationin all trades)Over 30 Years In Business(905) Free Inspections & Estimates289-337-1171(905) 469-0092827-5584905-580-1010jchartrand12@cogeco.cawww.aquaproofi ng.ca1426 Wallace Rd, #3 Oakville ALVIN T. JONES 10 Years' experience with custom builderwww.insideHALTON.com OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, July 13, 2011 20

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