Lady Fair knitting worsted 17K 172 no I Ideal lor lkwfil or j inci ic sky navy oil ft bight Save 25 to 39 Lady Fair knitting yarns Lady Fair Tapestry wool Save Rug or kits Eaton 31 50 n ff Klt 177 acrylic cut yam canvas In design lull colour and instructions to lalch hook a rug appro x 36 Forest sunsol 173 Flowing browns 170 173 Class OEPT Save 30 Knitting needle set Eaton rag 22 f pars ling sizes to mm a leathor I ko vinyl case gill ideal Save 25 Crochet hook set Eaton Sat J 17J 172 A dozen crochet hooks szes to 10 mm in plastic caso walnut II ye gala gold deep orange autumn llama ripe and cream pastel in lullaby oil Lady Fair wool 172 Kn 10 care Approx 50 tail ProvidG pae navy Ik wood brown gem grey i i black 10869 17M 172 Eaywah acryl lot garment or I Approx baby ye low peach blue aqua card no camel powder til ga a gold poaches aid p to aery and rayon shades yo low green patois Lady Fair Baby Sayelle Eaton reg c ran 1 J balls J J Soil to machine wash and pnk sky yellow green pastels lullaby low Also in acrylic and rayon tw in crystal whlo DEPT 224 green dk tape avalabL at Eaton j Pockwood Rexdar Vc lo a Pi GerraFdSquio Lady Fair Craft Yarn S1 10 All acryl lor Fug punch bulky in appro pull skeins red si vol ay ye go d topaz wood brown be go It powder blue Not a colour ava lablo at all More Lady Fair Rug Yarn a 359 17R Regular lenqlti pro cut bi ml orange autumn II gold da II purplo olive back red royal blue Not all all tores Lady Fair Rug Yarn Long sculptured look when used w regular length yarn or a hag look on its own 320 piece per nal r vo green deep orange god w no a Co ours able Phono Eaton a Toronto Eaton Contro 3rd floor Scar borough ShoFway Don Mils Shoppers World O Rockwood Duller Vc tor a Pnik Square unless o spocil Dont miss this chance to save during our biggest sale of the year