ltUIN 16foot homemade e tattles the water in recent test of the elements Ontario boat rices the Monster and its crew Norman John Campbell Larry Cunningham and Campbell second none Last captured the Beaver liner Race competition five mile course strewn with rapids d for Lht second vi in a row On 10 they vvon Kitihener Boat Race for the third year in row id Boat Rue been run this ycir it posslbli tint it would have lien to tin im s laurels as art tin ikfenditig impious Till April 1B7B IS Halfon Ladies ready 17 two new mines iicpltd his or entry into Hie with ijuiinili girls leam In Ihllst Milton id to pi from li list ireh woi las ikfi ilniK Tl L iliiduli I Sundaj Hi rnby It tip lour making the playoffs tin li to h playoffs over before the girls playing have to Is to school is still sejrihing Only four players signed Georgettes new approach ill be willing president in facet of running league Anyone is asked to contact Bryan Lewis at LEASING A CAR OR TRUCK this spring tint r ling his vt Hit their shim of suiicss in ir past Don appro tilled lining si with i In si Hi thnw all position up or grubs noting thit Ontario Outdoors Streams fine for fish but weather wasnt Finally it is here the Trout season in southern Ontario It is almost like starting life all ov again The thrill of being out on the streams again the excitement of the light of a Trout It does something to a fisherman that is i just For the fisherman we can suggest you try it before you knock it You justmight it Friday night saw a touch of frost and Saturday dawned dull and quite cool however not enough to cool the ardour of a dedicated fisherman on the opening day of Not too many Trout wire caught in the northern such as Owen Sound and although some people did fairly well But then there art always those Who get fish when others fail mostly due to dedication and that extra hit of fishing knowledge On the local seine streams wire perfect the best 1 have seen them for several years The many streams around Orangevilli yielded good catches of Brook Trout same on small mipps and panther martin spinners but lis I said Inst give them what they want A good sized earth worm on a small hook and no weight accounted for many of the beautiful Brook Trout Pond fishing was not good as Die water must warm a little- before they get active At Terra moat people had left by mid afternoon as the rain moved in The rain seems to make for poor in those ponds anyway but the drat sunny day will put them in a feeding mood fortunately the rain increased Saturday night and Sunday saw hail sleet and the heavy snow The streams were already high by mid morning i and tlie rivers built as the streams into them It was nice to meet so miny people on weekend as I fished around the Hilton area In the April column the photo showed the prospect of snow and the possibility came true I hope you don t blame Track teams warmup meet good omen for season Of The Acton Rams of thi Ontario Lacrosse Associations Central League will hit the floor this week under game conditions for the first time this year when they play a home and home exhibition series igamst the Stingers The Rams in Orangeville Tuesday evening at press time the score wis not available i but play it home this Thursday evening Game time for Thurtdiy Centennial Middle School OPEN HOUSE Thursday Apr 29 30 to pm The Parents of students at Cen tennial and other interested parents in the Community are cordially Invited to visit the School on this evening fully en inquiries out llplnyirs loniirmr been signed Ihrie vcter ins newcomer The vets Metlir I isa Mi I- in and reditte wl U Ihi is girl from wli will share pitching ind I ike lurn at first Hit ion carry J pi I re tils I may just sign IB plijirs for prisint silnduli opiti until May If whin Itnmid Hi lorgitlis night and first hi mi s slated for Ihi lorgitlis will In w rkmg it lorgctown f irk mi it lav nings from m or Ihi thrci weeks and con turn tan lined by contacting It fun GIVE US A TRY llelays High in last Widnesday wink meet is strictly as Hint formanciof the will terms of thur futun Tw schools from Toronto with the ix o High took in the titorgelown finished in third with points behind Kipling High with points the champions llmrv with 142 points tn to tin placi finish puked up tw ilnmpioiiships as will is fin siionds Tin girls team plauii sen nd while tin boys turn phtid seventh Thi girls team of Meredith Mil ind won is did Junior girls relay mm tun in Junior winning wire Dime Susan ithy Clark Thi tDHS track and field Trick ind Meet this Widnesdav fortunately inclement we is the mill it is set to run j it She rutin in Re nuttwill start it I p will from Correction f 1 i MI iw ird Tic pi competitor Milton Orange from w i iikir Rob pi in 11 in M Improiid r regrt I my in North Bay sees local skating stars shine As predicted the Smelt and Miy and seems to be right on Of course snow melt will cause some problems with the water levels the clarity so the Smelt will be that much harder to come by but diligencevil or Trout fishing the water will clear and will probably be about right by the time this paper is out Worms at this time will prove good although the fish may be well fed By Saturday the stream and the pond fishing should ki be really good 1 would anyone with ex catch calling on me or the Herald office and we will be glad to get photographs of it ind as mentioned before we ore always glad to chat about fishing The Gun control meetings that were held last week havecausedquteaslir I could not get to ill of them but I firmly believe that every one of us should to our member of parlnment ind mike our views heard and known Get off your laurels git Jt Ihe writing desk We muni protect our interests in OUTDOORS Acton Rams open at home Thursday skilirs have sk itcd in competitions it North April 16 17 ind at April North Bay was very successful meeting For local skaters with three winning ihtir ivcnts How ird wis first in Mm Inlerprclui David Watson was first in Pre Singles and Kris Birber Junior Leslie Pntchnrd was first in and fourth in the finals of the Pre Juieuili an Hint with tn Pilnte placed third in her ninth in the A A total of IB local look part in the North dial Juvenile Mens Singles Hon Stephen lidcs Kiren Sandra Mm mud Watson Hon Pi renal Howard 1 Singles Kirsten Mogg Pre Novue Mens Singles Howard Pre Novice I idles A Singles Pilote Janet Shepherd I Interpret ilk Si irtxn lht foil the Noun Singles lillit How w is BUSINESS DIRECTORY mm OPTOMETRIST L Brown OPTOMETRIST RR Hamilton RO BARRAGERS CHIROPRACTOR GWCorbettDC Evans Chiropractic Clinic CLIPSHAM MORETON LTD ENGINEERS SURVEYORS Associate Tax Consultants RESTAURANTS OPEN FOR LUNCHES Hunters Inn Country Restaurant Ml- Mitt- Its of the Skating who competed in the North the of April id In right Sandra Shirry J met Shepherd 1 aura Herein ildic Howard KnsKirbcr lliltfich Kelly and Hand Wilson when picture wis liken Karen Hon LIMESTONE ALL SIZES A B GRAVEL FILL AND TOP SOIL BUD HAINES DURHAM ST TENNIS STARTS JUNE Spend those free hours the right way with lots of fresh air sunshine and exercise Come play Tennis NORTH HALTON GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB I I MULf AVI CI OfJI Gas Soon 1 a gallon Think Rabbit Think Savings 100 mph 050 in 82 seconds mpg What a comb nation of per and The Rabbit istheyaidstick by which all small cars can be measured Each Rabbit comes with a hatchback Itr overhead cam engine steel billed radial tires rear window and much more Catch a Rabbit at our place rabbit MOTORS LTD Guelph St Gewgettmn Id Test Drive And Youll Prove Rabbit The Best