Ontario Community Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 9, 1976, p. 8

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It IN Tllfc MATTER of in application by Ontario Hydro for approval to land in the Township of inn in the County of Wellington rid in the Townships of and Trafalgar now in the Town of Milton and in T own ships of and Trafalgar now in the Town of Hills all the Regional Municipality of for he pur pose of a right of way for on electrical transmission ex It ml Bradley Junction to Milton Station IS that application has been made fur approval to expropriate the land described in the schedules hereto attached as Schedules A and 1 A definition of the estate right or interest therein which Ontario Hydro desires to expropriate in the land desenhed in Schedule It is hereto as Schedule Any owner of lands in respect of which node is ho desires an inquiry into whether the of such Ian is fur sound and reasonably necessary in the achievement of the oh of the expropriating shall so notify the proving authority in writing by registered ma with the nonce within thirty da 1 within thirty when hi is ys after the fir cried pcsonall ay aficrheisscr publica in the case of an wiih in thirty da ys after the fir publication of THi APPROVING IS Minister of Lnergy Ontario Parliament M It Pa and cross examine w ether personally or a party to the he p d a rity propria inc j 11 owner and ret ire includes tcnai tL ofthe e state of it or of a person of in the land is deli ind wh use 3 approving authority that he desires a In inn lands intended to he expropriate 1 ami added as a by the inquiry officer arc pa inquiry to qualification ill title and interest In he Iownshipoflsquesint now unlit I Mills in the of ilton 1 That portton of lot IM imussmn oflsqucsmt now in the the Regional of Hilton am l I own Mill the and d ha Dm attache in the land Registry Office for the Division of That portion of lot I Concession Simile lownship of now the I ow of Hills in the Regional Municipality of and the of less anddes he land Registry of as Deposit In the Township rafale in the rim portion of lot of now a a of I n PI I Mm the Plan attached to in lustrum the I and Registry Office for the Re as Deposit Number MIDI I I A limited estate right or interest in the folio a In the Township of I in the ounty I That portion of Lot 2 of in the of Ontario having an of 1 5 acres m and designated On urn TD21712 attached to an instrument dcpositco in the Land Registry Office for the Division of Wellington South as Deposit Number That portion of Lot 1 oneession 5 in the in the of and the Province of Ontario having an urea of 1 more or less and designated as Part on Ontario Hydro Plan 7U9 attached to an instrument deposited in the Land Registry Office for tin of Wellington South as Deposit Number In the Township of I squesmg now in the 1 own of I lalton Hills in the Regional Municipality of That portion of Lot 32 oneession in he of now in the 1 own of Hills in the Regional Municipality of and the met of Ontario having an area of 5 acres more or less and designated as Part 1 on Hydro Plan 709 TD2 17 13 attached to an instrument deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Division of Hal sDei I 3D A That portion of Lot 32 oneession in the Township of Lsquesmc now in the of Hills in the Regional Municipality of and the of Ontario having an area of acres more or less and designated as Part on Ontario Hydro Plan T 1 1 attached to an instrument deposited in the Land Office for the Registry Division of Halton as Deposit Number 130109 That portion of Lot Concession in Township of now the Town of Hills in the Regional Municipality of and the Pros incc of Ontario having an area of acres more or less and designated as Part on Ontario Hydro Plan attached to an instrument deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of as Deposit Number That portion of Lot Concession 5 in the Township of Esquesmg now in the Town of Hills in the Regional Municipality of and the of Ontario having an area of acres more or less and designated as Pan on Ontario Hydro Plan 709 TDZ 13Z attached to an instrument deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Hnlton Deposit Number 130109 That portion of Lot Concession 5 in the of now ln the Town of Hills designated as Part on Ontario Hydro Plan attached to an instrument deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Halton as Deposit Number That portion of Lot Concession in the Township of now in the Town of Hills in he Regional Municipality of and the ince having an area of acres more or less and designated as Part on Ontario Hydro Plan attached to an instrument deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of as Deposit Number portion of Lot in the Township of now in the Town of Hills in The Lxpropnations Act NOTICE Or APPLICATION TOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND the Municipality of and the Pros Ontario has inn an area of acres more or less and designated as Part on Ontario Hydro PI in 709 TD2 17 1 3 to in instrument deposited in Land Reisiry Office for the Division of as Number 10 those portions of lots mil in the township of I now in the lown of Hilton Hills in ihc d Municipality of iltun and the Pros met of Out a tut 1 area of 3 teres more or less and 1 IKS If I hat portion of the slid lot his inc an of in acres more or less and distillled Part 1 on Ontario Hydro PI in I 12 lathed to in instrument dtposiied in the 1 mil Office for the Division of as Deposit Number IHIIH ONDI I hat portion of the said I ot an of more or less designated as Pirt 2 on the plan iitaebtd Deposit Number onion of I in ontession I ow in the f Hills in I of Ha ml hi limine an less designated as Pan s on Ontario Hydro Plan T to an instrument deposited in the I and Registry Office for the Registry Division of as Deposit Number I I o 12 That portion of I in the lownship oflsqutsinj now in ihc of Hills in the Municipality of II and the Pros nice of Ontario m iru of or liss designated on Ontario Hydro Plan 1 attained an instrument deposited in land Registry Oflitc for I he Registry of as Deposit Number 1 10 I hat portion of lot 2 in the of now in he I ow of I lills in Regional Municipality of Hilton the Pros Iijmic in are of 1 I erts more or less Pin on Ontario Hydro Plan m instrument dc in Reentry Office for I he is Deposit Number 111 Tint portion of lot I 1 in the I o now n tin I of Halt n Hills in tilt Regional of llahon Pros less lDMPj a in he I mil is Phi instilment Office for the Registry Dimsioi IS 3 oneession unlit ship of Isqusiiic now 111 inibe iul of Dillon mil th Hydro Plan 70 ID2 3J7 I to an stromeiit deposited in the land Registry Oflitc for Registry of Hilton as Deposit Nutnhct If I hit pin the of H 3 J- ill instrument in tin 1 and Registry for the Halt n is Deposit mil I I 1 1m portion ofloi22oneessum in he of squcsniL now in of Hilton Hills lilt Region 1 of and Pros inteofOnlirio in irea of 3 more o Hydro 1lai be land Re lepo Office fur hi R Division I hit portion of oneession in the of squismL now in die lown of Hills in the Regional of ami the of On of I less and designated as Pan 7 on Ontario Hydro Plan 709 II2 37V altaehed to m iiiMnimenl in tin I Office for Registry Division oflliliou is Deposit Number oneession Sunlit of I sniiesiuc now in I of Hills m lteeuntl of he Pros Omar o fining an irea of 7 Kris more less on Ont mo Hydro Plan ittiehed to in insirumeni deposited in the I Registry Ofliee for lilt of Hilton is Deposii Niiml I of now in the I ow of 1 1 Hills in the Region of and the Pros less in IdcsiMinc I Pari I on Ontario Hydro Plan 2 I hit portion of I oi I oneession i i the of now in of Hilton the Region Mimic ip of Jess I is Pin on Ontario Hydro PI in 709 in instrument deposHe I m the I Registry for Registry Division of as Deposit Number I307J3 of now n the ol Hilton Hills in the inn of md he Pros nice of trio in of 7 icres more or less is P 3 on Ontario Hydro PI m ID2 in deposited the I md Recmr for be Registry Division of Hal Dei 2 3 I hat portion of I in the of now lie I of Hills in the Region ip lilt of ilton he Pros in are of 2 more or less on OiKiru Hydro in 709 1121717 in deposiied in the I Registry for the Registry Division of is Deposit Number Hut portion of lot oneession the of 1 squesuiK now in tile I ow of Hills in the RtLionil of and tin Prov inn of in area of 9 more or less mil design is Pan on Hydro PI in 709 in insiniitient deposited in the I ind Registry for 111 Registry Division of Hilton as Deposit Number I 3 I hat portion of lot oneession i n the of nou tin lown of Hilton Hills m the Regional of Pros nice of Ontirio ire of 3S itres more or less and designated Put on Hydro Il in instrument deposited in the Registry for the RiLisry Division of is Deposit Number 26 I hit portion of lot 16 in the lownship moss hi he I of II Hills in he Region of Hilton An area of more or less I on Ont mo Hydro PI in 709 attiehcd to in depositid Ian I fiee for the Division of Halton as Deposit Number I hat portion of I tit 1 m the I ownship oflsquisng now he I of Hills in I Mumeipilily of Hilton and the Pros nice of Ontario Ii an ire of I acres more or less and designated as Pari on Ontario Hydro Plan 1121717 in instriimenl deposited in the I and R Office for ihe Division of as Deposit Number I 3 lhat portion oflot I oneession n he of now in he of Hills in the Regional of and lit Prov net of Ontario an are of aires more or less and desicnited is Pari on Ontario Hydro Plin to in instrument in I Office for lie Division of Hilton is Deposit Number That portion of I I ft 1 in the of I now in he I of Hills in the Regional Municipality of ilton he Prov nee of Ontario an of I acres more or Hydro deposit tin land Registry for be Rejisry Divisu I Mum no In of PI 1 allicbe I instrument in be I md Registry for be of Hilton is Dcjostl I SOU hose portions of I ois I 3 I I oncessn he of Hills in the Region of and tilt of Ontirio i 7 more less I tin I IKS IM it iiniimi be s ml I ot I I nine a les on Hydro Ill i bed in I the I He ry Ollue lie Division of I SltONDn those pinions of the s ml lot mill arc of I more or less is Pins 11 an I II on be pi in to hit portion of of tbe met of 1D217IH in 1 Re of s 1 33 Ihitponoiof of Mm mil design lied is hi be I hi I of Hilton as 12 m 1 design lied is I in the I mil ot 1 1 ill ii J I of met of dm Office for he Re be ownshi 11 IK In PI lie ounsfiu Hills 1 wjisbip 36 llntpo of I lie Rec I I be Registry I be I i of Hill Hills II II the 1111 Res ID ii I 11 1 is Pin lebed I of 1 1 MM 1 1 Ih In 1 Re im 1 r be IsqiCS lie nil Mini m 1 II 11 n 1 be be I in I Registry Office ol Hilton is Number 1 lown of llihou Hills in of lion ind bc are of 3D it re more or ID I in lie I and of Hilton is sn Nimlcr Re I Mm of II of Hilton in of 2 0 o Hydro PI in 709 in instrument deposited in the I md Registry Ofliee for the Registry of Hilton as Deposit Number I I bit portion of 1 7 oneession m the lownship of now in tin I of Hills in the of If the Prov ie of Ontirio his me in of 3 leres more or less ft on no Hydro PI in in instrument deposited in lie I and RcMMry for be Division of Dillon is Deposit Number I I I hit portion it 7 in be oflsquesin now be I i of Hills in he of be of I less desieii is P in on Onlario Hydro PI 709 in instrument deposited the I and Registry for the Division of is Number hat portion of lot oneession in the of Ispiesine now in lie I ow n of II Hills in of illon the Pros nice of Ontirio limn n S acres more or less and is Pin on Pliu ill to in in the I and Iteisiry Olfite lor ihe Registry Division Hilton is Number 130111 19 portion of ol ontcssion ill be lownship of Isqiicsm now m the I of Hills in the RcMond Municijiilny of the les I 112 iKicbcd o in I Registry Olliee for of II lion s Deiiosil Number of Hydro Pirn That portion of Lot I Concession in the Township of I now in the Town of Halton Hills in Regional Municipality of and the of having an area of acres more or and dcsicnaid as Part on Ontario Hydro Plan 1720 attached an deposited in I and Registry Office for the Registry Division of is Number 51 I bat portion of I 3 oneession in the Township of I now m the of Hills in ihe Municipality of and the Prov met of Ontario an irea of acres more or less and designated as Pan on Ontario Hydro Plan 1D2 1721 instrument deposited i he I Reentry Office for Registry Division of Hal lownofMilton ion 5 in the Township ihc Regional Municipals That portion lot of Isiiuesine niw in the Town of Mill of llalmn and the Province of and desiM is P in I on Ontario Hydro Plan in ached in instrument deposited in I Registry Office or be Division of is Number If 3 portion of lot I in ihe Township of now f Milion in the the Province of anddcsiMii be I mil Re Hilton is I I porno f lie y of in the lownsln unfit own of Milton in the Regional imeipihty of and the Prov nice of Ontario Ins me in ire 50 aires more or less nd dest I is Pan Ontario Hydro Plan ID2 I in deposited in he I md Ofliei or Rccislry Division of is Deposit Number In the I of I no s in he I ov of I Re of I of Ha l In cession 5 in he Township of Hills in lain of the Prov Il on Hydro Plan for Ricislry Division HOI J itssion 5 in ihcTownship low of Hills in ill if and the Prov sPa oiOmirio Hydro Plan for the Division 5 in the losvnof of and the n arei of I acres 1 is Im 1 on Ontario He 36KI alliched tt Ian I Registry Office Deposii Num nimis flnt in the Town in the I w of Hills ihi of Ihlton ii in tv me in ire i of more or I I s Pins li lit Hi loll I iMf I oil OiK mo Hydro Plan 709 to an instrument deposited in I for be Registry of of 1 1 I 1 p of squ be He cession 5 die Town I own of Hilton Hills Hilton and the acres more or 2D ID on Ontario Hydro d to in instrument for die Registry I imher 17 in the 1 ownship wn of Hilton Hills in and the jtht Onto Hydro in instrument for he Registry Division f is Number 130117 nihe I 1 m he of lills in he IUiiiil of Hilton I I i onion ol lul I 5 in the I ownship 1 Irifilir now the of Hills in be Kim of Hilton the hiving in are of more or less ml is on Ontario Hydro Plan 36M instrument deposited in the I Office for he Registry Division of Hilton is Deposit Numl ir Mill S HID LI RICH I OR 1N1LRIS1 or interest is required in he land in die be strip is set forth m the description here ill the I is lull made pan hereof namely the in prune selectively shrubs on the strip keep it tie ir of ill s shrubs mil brush ss huh may fen with the sift operation maintenance of the Ie the strip keep it of all or other obstructions of mire w hales Not he forcMinc in all tt here in the sole ition of mo Hydro operation and main of be line s not end or interfered with Kb pr 1 he pcrfor leuipprovaloflWio ler die strip or any such dow tier I ii to Ontario Hydro inns so as to enable Ontario Hydro to inspect the sue be present during be work that the landowner com thai be jiven by any such represent in order such work may he carried out in such niinttcr is not to damage or interfere wiih the line I maintain and use bridges and gates in all fences which ire now or may hen be on the strip as Hydro from time to time consider install it minimum depth of inches below the sur of the I md and tin use an underground conductor or conductors for grounding purposes when and where within ihe strip lo enter on to pass repass at any and all times in over iloiie upon the strip for the servants agents of Ontario Hydro with or without vehicles supplies michinery and equipment for ill purposes necessary or convenient lo the exercise and of the riht privilege and casement hereby expropriated to piymcm by Ontario Hydro of for my crop or other duntige to the entitled thereto by exercise of this right of entry pass leeway I his Notice first published the day of May

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