Coaches Corner Neil tips for defence week we new feature page II Is called limply who l wearing two Career and will be with Mike an to the com Georgetown ChrjtUr inanity for the local who handle teama In the coach Neil Cotton has lived Id the Georgetown area for the past four and one half years and wealth of hockey knowledge and talent have been a valuable addition not only to the but the community as a whole Nell married with two children Sean and Kelly wife Wendy has made sacrifice to allow Neil to hockey quest la beat known the community and the Intermediate A loop for stalwart defensive efforts on behalf of the Raiders but when be can drag himself away from the Ice ponds is a popular Science teacher at Georgetown and District High School Aside from with the Raiders Hell played three yearn of Junior In three years with the University of Waterloo varsity hockey team and two years with the Senior A Oakville Oaks For young Nell stresses the Importance of becoming a good In this sense he means not only speed but balance and mobility A If be baa hockey ambitions must be able to skate backwards have lateral mobility and be capable of following the play Into the corners without any ap preciable low of speed The formula for developing these talents is quite simple It requires dedication and plenty of Ice time Nell offers these suggestions for the defensiveminded hopeful Practice with at least one friend and if possible two Have your friend take the part of a forward Oneonone drills are extremely Important The defence man should always stay in front of his man Ignore the puck concentrate on balance and speed You should be able to skate just as teat backwards as you do forwards Try forcing the man to the boards left and right this will help develop mobility Now to make It more interesting use two forwards As the forwards are coming towards the defenceman the must stay be twee them Form a triangle Dont commit yourself to one nun and always keep your stick in front of you to deflect a possible pass Try to gradually force the puck carrier into shooting from a bad angle An Important point however Dont back in on your coaler too far you could screen Elm Try and make the play at or near the blueltne As mentioned Nell stresses speed and mobility Try these drills they should add immensely to a young defencemans talents MIKE TARPS GEORGETOWN CHRYSLER SUNDAY DECEMBER 29 8 pm THOROLD VERSUS GEORGETOWN RAIDERS JOIN YOUR NEIGHBORS BOOST YOUR GEORGETOWN RAIDERS Students Children 50c Sponsored by Mike Tarps r win a new POSTER A JUST ATTEND THE RAIDERS HOME GAMES AND YOU STAND A GOOD CHANCE TO WIN Set Hockey HUITB ON Channel CoMe TV every THE RAIDERS PROGRAM MAJOR ATOM Ancaittri Mrs town In th first period Frank scored lor Georgetown aulttsd by score In the period Ancastsr scored go ahead Frank scored hit second goal unassisted to tie the score Kevin from Mike Mitchell put the Georgetown team ahead again only the team again tied It Up to this point In the game It was a teesaw gsme Cut the third period was a disaster tor Georgetown when took over scoring three unan swered goals to take two points from Me Georgetown squad December Georgetown Georgetown major atom Firefighters travelled to tor this one and did very well winning 7 playing with only two line tfianget In the first period Davy Norton scored from Adrian Vugts In the second Kevin Frank scored In the third period Norton scored hit second goal again from for the winning goal Mike Mitch nil scored the clincher with Vugtt earning me Kirk Warnock Jamie South and Mike played well on defence with Mike Mitchell Kevin and Anthony Oram checking well Next home game Thursday Dec pm STANDARD PRODUCTS MAJOR December An caster Georgetown December i On Wednesday Standard Product Ma or travelled to Ancatter and lost a tough one Georgetown down and then John Thorpe and Bill Walnwrlght both scored unassisted goals to give Georgetown a tie Ancaster took advantage of two Georgetown penalties In the final minutes of the game to score two unanswered goals and come out winners On Thursday came to Georgetown and a determined Georgetown team detested them 41 In a very exciting game hockey Goal were Brian Simpson from Moffat In the first period and Steve from Curtlt Morel I in the third period Bryan did a fine ob of goaitendlng lor the Georgetown team This was a great schedule Friday December 1974 pm N7 va Smith Stone va Dog N Suds NttvaNIO Williams Electric va Armstrong Insurance Ml vs M5 Cable TV Lanes Transport pm M4 vs M2 Scotiabank vs Motors Saturday December 1974 PVY4 va PV7S Plumbing va Ontario Electrical League am PW7 Chicken Villa vs GR Muckart PW3 va Kinsmen Club vs Rbt Furnishings am PW5 vs PWB Standard Products vs Baz Motors am vs Murray Motors Neils Music Centre am PVrtvsAFT Barragera Cleaners vs Macs Milk 1015 am PWFT Stevensons Mens Wear vs Georgetown Chrysler 1100 am vs B7 Metal Products B vs Restaurant 1145 am Armbro Construction va MacPhersons pm vs Freds Auto Body vs Johnson fc Carney Real Estate 120 pm vs Be Elks Lodge vs Real Estate pm vs AID Rodgers Speed vs DriveIn pm vs A7 Florists va Variety 345 pm AS va Varum Associates vs Metal Products A pm Al vs Afl North Halloa Motors vs Chriss IGA pm A3 VS AB AV Contractors CAC F BFT Burns Transport vs Construction pm Jl va MFT Jims Steering Service vs Midget FourTown 1050 Knights of Columbus va Exchange House Tuesday December 31 1974 Insurance VI Dog N Suds va Edward H Schroeder D C DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC ST EAST BRAMPTON Telephone 4590685 HOUR SERVICE CLINIC PARKING TriCounty Hockey team effort and congratulations go to new coaches Bruce McMeekln and Doug Ward who have this team working end up for every game Standard Products peewees played on exhibition gsme In on Sunday and came away J winners They were down before getting first goal by Chuck Moffat followed by goelsby Mark Bingham John Thorpe and Glen Cunningham Cunninghams goal was a great effort for the winning goal In the last minute play Next home game Thursday Dec If vs OAOE STATIONARY MAJOR BANTAMS December IS Georgetown Dundee Georgetown Paul set up the first goal putting pass back to Mike at the point Three minutes later the mark of tho first period Mike heed- manned the puck to I norm putting him In the clear far Georgetown tecond goal Bob All I ton skated hard pest the defence to get the puck and score the first his two goals Mike Jobb and Blake Dixon ell picked St one each Terry end Bob games on defence Next home game for the Bantams Is Thursday Dec December Georgetown Chlnguscouty I scored In tho first period of this one with Georgetowns Bob Dean scaring In the second period from Bob end Jston scoring in the third period again from and Lance Doucette turned In a good game with Bent ley Beckett playing a good game In the Georgetown goal GEORGETOWN MEMORIAL ARENA Seasons Greetings to our Patron HOLIDAY PUBLIC SKATING Dec 1T74 Dec I Dec Dae 174 DSC Dec Jan a Jan ins Jan ins Jan 9 pm until j pm pm until pm lio pm until lM pm pm until pm pm until pm 110 pm until pm 110 pm until pm pm until pm pm until pm until MS pm ADMISSION THB WILL CLOIBD CHRISTMAS DAV AND NEW YEARS DAY December 11 Georgetown Georgetown but came up against some eel lent by the goalie December IS Georgetown J Brian Ward and Brad teamed up llh Imly un Dean and Chris with centre Bob Dean both the Georgetown goals Ward and Dean from Dave Pilots It Georgetown had their there of the play In this game but had no luck around the Oakville net hitting the goal pott several limes from Paul Wilton and Brad Mo the lone Georgetown tally MINOR ATOM Dec Georgetown ID Chinguacomy Georgetown went on a scoring spree at Monday evening scoring to their one bringing the Minor Atoms goaltfor an average of over J goo It for each game The number of shows how well the boys ere playing as a team Goal scorers Howie Oram Jeff Moore and Bobby Duke Freddie Kendrick Guy Robert ton and Mike Stone Andrew Broun Maurice David Marc Snow Mike Stone Freddie Guy Freddie Guy Robertson tend Dave Doucette Andrew Braun Maurice David Bobby Duke Jeff Moore Andrew unassisted Maurice David Andrew Marc Snow Maurice David and Blake MINOR ATOM Dec 1 Georgetown Milton Milton scored first In this dote game but It took only two minutes for Georgetown to get the equal Iter Eric Clarke scored Goal scorers Guy RoMrtsonfrom Brian and Mike Stone Eric Clark from Maurice David and Andrew Brown Eric Clark from Maurice David Georgetown Minor Atoms would like to with construction and the North Peel Medical Group a Merry Christmas end successful New Year and thank them for their support to the team and Minor Hockey MINOR BANTAM This It the last time we play In the regular season They put up their best effort but Georgetown was lust too good for them This It the fourth win against Oakville in as many starts Greg Thompson played hie belt of year getting two and an assist and checking well in the corners His I Inornate rMcCanciesi played good hockey getting two assists each Mark scored a beautiful goal from the point his first of the season Dave Goal Scorers Greg Thompson from Ian Reekes and Bruce Mark Eutlnelr from Mike Mc- Menemy and Bill Taylor Greg Thompson from Ian and Bruce Dave from Greg Thompson and Jim Peer don MINOR BANTAM Dec Brampton Georgetown 1 Georgetown carried most ot the play but could not put the puck the Brampton goal tender who stopped shots Bill Humphreys played extremely well for Georgetown stopping many hard Brampton thott This the first meeting for these two teams and was exciting to watch with Georgetown pulling their goal tender for an extra attacker in the final minutes tan Reekes eyed a fine game scoring one goal and carrying and the puck well Jim coming back from an ankle Injury played a strong game on defense for Georgetown Mark played his usual steady game for Scorers Ian from Greg Thomp son and Bruce McCandless MINOR ANT AM Dec is Guelph Georgetown Georgetown played the game and though ihey had II won before they stepped on the Ice Georgetown had numerous but could not finish off the play Phil Buck played his best flame of the season He broke up many mines and threw end Bill Taylor Goal Scorers Bill Taylor from Mike Mc- Eddy Dwver from Kevin The Georgetown Minor Ban tams would like to take this op portunity to with their sponsors Economy Forms Corp and Plan Electric Merry and a New Year and to thank them for their support to them and to Minor Hockey iC fa a fit Canada Pension Plan Heres good news for cortributorst Recent changes to the Canada Pension Plan will result in substantially increased benefits for 1975 and subsequent years There other Important changes too Some affect people over or approaching that age Others provide equality for the spouses and dependent children of male and female contributors These changes may require prompt action or getting advice So we suggest you read this message very carefully I Retirement Pensions Have you to the Plan at any time since January 11966 Are you between 65 and 69 Then you have a choice Apply now and start receiving your monthly CPP retirement pension No more need to retire to collect benefits Once you start receiving your pension however you cant make further contributions to the Plan OR Continue to contribute to the and possibly build up a larger retirement pension to commence at a later date Continuing to contribute is also a way to qualify survivors for benefits if you have not already done so When approaching age 70 you should consider applying for your retirement pension because after you may no longer contribute to the Canada Pension Plan NOTE Before making your choice you may wish to seek advice from the nearest office The staff will be pleased to help you Are you approaching age 657 If you have made your choice and want your CPP retirement pension to commence as early as possible you should apply two or three months before your 65th birthday NOTE There is no provision for retroactive payment of retirement pensions between the ages of 65 and 69 So If youre in that age group or approaching it get advice as soon as possible Do you now receive a CPP retirement pension As of January 1st 1975 your pension will no longer be affected by any money you earn thereafter 1 Equal Protection fa Males and Females This means that for female contributors in addition to being eligible for a retirement pension and disability protection for themselves and a death benefit payable to their estates as has been the case in the past their spouses and dependent children are now eligible for benefits as follows Benefits for Surviving Spouses A monthly pension payable to the widower who at the time of the death of the contributor is over 35 years of age or under 35 years of age but is disabled or has dependent children that is a benefit similar to that which has always existed for widows Benefits for Orphans A monthly benefit payable to unmarried dependent children under 18 and to unmarried dependent children between and 25 attending school or university on a fulltime basis In order for survivors to qualify the contributor must have died in January 1968 or later and must have contributed for the minimum contributory period which Is three years for deaths occurring before January 1 1 Benefits for Children of Disabled Contributors A monthly benefit payable to unmarried dependent children under 8 and to unmarried dependent children between 1 and attending school or university on a fulltime basis where the contributor concerned is in receipt of a CPP Disability Pension NOTE In all cases It is necessary to make application for benefits If such applications are approved payments can only be made currently that is from January 1 1975 No payment can be made tor any period prior to that date Other Changes The earnings ceiling that is the maximum amount on which contributions can be paid and on which benefits can be calculated is being raised to in 1975 and to in 1976 The Initial amount of earnings on which you are not required to contribute will be 700 in MAXIMUM MONTHLY BENEFITS Effective January 1975 Retirement Pension Disability Pension Surviving Spouses Pension under 8831 Orphans Benefit 37 27 Disabled Contributors Childs Benefit Death Benefit Lump Sum I Health Santeet and Welfare BIen6tre social Canada Canada Marc Lalonde Minister For assistance contact Your nearest Canada Pension Plan office Canada Pension Han keeping up with changing times