To Limit Baseball Enrolment Major Atoms Tie Burlington Lose OAAHA To Chinguacousy Page THE Feb 11 officials at a Champagne game right up U ttie final Banquet Coach Ron Dixon said Dixon I am STUDENTS GO SKATING Fendley Vanan Prck Up Wins Gerald Smith Snowmobile Club I 3 Snowmobile goal Michael Wroblewskl Assist Peter goals Kevin Phillips Richard Dean us ton Assists Steve Williams Scott Harris MVP Florists Georgetown A Varian I goal Barry Stone Assist David our ay MVP Vanan Associates Bill Nelson Goalie with a shutout BUI Nelson Students from Chapel Street School donned skates and visited Georgetown Memorial Arena Monday The students seemed much happier whirling around the ice than studying In the classroom The skating is part of the school physical education program this to playing space will be held at Cedorvale community centre and the Georgetown from to Aho boys wilt he able to register at the recreation centre offices between am and during the weeks of March and 11 The fee SB per boy and for a family which is for three or more Any All star players will be rcqu red to pay an ad d tonal when he makes his Any boy who is registering should a birth certificate or le The is look for coaches res and a umpire Anyone wishing to volunteer their services are asked Ron at MAJOR ATOMS Februarys IBM Georgetown Firefighters major atoms played to a 44 tie if Burlington In Burlington on goals by Chris and Bob Dean with assists to Brad and Dave A good skating gome by rcf ghtcrs and Burlington Lance Douceite Jason Mogg Chris Peavoy and Paul Wilson all turned in good efforts With Keith Ledger in goal making fine stops in goal Firefighters were from by after a loss in Chlng Georgetown came close in trie game in the third period when Bob Dean scored to bring score to a 4 but thin seconds later Chingl like the good team they arc scored to go 3 lied off Firefighters chance to come back as the game had reached the lost m of play The goal scorers for Georgetown were Tim Leg ere from dean Brad MeMcckin Irom Dean and Brian Ward and Dean from Scott Brush and Ward Mogg Hughes MeMcckin Dean and Wilson all worked hard but In a losing cause February 1S74 In the best 2 out of 3 Lions Club major bantams lost two games to nil in this round against Chlng Thesocre of the first game was Georgetown The second game Georgetown played one of their best games though losing Randy Bergeron played a good game and set up Georgetown only goal with Andy Broadbent doing the scoring Mike Richmond earned an assist as well Brad Miller in goal made several very good sat throughout the game Major bantams now start Drummondville Tour Feb St Dorolhee Georgetown In a hard fought game In which Georgetown had a little difficulty in adjusting to playing before a large crowd Sunny Acre major midgets bowed 3 2 to a hard skating Montreal club Georgetown opened the scoring on a goal by Poplel but soon fell behind to a determined St Dorothee team In a fast skating third period attempt to catch up Bob scored to bring the score to Georgetown their op position In this third period but rcdhot vented them gain ng a tie he local club and fans were flown both ways to Drum with the assistance of team sponsor Mr Walter Mr Blanch also hosted the team and fans along with Tournament President Roger Cournoycr and other MINOR HOCKEY SCHEDULE FRIDAY FEBRUARY 15 NOVICE IS p m St Louts New York 55 Pittsburgh Minnesota 33 Boston vs Los Angeles IS p Chicago vs Toronto p Detroit vs Montreal SATURDAY FEBRUARY 16 1974 5 am Metal Products B s Restaurant Tavern 15am Fred 7 15 Dog N Suds DriveIn vs A rmbro Construction 8 Johnson Carney Real Estate vs Real a MacPherson s vs Elks Lodge Stevenson Mens Wear Ed Nelson Real Estate 10 a m Varian Associates vs Snowmobile Club 11 30 a m Florists vs Georgetown IGA m Contractors vs Depco Metal Products A 1 Murray Motors Ltd 2 Dockeray Plumbing vs Standard Products 2 45 Chicken Villa vs Barrager Cleaners Kinsmen Club vs Neil Music Centre 30 p m Baz Motors vs Rbt Household Furnishings Ontario Electrical League vs Macs Milk 15pm Exchange House 11 15pm KnightsofColumbusvs Noteworthy Excavating SUNDAY FEBRUARY ACTON a Burn s Transport Cable TV a Scotia Bank bs Lane s Transport a Excavating vs Masson Motors TUESDAY FEBRUARY IB Georgetown IGA vs North Motors CAC Finance vs A V Tennant Contractors mobile Club- 1 Florists Snowmobile goal Michael Assist Peter McKinnon goals Kevin Phillips Richard Waltcrson Dean Assists Steve Will ams Scott Harris MVP Florists Gerald Smith Georgetown IGA Varian Associates 1 goal Assist David MVP Varian Associates Bill Nelson Goalie with a shutout Bill Nelson EARLY BIRDS GET EARLY TAX REBATES FILE WITH EU9N0W ft farmers tt Businessmen Individuals Make sure you get maximum dedu by using our and up to date knowledge mil handle all your tax needs confidentially We service personal business farm and corporation tax returns efficiently and accurately Salesmen and commissioned employees do you need expense statements File with us to your own advantage SiJa TftH HOURS TualThun9 5 ADDRESS Georgetown Onl Friday Saturday Broadway Drang II Cloud Mondayt INT A RAIDERS HOCKEY GEORGETOWN MEMORIAL ARENA SUNDAY FEBRU 17th RAIDERS H A Intermediate A champions Dundas Merchants Admission Adults SI Students Children 50c Family S3 CO Any Child Under 12 Accompanied by Parent ADMITTED FREEH Support Your Local Hockey Club GEORGETOWN RAIDER AUCTION SUNDAY MARCH 3 GEORGETOWN SALES ARENA All donations appreciated Remember when cleaning out the basement or garage don throw anything out Call 877 op WewlMpickltup CHRIS SCHOUTEN AUCTIONEER Can you beat this Wort MEET NEIGHBOURS Mike ol Georgetown Chrysler is pleased to announce and introduce two old neighbours heading up Georgetown most modern service and parts facilities DAVE LYONS SERVICE MEET Dave Lyons on manager whollvcswlthhls Sh rle three sons I Kenneth and Bruce and daughter on Georgetown I is served the motoring publ or past years ngs a vast experience n the automobile du I and Jack Neely our pi lives in Georgetown w th h te Janet nd two sons Jot Jison Jack br 10 years once In the I eld GEORGETOWN CHRYSLER LTD 15 Mountainview Rd S Under the Tower 8775108 6776802 TORONTO DroplnThe Coffee is Always Hot SERVICE PARTS DEPARTMENTS HOW OPEN TUES THURS TILL PM Check these Introductory offers Drop in now and say hi to Dave and Jack and inspect Georgetowns most modern service and parts facilities Old our BRAKE SSSmn Feb Mm For your convenience service and parts depfs open Wed Fri to Tues Thursday til GEORGETOWN Rd S CHRYSLER LTD 8775108 D met Toronto L no 677