The Acton Free Press Wednesday April 19 into a phone cable caused disruption in phone service In the area or Willow St N on A town parking sign driven Tuesday Phones out FORBES COLE CELEBRATED his 90th Birthday with a party Sunday at Brookville Hall and spent some time chatting with his daughter Lena Mrs Doug Mason Forbes Cole celebrates 90th birthday Sunday children brother in law Charles Special guests at the party Robertson Hamilton were Mr Cole brother Bob A special letter of from Milton his sister congratulations was received Beatrice Mrs Gerald federal opposition Downs Milton and his leader Joe Clark Mrs Brooks given pin from UCW On April 1888 In Horn by Trafalgar township Walter and Emily Cole had heir first son Forbes Today Wednesday is his birthday About people dropped into Brook ville Hall on Sunday to wish him well and help him celebrate this rare occasion Mr Cole farmed all his life until six years ago at R 2 Acton Upon his retirement he and his wife a mere moved to Cameron St Acton However even today he likes to visit the old homestead and check out the farming He still likes to browse at auctions also The party was put on by his children Jack RRZ Acton Ruth Mrs Roy Wood Campbcllvllle Lena Mrs Doug Mason Acton Walter R Acton Edwin at home and Doreen Mrs Ross Cole also has grand children and great grand MARCH BIRTHDAY visits were made to senior citizens by Lions club members John Dennis and Haid Pictured left with Betty White and Gladys Hoffman are nandes and Mr Dennis Betty was born March 1919 and Gladys March They live at s Home Above are Mrs Margaret born March 1886 and Moore born March They are Mapleview residents Knox WMS Thankoffering MAIN DRAW COMING MAY 6TH la rumfeg out Buy now You could win BOO or month ftwtha root of your I J CWL sale films plans The United Church Women of Trinity United church met in the chapel with Mrs in the chair and opening with a poem Our Hands Mrs Shoemaker was in charge of devotions with Mrs raid Scripture Dorothy Simmons led in singing a hymn Mrs Little read a poem Do It Today and Mrs Shoemaker read several excerpts from religious pages The ladles presented Mrs Brooks with a lCW pin before she goes to her new home at St Luke a Preston A quilt has been made and donated to a family who lost all In a fire Roll call was answered by IS ladles with IT house calls and hospital calls Mrs Vcldhuis was reported to be ill and all hoped she Is feeling much better The meeting ended with lunch and cookies Members then went to the church parlour to speak to the Simpson family in their recent bereavement The Spring Thankoffering meeting of Knox Women Missionary Society after noon auxiliary was held In the Mary Ellen Anderson room of the church Miss Isabel Anderson opened he meeting with the poems The First Easter Day and After the Winter Comes the Spring and with prayer The scrip ture lesson John 15 was read The CWL meeting of confirmation on April The unison following the sing April opened with a district commissioner Pal the hymn The Old Theta Phi new vice president The first meeting in April of Theta Phi Chapter took place April at home of Dian Bowers Cohostess was Diane The sherry gift was brought by Morion Mathews and won by Terry After the business meeting the program was presented by Cheryl Beaton and Lynda Griffin the topic of medicine Their guest speakers for the evening were from Rape Crisis Centre The evening con eluded with dessert and coffee The Halton city council meeting was held April at the home of Terry Grubbe Plans were for maliied for the Founders Day Celebration to be held April Mrs announced that Kay Dills editor of the Acton Free Press will be the council honoured guest for the evening presenting the yearbook and awards which she has judged Following the meeting elections for 7879 took place and Diane Tappin of Theta Phi elected Vice- Lively election for Ys President There was no sleeping In for members on Saturday April 15 as the social committee comprised of Susan Johnson Maureen Peggy Johnston Diane ODwyre and Joyce planned a surprise breakfast at the home of Susan Johnson Three of the social com mittee members rang door bells at 7 30 a and took members as they were to the breakfast Quiche Lorraine bacon sausage fresh fruit bowls and biscuits were served plus lots of coffee Many neighbours In town must have wondered why members were entering their homes at noon In nightgowns and bathrobes The best outfit prayer It was decided to hold St Josephs Parish spring bake sale on May from 11 am p m in church hall This Is the day before Mother s Day The major prize for Christmas bazaar will be a 36 Raggedy Ann and Andy and a money purse Four of the ladles offered to help with the May euchre The CWL will serve lunch following the sacrament of Mary Graham life member The Knox Alert Evening Group met In the Mary Ellen Anderson room last Wed nesday evening The program was the Easter and Springtime theme combined Readings were given by Mrs Bessie Musselle Nellie Merkley and Irene Terry Mrs Lena Mann gave a piano solo Nights of Glad which was much A Life membership was presented to Mrs Mary Plans for the coming Bake Sale were final ted and the meeting was closed with the Mlzpah Benediction and a delicious lunch of fruit breads with cheese and a cup of tea followed VanderEyken asked for the Rugged Cross use of the church hall for Conveners for the month Brownies on Wednesday were Miss Anderson and Mrs nights IS p m Wood Mrs Wood led in starting in Sept It was prayer and read a story about unanimously agreed by giving Joy to a sick person CWL members to allow Miss Anderson read a Brownies to use the hall chapter from the book by The May meeting will be held in the church hall and QQQI since lowers of hope week falls May Mrs Julie Almost people enjoyed Conroy will show a film Who the regular monthly lunch at shall survive put out by the last Thursday The Joseph Kennedy foun organizers would be even also a film on the happier it they could feed facilities and services over each time available In Norll Halton for The luncheons are the the retarded The meeting second Thursday of each closed with prayer month Edna Uphill All The Way The secretary Mrs Watson gave the roll call and rend the minutes of the last meeting Mrs gave the treasurer report The meeting closed with the singing of When 1 Survey the Wondrous Cross A time of fellowship then enjoyed over lunch provided by the committee May 1st is the deadline for applications fo C old Brown Provincial It could solve all your tax problems The Acton Club held their monthly meeting on April 10 at Margaret home with nine members present Shirley opened the meeting with a Menettes prayer she wrote especially for the club They discussed sending additional funds to the family of their adopted child and this will be done when they have some correspondence and can decide exactly how much and when the additional funds should be sent Pat Is vicepresident Margaret secretary Robertson treasurer and friendship Anne Usher bulletin editors Pat and Louise Clark Shirley showed a film called Sexuality and Communication It was a most imformative and en film which is used in nurses training but it tainly proved to be a film that would interest everyone The meeting was concluded with friendly conversation over coffee and dessert award event to Marlene Kempton who arrived in robe and wet hair in a towel Crocuses and snowdrops are welcome sights PUBLIC MEETING TO ELECT BOARD MEMBERS FOR HALTON HILLS COMMUNITY LEGAL CLINIC APRIL KNOX CHURCH HALL GEORGETOWN EVERYONE WELCOME 16 Mountainview Road Suite 304 GEORGETOWN 8776984 pricing tables for the as they have funds set aside for this purpose They held a lively election Renovations have im of officers for the proved the front of the season and they are as store New facing was In follows president Shirley stalled this week Specialty Store CHATELAINE LIGHTING Multi Bright Ideas For All Your Lighting Needs EXTENSIVE SELECTION OF HOUSE FIXTURES Wbte Lamp Chlmat Lamp Si Canual Claming Wking Etc Vein ton Hood FREE PARKING OPEN DAILY 30 PHI TIL SATURDAYS a A AUN A lliw IZfflOMia brio ill ton bra mo to CHICKEN PIZZA 29 MILL EAST 8532450 8783272 8783208 21 Only Come see how the vampires do il Sun 23 Mn 24 Tut IBM Mil Mrilflit 2PM Sao Mba Mirlnti nose The Provincial could make you a millionaire TAX FREE OPEN SUNDAYS 1230 UNIFORM DRESSES 588 PANTS 297 WHITE COLOURS LADIES tops 288 SHORTS Show Times Sun toThura and Sat p p STORE HOURS MONDAY TO SATURDAY PM THE OLD 18B sit MAIN ST GLEN WILLIAMS