NESS Georgetown Herald A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Main Street South Georgetown Ontario RICHARD CAMERON Hope 10 TOWN THURSDAY JULY OPINION Readers Right To Write READERS FORUM NO STATEMENT IS A DOGHOUSE THE SNOOPY BILL BILL SMILEY Intimations Of Morality When I was young and ignorant and life was forever nothing bored me more than old people talking so much about death As soon as my Dad received his hometown weekly paper he would Dip to the obituaries and read them to my mother in tersperslng the printed word with comments about the deceased Often the latter was a distant cousin or someone father had gone to school with or someone he worked for as a boy recall where the dead person had lived what he d done and some of his peculiarities I t Imagine why my mother could be bothered listening She of course She was much too busy bustling around cooking or sewing or doing a wash But she pretended to and would drop In the casional comment or correct him on a dale Now that I am old and not so Ignorant and realize brevity of our stay lean understand it a morbidity on my father part It was an interest in and awareness of the Tact that death comes for us all even for the archbishop He knew it was closing In on his generation quietly but relentlessly MISS I am not about to start reading obituaries as a regular treat but I did read three lately with a sense of almost persona lost though dldn t know any of the three involved if that s the word Joe Brown The name means nothing to young people today But it recalled for me Saturday afternoon at the matinee almost falling out of my seat from laughing QUEENS PARK at the antics of his great clown Betty Grable She was never much of an actress but she was a great Hollywood personality In the days when there were such creatures Pin up girl ihe western world before the centre page allnude fold out was creamed of Veronica Lake Fell half In love with her when saw her first movie She contrived to look sexy and sinful In the days before bikinis and bra less bosoms Brown was an old man But and Lake were in their fifties forgotten by the world but not exactly Each had a distinguishing specially Joe Brown had a mouth about the size or half a watermelon Gable had legs that Inspired an Innocent sort of lust at a lime when an ugly exposed navel would have been just that Lake wore long blonde hair over one eye Half the girls town went around half blind trying lo emulate her hairdo TO My feelings of nostalgia were brought lo a focus yesterday My wife and 1 were at the beach She was flat out turning black under the sun as is her wont 1 was sitting up like gentleman in a chair carefully covered but still turning red In ex posed areas as Is my wont Near us on the sand was a young couple very hand some with a little boy very bad He was bugging the life out of them kicking sand in their faces throwing cold water on their hot dry bodies running off and having to be fetched demanding that his father do But he was cute My wife watched ihen Drastic Change In Court Setup Queen Park Bureau Of The Herald TORONTO AttorneyGeneral Bales has announced quite a drastic change in the court structure In the province A new form of tribunal will be established to handle all minor traffic offences and breaches of municipal by laws These tribunals will be staffed by Justices of the peace at about half the pay of provincial Judges and will be much less formal than regular court It Is expected there will be little need for accused to retain lawyers Tehy should be able to present all the defence they need by simply telling their stories to the J Eventually also there will be lay prosecutor once they have been selected and rained It will no longer be necessary police officers to appear and as the prosecutors won t be lawyers this will mean that much of the stiff legalism of the regular courts brought on by the dominating presence of the law shoulodlsappear The practical point of the change fa to take he burden of minor misdemeanors off the regular courts which handled more than a million traffic and bylaw case last year And as such it is a good sum no Another change planned by the attorney general however can be greeted so enthusiastically Under this safe driving schools would be established Then convicted drivers would be sentenced to these schools Instead of a sentence of so many dollars or so many days in Jail which is the custom now sentences in Ihe future would be so many dollars plus attendance at ihe schools And you have to wonder about it Apparently ihe school attendance would apply even to such minor offences as not coming to a full stop at a stop sign Any compulsory at tendance at anything school or not anything which lakes a substantial amount of his lime away from a driver would seem to be a pretty stiff as many traffic cases Is setting up a school system to serve Ihe whole province mean quite an apparatus another big and cosily layer of bureaucracy now the only plan is to test this approach It may end there Editorials are supposed to convey opinion not necessarily an opinion with which all readers agree but nevertheless an opinion Readers get a chance to reply to any opinion through our Reader s Forum It also a place where they can state an opinion or tackle any other item of interest Its a sounding board of local interest Unfortunately letters to the editor as they are generally known tend to drop off during the summer months And not just because of holidays The hot leisure months are a time of decreased activity and letters to the editor are among the things that are put off to another time It a pity Wed like to see letters to the editor come in thick and fast every week of the year It s easy to predict that the columns of our Readers Forum will be crowded come the fall with the advent of elections for regional government But from now until the end of August a letter or two a week will be the rule It doesnt have to be It takes only minutes to pen a note to the editor of a newspaper And it t have to be a long note A hundred words can convey as much thought as 500 Some evening this summer when you re looking for something to do or you feel like complaining or even tossing a bouquet put it in words and submit it to the Reader Forum We like to hear from you and so would our other readers If you don t say it who will Risky Jobs On The Line asked nostalgically and tenderly Would like to be young again like hat with the little ones 1 thought carefully for 12 or 13 seconds and replied No 1 meant VYliLn 1 look at my flab 1 dlikclo even len years younger When my seed wart is throbbing and my bursitis In the shoulder is burning like acid I like to be thirty years younger But when I think or the agony and he ecstasy of starting all over again raising hose kids sanity Days at the beach sure But even though watching ihem like hawks the sudden disappearance of one and the frenzied running up and down searching until Ihe child was found playing with a dog feel from the water Summer nights in a small town yes Until a four year old vanished at bedtime and the frantic running around the block calling wildly knowing here was a deep ditch full of water and he rage when lillle miss was discovered watching TV door Nope Sweating out musk festival adjudicators remarks 1 can do without Trying lo steer out of drugs and into education 1 can manage lo give up ihink can even sacrifice Santa parades and riding with tots on the err Is wheel at Ihe midway No I don wanl to be young too hard on a chap m saving what left for my grandchildren Well walk on the beach and the woods And I II answer from my pinnacle or ignorance all those im possible questions kids ask And when I m stuck I II say Go and ask your grannie Death where is thy sting Grave where is thy victory It great to be getting old Well anyway older Bible Verse For I say through the grace given unto me to every man thai Is among you no I to Ihink of himself more highly than he ought lo think but to think soberly according as God ha Ih dealt to every man measure of faith Ramans 12 This verse lells us thai every man already has faith Release it now and put it up against your need whether be spiritual physical mental and see God work In the name of Jesus may your faith go out to Him and your every need be met Amen Telephone RICHARD CAMERON Publisher GARFIELD McGlLVRAY Production Manager TERRY News Editor Advertising Manager BRADLEY Accountant Anne William Valerie Caruso David Hastings Myles Gils John McCIcmcnls limit Dm Is Mr and Mrs pyre Telephone Bright orange cones temporary signs red flags orange flashing lights arrows and bright orange jackets and hard hats all warn the motorist that the centre line painting is in progress Usually there a sign truck the line painter warning that hes ahead Yet some drivers don seem to see any of the warnings and go breezing by at miles per hour Those who see the operation too late often head for the shoulder showering the workmen and their new paint work with dust and stones Others drive right over the fresh paint scattering the cones creating another hazardous job for the man who has retrieve them There s a limit to the number 01 days in the warm weather when this important repainting of road markings can done The weather has to be fine and the temperature around degrees In these conditions drivers are ad vised they could meet a line painting brigade first a red flag then a keep right sign surrounded by flashing orange lights then the target truck which blocks the lane in which the men are working and again signals drivers to keep right next the vehicle which travels about minutes behind the road painting truck collecting the orange cones as the paint dries and at the head of the procession the dual controlled paint truck which paints the line and drops the cones onto the wet paint in one motion With all the precautions taken the job these men do can still be a risky one says Burt Wallace administrator of staff safety in the ministry of transportation and communications They need all the cooperation they can get from drivers Credit And New Things The old open trucks carrying their and 30 pound blocks ice have disap from city streets Inside the kitchens where those blocks used to be delivered stand sparkling wonder mechanisms which protect our food and which produce baskets of ice cubes at the flip of a switch Fifty years ago who would have imagined such vast strides of progress Yet today electric refrigerators with all their refinements are taken for granted So it is with many household goods today Automatic washers radios phonographs clothes dryers and innumerable kitchen gadgets have become part of everyday life Items once con sidered luxuries and that includes washers dryers and refrigerators are now almost neccessiues This type of progressive upgrading has left Canadians with more time for constructive leisure educational advancement and economic productivity The process continues Statistics Canada annually surveys household ownership of durable items Its findings nave shown that over the past decade the largest percentage increases in ownership have involved newer type appliances Take for instance automatic dishwashing equipment In i960 fewer than 100 Canadian households owned dishwashers By 1965 this figure showed very in significant gain However five years later in 1970 the dishwasher market more than doubled The appliances appeared to be taking hold with one way to goupward Are dishwashers a necessity Certainly not Many families still like to tidy up after each meal How long will this trend continue If current marketing results and Statistics Canada are any in dication the trend to ownership of dishwashers will join the ever growing list of former luxuries Because of this credit firomises to play a significant role n turning what now appears a luxury an automatic dishwasher into a common place commodity With more wives working smaller families and more important things around these days for children to do it is probably a good we want the dishes done Canadian Consumer Newsletter ECHOES FROM THE PAST in Valley Conservation Authority pleased at the wonderful reception is delegation received when it called on Kelso minister of lands and forests The minister has Riven support to Ihe 500 flood control plan for the liner All 16 municipalities in the Credit River area have agreed lo par n plan final steps necessary to the func Honing of the parking authority were council when ihe turned over he parking fund o he authority and the existing lease bet wicn J J Gibbons and town to the All liabilities attributable to parking will bo assumed by parking i harm flic parking reserve fund was set up last from collected mm thi parking meters with the sole purpose of improving parking facilities The movor explained ihe costs main lenance policing will be relumed to the own Vh sou in ihe budget as parking meters said will mm cried to during tl third f 1 1 i Mil dales for ill nit in uptown ml iv It but I I Indus I thi in llvdrn urn si ith i till nut in mi n the hoi tor IhiM weeks A large number of local residents travelled this week a Ihe Brant Inn Burlington to hear Progressive Con leader George Drew speak at a reception held for him on the Lido Deck famous dance Besides a targe number of cars a bus was token to transportation for girls pipe and and others A picture with theme and appeal similar lo One tool in Heaven Is The Country I arson which will play a full week engagement the Itoxy theatre next week Written by James Hilton author of Mr Chips and starring John it tells of a man who put love of his fellnwman bed all else ii Ml Mitt Ontario election is August Due Has rationing the electorate I hod mam nuttings to Ml parties however have been using the newspaper columns as a means f putting across he pros and cons heir respect i policies I suddenly on the eve of the lection Duncan Marshall minister f education in the present mint hailed a vacancy in In Die I ranks Increased pay Tor women In all i in I an fort their basic jilts ir mi J per men a pay to hi was announced In he Inm in ns iiiiiiislu Itnlxtiin The ininnMv I I The past few years have demon lira ted the problems of the solid waste management systems of Ontario Garbage strikes have paralyzed cities open dumps have blighted the land incinerators have filled he air with particulate matter Toronto and other cities are forcing their rubbish upon surrounding Events such as these have prompted citizens lo take action against landfllllng incineration and over packaging and in WHERES PLANNER I am with the town s attempts to devrlnn piece of land into what it would like o call a park This piece of land is surrounded comprising over 35 organ I rations from across Ontario is active In en the provincial government develop a comprehensive plan to reduce and recycle solid waste On June 18 reprcsen tatives of Garbage Coalition met with provincial environment minister James and presented a brief outlining six demands along with reasonable deadlines for the implementation of each Three are of mediate concern immediately prevent iTr I over five year NOW I I OIL commitments lo landfllllng of garbage the reuse and recycling of our waste materials Groups have been established in such urban areas as Metropolitan Toronto Kitchener Waterloo and Burlington and rural areas like Mlnlo Pickering Hope and Townships Their goals are similar to promote recycling control Ihe growth of garbage and slop the trend toward rural dumping In May of this ihe groups combined form the Gar Coalition This alliance Crescent and Pennington Crescent Thai land was once a mud held that was ignored by almost everyone The town was praised when It laid sod improved the area s appearance 100 per cent and provided countless numbers kids with an alternative playground other than the rood That nark was frequently used by these kids Parents in also took part in their youngsters games of baseball football Kites were going thing in the windy months of April and May That park been an important asset tor an area so populated with small children However was astounded when I found the own had erected signs on he outskirts of this park reading No Active Sports in this Park I was totally bewildered by il all until they began con strutting flower beds A few months earlier a few irees were planted Trees were an excellent idea but flowers can recall only a couple times when they watered Ihe Brass in space of a year Certainly no one has been here to remove he crab gross or dandelions If he own thinks that a bed of flowers can only add to That park was used by ihe community for general purposes but now it will provide little recreation other than a walk from one end to ihe other Kids don mind brittle hrass as long as hey re able to play without being disturbed by the blast of a car horn Where our town planner Bassett Georgetown Sir 1 am a resident or We had a problem wlih dusl up until last Thursday Now we have no dust because the Township oiled our road This oil is also in our homes our cars and our footwear we dare cross Ihe road to collect our mall To remove this oil It lakes gasoline or Varsol and a lot elbow grease I know that Ihe i Iher residents on this road feel as strongly as I do about mess lo add Insult to Injury during the daylight hours the truik is still heavy and Mill exceeds speed limit What good does II do lo reduce speed on our own v chicles when rucks still speed and plaster us with oil I phoned Bud Snow roads superintendent this week and no satisfaction He claims hat the rucks do speed and that we residents do creating Ihe problems which we are now faced with He said since we com plained so much about the dust that this oil would solve he problem and that it will take time to dry into the road s surface He also claimed hat rucking firms pay high axes lo keep road up What about us Don we Say high taxes too And we ave to live here The township should consider us first and do right by us Mr Snow also said thai the budget was cut drastically and hat oil was cheaper than the resurfacing procedure last summer Also since It is oil why were there signs creeled Fresh Tar Mrs David Jones DID YOU KNOW The Maccabees were a family of Jewish leaders of the second century which ncluded Judas Maccabee and Their story is lold in he two books the Maccabees Farm Mechanization Calls For More Farm Safety It is a fact lhat the farm and rural population of Canada is declining It also a fact lhat the occidental death rale on Canadian farms remains per cent higher than he national average Farm Safety Week July lo sponsored by the Canada Safely Council in operation Canada Department of Agriculture points up these facts and stresses the need for In creased attention to safety in the farm environment The Canada Safety Council makes available through safety councils pamphlets and leaflets giving advice on how farm accidents can be avoided In one year farm ac cidents take the lives of approximately 1 Canadian farm and rural residents injure another and permanently disable some farm people Farming today is largely a mechanized operation and while mechanization has helped to bring about in creased agricultural and made life a easier for farmer It also has Increased the hazards on and about the farm There are inherent hazards In all types of machinery but the biggest cause of farm machinery accidents is still human error ignorance of or failure follow safe operating practices I- Mints DOUBLE The farm machinery fatalities per farmers have doubled in the last decade Tractors the most common piece of farm machinery are Involved In per of the fatal machinery accidents and more than half of these are overturn accidents Since tractor overturns are frequent a greater use protective frames rollbars and crush resistant Is needed on farm iractors Other farm machines Involved In fatal accidents ore combines balers corn pickers forage harvesters grain augers and spreaders allure to guards and shielding in place or tempting n service quip mint while It is Mill running arc one the most common oases of arm machinery Safety guards ore to he used To Ignore h risk Children and young people who lack the physical capacity the experience or the judgement should not be allowed to operate Iractors and farm machinery by July to announce plans for a fullscale recycling plant in and for Metropolitan Toronto rather than the announced ton a day experimental plant When Toronto produces 5000 Ions of garbage per day any consideration less than 1000 Ions per day is tokenism and nol economically viable besides by September 1 to commit he government to education of he public about ihe growth of waste its root causes the incredible economic costs alternatives to products and for and feasibility of large scale recycling systems The first wo target dales have passed with no public statement from Mr Auld Where does the government stand Will it act on these two Will it act on the third measure by September There is still lots of time The time to encourage the use our garbage is now not decades in the future when we are forced lo because of energy and mineral shortages II is the provincial government s responsibility to respond to the Garbage Coalition proposals Surely our six proposals and deadlines are not extraordinary when garbage is reaching crisis proportions in many parts of Ontario Yours truly Jenny Felck Steering Committee Kitchener Ontario NEW POLICY Sir Did 1 dream this or did see a uniformed police officer riding bicycle in Georgetown If It was dream wonder if this idea would not be Ihe answer to bicycle safety Growing up in Holland as a child we dam well obeyed all rules of he road and watched nut not to get a llckcl from a detective who was on a bike in civilian clothes We were able to recognize Ihe police force by the make of their vehicles I think drivers should watch nut for cyclists as they move that fast In turn It is Ihe same with cyclists and pedestrians Let have a safe summer and fall Yours sincerely Connie Nlcuwhof Safety Chairman Georgetown Local Council of Women P S Rear view mirrors on bicycles would help loo OCONNORS OTTAWA In run the high The Unemployment In Commission frantic attempts o regain credibility the Canadian people have resulted In some highly questionable tices It has become a frequent habit of the com mission to inadvertantly overpay recipients amounts ranging in one case In up to This overpayment error was entirely that of the com mission and not that of the unemployed recipient a fact admitted by ihe commission The questionable practice occurs when the error is discovered and the demands repayment As can be expected the recipient being unemployed Is already in financial dlf and usually has spent ihe overpayment The after several demands for Immediate repayment has adopted the practice of seizing the unemployed person a bank account without notice to the person even where the account Is one jointly held with a wife or husband Certainly Ihe la en titled to repayment and should take steps lo collect money owed But In my opinion such zealous pursuit of small amounts of money without notice from people already in financial difficulty is an unwarranted invasion of privacy and grossly un fair When the practice was brought to his attention last week the minister In charge of the UIC agreed He said If lhat were In any way Ihe case I would take steps to prevent it but am certainly not aware of It and I should like to have clear evidence The minister certainly has a short memory February 1373 I wrote him setting out the facts including copies of the letters called Demand on Third Party to ihe bank or a recipient whose had been seized without prior notice or advice On March a research assistant in the minister s office acknowledged my letter saying the minister had asked her to do so April 30 Mr Andras wrote to me and after discussing other aspects of the case he said a Demand on Third Party was made February In order to liquidate this debt The letter is written on the Ministers letterhead with his name typed at the torn but is signed on his behalf by his research assistant SHORT MEMORY Either the minister has a very short memory or he doesn know what is going on In his office or what mall is being signed on his behalf by hit staff Whether Ihe minister Is forgetful or Incompetent Is irrelevant What is Im Is hat Ihe practice of hassling people In this manner which in my opinion is illegal under Act must be slopped In response to a series of questions I asked In the House Commons last week Mr agreed to review the whole procedure and obtain a legal opinion from the Minister of Justice Hopefully this review will result in an immediate of practice