B8 Wednesday April 16 1980 VEHICLES FOR SALE GO VEHICLES FOR SAtf GO VEHICLES FOR SALE BO VEHICLES FOR SALE WAVES jS- IN A NEW EXCITING Available At ONLY Dual Line Dealership FordMercury ARK LINCOLN mercury Georgetown CAR OF THE WEEK USED CARSil VANS VANS VANS Need a van Starting del Ivory service or looking to fix one up or If no have Just what you re looking for Throe Ford vans with extra rear plus two vans nil In excellent condition for a wide ranrjo of uses In look our sanction too which vehicle beat fits your requirements Remember if its not a fork deal youre probably too much E160 Coctjo Van Black E1S0 Van White 79 Firebird Silver NXT850 Mustang ACD477 Monta Carlo Rat OLE 78 Chavala Brown Van Bluo Pickup Cop- par Silver CU6289 Monarch Creme 77 Toyota Corona Orson LSW458 76 Century Brown Valiant Bluo Capri Brown LVW652 Charger Green Marctrrr Marqula Green JPZ3SB Monaco Green HOW906 74 FIDO Pickup FORD SALES LTD St Georgetown VcJara Wagon power steer power brakes roof rack only 20 Lie Coronet mln condition Idoal pickup Lie DB3340 4 door only miles 5 spaed i sunroof Lie DIDO Pickup As Is miles Stock No Fully equip pod only FORGET ABOUT OUR A 100 PER CENT A1 MECHANICAL USED VEHICLE WARRANTY FORD Van phone Si evening MERCURY Grand Marquis door tlonlng AM taps quad sound radio plus other extras Must be sold Call April Buys BIG BARGAINS COME IN AND SHAKE HANDS WITH ONE OF FOUR CAR EXPERTS AND SAVE 1979 Rabbit company car auto radio leather Inter lor NY0191 1977 Honda gold with matching Inter tor on the floor hatchback Champion Honda Accord liver vinyl roof radio air conditioned Chevy 4 4 all AM radio high 1979 Camaroi radio broke and Mooring floor ahlft console Air cond Wonlng 1979 Cordoba autocruise con trol radio air cond 1971 blue radio ana owner Honda Accord blue with matching interior radio one owner Ilka new Lie one of a kind Lie La Baron silver with matching Inter control AM arao FORD LTD II 4 door Great condition Super car at an affordable price Lie Call George Chrysler DODGE Rom I charger wheel drive I excellent shape low mileage Ideal re vehicle At a sacrifice price Lie Call George t Chrysler TOYOTA Corolla Good I Ideal second car Make on offer Lie POX557 VEHICLES HONDA Gold wing now battery now chain now tlr Good condition Asking HONDA motorcycle phone e 1979 YAMAHA motor cycle miles B firm KAWASAKI Enduro knobbles or best offer AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE For Jane Eyre Antiques Jennifer and Raymond Trott Wednesday Evening April at 6 3D Location In Milton at tho Fairgrounds In the Agricultural Hoi on Robert St Co nil a Of Furniture glass chlnn prim lives and depression gloss ra ma I ly Items TERMS CASH OR CHEQUES WITH PROPER ID Lunch available PREVIEW FHOM4PM SALE DAY Remark Lad Jo us for this la a Quel ty Solo wthsomothngforevoryono Auctioneer Chris A Schouten Phone 2576 Regional Municipality of Halton TENDER WOJMBO Grata Main tana of Boulevards Water Pollution Control PtanU Sewer Water Pump Station Reservoirs and Operation Can Ira marked to con Ion la wUI bo rocelvad by Regional Clerk Mr Brown unlit P M Local Time Tuesday April for the above A Certified cheque made payable to the Regional Municipality of Halton In the amount of ol total tendered price and a signed Agreement to Bond must accompany each tender Tenders wUI be opened at 15 Local Time Tuesday April In the Committee Room No 1151 Road Those submitting tenders ere invited Lowest or any tender not neceataRy accepted W J Moore P Eng A Director of Public Works R Agon I TENDER FOR A CONSERVATION AREA CONCESSION BOOTH TERRA COTTA Tender documents for of the Con cession Booth In the To Conserve on A ore lablo at the Cred Vallov on Mil St Meadowvakt Tenders II bo recerved In the Authority In unt I 12 noon Friday May 2 1980 For further Information contact Mr Schnarr General Manager Valley Conservation Authority Ontario LEU 1K0 Tho highest tender not accepted TENDER For ropa to brick work on Boll at Tr Un ted Church Street Acton Ontario Tendon II be received 130 tender to bo ma to the Trustees of T ty United Church Acton Box 18 BUSINESS YEARLY In come possible by growing in your basement or oar age Completely odorless Small in required 1615 not on Sundays FINANCE OMNI door standard transmission Immacuiale shape tow mileage Economy plus Lie call Georgetown Chrysler 1979 DODGE Sunrise Coupe Low mileage super shape auto pb buckets p us many many more Lie Call Georgetown Chrysler 1975 NOVA door yellow in our This car to be sold as is Only Lie JKH691 Call Motors Very good condition DO or Dost offer 878 FORD Torino wagon mechanically good re built motor miles Best As is TRIPLE tandem house trailer Reeso trailer hitch torsion bars electric crakes J way frldrje burner stove with oven furnace complete bath room toilet sink shower water hose double sink In kitchen TV antenna sleeps six comfortably For more Informal on call 1948 travel trailer 15 burner stove oven pro pane fridge furnace prossurlied water tank awning poles ropes pegs spare wheel ex condition Phone 1972 COACHMAN Travel trailer con talnlng stove with oven furnace fridge bath room shower hot CAMPERS TRAILERS pressurized walor canopy or best El MOTOR HOMES offer 4519 MOTOR HOMES CAMPER kit for pickup truck Includes I burner propane stove and bottle Icebox link with holding tank bench seat folds Into bed TENT trailer Woods canvas top excellent condition easy to tow PUT TO WORK FOR YOU BOATS MOTORS NEW 12 Peterborough Aluminum Boat now 3 a Mercury sale Full selection Mercury out boards end Peter borough aluminum and flbreglais boats Country Mart Limited corner 853 1971 Cordoba floor console and shift Power brakes steering automatic AM stereo Lie Baz Motors Ltd 1979 van Just about every fact option plus pro fesslonel by Van Masters only miles Mint shape or best offer 1973 CHRYSLER Newport con power win daws power door locks plus many many more Ideal family cor Lie Call George town Chrysler oeOgarnlB CITY CAN FINANCIAL CORPORATION Frsl Mortgages W Second Monrjagos 17 Mot I gages purchased at lowest discounts Co I Grace House 877 or 18002688830 Toll Frool LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All ma the Estate of Jamas War law of Town of Millon Municipal of who ad on or March 11th 1980 must bo I tod with signed on or before Apr I I960 thereafter undersigned wll tribute assets of said Estoio having regard only to clams then flod Gordon Wormlnflton By Solictor PETER Main Street Milton L9T1N7 HEMS 74 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE For Mr Ed Boland Sat April 19th at 12 30 PM Location At the farm on 1225 Sidoroad 3 miles west of Hwy 25 or 4 miles southwest of Machinery Hoy St aw John Doero 3 H ft roiory mowo Turned H ft blade H snow blower twin axle a th dump box single walk plow king lownmower HP Snapper set of hoavy tractor churn for F cyclone seeder bales of mixed hay about bales of whoat aw Lumbar etc About em plank 10 13 to f long never mod now boards wide no ft long shoots of vnylioof saw horses pallets Id bags of fertilzer ft extension lad do ft partial Oil of wo dod quant ty of eavoit pe n pr of metal food bins pails food buckets water heater stand stable medic no cab not c fenco g gun ft cartridges logging con Appliances Loon a d It rot go burnor eoct Konmo a automatic washe w washer Hoover brush floor she Mas craft fan heat lamp camp stove tght new old orgs bug kilo shallow wo I p pump sump pump wheel I ng fixture n Furniture Cost iron box stove p pes good seel I w cxar rock ng r 50 coffee table extension tab cord table s Barry mo mush coloured brood rug good one a quantity of opes p card cho drawer d 3o lawn a matt esses duffle bags gal crock glass wast board I a go den hose rung si 22 rrils W n cheater Model 94 30 repeat ng and many other tod terns Owntri or Auctioneer not responsible for oc Sale day TERMS CASH OR CHEQUE WITH ID Farm Sold Auctioneer Ward Phone 878 6730 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE auctions Station Street flockwood Ontario SUNDAYAPRUO 1900 at 1 30 Warren 074orngl APARTMENTS FOR RENT ACTON 1 bedroom Stove fridge and utilities Included Adults only No pets To view apply Apt Mario Street phone 853 ONE and bedroom opt stove fridge and utilities Adults only No pels ROOMS AVAILABLE ROOM and board No Purpart ate TO WORK FOR REAL ESTATE 11Vi PERCENT mort gage not due until Carries for per month P I T Asking lor this bedroom end unit town house or e 8U7 DORSET Park four bedroom baths man floor family room fireplace largo fenced lot Double gar ape broad loom throughout Close to shopping and school mortgage Private sale Possession end of school term Call ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE SAT APRIL AT 12 NOON STANLEY PARK AUCTION HALL ERIN op Loaf Table Withstands Com modes Top Hal Stand Chest of Tail Jolly Cup boa d Pa lor Tab Bods Old Via Ob etc Blown Victorian Glass tcher Can berry Royal Ch no Stand Ch no Cocoa Sot Several Pes of Depression la a I Lamps Coloured Post Floral Lamps Copper lie Pot Troys O d Mould ng Planes Blow Torch Silver terns Canadians HafDol AUCTION SALE for MRS CAMPBELL to be hold at he farm LOT of ESQUE5INQ on the Line of Halton Hlls Murt All son prrent Geo Saturday APRIL ISO at 11 AM CATTLE head of Grade Holstens The hard consists of X cows bred Helen He tors mo old and younger He tors All ere from S ore bred to them A hard of Holstens in fu I supply ng Flu Ms All femo of ago will bo tested for Brucellas and eg nancy TRACTORS AND IMPLEMENTS- Nuff old t actor LHC 275 actor w loa dor gas tractor 3 furrow pow da cult vato Dunham double disc fert and seed d l 327 manure 130 10 motor bale elevator 30 U wagon w beaters on H Herat Wood sprayer Champion HP Food carl Modern t Her compressor Log visa Gran auger 16 motor Wheelba row Do horn or Stowon clppors Jackoll Jack stoves coal or wood Pine Lumber lots oF small Items DAIRY EQUIP Champion Buk cooler lbs 2 Surge mlkera ond pump SS pefl and strainer FEED 3000 bales of choice Please Note This Is a Century Farm Farm is for Solo Complete Dispersal Terms are cash or cheque with I Not responsible for accidents Lunch available MAX STOREY ROCKWOOD Auctioneer AUCTIONEER BRIAN HILL 1 BO WANTED TO RENT REQUIRE or bed room apartment April or May Max mo Phone collect FOR RENT Suitable for working person couple TWO houses for rent In Georgetown bedroom bedroom WOO Available May 1st No pelt bedroom town house In Acton per month No pats or oven BEDROOM homo In rooms carpets drapes available May 1st month plus heat and ELK Hall for rent Harold at 877 or Lorry after REAL ESTATE house wllh barn on 10 acres Acton 1st percent asking price No agents please OPEN HOUSE In picturesque Eden Mills cozy two bedroom bungalow with large living room and lovely fireplace Completely modern bathroom Separate garage and lot 100 COME AND SEE SUNDAY Take No west to Edon Mills continue straight past the gas station Then left and follow the signs Agent on duty Century Crown Cty Realty Ltd The name friends recommend ACTON BEGINNER BARGAIN 3 bod 10A limine Ing to July Company relocation an cam d call AH bid hams Doubts gangs fin lam room deck and la ynrd lanced Owner moving and see it with EXCLUSIVE ESCARPMENT PROPERTY S149 900 Call Carole LoPAGEIONTARIOlLTD REALTOR 878tilOI Toronto garage beys to Gulf Hwy ACTON curling Club Hall for rent For fur Information Call APARTMENTS FOR RENT BACHELOR apartment tor rent In Acton In eludes fridge slove end utilities month 1574 ONE bedroom apart for rent Available May or June All adults only No pets 853 1168 BEDROOM apart lent occupancy May ll Call BEDROOM upstairs Downtown local Ion en trance Adults only 853 Available May 1st I bedroom month All Included Free parking No pets Adults only Call Mr at 1447 1 BEDROOM apart I ment No pets No child I 853 or 853 I IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY And ask for dandy bedroom homo located in most convonont ACTON rosidontal area Many extras ncludng fr Coll Gerry 3l96or8782811 Vendor II hold first mortgago on th farm property Oior 2000 ft frontage on Hwy just m las South of Acton Good sold res donee Id Call Garry 3196or87828l1 able May 1st All Quiet location Wilson Dr Milton ONE bedroom apart per month Does not Include hydro Apply to Short I Mi Gulf Station south Georgetown Student Manpower A Student Manpower office Is now open In Georgetown to assist Acton youngsters in finding jobs for this The office under the supervision of Erlka Harper ia situated In Square right next to last year a location Students wishing to register for Bummer employment may visit the Georgetown office to register Ms Harper says she plans on attending Acton High School to to students and hand out forma but fan t sure of the date The student manpower office finds it has more business from George town Ms Harper said who was also bat year s Acton employers tend to want Acton students for work and hire through word of mouth recom mendations Seniors tax credits 300 There a per year available in tax credits to Hills senior citizens Applications for the two types of tax may be made through the town The most popular credit requires an cation be made by Sep tember About residents applied last year This tax break comes under provincial legislation entitled The Municipal Elderly Residence Act Under the credit can be received by residents years age or older They must have lived In a residence which they own for five consecutive years As long as they receive the Guaranteed Annual Supplement from Ottawa they get the Halton Hills tax department official Grant Usher said in an interview Tuesday Halton Hills recently Increased the credit to 150 from Applications to the town are verified with Ottawa The second form of tax credit Is less popular al though it also is for About 11 people applied for the Municipal and School Tax Credit As sistance Act benefit although all of the SO who applied for the first break qualified for the second This is Dot a grant like the first tax credit it is a lien which is registered against the property If the applicant for this tax credit sells the property or dle3 the estate must reimburse the province at no in terest for the amount registered on title Applications under the Municipal and School Tax Credit Assistance Act must be made by the end of the year 6 J REAL ESTATE ERAMOSA TOWNSHIP bounded by ver woll fenced bank bam hydro- wot or Exco lent lion foot drive shed and a 2 storey homo Ovor square foot of gracious living Townsh Fenced all around small barn pad dock soma pasture and bush Excellent set up for horses Brick bung olow old sep arata llv dm rooms oat In kitchen ma n floor laundry roc room with F lots of growlno 500 BETTY LOU CLARK or 1 ROYAL CITY REALTY