Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 29 Jun 2011, p. 6

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OPINION & LETTERSTHE OAKVILLE BEAVER IS PROUD OFFICIAL MEDIA SPONSOR FOR:The Oakville BeaverTHE OAKVILLE BEAVER IS PROUD OFFICIAL MEDIA SPONSOR FOR:Canadian Circulation467 Speers Rd.,Audit Board Member Oakville Ont. L6K 3S4 Recognized for Excellence by(905) 845-3824 Fax: 337-5571ClassiOntario CommunityCanadian Communityfied Advertising: 632-4440 Newspapers AssociationNewspapers AssociationCirculation: 845-9742 Open 9-5 weekdays,ATHENASuburban NewspapersAward5-7 for calls only Wed. to Friday, Closed weekendsof AmericaEditorial and advertising content of theOakville Beaver is protected by copyright. NEIL OLIVERVice President and Group ROD JERREDManaging EditorMARK DILLSDirector of ProductionUnauthorized use is prohibited.Publisher of Metroland WestDANIEL BAIRDAdvertising DirectorMANUEL GARCIAProduction ManagerThe Oakville Beaver is a division ofDAVID HARVEYRegional General ManagerRIZIERO VERTOLLIPhotography DirectorCHARLENE HALLDirector of Distribution JILL DAVISEditor in ChiefSANDY PAREBusiness ManagerSARAH MCSWEENEYCirc. ManagerLetter to the editorLack ofComplaintsdiscouragetransparencyPublic services should be open to the public,active childrenby definition and default.Ontario Ombudsman Andre Marin utteredI have learned that some of my neighbours want to petition to stop those words last week as he unveiled his annualroller hockey on our quiet street. report at Queens Park, noting that in the sixThey are likely the same indi-years he has held the post the trend in theviduals who complain about the Ontario government has been to less opennesslittle girls making chalk drawings and transparency when it comes to governmentor sending the Town over to our agencies and programs.home to tell us we can't have our tent trailer on the driveway to get it Ontarios public watchdog highlighted aready for trips that include canoe-number of issues in his report, primarily the facting, hiking and biking.there were more than 3,000 complaints aboutAll of these activities are evi-correctional facilities last year.dence of participaction. They are In one case, Marin had to intervene when ahealthy and make for fit, muscular, group of inmates complained they hadntactive children and teens. There is a joy in these young received clean clothes for nearly a month.people as they race around on foot He, naturally, also referred to the granddad-or wheels scoring a goal and con-dy of all secret manoeuvres the granting of gratulating one another on a game sweeping powers to the police during the G20well played. summit last summer powers that were notIn North America, obesity is on publicized.the rise among young people. With it comes hypertension, diabetes, But perhaps most interestingly, Marin zeroedpremature heart disease, osteoar-in on the lack of transparency concerning gov-thritis, body image issues and bully-ernment institutions such as municipalities,The Oakville Beaverwelcomes letters from its readers. Letters will be edited for clarity,ing. Letters universities, school boards and hospitals (thelength, legal considerations and grammar. In order to be published all letters must contain Should we not celebrate this joy-the name, address and phone number of the author. Letters should be addressed to MUSH sector) areas where he is refused inves-to the ous activity and our children's The Editor, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON, L6K 3S4, or via e-mail to tigation access.excitement, or would we rather editor@oakvillebeaver.com. The Beaverreserves the right to refuse to publish a letter.editordrive our youth indoors into dark The ombudsmans office received nearly 2,000basements to play violent video complaints this year about childrens aid societ-Include secondary suites on DND landsgames and eat chips and drink soda ies, police, long-term-care homes, hospitals andpop?municipalities that Marin said he is powerless toBill 140, Strong Communities through home to help pay the mortgage. So the occasional ball rolls onto do anything about.Affordable Housing Act, has recently They also facilitate multi-generationalthe lawn and an enthusiastic kid Neither the Liberals or Progressivebecome law in Ontario. living, with positive social ramifications,runs across to retrieve it. Or maybe a plant loses its blossom. Are these It will facilitate the creation of second-such as home care for the children and theConservatives have indicated a willingness tonot forgivable when we witness the ary residential units in detached, semi-elderly. opening up the MUSH sector to Marins scrutinyjoy in these kids and watch as they detached or rowhouses.For many seniors and individuals withshould they win the provincial election.blossom into healthy adults?Secondary suites can provide well inte-disabilities, a second unit can provide secu-PC MPP Ken Klees asked, Why it should takePerhaps, before we make com-grated and safe affordable apartments, pres-rity, assistance and companionship. Thean officer of the legislature to do the work of plaints and force others to limit ently so scarce in Oakville.neighbourhood is strengthened, by reduc-cabinet ministers and elected members is beyondtheir activities, we should consider By reducing the need for publicly ing the need for people to move when theirwhat it is we value as human beings us.financed and subsidized housing, they can life circumstances change.who share these communities. Why indeed, Mr. Klees, why indeed?contribute to economic and environmental The DND lands are ideal for incorporat-Healthy minds and bodies or pretty, But perhaps it does.sustainability.ing secondary suites; a great opportunitysterile and quiet neighbourhoods The Oakville Beaver is a member of the Ontario Press Council. The council is located at 80 Gould St., Suite Secondary units facilitate home owner-for the Town of Oakville to implement thewith manicured lawn and no signs 206, Toronto, Ont., M5B 2M7. Phone 416-340-1981. Advertising is accepted on the condition that, in the event of a typogship, by providing first-time home buyers new legislation in a well planned manner.raphical error, that portion of advertising space occupied by the erroneous item, of life?together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of the wDr. Sarah St. James, Oakvilleith the option of renting out part of their Nicholas Varias, Oakvilleadvertisement will be paid for at the applicable rate. The publisher reserves the right to categorize advertisements or decline.www.insideHALTON.com OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, June 29, 2011 6

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