GowowowiActon Wednesday Jen Elliott A resident of Actoa or many years A Elliott died at her home 6 Bower St an December All the closest mem ben of her family were with her on Christmas day her husband Hilton son George daughter Jim Dills of Milton and daughter Jane of Toronto all five grandchildren including her oldest Steven home from Stoney Sain Alberta for the lidays and her sister Shirley Haven of Comber Ontario She is also survived by brother William Buchanan of Comber and was predeceased by brothers Senator J A Buchanan of Edmonton I- rank of Camber and sisters Mrs A M Powers of Mrs J Wilson of Florida and Mrs George of Com Daughter of George and Mary Buchanan she was raised and attended schools at Comber There she and Mr were married in September and they moved to Acton in 1932 when the two brothers Hilton and Harold pur large dry goods and grocery store corner of Mill and Willow Streets where Bank of Montreal now stands They operated business or many years A busy housewife and mother Mrs was also a member of Juke of Devonshire Chapter of the of the TAG group of United Church She was a talented pianist and her love of music extended lo her children and grandchil lie played ihe for Trinity Sunday School and son George has been organist and mister at for years She oil painting and collecting and was always interested in history service was held in the church she attended regularly for post half century Pallbearers were grandsons Steven Mark and Paul Dills and Comfort Bob Hart and Roy of choir Her former minister Charles Beaton of Hamilton was joined by King present minister at Trinity in conducting the services there and it cemetery False alarms Aclon Firefighters responded to two false alarms this week The first was a call to Blue Springs Scout Reserve last Thursday Apparently smoke from someone cooking set off the alarm Last night I Tuesday the firefighters were at Robert Little school for another false alarm 8771111 OPEN HOURS IS- DAYS A WEEK 8777722 ACT ST AM Goebelle Wagner MacAdam Geoigetowm 875155 RA 8266352 YOULL DO BETTER AT Youll do better at APS Great YOULL DO BETTER AT I JANUARY F SAVINGS EVENT thru Sat January Bin 1M3 AP the right to limit to normal family Wmmmmm all food store coupons POWDERED LAUNDRY Detergent LITRE BOX 398 OUR REGULAR PRICE Corned Beef Liquid 129 PRINTED ASST COLOURS White Swan Towels RED OR GREEN TOOTHPASTE FABRIC SOFTENER RES OR Bounce tf389 ASSORTED VARIETIES Heinz Soups 4 99 OUR REGULAR PRICE FORM OR CHIPS AHOY 450 TIE BAO Christie A Cookies I OUR REGULAR PRICE Imperial Margarine KRAFT SALAD DRESSING M Miracle Whip ST 139 Sockeye Salmon 199 JANE PARKER Apple Pie OUR REGULAR PRICE SUN SQUEEZE FROZEN CONG 12FLOZTlN Orange Juice 69 grape or orange AP Fruit Drinks IS 89 SAVAIiFR0ZEK4ASSCflTE0VUETCS Pot Pies SaVERWOOO ASSORTED FLAVOURS M Ice Milk ST219 Stouffer Entrees JANE PARKER SUCED Whole CANADIAN BRANDS REG OR KING All Popular Cigarettes CARTON OF 20S OR 25S I CUT FROM CANADAS FINEST OR CHUCK QRADE A BEEF SEMIBONELESS BLADE OR CHUCK SHORT RIB OUR REGULAR PRICE lb SAVE 88 kg- 40 lb SAVE lb PREMIUM PLUS Christie All 9 Crackers OUR REGULAR PRICE 1 35 MOTHER PARKERS Tea Bags INSTANT COFFEE Maxwell House lAPEFlAKeMWirrE OR QUICK COOKING Old Mill Oats 3 159 ORANGE FLAVOUR 399 Tang Crystals 149 Heinz Pastas BLADE CHUCK SHORT RIB OR SHOULDER Boneless Beef Roasts OURREOULARPRICES 05fto2J9 lb OUR REGULAR PRICE lb FRESH MEDIUM Ground Beef OUR REGULAR PRICE 3 FROZEN NEW ZEALAND SHOULDER 79 f SCHNEIDERS SCHNEIDERS SUCED ASSORTED VARCTCS Side Bacon 2 Mini Slzzlers rvowt Beef Liver BREAKFAST Burns Sausage 31 Fanners Market Sausage ASSORTED VARBTnEB OF REGULAR OR ALL BEEF Cooked Meats 99 Schneiders Bolognaa I SCHNErDEHS Chopped Ham I SCHNEIDERS ASSORTED ASSORTED VARIETIES Schneiders Wieners OR THICK SLICED 179 Side Bacon g vacpac 9 OUR REGULAR PRICE 83 Fish Cakes 200 PKQ 2 99 OUR REGULAR PRICE CONDENSED TOMATO VEGETABLE Heinz Soups 3ion QQ tins 69 CupASoup Mixes ST 99 TOMATO OB lUWCY Heinz Beans UPTON ASSORTED VARIETIES OUR REGULAR PRICE PROD OF TEXAS JWCH RED Seedless4fgg Grapefruit III I OUR REGULAR PRICE FOR Fresh Spinach 2X149 MOOOPCALTOMAtWEET MliH Navel Oranges OUR REGULAR PRICE 21SAO09 lb PROD OF MOROCCO Sweet Clementines 1 99 CAN N0 ONTARWRUTAiAOABOH A g Green Cabbage 99 cahada mo Onions or Carrots FACIAL TISSUE ASST VAR BOX OF SHEETS Facelle i Royale JHffiflWAHPnt117 79 NABISCO Shreddies AP Bleach KAN ASSORTED Wl29 Luxury Cat Food 3 is 99 Maxwell House Cone pae OUR REGULAR PRICE ASP 0S AYE OKI M MOM mi PJH