TIIF lit It KltiiT i Brownie with the Jin Georgetown Brownie Pack earned toadstool mirk of distincton the Brownies the ceremony which took April Brown Owl Mrs Shtili lift Mrs Pit district commissioner or Georgetown isl Resignations accepted The following and have approved Hilton Education Resignations Mrs Woods and Mrs Ross from Mrs Leather from Glen Mrs from Baldwin Mrs Robinson from M Tin resignations will tike as A lent ol has grintcd Paul from High School The transfer of Mrs from Glen Williams to and Mr Stan Hut from Joseph Gibbons to Robert I ipproved CORRECTION of Circular CHAMPION DELUXE GAS LAWN MOWER The Is Incorrect The description and price as published Page of Circular LLOYDS 7 FUNCTION MINI CALCULATOR The regular selling price should and the Saving SI CM Off Reg Price The description and selling price is as published We apologue to our customers for these errors IN THE GEORGETOWN Ml PLAZA Education now a 73 million business Having for the worst with Initial predictions that their 1976 education bills could possibly be up mills the Board of Education unveiled its finalized budget lost Thursday night ind although it was up sharply by mil it wasn as bad a had forecasted But it was bad Last ye the col education for for schools in d hastily pointed its t provincial lit fur till led grant of it percent and respectively his dropped to budget whlih in its first draft rcent or and for wis million The final education expenditures will or ptrcint of require The to representing of thccosti compared percent of the costs In Hot i is at both levtls thairman of the nit tit on flmncc out re within the established by the ministry of To them within the limit- tin has to for iler school purposis amounts to which represent of the compared to ptrcenl in The largest port of the shift to Increased municipal of the board said has been caused by reduction in provincial grant support Total expenditure for elementary schools is an increase of miUionovcrlirj resulting In tost per pupil per year of 169 Total expenditure for secondary schools Including the trainable retarded is an increase of just million resulting in a cost per pupil per year of 94 7 Trustee Tony Goodyear of Curb request leads to works dispute A spirited delegation from 1 St before the works committee to complain I of curbs on both sides of the strut was flooding bonus there They were told that plans for had in petition by St residents been until the works id tour which took phu 1 Winn Mini oil Hit 1000 loan turned down in of the luard Hint no curbs were to be installed and that the flooding is i si tuition which had been fonvir he said In words you re going to ind Iljvl your link dirty Councillor rn to Mr that a the Si 000 loan to Mr ind Mrs printing the Barton to aid in est i b rn school in Hornby has been turned down by town council M The free nan had hem of funds is Hi orgo ions Tom Hill pointed out schools responsibility of Hit rigion sotul department it id the rtplii want on both don I Town inglneerHobtrt Austin tin that lost if a sidewalk was sub Manually the as a curb tost J- Toot d tost per foot he rsuminl with Mr Miki the in for not m lining Hurst on CAS appointed Monday Armstrong took to Councillor Hyde remarks ind at one point left his chair ind offered to give up the position Then Hill and iLhmid By the end of the long muting Mr Armstrong Mr Hyde seemed to hove did their fences and were flu Councillor Joe tint I St w is of is i Lights are on the blink lid lights ion of Mom ind St of illor It Id numbers of works iv he light is on for only half seconds he liined from town engineer The cycle it is Mr told the urn that it Mill St md grttn lights is half seconds ind sttonds at iplt St ind I St The problem Mr should whin TOO fell in length art subsidized by higher if government is long discussion the works committee Mr to provide for the next nutting a report on the total losts if putting in curbs ml sewers ill thtreof t will thin mpers Mr ii dhsdi legation left tin muting Councillor Hyde for sharing facilities between the town if Hills tht Board of 1dut Thi ithereouncil member to sit on the committee which his to mitt is Hoy Booth SONY Complete Line Sales Service Authorized Dealers WIGO ASSOCIATE TAX CONSULTANTS INCOME TAX PREPARATION 8772217 Mill St Georgetown the begin list when the lights a hid to direct it He said ire mi been put in to WOOL hlghcit return TO Place M A WILSON Phone operativi Place Ontario VISIT THE HIWAY HOST TAVERN Thi Gturmet Only NifMy In AL SHAW HiWay Host Dining Lounge Tavtrn luiHortTiinc We re your local Import Car Repair Service Headquarters 8770136 All Tvpoi of Import Tune Ltd Armstrong Ave BRAMALEA CINEMAS DIXIE AND HIGHWAY NOW NOW PLAYING DIXIE DYNAMITE SPANISH FLY LIP STICK FREE MAKING- PHONE SOCCER BOOT EXCHANGE TO BE HELD ON SAT 1st From am to COMMUNITY CENTRE Sponsored By s A you dont need our help we need yours Please DISTRICT is Appeal HEADQUARTERS OWEN ST BRAMPTON 4518840 PLEASE RESPOND GENEROUSLY Burlington attempted to show the board where they could cut an additional million from various areas of the budget ranging from repairs to fur and equipment to fl two percent cut in the board administration and super vision fltoff but the board voted his amendments down Georgetown Denture Clinic Street toPostofficeonNo Highway TOWN ONTARIO Members Societ J J Phone 877 or 2314 BR CITY CENT SNAPPER TILLER ALSO A MULTI PURPOSE GARDEN TRACTOR ONLY WITH A ESS Gordons Service Centre Georgetown 8775365 Arnold Lawn Garden Milton 8788121 APRIL THRU MAY1 LEARN ABOUT THIS GREAT SPORT FROM THE SEE YOU AT BRAMALEA CITY CENTRE HE TOTAL SHOPPING HIGHWAY S DIXIE ROAD BRAMALEA CITY CENTRE