The Acton Frae Press Wednesday 16 1982 5 Town hall Continued from page I why town would place the ad if ibey were Tyler be going to apeak on the pros and cons of demolition but because he was old bis comments would be out of order if be touched on any subjects other than the of the historical designation and the hearing He said a hearing Mas the only way for council to so Later Tyler noted private citizens and groups have received grants in other area for historical building preservation but he was ruled out of order Gordon said the town hall issue had been dragging for five years and a lot of money had been spent studying it and more t be wasted There had always been lots of public input too Councillor Roes challenged that Gordon speaking to the issue but chairman Harry Levy ruled Gordon trying to make a point just going about It the wrong way Gordon concluded it was time council Hood up and voted the way they always felt in favor of demolition but they had allowed the i to backfire three times Councillor Mike Armstrong said the province rules were screwy when a hearing could be held recommend saving the hall and council could still demolish it Hi claimed holding the hearing would only prolong the agony over demolition and warned the hearing won change anyone mind and hall willstillcomcdcnwi Richardson said It would take about four to get a hearing dale then the hearing would beheld and the board would need about a month to consider lU report The issue now He said supporters t going to gain anything financial or personal and called the subject an affair of the heart Who will present Hal ton Hills case at the hearing t been determined yet Richardson said He suggested the towns otic iter possibly someone from the consulting team which looked at the hall and maybe someone with expertise regarding historical building would be needed Councillor Sheldon said Hills case must be presented at the hearing said she support the hearing so Acton citizens feel their rights had been mishandled Sheldon was concerned about added costs from the hearing and waited time Councillor Waller said in light of the close S vole against town hall restoration and the wording of he ads Ihe hearing was needed The hearing was needed from a legal standpoint as well as from the view of dealing in good faith said to have a hearing would be a slap in face to the people much money would be apcnl on the hearing since only town staff need make a presentation lawyers and experts weren t needed Levy jokingly suggested the hearing couldn t be held in Acton since Ihe province can find the community after it was left off the map He also Joked It could be heldin the town hall Following the vote for the which Serjeants on McDonald Grub be and Sheldon supported Arm strong who was joined by Miller in opposing the hearing called or a complete report for the next council meeting from staff on coals of the hearing Levy didn vote because he was chairman of the meeting and Councillors Dave Whiting and Roy Booth were absent Hills received letters objecting to the lift of the historical designation for the town hall from the Acton Rotary Club Restoration Committee Catherine and Bella Maye Willow SI North and George Perkins Acton George Bacola Bower Ave and new Guide were enrolled last week the Second Acton Guides were front row leader Diane Welch Bev Bridge Kin ten Murray and Janeen Rob inson Dana Med ml Warn children dont talk to strangers Parents are again reminded to caution their children about talking to strangers accepting rktes or gifts and food etc from people they dont know Recently M Z Bennett principal Howard Allan sent a letter to parents and included was a suggestion the parents caution their children about talking to strangers What prompted his warning were stories from two children regarding a man in a green car offering them presents The children ignored the Allan said he has talked with other Cancer drive a success principals in town and they have heard nothing of this type of problem He said he also contacted the police and they said they have had no reports of this nature and it t appear to problem in Acton Staff Sergeant Les Graham Regional Police confirmed they have had no reports from Acton about adults bothering children In his letter Allan observed there appears to be no difficulty In town He emphasized he and fellow dont want to scare anyone just Inform parents about the stories and remind them to caution their children Acton raises 183 per capita for fight Acton has again established itself as one of Ontario most generous communities per capita when it comes to giving money Tor the fight against can The Acton Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society reported this week was collected here during the Apnl campaign Thats S3 per capita and some funds are still trickling in Campaign slogans were realized again In Acton Together We Can Do It one campaign slogan and Acton did It and We need you now more than ever and once again Acton supported the fight against cancer generously The Acton Unit mem expressed thanks to area captains can vassers and Womens Institute members who worked so hard to make the drive such a success Local industries end businesses were also thanked for their sup port as well as everyone who donated A vote of thanks was also ex pressed by the campaign organizers to The Free Press for coverage In April and throughout the rest of the year In September the Acton Unit marks ils first birthday and members are hopeful all volunteers and others in the community who are interested will keep Tuesday September open so they can attend the annual pat luck sup per to celebrate the anniversary Time and place of the dinner Is to be announced Following is the list of Belly Ann Kldd Mary none Valnlf Sally Rulh Joan ford Heather on VaoFlnl Cap tain llaHactay KayDUIa Waller Heather Lambert Dorothy Waller Elite Allen Vera Blanch Helen L Coo Sinclair J Duty Call McDowell Pauline Jack back nurses Onno and Jan Ritchie set up the device at the Acton Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic at the Yesterday Toes day quits Housing body Pat McKemicof Acton has resigned from Ihe Hal ton Housing Authority The former Acton and Hills councillor for many years had been appointed then re appointed to the Housing Authority but due to ill health is now unable to attend meetings He recently sent his letter of resignation to Minister or Municipal Affairs and Housing Claude Bennett and also wrote to region chairman Jack Raft is suggesting an Acton resident replace him on the Housing Authority He nominated former Bcardmore secretary treasurer and well known local resident Lome Youngblut as his replacement Captain C McDowell Belly M Sinclair Cap- lain IrbWUion Lillian Berry M McVeigh Sharon Tell Connolly June R lUptalm J Blow Mary on Kroiyili Carolyn trailer Sue Sale Captain Taylor Dorothy Carolyn Trenton Aim Thorpe Jean Karen Gloria Helena Vander will Linda VkBrUtow M Hare M lame Butler Shelly Dunn Sharon Valerie Leah Roc hell Cunningham BcvMlllerCaplaln Shelley B Dot Norton Jon Hunt Shirley Dun can fl Butler Linda I tun Maureen Holme Linda Pit trim McCaLhun Canary lily For be J Pat Cathy Captain Linda Per Carole White Mary Albert Miry Captain Irene Terry laohel MicDotiald Grace Artie White Gerry Edge Lorraine Hartley Ruby Mra RArtlcCapuini J Janet Marshall Dick Fryer Helen Howe Alice BobllarLMarUynMurray Vera Fern Harding Janice Mutr Captain Jeult Robert mo May Lathy Colo Kuril Pal Salt Pauline Diamond M JeanMcKtc Captain Wendy Owen Paula Stuckey Hilton R Mormon Ken ncdy Marilyn Med laid Edna Hall Jean Ann Florence Allan Joyce Sprout Mary Martha Couture a Bertha For Item Dublin Edna Beaky Apple- yard M Diamond vema Ann Norton Eva Martin Eleanor Ferguson Cyn thia Hi Ruth Krawndonk Lorraine Reynold E Andenon Sadie Maya Vem Mullen Belly Bait Anne Norton ONE STOP POOL SHOPPING fe AT GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES CHLORINES 100 LB DRY CHLORINE OFF coupon 10 LBS KINO SIZE STABILIZED TABLETS LIQUID CHLORINE 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