LOTS OF ACTION AT J THE HERALD Page Wednesday Feb Variety Night Some students turned out to see the program at Variety Night held last Thursday evening at Georgetown District High School The variety night was Just one of the many events held In conjunction with the week long winter carnival at the high school On stage were a folk group comedy acts the Great Dar a magician of dubious magical skills as well as assorted other acts The half time activities took place in the gymnasium where one could find carnival contests such as knocking down tin cans breaking balloons and the always popular pic throwing LOOK OUT ROCK AND ROLL HIT THQSE CANS Bob Put Mi ind twin sit relax Blood Donor Clinic Held at High School THE GREAT DARCINIE Region Calls Meeting For Safety Minded the first time Paul Mac Donald president of the school s Red Cross Club offers a few encouraging words to her Vera Corluka a technician prepares to the blood pack The Georgetown ind District Secondary School held its fifth blood donor dime for the students tnchirs The Cross Club organized and advertised the clinic explained Paul Donald the club president We re awarding i trophy to the house with the best par think thi people in lien in I tun to like to think hi town division of tin lied scrvm and ill of the students who In In its first 119 blood packs wen it the school Tie next it IJ2 but has declined hi UK and in 1973 House had 33 students volunteer to give blood and won In tropin said Connie of the Red Cross ifler the ilinle House A had House and House Only 12 students were rejected for a total of donations Tin blood is transferred to the Toronto Depot for major hospitals in the city The rest of the blood is distributed to various areas as requested The i will be at Holy Cross Church Auditorium or March between and a is invited to Because safety became a regional responsibility as of Jan 1 some concern has been expressed by members of the community about how programming could be arranged for the benefit of all citizens living in the new There will be a meeting Feb for safety minded persons living within the region Place of meeting has not yet been set but it will be published before the meeting The steering committee is anxious to have representation from Hills Oak and Burlington to serve on the proposed Regional Safety Advisory Committee and it is hoped that at the Feb meeting to elect an executive body composed of a chairman two vicechairmen secretary treasurer and two represen ta lives from the of Burlington and Milton and four ta lives from Hills plus one member of each existing safety council or committee within the areas It is hoped to have an elected member of the regional council appointed to this committee Any interested person may be a member and may stand for office call Peter Bromley at Gerry Velland at at 2052 or Mrs Johnstone at Cubs Enjoy an Afternoon of Wintertime Fun The cubs of the Fifth Georgetown Pack met with the cubs of the First Scotch Block Pack at the home of Bill Schrciber on Saturday The cubs played skating games and finished off with an energetic game of hockey For those who did not wish to skate there was tobogganing and skiing on a nearby hill While fingers and toes were being toasted in front of the fireplace In the family room hot chocolate was served to help warm up their Insides This is the limi of when utilities ire momentarily halted in tin nunc of Students it Williams pile with their VALENTINES In the photo on lift 10 Kevin frank Sandra and I J stand with their from left Randy Rtcci Andy Bell Christine Julie Collier and Mark Hills work at their personal valentines Herald Photos Councillors Want AirConditioning Hills want ihanibers air for a less Si but won be for on the job lrn Hide told a of tin council that it would be simpler lessoxpcnshc the job tlnn to nil for bids I not going to give tender he said far us tendering is concerned I have a due is to bow to draw up the llvde suggested tint council have the work the this Leaders accompanying the Fifth Georgetown cubs were Akela Terry and assistant Ed Drivers for the group were Peter Sellar Ross Colter and Jack I room The chambers Incited in at the former Township hall were refurbished In November and December by a Georgetown building firm J and Sons a cost of IB The Job was let without tender because of the shortage of time govirnmcnt iffcillvc We is fini a council chambers as anyone said very modest price We should have com pitted he job by putting In ventilation Hyde said he already brought builder in to look over explaining It is turn to someone with whom von ire lit wis concerned It tint would heat from the 1 1 hill is idviscd he Intldir tint this In in Hie thermostat inn tin desire for ilr lvi found it in i in here tonight he Its been too warm in here mil agreed to to raise tin from the feovernmen r up grant and to turn Hie sulncit over to special building committee If to less than the lommitlce will be instructed to proceed DID lot KNim Si John offers a lomprehcnslve training course directed to the i lire of children from to six of age The information it con tains Is invaluable to mothers and fathers and In sillers TAX TIPS Employer Allowance Is Given Exemption iplover How nice to cover board room rule I am working at work sites from place of residence when I support mv wife I wis told ihit this had to be included in income for income purposes wis not i con lion worker understand lint this no longer ipplics Is this correct of thi If dajs of would be entitled claim i standird deduction of or inslcid if lino our personal exemption w he calculated in a similar Local Pool Man Off To Germany Child deducted In be the This excel widowed provision now to ill workers it distant work site providing miet the other conditions I arrived in in of 19 I told that I to prorate deduction for medical fees ihnritible donations whin filing mv income What does this mean explained in the nidi which mi mod report noli income earned after vuu On the bind arc entitled claim personal exemptions the deduction for the full For example It vnu I on i would resided here for op gli In igreement is id the if mother is lie i ible of ciriiiL herself or iluldren if hi is i In for nun i 1 I I Kill 111 filbers ledum i is hunted per week eich child to per I Tim limllilm no per nplv i this When the til I r both work the care expenses No When work onlv the child ire I- rid imiti Much will the lining pi nt md will travel to His will irl lie will return to In JUNIOR FARMER DELEGATE spii lift Hit J rv 1 1 tended meeting I he Junior dirulirt I The Hi cum delegate talks with Margaret minister without portfolio and Murray of Oxford County liitstdml of the county directors The directors invited Mrs Birch as their guest speaker She Is In charge of the youth secretariat At Queen Park