Schedule Of Activities Thursday February A hospitality room the Thimderbtrd Hotel Brampton will be hosted by the Georgetown Branch No 120 and Provincial Command Arrival and registratioi of he nine teams should take place irom 7 i on For learns that will not arrive until the Friday registration will be at the Motel between the hours of am and I or Ihe North Golf and Country Club Friday February 15 Oil to this yer competition double necessary commence with one game on Friday at a This game will no bet ween District C and G Opening ceremonies for the Canadian Legion Curling Cham pionship will take place at Branch president Wird will introduce the dignitaries and ask Mayor m Hill to extend greetings to in attendance the municipality of Hal Ion Hills k the prounclal president it I Jeffries to extend a welcome on behalf of I roe incnl Command Hob Jeffries will Ihr out the first stone with Tom Hill branch president Norm in Ward acting is sweepers Immediately follow inf opening ceremonies tin will Ret Greetings From Branch ll is pleasure that I this opportunity of welcoming from all districts of Ontario wish nil an with us in Georgetown gnat effort has been forth by nnnj willing from Branch I2ii lo try mike your run as smoothly is pissibk Our Indie under the presidency of Jin will am sure do their us I fine Job on the Campbell our curling chairman is in of the various activities and will still find lime to curl For the Georgetown rink How do you fit it all in Gord Any problems with regards la accommodation will find a receptive car from Jake Timpson billctdng chairman Iransporlalion is in care of George South We arc from Jan I of this year part of new town of Hills and If the co operation we have received from the town with regards this curlingevent is any indication I believe we can look forward very happy association with the municipality a special word of thanks lo our mayor Tom Hill for his efforts on our behalf Cooperation Is the name of thegame when dealing with our hosts it the curling- club from manager Waller am sure you will find the stair at North Halton will do their best as have always done In past make this event run smoothly Inclosing I would ask you to bring any problems to Ihe of any member of the curling committee or branch executive or myself and we will do our very best to resolve it May Ihe best team win Norm Ward underway approximately m There will be another draw at 30 Friday Saturday February An old fashioned breakfast with waffles sausages bacon eggs I oast and coffee will be offered all participant their wives and all workers for the nominal of i commencing a a I the Georgetown Legion Branch on Mill There are only two draws scheduled for thi9 day The first draw will be at a and the second draw will be a 2pm Saturday evening a banquet and dance will be held at the Georgetown Branch 120 on Mill Street hosted by the municipality of Hills A cocktail hour from dinner at 15 p m Dancing will follow he meal approximately op to l a for all those in attendance and all other legion members There will be two and possibly three draws this day Sunday February 17 The first draw commencing at the second at and the third if necessary at7pm Closing ceremonies and the awarding of prize will follow cither or p game Presentations will be made by the provincial president Bob Jeffries assisted by the sports officer Vic awry and convenor Joe WINNERS OF DISTRICT F District Legion Curling Branch 110 Trenton are top left Canon Earl Jesse In front from left ore Frank and Wayne MacDoandl This rink comes to ihe provincial finals with many past achievements Skip Jesse has represented On tano three years in a row 19707172 In the National Championships Since that lime there has been a change in his rink however Ihe new faces carry a considerable amount of experience which will have to be respected in this years finals PARK TOYOTA TOYOTA SALES SERVICE Hwy7West Skrow Canning Ltd 2lOMountainviewN GEORGETOWN 8773492