Tilt 13 Urban Around Toronto Says White By the end of he century In and around Toronto could be developed into an urban hierarchy of specialized cities towns Ontario Treasurer John White said here today Sketching a concept now being developed by a provincial task force Mr White said each urban centre from Oshawa to Hamilton would provide whatever services and Jobs were beat suited to Its size character and location Toronto would remain the prime centre providing a full range or specialized services Hamilton and would rank in the second of many other categories Burlington and North Pickering would operate In the third There would be several other categories right to the smallest communities and each of these would look to the con munities tor their specialized services The hierarchy would include some cities towns yet to be designed and located Mr White said Thee it of what the Ontario merit issued in 1370 as the Design for Development of the Toronto Centred Region was described by the Treasurer at the annual of Metro Toronto Industml Commission He said the task force rtcommi nidations ire still subject o approval that ihty will be published in detail and com and tnlicism will be invited from municipal leaders the general public r eat lion lould lead to further modifications the becomes Mr White said In form tht concept will serve is a plan for the economic art known is the Ontario llrbtn province will use it is iuidi in ruling if fitting this rttion surrounding rimns Hilton rth ill work for The is paying particular to future industrial in he region the loctlion is it il to the issigmni r fininf roles for ShortChanged On Tax Credits Mian I rossm in is rs not to sh irl ine in less the ire entitled to this ixpindid I lie oil in extmplt ihmud JKIHml inert I fat t 1 provided Mill IK be told Progressive The minister s it in pensioners Inve lire successfully Inline tin fix ireiiils mm ti return But ism ill lumber is en countering tould be confused the tax forms tnd ire not providing ill it d therefore their credits Mr I- Ml Mil- Mr continued I ask that with retired re lives or who knows of senior citizens living done offer to help their full and share of the On credits If vou assist them with their ax forms it is not 1 difficult task then put ihem in toueh with t local senior citizens club or he nearest federal district taxation office or he Ontario Credit Informalion Centre Residents within the Metro Toronlo local trea should dial EH stress hat no pensioner should hesitate to file a tax return even if he has no taxable Income or has filed in in come ax return before The federal Income tax return is he only way you can claim On no tax credits TRAINING Mr Grossman added hat his ministry in cooperation with the federal government Is running tax raining courses at Queens Park for volunicers from service and social organizations who are able help pensioners and other residents with this year tax returns Volunteers interested in attending the afternoon or evening tax training courses should contact the Ontario Tax Credit Information Centre at ZENITH for further details This year Ontario lax credit system will distribute about million in benefits In the form of a properly tax credit a sales tax credit and a pensioner tax credit K L J everything you need to make it on your own Students Single pedestal Knotty pine desk smooth and readytofinish here s the ideal desk for stud ents or lor that home office Has four drawers for ample storage space Comes complete with eyecatching metal handles Desk size is 34 x 15x29 high Buy it today finish it to your special choice Students Double pedestal desk Ready finish In Knotty Pine Here plenty of desk room Size high Not illustrated 5F Furniture you finish to suit your mood 5drawer chest In ready Knotty Pino Here plenty storage space Slzo 4drawer chest Sandod smooth Knotty Pine that ou can finish how you wish Captains chair Traditional Captain s chair of Japanese Beech Completely assembled Ready to 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Remove sanding dust with tack cloth 7 Apply coal varnish gloss satin or I Mates chair Ready to chair In Japanese Beech Completely assembled See it today Dropleaf table Ready finish Made hard wood 1B closed round open Low low Extension table Made quality hardwood closed Opens to Ready to finish gloss or gloaa paint varnish gloss satin or I 19 SI 10 drawer double Mere lots storage space In ready to finish Knotty Pine Size 42xl5x34H 59 OPEN am to 9 pm Monday to Friday Saturday 830 am to pm 316 Cuelph Stmt I Georgetown