B4 The Acton Free Press Wednesday 1978 Golden anniversary for John Kate Post Guests came from all over central Ontario to attend the wedding anniversary party of Mr and Mrs John Post Frederick St The couple were married April in Brentford Ontario The bride Kate Elizabeth Is the daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Charles Webber of Brantford The groom Is the son of the late Mr and Mrs William Post of Kent England and The made their home in for many OPEN HOUSE WAS held at the Acton Curling Club for Mr and Mrs John Post on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary Couple wed 50 years story in newspaper years before moving to Meaford Ontario They lived there for several years and moved to Acton five years ago to be more centrally located to their children Mr was an employee of textile mills for years before bis retirement and Mrs Post worked in various stores in the Meaford area They have five daughters Ruth Mrs Prank Elliott Brantford Grace Mrs Garland Wilson Peter borough Patricia Mrs Guy Mathieu Shirley Mrs Brydon Hunter Acton and Sheila Mrs Bruce Graham Kitchener They also have is grandchildren j A MRS Ed Archibald celebrated their and seven great grand- anniversary on March at their iElen bo and people home in Guelph They are former residents of attended the open Nassagaweya and Erin townships In the Acton Curling Club on Sunday A family dinner was held in the evening Guests travelled from Brantford Peterborough Kitchener Meaford Brampton Gait Guelph Paris and Oshawa Also at the cellbratlon was Mrs Phyllis Hamilton who was brides maid 50 years ago Special greetings were received from Frank member of Julian Reed member of provincial ment for the Rev Charles Beaton the mayor of the mayor of Halton Hills Tom Hill Ontario premier Bill Davis and Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau Couple celebrates 45th anniversary Forty five years of Nassagaweya where they He fa the brides own dress for the occasion As marriage were celebrated lived Tor years before brother Her sister the late gifts a portraits of each March when Ted and Mary to Erin township They Mrs Oscar Strome was also child family was received Archibald were guests In lived there for years before to the wedding party by the happy couple their own homo for an retiring in 1B73 to their Mrs Archibald made her ersary open house They live present home In Guelph at 36 Robertson Mr Archibald was a party was arranged by his entire life Mrs the couple s children Ida Archibald belonged to the Mrs Don Matthews of Acton Fair Board and was Fergus Fred of Acton Joan president from until Mrs Phil McCrlsUtll of She was also a member of the Acton and Donald of Acton Greenock Women Institute and the Archibald s 13 grand- Guests attended the open children house from London Mr Archibald Is the son of Mr and Mrs Samuel Archibald of Schomberg His Toronto Guelph wife 1b the daughter of Mr and the Acton district A and Mrs William of telegram was received from the Guelph district nieces and nephews In After they were married Florida the lived in A member of the original Schomberg for three years wedding party Wilfred They then moved to attended the Taken from the Brantford Expositor 1928 A very pretty wedding was solemnized at Trinity Anglican church Eagle Place at one Wednesday April is when Kate Elizabeth second daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Webber of this city was united In marriage to John Post youngest son of Mr and Mrs William Post of Kent England and The bride entered the church on the arm of her father and was becomingly gowned in Alice Blue satin trimmed with em broidery wearing a grey hat slippers hose and gloves to match She carried a beautiful bouquet of sunset roses The bridesmaid Miss Phyllis Hall wore sand and rosewood georgette sand hat with shoes and gloves to match and carried a bouquet of Columbia roses The groom was attended by Ernest Pusey and the ceremony was performed by the Rector of Trinity church the Rev c Owen assisted by the Rector of St Paul church the Rev J Tully with Harry presiding at the organ The happy couple left by train for Collingwood and points north amid showers of confetti and best wishes The numerous and beautiful presents show the high esteem in the young couple are held A reception was held at Collingwood upon their arrival On their return they will reside at SO St Mr Mrs Neil Martin mark golden anniv MR AND MRS NEIL MARTIN of Kings lelgh Ct Milton quietly marked their 50th versary on April 5 The couple have lived in Milton Acton and the area all their married life 36 members at Auxiliary meeting banquets so will need lots of help girls Psychic turns to entertain the veterans A The Legion Ladles Auxil cheque went from the held their monthly meet Auxiliary along with the Ing last week with 36 present ladles to provide something Roberta Hughes a member needy for the veterans from OakviUe Auxiliary was Branch 197 and the Ladies transferred and present at Auxiliary ore going to donate the meeting Anew the money for a bus trip for lU was nominated and in residents of Manor will be In May The In Senior Citizens week In Popular psychic Geraldlnc bazaar was discussed and June Also as many that can Smith of Oakvlile is thinking girts were asked to be con- go and help with wheelchairs of turning her special powers j f i m crimp ORIGINAL WEDDING picture of Mr and Mrs John Post who were married on April 1928 They just celebrated their 50th anniversary for the tables Jean has an Interest Ing bus trip for the group Aug so any Legion members wanting to go get In touch with Jean In lots of time Eva Cutting had her name drawn for money pot but was unable to attend Lloyd has been in hospital and all hope for him a speedy recovery Easter lilies were sent to all the senior comrades The Zone Rally is on April and President Helen Fowler hopes to have a whole bus load going It Is in Milton at the Legion or at Ed In and Out The ladies donated toward new uniforms for the A bus load of and Ladles Auxiliary went to Sunnybrook Sunday The were i the day of the Lawn Party against crime will be more than welcome Mrs Smith Any baking and white elephant pieces will be picked up Kathy is having another mixed euchre in May Lots of career in eludes about 15 psychic readings plus seances lec tures radio and TV appear twees Lifelong area residents Mr and Mrs Neil Martin of 324 Kingslelgh Ct Milton celebrated a happy last week Wednesday April 5 was the golden anniversary of their marriage and their only son Larry treated them to dinner at Hunter Inn Georgetown The Marlins recently returned to live in Milton after a year and a hall In Georgetown Otherwise they have spent the rest of their married life in Milton Acton and Mr Martin was originally from Pus I inch but moved to his uncle Town Line farm just before he married Margaret Wilson They were married by Jones at the Nassagaweya Presbyterian Church manse April 1928 They recall their wedding day with great clarity It was a Wet and rainy spring and the roads were in terrible shape they said Mr Martin had borrowed his brother in law car and got It stuck three times just trying to get to the ministers house At one point It was settling in the mud and by the time a team of horses was rounded up to pull it free the mud halfway up the doors recalls Mr Martin worked at various Jobs Including far thresh silo I the railroad trucking lories and custodial work before he retired In 1973 at the age of last Job was on the staff of the Halton County Court House and Admin I Building in Milton The Martins did not plan any open house celebration for their anniversary weve just been too busy they said but their many friends let them forget the occasion They received cards of good wishes floral arrangements THE STANDING GENERAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE The Standing General Government Comm will be consider Sess anal Paper Policy Options for Conllnuing Tenant Protect on on e Wednesdays commencng Apr I 1978 Thetrst these meet w cons Rent Rev ew on and the last two The Land and Tenant Act Interested or at ah ng to present Briefs andor appear the Comm toe should contact the Clerk of the Comm Room Bu Id Queens Park Toronto telephone lien els should be as cone as ble in point form and submitted at the earliest b date TOic RM Constniction R Guelph Ospringe Corner 24 and 25 Sand Gravel Excavating Trucking Landscaping Tree Removal Gabions Ralph Reinders NUM Ill AMI FLORIST CENTRE LTD R 2 FLORAL DESIGNS FOR All OCCASIONS Wo carry a complete line of trees shrubs fruit trees evergreens mats bulk stock Cash and Carry Special LOMBARDY POPLAR PRIVET SHRUBS 00 and up ANNEX OF SYER S FLOORING DO A ROOM OR A HOUSE SELECT FROM OVER 40000 SQ YDS IMPOSSIBLE TO PAY MORE OUR HIGHEST PRICE IS YD REGULAR VALUES ELSEWHERE UPTOl4 YD STEELES AYE MILTON