Tho Acton Free Press Wodnosday Apr 1 Bingo winner Alice Do v got some help from Acton High School students Cherl Lindsay left and Sandra at Eden House In Eden Mills The students spent Ihe week at he nursing home as part of a community service project Shower for Heather neighbors fete by Winifred Smith The United Church Women met for their April meeting in the base ment of the Church with Eileen Brown the hostess Mrs Leo Jamieson pre sided Roll call was an by a Bible verse on Hope Martha Lewis gave an inspiring devotional Guest speaker Mr Dorian was asked to give a talk on and gralion He gave listeners an interesting and In formative talk Helen Brown and Joyce Clarke assisted the hostess lunch Mrs Dons Ella enter taincd at her spacious new home on Wednesday evening April It was in the form of a mis cell an us shower the guest of honor being Heather bride to be of late May Members of the WI neighbors relatives and friends were present to shower this well known Ospnnqe Mrs Wragg home from Texas winter by Doris Fines Mrs William spent the winter in Texas in the Magic Valley where she said the weather was beautiful with Just three days of all winter She has many friends she meets there every year She visited two weeks at Christmas her daughter Dorothy and Mike Reim and family in San Diego although she said she went especially to see her great grandson The Community Ser vice group from the Guelph Correctional Cen tre are again doing some work on Knox Church With Mac McGonegal overseer of the C ty Crew the young men are pointing the stonework and repairing the basement windows and will be painting the exterior woodwork Last fail they did a fine job of painting the interior the church We are pleased to rep ort Mrs Frank Hill Is improving having spent nearly four weeks in the hospital She underwent eye surgery in St Joseph Hospital The hot beef supper at the local church was again Mr and Mrs Gordon spent a week and- a half in Ottawa enjoy the company of their little granddaughter Heather while her par ents Mary and Sherlock Aitken were in Europe The Ospringe Brown ies wilh their leaders went camping last RH 2Guoph Ont 519822 2361 Floral Des Weddngs Funerals i to Mow Mothers Day Sunday May 11 Spec a Flower Plants Arrangements Trop cals S Ik A rangements A wide selection of 18 models in natural gas or propane priced from Bus 877 2491 Res 877 0049 56 Main St S Georgetown Ont Bryan Day Res Solos ftopresontat popular girl with a variety of beautiful and useful gifts When the fun and excitement ended Heather thanked every one A delicious lunch was served Achievement day was a bit disappointing for the home making club last week as a number of girls who were to participate in the were ill with either the Chicken Pox or Measles The few girls who were not stricken however entertained mothers and friends to a luncheon in the basement of the church They served tasty dishes and relishes which they had learned prepare with the help of their leaders Mrs SI ess raids and Shelly Wilson They are to be congratulated on the good job they made when they were so tew in number Members of WI Joined In with Silver Wood branch to put on a birthday party for the re- si den 13 of Manor put on the program and as usual came up with some excellent numbers all local talent By the applause it was evident the audience enjoyed them Immensely The other one visiting supplied lunch and gifts All groups helped to serve refreshments It was a happy occasion for every one attending We are pleased lo report that Lloyd Is cooperating at his homo after a short stay In hospital where he underwent surgery last week The Sixth Line neighbors met at Ihe home of Lloyd McLean on Saturday for a get together and farewell party for Mr and Mrs Jesse who are leaving the neighborhood after residing on the r S Line farm for many years Grace and Jesse received a beautiful lamp and clock from the r neighbors as parting Although they will no longer be farming on the Sixth I they will still be the community We hope they will take part In affairs as their new home will be In nearby Acton Mr and Mrs Smith have returned home from a spent Calgary They tl daugl ler Mrs Charles Burt when they attended gradual on of Sharon Burl youngest daughter FAMOUS OUTDOOR SALE Western Boots Over 100 pair SALE PRICED Every Saddle Wostorn Engl SALE PRICED Western Suits 50 off of Merchandise reduced to clear SADDLERY Cambridge 5196589814 Thuro Frl Sat 5 of Charles and Doris attending Baptist In Calgary Alberta for Burt Sharon has been Leaders Training School the past eight months FLORIDA Leave ihe Is to us We II book Your found ir from to TAMPA 149 Saturdays and Sundays May 3 to October MIAMI Saturdays May to Sundays May to October Book days n advance Urn tod number of seats up to 7 days prcr to departure For stays days add 40 per round fare d fare 129 to age 1 1 Your hotel on for from 91 to US po peson doub occupancy Your Car Rental from US 69 to US 144 per week TRAVEL SERVICE ACTON 8531553 weekend at Camp Cor win near The sixth episode of the film series will be shown at the church Sunday evening at on the Scientific age The Erin Family of Schools played to a full house for its annual music night held at Erin District High School CocaCola Bathroom Savarln Potato Tissue Dinners Chips OF PLUS DEPOSIT PER LIMIT PER FAMILY Whole Mushrooms per family Kraft french italian island cole or Salad Dressings Dressings iV9 FRESH 7 CHOP ECONOMY PACK 2 RIB CENTRE AND TENDERLOIN PORTION Loin Pork Chops or Wax Beans Kernel Com FRESH or Breasts MAPLE LEAF BONE IN COOKED VACUUM PACKED Smoked Hams HALVESOR Soft Margarine NICE SHORTCAKE OR RICH TEA Peek Biscuits TETLEYORANQE PEKOE Tea Bags Beef Liver QUARTERS I frozen Perch piece Orange or Grapefruit Juice FANCY Apple Stuco CO Spaghetti Sauce 79 Mackerel PEP Dog Food Ketchup CHOCOLATE Converted Rice 379 HOUSE Black Pepper Fabric Softener a 199 Jim Flaky 129 JUJUOlBOTIJEll Dares Candle mo 259 O a 119 Dry Idea net a 159 Charcoal B is 249 Garbage Bag a 149 Cheese Food Slices as 169 Stdo B H Wieners mm fEcnvETYi a 199 225 SPAGHETTI OR MACARONI Cream ette Pasta CONCENTRATED PORE FROM FLORIDA Orange Juice Cauliflower Head Lettuce PRODUCE OF USA Sunkist Valencia Oranges F TO CANADA on PUD IJ A- 3 3i99 CANADA ANOnADEiRfll A Aft ft A IdaRed CotaSIaw HALTON HILLS HWY NO 7 STREET GEORGETOWN ACTON MAIN STREET NORTH ACTON