B6 The Acton Free Press Wednesday A Limehouse parents say Board projections off base urge school not be twinned Halton board of Education is off base on its enrolment projections for Limehouse school and the board planning to twin the school with Joseph Gibbons In Georgetown limehouse parents lead by David Mulllns presented a brief to trustees Thursday their school not be Mulllns told the board t be classified as a small school and facing possible twinning If the school is twinned its principal will be at Gibbons school He noted a recent brief from the Halton Elementary Principals Association classes a small school subject to twinning as one with an enrolment between SO and ISO pupils We are at least pupils above that number Mulllns declared Current enrolment Is and while 32 grade six pupils will leave 20 Kindergarten students will enter the school In September giving the school at least 184 pupils in the fall Mulllns explained However the board has failed to consider the extra students which will come from a S3 home estate development on Slderoad between the Fifth and Sixth Lines He pointed out con struction of these homes will begin this June with expected in the fall Using the board projec tion figure of per cent children per unit there are children coming into our community Of these at least 13 will enrol in school Why are these 13 children not Included in your 1978 projection figure of 180 students Mullins asked the board He also brought up a Helton Hills planning department study of Marywood Meadows which showed of homes surveyed there were residents of which 87 were children This study shows the board per cent enrol figures lsn t correct for the Georgetown area Using this study as a basis for our new subdivision we claim that over 53 children will enter our community of which will enroll in Limehouse putting our 1978 enrolment over the mark be suggested He said these figures should have been considered by the board stating the disadvan tages of twinning far out weigh the advantages Disadvantages Include in creased workload for staff In the smaller school teacher responsibility Increasing for discipline because the principal Is in the other school emergencies can disrupt the school and com contact is reduced at a time when community Involvement Is increasing Mulllns said He asked the board to answer the parents question in writing Including Why does the board insist on using an overall projection average of 2 per cent per household when it has been proven that the Georgetown area Is one of the highest in Ontario at per cent The Incorrect projection of our 1977 enrolment disrupted the whole school Parents also want to know why Halton Hills wasnt represented on the boards finance committee when twinning costs were con sidered and bow a teaching viceprincipal which is all would have divides his time Answers are also needed to the question of principal responsibility to the twinned school and If enrolment Increases at will the school get Its principal back Lastly parents ask Can you prove to us that bigger Is better Mullins said He suggested the board consider quality of education acceptance of twinning and wets when making lis final decision on limehouse Georgetown Trustee Barry Shepherd said he tend to agree with the Marywood Meadows findings since be lives there and knows Us true He Joined parents In asking why the new sub division wasn Included Director of Education Em Lavender said the estate development will partly be In the school area and partly In M Bennett School area Bennett Is an Acton school He warned all of the students from the subdivision could end up going to one of the two schools and not split up Lavender explained when the students material I re the enrolment of both schools will be reviewed to see where they go to school principal who Another thing is the sub division been regis tered although It will be soon Lavender said adding estate homes t expected to produce as many children as the Marywood Meadows development Just because homes are built that doesn auto matically mean they are occupied Lavender said reminding trustees many new homes sat empty for some time In Milton The board has been very close In its projects the last alx years and the problem last fall the total enrolment projec tion but grade projections Grade projections off so some last minute shuffling took place That was the disruption referred to Lavender explained said the students from the new housing development would more likely go to school than M Z Bennett and suggested administration was being too general Instead of specific Area superintendent Frank said half of the sub division will be in the Bennett enrolment area and half in the Limehouse enrolment area It will be a while before the board decides where these new pupils go ex plained since Hills planning department expects only five or six homes will be built this year another in 1979 and the remainder In I960 There Is a good chance all the students will go to one of the schools since subdivision splits are avoided He Bald he prepared yet to recommend to which school the children go Another Limehouse parent disputed Dana report noting she talked to the developer who expects to have all the homes built and occupied by the fall and said he expects to be selling them to people with children The same mother added many of the parents worried about the twinning live north of the new housing develop ment and would be concerned if their children are going to be moved to M Z Bennett Hinton Ignored Dana comments saying everyone knows the new children will be going to Limehouse He urged the board not twin the school at this time and instead leave It with a principal thought it was belter to give the school another year or two with its present structure to see If enrolment Is going to Increase because of new development rather than twin it because of current and questionable enrolment projections Both Trustee Bill Herd and chairman Garry Morton noted Hills was represented on finance com mil tec by former Georgetown board member Don Long who resigned because of business pressures answering one of the parents questions In addition attended a number of the meetings although he t a member of the committee Welcome Anyone in the community Is welcome to attend Canada Day at the High school next Wednesday April Optimist Club nearing goal be 35 members for a charter A meeting will be held this coming Monday night at the home or BUI Johnson to dis cuss the new group further It Is not yet known when and where they win meet Any men who are in terested are asked to phone Bill Chagnon at There optimism about the new Optimists club for Acton Organizer Bill Chagnon says that about per cent of the required membership of Is signed up already and things are looking good He expects to assemble a full roster of men in the next couple of weeks There must Fire hall to open Milton Firelighters are June calls the new station his proud of their new home the final and most Important goal new Central Station in his years with the at405SteeIesAve which will department He will chair the be officially opened at a ceremony Saturday after ceremony this Saturday noon afternoon The opening Including a Fire Chief A E Clement ribbon cutting and the unveil who plans to retire from the tag of a plaque will be fire service at the end of followed by a gun salute THESE LADIES ARE ALL learning the art of rug hooking under the tutelage of Shirley Lyons standing Classes meet Saturdays in the library Rec dept hires supervisors Hills Recreation department has hired super visors for their summer activity programs Super visor In Acton for playground adventure and youth sites is Miss Kelly Cook Miss Cook Is a post secondary school student The leadership develop ment program is being run for the second year with Miss Ruth Agglss supervising tho program The eight week program Is designed for teens who wish leadership training Students enrolled In the course will be placed on fercnt recreation sites throughout the summer A pre selection training session was held three evenings In February At these sessions applicants for supervisory and leadership positions were instructed in various playground activities through discussion and demonstrations While the applicants were learning Recreation coordinators were able to evaluate by observing them In action All the applicants have been Interviewed however lions have not been con Dont twin Speyside with town school parents urge Twinning a rural school with a town school will harm the special environment which makes a rural school so successful a delegation of Speyside parents told Board of Education Thur sday The administration has proposed school be twinned with Robert Little in Acton next year This would mean the principal of the two schools will be in Acton while Speyside will have a vice- principal who is tied up much of the time with teaching Spokesman for the parents Janet Armstrong told the board one principal will be responsible for pupils next fall in two schools miles apart If twinning Is approved It would be one thing If two twinned schools were in the same neighborhood but the proposed twinning will put a rural school with a town school The atmosphere and conditions In a rural school are much different than In a town school Mrs Armstrong said parents appreciate the boards cost concerns but don think It is right to take away principal and move Robert Little s viceprincipal there The viceprincipal at would be teaching percent of the time compared with the percent of the time Sbe suggested the school will lose two of Its teachers next year because of enrolment problems after losing one strong teacher last year The school can aftordtoloseltsprincipal too she said If twinning Is approved will lose Its small rural school atmosphere and possibly its name too Mrs Armstrong claimed The province regards the smaller twinned school as part of the larger school bo both schools will really be Robert Little school A school should have Its own autonomy with a on hand to make local decisions Mrs Armstrong declared Having a local principal who knows the parents and students Is Important because many homes are miles apart and Isolated and the area Is plagued by strong winter weather Conditions during winter can be completely Good communication on busing is extremely im portant in Speyside she said and a principal at is essential to good com muni cations tions can be different at best because of jammed party lines and downed phone lines without parents trying to communicate with a clpal In Acton We fear that if Speyside Is twinned with Robert Little a town school miles away we will be losing the major factor that contributes to the school atmosphere we so Parents emphasised they don t want special staffing or facilities just a principal who will be on hand so he can deal effectively with parents and pupils Georgetown Trustee Barry Shepherd said the only ad vantage to twinning is economic He said clear savings figures need to be supplied to trustees before they make the twinning decision since there are so many disadvantages to twinning Acton Trustee Bert noted his views on the importance of preserving the small rural school ore well known He believes rural schools should be kept open because they high quality education Twinning with Robert Little will mean a saving of only declared and to worry about that much money Is silly when so much Is wasted by the board Tree stops unmanned van An unmanned van came to that it rolled forward south rest against a Willow Street bound until stopped by a tree South tree after the vehicle on the east side of Willow crossed Church Street street Tuesday April 11 afternoon police say the van Damage to the van was put owned by Ron of at by police About in Mossley was left unattended damage was taken on a stop on Willow Street South and sign HAT FEE ON ACTON HOMES up to of ante ma USING MACHINE BLOWN MINERAL WOOL INSULATION I0FFEHGOODUMTILAPHIL30 RYCKMANS INSULATION LIMITED or CaUBurffngtanColtect Of 6810361 Abo Cham UP Foam for yatr warranty CARPET CORNER 11 MAIN ST 8533620 Your headquarters In Halton Hills For CARPETING CUSHION FLOORING DRAPERIES CERAMIC TILES SAVEJQO MOVIE J A Martin Photographs A PASSION ROMANCE MOVIE A winner at Cannes A winner of several Juno Awards WEDNESDAY APRIL 19 PM ACTON HIGH SCHOOL 2 Per Person ITS HIKE AGAIN Evergreens Trees or Shrubs Come to Birch Way Farm NURSERY and GARDEN CENTRE 1 Mile North of Highway on Halton Road 3 at OPEN DAYS A WEEK You save off our regular retail price for developing and printing your roll of colour print film A COLOR AGFACOLOR la mi ACTON PHARMACY LTD Corner of Mill Main 8531620 firmed Day camp and camping supervisor is Flick Kick wilt work with day camp leaders and develop plans for he four weekendcamping trips this summer Assistant camping supervisor Is Miss Nancy Acton will have two playgrounds one adventure one youth and one day camp site A program will also be run In the sum by current supervisor Lynda will also have one adventure and one playground site this summer paiUfy BOWL for BOWL tor Hulth Acton Bowling Lanes B A I Main St Superior GUARANTEE f LBTtMl ruf tabor I If or a long you own Richs Swwfl Centra Ltd ACTON PHONE NATURES EMPORIUM EXCUSE THE CHAOS- WERE RENOVATING FOR A NEW SPRING LOOK MEDIUM CODAS CHEESE SI WHEAT ft flora Off warns miss ALMONDS FRIDAY IS DAT I Gat 10 Frl 108 Mon J 19SS MAIN ST GLEN WILLIAMS FOODS CHEESES THE OMBUDSMAN FOR THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO announces that members of his staff be available for private in at THE COMMUNITY CENTRE Sherwood Park Stonay Creek Ontario from 10 m to700pm Thursday 1978 and THE BURLINGTON CITY HALL Brant Street Burlington Ontario from am to 700 pm Friday April 1978 for Individuals groups organizations and their representatives who wish to bring to the attention of The Ombudsman any complaints or grievances concerning the acts or administrative decisions of any Ministry Agency Board or Commission of the Government of the Province of Ontario These interviews shall be conducted in private due to the obligation upon The and his staff to make no disclosure of any information received Individuals groups organizations or their representatives wishing to present briefs or statements or make complaints may if they wish provide copies of such material prior to the above date by addressing them to The Ombudsman Floor Queen Street West Toronto Ontario MSH2M6 Home and School Schools discriminate against bright children Bright children are being discriminated against In Halton and not given every opportunity to develop their abilities according to the Home and School Association Wills of the Home and School told Halton Board of Education Thursday the schools t providing enough challenges for gifted and they need more opportunities to associate with other bright children Several years ago there was a special segregated enrichment program for bright children In Halton but that was abandoned in favor of a program where teachers develop programs for bright children but within the framework of traditional classes Bright children are In tegrated with regular students but the board is developing special program of gifted children la which brings bright children needed as well as expansion together from time to time of criteria to include not just Materials and transportation bright children but also to these segretated sessions highly motivated children costs more than trustees and creative pupils thought It would so some she said classes for bright have suggested It be scrap ped Mrs Wills praised the board for moving In the right direction by hiring two con sultants to work with bright children but the board children are needed so they can receive Instruction com with their abilities and enjoy peer Interaction Teachers with special training are also needed Programs for gifted should gone far enough yet she said begin at the start of a school The number of challenges career and continue and opportunities for gifted throughout Mrs Wills children vary considerably suggested from school to school and only The board should also in those schools where there develop means to find late are a large number of bright bloomers who would benefit pupils is a good job in peer from enrichment training Interaction and providing said and continue to pay challenging programs transportation costs for Hiring a few consultants Is bringing gifted children a first step which must be together Mrs Wills also taken further she said suggested the board draw up suggesting further Identl some guidelines for parents Golden The Acton Free Press Wednesday Apnl19 B7 Agers meet Cpl ORoiirke jubilee medal FRANK VAN has collected enough sap to make 2 gallons of maple syrup using seven collecting buckets on five trees on his Bower Ave lot Mrs Van Wyck checks the progress at one of the taps The regular meeting of the Golden Age Club was held on April at Hall R Davidson was In the chair and opened the meeting by all joining In singing Canada followed by the theme song The secretary report was read and approved The bake sale was discussed and moved by Kate Post and seconded by Anne Berry that the group hold the home bake at the office of It was suggested by Jean Le Lehman that the picture the Golden Agers have that was hand painted have tickets sold on it to be drawn at the conclusion of the bake sale Mae Fountain Is to have the tickets made and Lena Mann is to make posters The secretary Is to put a notice in the paper for coming events so as to insure the date The meeting adjourned for playing euchre and crokinole Malachy Desmond ORourke was a recent recipient of the Queen Silver Jubilee Medal Cpl Is the youngest son of Mrs Elizabeth O and the late Thomas ORourke Rock wood After finishing high school in Acton he joined the C A Following his training he has been stationed in many countries including England Germany Africa Greenland and Norway He is married to the former Irene Ash of they have one child a son Patrick aged six Presently stationed at Trenton having been Iran sferred from Base Borden he Is an electrical technician instructor Friends and relations are very proud of Desmonds achievement and the recognition he has so justly earned for his long and dedicated service Truck hit in plaza A parked and unoccupied Georgetown Friday evening pickup truck belonging to police put the Ralph of It damage to the truck at about Acton was struck on the left front fender and door when it left the scene of the mishap was parked in Plata Sea us first when you need car or truck rental lor Business Trips Holidays Moving Low Daily Rales and mileage Mem Si Acton ACTON DELICATESSEN PANTRY BOUTIQUE HUH Acton Ontario LEAVE THE CATERING TO US for avary Partita Wadding Receptlont Stags Matting WE ALSO MAKEUP Mt Decorative Chawa Trays Salt Sandwlchw PattryTrayt Call 8531350 Of Cards No