the HERALD Home Newspaper of Hal Hills 107G A Newspapers Company Limited 103 St South Georgetown Ontirio 1 1MI Publisher But Darcy is the region really an improvement Sorry we still don believe in regional government It was nice of you to come out here and try to once again clarify the economics of the situation for us We in the press certainly seem to misunderstand the things that you been saying How in the world could we ever misunderstand your telling the rural taxpayers that they been getting a damn good bargain but it s going to come to an end The imbalance between rural and urban taxpayers provides a length argument in itself which ever since the first farmer asked the first town dweller what his tax bill was has never been nor will ever be resolved But it was encouraging to hear that regional government would enable neighbouring urban and rural communities to share both the benefits and the costs of community resources in an equitable manner Mind you it still t happened as any south resident will tell you but at least you have your goals to aim for Then you told us those interesting statistics about regional government not creating more government The number of government bodies have been cut by almost onequarter in newly regionalized areas But you didnt mention what that had meant staff wise Are there more or fewer personnel now than before It sure seems like an awful lot of people are crowding those two floors he region rents down in Burlington and now they re asking for more space Our lower tiers have amalgamated with the result that our new middle tier has increased And our top tier regional government is growing faster than we can provide secretaries for On The Home Front But you could foresee this problem occurring regardless of regional government or not The county you told us was inevitably going to expand its staff But to such an extent The county might been a bit slower m adjusting to this new phase of growth Halton has been ex penencing in the past five years but would a slower approach hive been all that bad That what gripes us most about regional government It based largely on the premise that the old system cope Grandad can handle what grandson stnight from university can We happen to think that grandad has accumulated a lot of experience in his years and you don juit put him in the rocking chair for the sake of giving grandson a chance And for that inference that one tier government is still threading its way through the corridors of Queen Park let s hope you re not going to throttle grandad simply to keep him quiet and out of the way per manently realize that this to use a favorite terms of yours is plistic but that happens to be whit we are simple folks with mortgages a tiny front yard and a pay cheque that s not going to get any bigger than what the Anti Inflation Board is going to allow us And were trying to figure out from way down here an immense subject that folks in Queen Park and Bay Street have barely been able to rationalize and among yourselves From way down here regional government means a very expensive system for which we are getting very little that we t getting before MY mow On Parliament Hill Clark has a good idea now In Stew irh i cerlmlv llMMld Hurt is ruin to llnl Hue Ia Joe Clark thai when hi becomes minister will mill He tin mindful reform nun lint I em I this sunt wink some went in in tinker Hi the rules 1 lis prinedures li in I changed tic illy over the list vein pkilgi ester Pearson the Smite so it would I ceo mi mciri relevant number how in iffici 1J6R slid Ihire would In ridrm with tn the ippuintmints Men Sir I n Mr 1 irk is Lit would Smite more rcpresml itive I im quilt prtpirid 1 ill provinci participation in the designallon of members of Ihi Sin ill vim of hiizy history promised Sinaic reforms wont dwell on Mr I irks this respect I his to novo 1 is prime im not losing to lit fnghtimd 1 his powir in I into wh it mi d ling hi I milliliters think it is pist it wi vested in until in its euni s mi to inilhli inustig Hums on Hi sml tin low had no opportunity to iirj nn mindful initiatives ind he we tit in lo tint tin present system cm 1 1 by L arrowing from tin mi del tin result will In i It would hi difficult for tin govern irgui with new onsen leader It is true that tin opposition his littl opportunity to undertake meaningful initiatves it 11 the of torn nutters are too ristntted and true the mon independent American committer system has good dcil to lie said fur it Hill lis true trndilioi illy opposition lenders ive not shown Were experimented to death by Ever since early man first scrawled on cave wails and expressed his desires by clubbing a well endowed girl over the head to take home to meet mother the field of communication has been rapidly growing While communication within marriage has not progressed much beyond the Me Tarzan You Jane in all other areas we ire being flooded with the how when and where of everything from zucchini to beating the stock market Where is It ill going end We are being exported to death Grandmother did a pretty good job of raising her family can we honestly say we did as well following the dubious advice of experts of our reason and logic I remember one incident about io years ago when my two small children wire literally driving mi crazy inside i depart store After ill rcasonii with them had filled 1 Lnuled off ind slipped both of them hard They into shock ind my remorsi was immediately is is my previous anger had Lieen but while quite sure this would have been condemned is by the my children again misbehaved in i store Sex i the Litest tip off artists lo encroach into our persoml live i Nothing mikes me more itifiry th in having so called experts tell everyone whit level of should be readied Why should i be made to feel guilty about whether her responses i up to expert stindirds ind on these set If inylhmg is going to en use men tin rohkms it will no women s lib tint Ihi ixhortilions of demanding in impossibly high pirforminie an lie more to kill response s thin having to aim for of each lime So some git turned on more than ollun Will we if we don I happen to Licans ifii of hiving to be in in iviry of my life is I urn sure the majority of us ire With lomnurcial on till vision fution in our liundry our teeth our I Income more inntd ind niwspapers to inform us how to the perfect mother the inspir working mother of wifily pirfeetion the superb hostess prisident if the ind Key Stop the world I winl to iit off tin is being everywhere but m you mid combine some practicality with of I- den illusions just for iftcr full of perfection plus the constant nigging wrry of ring tlw collar 1 need sleep not a trip In the moon Commons prime minister weighed down with the responsibility of office cm irdlv lie expected to preoccupy himself with providing the opposition with greater op portunilns to the government In the pist governments hive tended to concern themselves only with those reforms which spied the legislative process while the op position concern has been to increase the lime to criticize legislation The objectives arc scarcely compatible Ircvloui The lib major procedural changes were in idi in December 19C8 by the fresh faced Triidiju gonrnmcnt which announced it was Ircngtheiung the committee system Instead tying up the Commons with ail on of government spending estimates this job go to a committee And tax bills lutomatically go the committee instead of Lxmgmammed by i ram nut tee of tilt wholeHouse It was to be a monumental would chum out legislation like sausage factory while MPs would maki big for themselves questioning witnesses in But didn work out lhat wiy number committees with frequently ihinging mimbcrs never manged to upstage without enough reporters to go around the media often ignored them In the politicians quick to reilm Commons was the only forum for national publicity begun making use of second rtnling which used to he routine approval in principle- for major speeches on just about my subject The reform accomplished nothing Now a committee is tuning Look at the problem and one of its rcvolutiomry ideas is to have the whole House debate some the government spending least this system had a trial of yiara As I said Mr Clark thoughts on parhnminliry reform ire certainly worth i second lirgely because if hi ever became prime minister he is going to have to live with them Queens Park Commentary 19 is a good age By Don Quern I Park Bureau Of The Herald TORONTO It hard lo find much argumentwith the main recommendations of the Jones report on Youth and Alcohol that the minimum drinking age in the province should be increased from 18 to Not only have we all heard our own stories about the growth of drinking in the schools of the province but the report itself had official figures which should convince any doubters For instance between and 1974 the number of Grade students in the province using alcohol increased from percent to 71 percent And there was an alarming increase In the number of traffic accidents involving young drinking drivers Along with this both the reports proposed age limit and he rationale behind it makes Die behind the 10 year limit is tint this is age when most students hive finished school and is lo get liquor out of the high schools The thinking and this also must be agreed with Is once any category In the schools is drinking then ilmost inevitably this is going to down through the schools Human There are other things in the report lhat must be agreed with and some even to be praised One for example thai all liquor outlets must carry alcoholic beverages and sell these at not more than one third of the price of mixed drink But the observer has lo lake issue with the Tact that the whole document seems to he basically an emanation of the Addition Research loundation One does not argue In principle against the Since Lis inception it has done some very constructive work and his mide i definite contribution to letter drmkinc conditions and patterns the province Hut also the is composed of human being and in isis very dedicated hum in bungs And very dedicated people tend to be italmis and one sidid Over lilt this is Hie one consistent has been ible to be matlt of the it is perhaps too much In love with some of its own thinking and prnposils it would more has never been i solid we of just how effective is At least this one observer would have more respect for Jones if liiere wis a hit less in its line and more ivldmce some evidence that it had been more willing to challenge his theories mil proposals Fun in the sun MMSi WJ Resting on the patio Eskimo style Viewpoint Do you recall at all by Gerry This week Viewpoint leaves Its regular formal and steps back in time lo share some nostalgia with you as we all remember the good old days Recently a dear little old grandmother said to me You know lo listen to my grand daughter tell it you would believe that her generation discovered or invented sex as something we Just have in my day Why sometimes I cam even understand what she The words just don seem to mean the same things as I understand right you arc grandma even though I ve a few years to go before I reach the grandmother stage I too cm remember is a knock at the door instead of cool was a condition of neither shades were something lo draw to keep the sun out instead of eyeglasses threads were little bits of yarn or cotton instead of a new piece of clothing Can remember Roy the cowboys and Trigger Gene Autrcy and Champion good old Hopi long a movie today with title of It would have lobe a pornographic picture Remember when movies wort something Ihe whole family went to and no one had blush Can you recall the little felt caps ind pop bottle caps ill over them thi more the better of course radio how 1 remember radio A cloud of dust and the speed of light and a hi ho Silver the Lone Ranger rides again How about Who knows what lurks in the hearts of mtn and crazy laughter The Shadow knows Amos ind Andy with theKingfish ind the rest of the gang Gang Busters complete with sirens and bullets and the good guys igainst the bad guys There were so many Lux Theatre Molly the I- at Man The ikon and ho could forget its time to close the door and the bone chilling squeak as another episode of Inner Scantum went off Ihe air Ml brought to you with unequiled colour ind sets is only your could provide Can you rccill drapes loot pants with long gold chains cinch belts are coming back igun ind swelters for the girls How about penny loafers ind white Remember the Parade whin everyone wore white gloves ind appeared in the of Easter Bonnets with flowers feathers and ribbons all the latest in spring finery Fire Cracker the of ind if we don get a holiday we 11 all run iway Everyone celebrated the Queens and flags flew everywhere Remember when the school teacher was Miss Buttcrworth and her idea of a swinging night was to sip tea and to plan how to run off 19 dittos for her pupils for the next morning Miss never did seem to need a highball to unwind But then again she hive to face tin now generation Can you recall the clip clop clip of the ice truck and the kids running after the milk wagon and the bread man and of course Rags ind Bones Rags and Bones as the rig mm mide his down the streets with Ins full of junk We were always taught that the rag mm parked his wagon changed clothes went home to the rich side of town but to this dav I really can t say if How about twenty three or be or Does your mother know you re out Cecilia The voice of the old smooth one himself who else but Crosby Remember Eddie Burns and Allen not to forget Kay Star or kale Smith Then it all changed with the coming of the Pelvis shimmy and shake rattle and roll Elvis Presley and none of us will ever be the same How about a L A or a bustle back Keep you guessing Can you remember the excitement when someone on your block was said lo have coloured T V and everyone hurried to watch it It as a sheet of plastic with blue at the top for the sky pink In the middle and green on the bottom all of which were placed over Ihe black and while and Viola instant colour Remember Sweet Pen Jasmin or Lily of the Valley How about the Coontnlls that hung from air antennas Now I ask you why would anyone want to fly a in the breeze My how times have changed Its fun looking back but time always moves ahead and to be honest I t want lo return tocoal furnaces that produced ashes that had to be put out for the ashman No hot water and sometimes outdoor plumbing A time without colour turquoise when wine and green were what you got like it or lump It Someday we will laugh at and recall Watergate as spectators lo history and we will nil chuckle at today seems oh so very fashionable