and recreation QAWeeSikF 0 it I and I tar Vol I Mai 1 W Nhs J Industrial lea Sun shining on Station opener Ball Season officially got underway Sunday with the crack of the Acton Industrial League bat And the day was near perfect as far as Station Hotel ana Acton were concerned They won their season openers under sunny hot skies at Prospect Park Station Hotel overpowered Van Welding Freedam downed Construction and the Old timers nipped Hnlton Hills Electric In the first match featuring and brought home six run3 on hits The scored run in the first Inning with Mike McGregor making it safely across the plate up at the top of the third with a single by Charlie Harrison But scored three more runs off five hits McGregor Ken Paisley and made it home Paisley slugged a triple bringing home McGregor who reached first on single in the bottom of the fourth Bob Little scored in the fifth inning for The rest of the game was nohit norun action The Acton Oldtimcrs had an easy time with Hills Electric They spread out their three runs In the second third and fifth in cracking nine hits Hills man aged six hits but ailed to score A single by Jim James brought Bruce across the plate In the second in for a Oldtimers run Fred Archibald scored the second run in the third and again came home in the fifth to make it 30 The slugged three more hits but failed lo bring anyone home The game was called at the bottom of the eighth after three quick outs by Hills Electric Station Hotel engaged In a with Van their victory Van hit the scoreboard first though with runs by Dale Piper and Bill Brlttin Stan and Robin also connected for hits but Van s was knocked out with the two left on base Station Hotel got it together bringing three hits home in the top of the second Inning James Morris Murray McNabb and Mike Miller scored Derrick who was later thrown out of the match for using offensive language hit a single In the bottom of the second but there was no scoring on the play Bill Fabian and Morris scored in the third on three hits Ron Schmidt Bob Hoslam Fabian and Morris crossed the plate in the fourth on four hits and Schmidt scored one run in the fifth Van a meanwhile had scored a run by rick Neely In the bottom of the fourth Kevin Allibalb brought the Station tolly to inning Morris Increased It to 12 In the seventh Dave Allen Schmidt and Fabian finish things off in the top of the eighth with their runs Denis Klrton scored for Van a in the eighth but they only managed three hits in the last four innings Executive turns down amendment Theresa of Acton High School Track Team crosses the line of the mid get girls relay run during the Rebel Relay meet last week Fourteen schools from competed In the fourth annual meet held at Sheridan College In last Wednesday Georgetown who played hosts also won the overall event Alts placed well despite the relatively small team that competed Today learn is running In the preliminary round of the Heltons by Diana Hockey parents in Acton must be satisfied with last year Minor Hockey Association executive No one turned up at the annual general meeting Sunday at the Community Centre to contest this year slate which was except for a few minor adjustments virtually the same as last season when people voted Bruce returns as president Herb Dodds remains vicepresident Peter Dam replaces Lynn Smith as second vice- president Jackie takes as sec retary with Fran stepping down and Joan will once again wrestle with the budget as treasurer Last year some to people depending on what story you hear attended the annual meeting the largest In the modern history of the Association Tw slates of executive were in the running with Carglll and his crew the original nom committee s choice winning What was contested this year by the people including the executive was past president Barry amendment to the constitution He wanted to see parents banned from coaching managing or directing a team that his daughter or son played on I put this motion forth because I made some inquiries in Thornhlll and at a couple of other tournaments with towns the same size as Acton They found the pressure was token off the boy when a parent wasn t coaching Plus the coach has left himself open to criticism of segregation Inscoe was careful to point out he has seen no case of favoritism In Acton Only five voted in favor of the motion the rest opposed because of the financial strain and the drastic cut into volunteers Last year for instance Cope Smith and BUI Hodgson managed the midgets while both had sons playing For or anyone else to be involved with a team other than the one their son is playing on would mean extra burden of following two teams Herb Dodds said Fundamentally no one wants to chase a team around and solve a lot of problems If they haven got that kind of a link It unrealistic Lynn Smith wife of Cope added 1 fed the highlight of the year for my sons Rick and was being coached by their father While on the subject of hockey parents Carglll replied publicly to a few comments he said he received over the past few weeks Everyone on the executive Is not paid he said All of are volunteers Our books are audited and inspected every year by qualified accountants Every penny is accounted for More games for allstar teams Acton will be playing four more games next season as part of the new Hub league Herb vice president or the Acton Minor Hockey Association AMHA and contact man for the now defunct Water locWeliington league confirmed the decision at the AMHA annual meeting Sunday at the Community Centn Acton would be booking into the Mantle of the Hub league along with Woolwich llespeler Fergus New Hamburg and Elora Second teams would be Gait Waterloo with third teams from Kitchener The need for a change came when the ano Hockey Association QUA accepted Orangcviile bid into Tn County That left a gap In the Waterloo Wellington league with Woolwich and demanding changes because they were the only remaining A level teams Acton will be playing games instead of IS but travelling be cut according lo with the schedule calling for home and home games That means Acton teams will visit each only once and each centre will come here Also explained the season will hope fully remain the same length of time since the Ontario Minor Hockey Association OMHA playdowns still start in February As well teams will be able to finish out the Hub playoffs Last season the midgets the best team in the league with its undefeated re cord and tint place finish reached the semi finals of the OMHA playoffs By then it was end of March and loo late for the midgets to WW came the league champions and the midgets ended up empty handed We re quite happy with the new league said Bruce the president Of course wc have no say in It since the OHA but there are a lol of alternatives This was the best Girls soccer sinking Nancy Voscamp dreams of a girl soccer team in the rural league are slowly unless several more girls sign up in the next week Voscamp 16 has been trying to form a girl soccer team from Acton to compete in the rural soccer league along with Georgetown Milton and A few weeks ago she held rogittratlon for girls between the ages of IB and 19 but only signed up That is for a team but some drop ped out leaving only seven girls Voscamp said although the game is played with she needs about 14 to field a team Other than getting the necessary bodies Voscamp had everything else arranged The team would register with the Acton Soccer Club which would supply the uniforms A playing field was lined up and the schedule of games would begin in the summer Voscamp added girls don even need ex All they do need is for registration There was a girls soccer team two years ago playing in the Georgetown league but they met with little success Voseomp said she has been playing soccer since she in grade three I played all the time in school If on Acton team isn t fielded Voscamp says she will play on a Georgetown squad But if any more girls are interested she gladly return to Acton For more information call Voscamp at Track team relay ready for Hatons The Acton High School track team wanned up for the preliminary round of the Halton finals to be held today Wed nesday with the annual Rebel Relay meet last week The relay hosted by Georgetown Dist rict High School was held at Sheridan Coll in Wednesday Teams from 14 schools competed The midget boy teams had the best showing day for Acton with a second place finish in the 4 x metre relay Queen Elizabeth Pork of Oakville came first breaking a record doing it The midget boys certainly were a pica Bant surprise said McLaren track coach and principal of We were thin compared to lost year with two injuries but hopefully we It qualify in the a for the Peel Haltons The senior girls should run con better when Jane back Even with out the senior girls still managed two third place finishes in the 100 and 4 metre rsce3 Barb Wilson replace Trueman although she t been running with the team The senior boys disqualified themselves in the after a nasty spill They finished third however in the metre Acton ran a midget girls team just for experience McLaren stated The midget girls had been tied up with gymnastics There was another novice meet in Burling ton last Thursday runners in the 4 Georgetown finished first overall with points for the fourth year in a row while White Oaks of Oakville was second McLaren said he sure where Acton finished Although the preliminary heats of the are being run today at Nelson High School in Burlington the actual Hal ton track meet will be held Monday at Centennial Park in Elobicoke Earlier the team ran individual races at Word games free lunches and Porsches make my day wait Hello f am not what you would call a feminist or women s libber or even a career girl Anybody who wants to open doors for me Is more than welcome especially when my hands ore full However since I m on the soapbox any way I feel compelled to get in a few shots at the Acton Hockey Association for rac ism women a separate race after all In Mr s amendment to the con he stressed no parent can coach manage direct etc tin son or daughter his Italics Well Since when does the word parent mean male The amendment should have read no parent should coach manage direct etc hisorhtr son or daughter my italics Then there was a discussion on whether the word daughter should be included in the amendment at all with too many head aches in the financial department among the reasons The heck with that If a girl wants to compete in hockey all star or otherwise let her But I don think she should receive any special treatment I been in a few men dressing rooms it no big deal Of course It up to the girl involved to decide whether she wants to share the dressing room along with the benefits of competition in hockey Enough of women rights and on to more interesting things I had lunch with Terry Melcalf the other day and a few and some other medio types and Robin Inscoe your for Not that it has anything to do with Acton but a free lunch on my budget is not to be ignored Actually I went to sec Metcalfs car which is a chocolate brown Prosche Only he had the audacity to come to Gue- lph by bus With my eyeing other peoples Porsches is as close as I II ever come With the changeof leagues in hoc key there is some doubt as to where the juvenile team will compete As of yet there is no juvenile loop In the Hub league But Herb Dodds assures everyone in volvcd the juvenile team will be iced If the Hub league t take them under its wing then Dodds said the will find another league who will The juveniles had a successful season last year in contrast to the problems ex perienccd the year before Dodds predicts a fantastic year for the team especially if the Canadian Amateur Hockey Assoc iation CAHA votes to raise the age limit to 19 That will allow several overaged players to still compete Even if the age does remain at Dodds said the Juvenile team would have merely a great year The higher ups arcalso deliberating new form of awarding points in the lie league Instead of the regular two point win one point tie points would be on how many goals arc scored over the minimum This system has been used on a trial basis in other hockey centres and sup posedly found to reduce fighting The players would be concentrating on getting Dodds said in his opinion the had nothing to worry about because Acton juveniles were well He added it not going to stop kids from righting because a team will still see they re down five goals and drop the gloves The will also be voting on banning bodily contact below the peewee level at their convention later this month Al though the Ontario Association had turned the motion down the CAHA has pre over them Therefore if the votes affirm the has but to adopt the policy The feeling is coaches and kids will con on the more basic hockey skills like skating and shooting during the season rather than checking and boxing And finally a word to those involved in the Acton Figure Skating Club Stop send ing me hate mail Its depressing I sorry I not Boris and Arthur Haley all wrapped up into one And I am not as one person said cover hockey more than figure skating be cause it a man sport That is an absurd accusation to make considering the cum stances Hockey gets as much coverage as it docs because there is times more of it hap pening year round than any other sport a standards meet in London Instead of racing against each other competitors race against a standard time for ribbons George Gldman was the best Acton com with third place finished in the 100 and metre races He won a a silver for his efforts Midgets Clifford Nlbbs and Mike won the bronze in the 100 metre while Gord finished fourth in the 100 metre hurdles Neville Porter had the best showing of the senior boys He qualified for the bronze in the 100 and 200 metre Steve and Rob Lenliky also ran in senior boys Rick competed in midget and metre Debbie Clarke competed In the Junior girls and Sharon Cook placed in the seniors McLaren said the rest of the team also finished in the top half of to entries Rebel relay results Tin IS Bilbao Ryan Mil Ion GUI IS ACTON WO He shoots he scores The Rama started oft their new en sod with a 17 victory over Toronto Beaches lait night Prior to the game the Rami held scrimmages In the community Centre Setting up a goal 1 Ron TurkcM centre and George left Minding the nets Is goalie Jon