IP April IS Page I kronen a third work Die third did tor grade the Georgetown and District open bouse school hit Tuisdaj School her mother Mrs Pedestrian escapes runin with automobile Although four people wire injured in traffic accidents in Hilton Hills the past week none of injuries sustained the victims serious enough to requin going to A Clunnj irk in Georgetown was slightly injured when she was involved in in accident on St about ftel weal of Durham SI at slight injured in the sami mishap is driver of wit of the other Evelyn of Her in dumagi Thi inltrscclion of Mil St E and Willow St in Alton wns the scene of April when a car driven by Terry Davidson Hit 1 wis in collision with truck by Man it St Police to Ihe iv it The truik is torn wis lo feel of arm fun ininunled lo when a Itonald J Township hit a of slush on roles Ave near Hilton and lost St ir vifiitlt in In winch April at p m police isiimaii of other for Dale driver of the oil amounted Hoy Wood who in in jccident April a half mile south of 10 on Trafalgar Road refused treatment he collided with a car owned by George Dougherty of Pol it i lo id to the Wood Ihi Dougherty vehicle Joan kirk cyclist suffered bruises whin her was in when a driven by Churchill ltd wis in lOlliMim with driven by Karl Adolf Mill St Damages in the accident which it win Ihi vehicle and lo the There wire three ear mishaps during the week two of whith involved d image llinry Johnson Milton sustained in his truck when it left curve on tin if ibout ont tenth of a mile SI of Brampton had it dannges done lo his tar it went out of control on 10 about two tenths of a mill east or Third on 2nd it pm Thi irking lot of the rtorgilown irkit was of in accident April Z it J when a car by Shirley to Confederation St Glen Willi was in with inr driven by Donald 43 Ek in igi to link wis but nil to v thick Hit iirgctown i the accident which April 21 a am it the intersection of Gutlph St and Main St were to Ihe bicycle to the million car unknown driver in lo car owned b Douglas Sibley of April 25 between the hours of m and 15 when it was parked at 1B6 JiTfrey Avl Hills In another incident April 22 at 30 m in unknown iVivertauscd MOD in by Majorettes top Ottawa The mpelit ye llajln negotiating 1 while on Saturday April 10 and the local Tom took first place the Junior second place Kim took first in Novice Basic Novice T Strut Championship a second in Novice The Georgetown Majorettes journeyed lo Ottawa on Ihe Lister weekend where Ihev earned i number of honours or Anm M Stone in the inmetl first in Championship and Solo ind Strut i third in Dune Stem compiling in nine year old category third in Cham pionship Shirley Tsicos finished with seconds in the Solo and Strut sixth in Military in the yeirold bracket Kim Marcil competing In the 11 year olds category finished with firsts in Military and T Strut and second in pionship in the year old finished first in Soviet yearold Coritm was sixth in Nonce ind 1 Shethan was third in the Championship BUTCHER SHOPS DOWNTOWN STORE 8771311 M00RE PARK PLAZA 8771811 LUNCH MEAT SPECIALS FRESHLY SLICED OR IN THE PIECE SALAMI COOKED HAM MAPLE LEAF BOLOGNA 79 lb STEAK SPECIALS CUBED STEAKS FAST FRY TOP ROUND STEAKS LEAN BONELESS BLADE STEAKS b FISH AVAILABLE AT DOWNTOWN STORE OR ON ORDER AT MOORE PARK STORE Fresh Red Spring Salmon Fresh Cod Fillets Fresh Sole Fillets Fresh Whitefish Fillets East Coast IQF- Scallops Med size King Crab Legs Salt Herring A PUBLICATION Of the HERALD Hame of Hills Get the lead out Fuel for Make sure windshield wipers are in shape for use in bad weather just win in lilt mast like Hi i storm ind Ittl ml lilt If ii art in in tht iflltidiij your It no wip r vvondir ti on your wind nit dttirloritlin In mil out tint i ft in fill to do 111 Inn Till 11 linn to your v Win AUTO FACTS MOST LIKELY ID IN SHORT SPEED RUNS WITH STOP AMP GO A MECHANIC OFTEN HEAP OFF THE PiESCL 6 YOUR and ft t PEC c Buy this month and save dollars on Case David Brown Tractors COMPACT TRACTORS ACCESSORIES ED STEWARTS GARAGE EQUIPMENT LTD Main St Erin both kit ill i motion mini Si INC GEORGETOWN TIRE SALES ltd 26 Guelph St 8771535 The Shortest Route To Reliable AUTO PARTS SERVICE Leads To PLAZA AUTOMOTIVE 136A Guelph Street 8776969 ASSOCIATE 50000 PARTS As Close As Your Telephone DEMONSTRATOR SALE NOW ON I The Audi Fox has a 16 litre overhead cam O engine front wheel drive a luxurious interior plus a rare combination of performance and economy found in few of the worlds cars o a o S o S k UJ MOTORS LTD 199 o Tel Tot DEMONSTRATORS WITH NEW CAR GUARANTE E