B6 The Acton Frog Press Wednesday July 1977 Trottier Waites vows at St Albans church BONNIE JEAN McKENZIE daughter of the Rev and Mrs Andrew Acton and Robert Henry Alain son of Edgar Alain Quebec City were married in Three Hills Alberta on June 18 Acton girl weds in Alberta church Bonnie Jean wore her mothers wedding gown on June when she married Robert Three Hills Alberta The bride is the daughter of the Mrs Andrew and the groom is the son of Edgar Alain of Quebec City The A Chapman officiated at the ceremony and a floral arrangement of carnations and daisies stood at the front of the church Chapman assisted by Mrs Helen provided ihe organ music The bride wore her mothers wedding gown It with a neck long sleeves and covered buttons She wore a tiara of miniature pink and yellow carnations in her hair Shirley and Patrick Jerome ex changed their wedding vows at on June in the Church of St the Martyr Father Len Ewlng officiated at the double ring ceremony Stephen was the organist while a dear friend of the bride and her family Mrs Anne Walton of Bolton Ont was the soloist Janette is the only daughter of Jack and Shirloy of PI Patrick Is the son of Lloyd and Mary of 162 Spanish River Both Janette and Patrick arc planning to return to school in the fall to resume their studies at the University of Toronto and are currently employed for the summer Janette was given in mar by both of her parents She wore a white gown of rosepatterned lace over taffeta with a high neck an empire waist and bell sleeves She also wore a Juliette cap with a floor- length veil trimmed with rosepatterned lace and car a bouquet of red roses and baby s breath Around her neck hung a gold necklace set with blue stones which the bride had borrowed from her mother The necklace had been worn by her grand mother on her wedding day Cheryl of mw j town wait the maid Kerr also read a poem to the honor Cheryl Is both a good bride and Mr Rodriguez Mend and cousin of the bride made a toast to the happy ntm mint green gown with high neck an empire waist cape Guests attended from sleeves and a gathered bod Toronto Kilimat British she wore a headpiece of Columbia Edmonton Car r and roses and stairs Wimborn bouquet of red and Alberta roscs 3 Mr and Mrs Alain have The three bridesmaids made their home in Three were of Acton Hills after honeymooning in Gave Concybeare of M bride uncle Bob Waites of Georgetown The mother of the bride greeted her guests wearing a sleeveless aqua coloured gown with matching floor length chiffon caftan at the bust with liny seed pearls and a single white gardenia for a corsage The groom mother wore a yellow and green print gown with cape sleeves which were lined with yellow and a cor sage of pink gladiotas While ill of their guests were special the bride and groom were honoured to have her Grandmother Mrs Donalda of and his Grandmother Mrs Claire Merchant of Sturgeon Falls take part in the festivities The brideelect was guest of honour at two showers prior to her wedding The first was a miscellaneous shower held by the maid of honor Cheryl The second also a miscellaneous shower was held by Mrs Ross and her daughters of Acton A trousseau tea was also held at the home of the bride par The brides grand mother Mrs and her godmother Mrs Goodwin of Acton organized the tea and poured the ten and carried a bouquet of pink and yellow carnations Bethany Palmer was the bride attendant and Alberto Rodriguez was the best man At a small family reception at the home of Mrs Evelyn Kerr in Three Hills the brides brother Alan toasted the bride and welcomed the groom into the family Mrs Banff and Lake Louise SUSAN AND Brian Sinclair were married in on June They are now living at Maria St Acton Photo by Stuckey and Trudy of Ont Lynne S torn is a longtime friend of the bride and Trudy arc good friends and former housemates of the bride while she attended The bridesmaids wore sleeveless high necked em waited peach coloured gowns with matching long sleeved hooded jackets which tied at the bust They carried bouquets of yellow daisies The best man was Eric Sun strum of Espanola who is a good friend of the groom The ushers wen the groom brother Terry Trottier of the bride brother Bill of Acton and good friend of the groom Bill Train of Toronto Many friends and relatives gathered at Acton Music Centre to share in the of the bride and groom The reception included a din ncr and dance which the Eastern honeymoon for Sinclair Lasby MR AND MRS E Butler celebrated their 50th wedding yesterday Tuesday They have recently retired to Acton from Toronto sweetheart roses and She also wore a gold locket which her father had given to her mother Maid of honor was Miss Linda Smith niece of the bride Bridesmaids were Mrs Beryl Coles Acton a friend and Mrs Marilyn McDonald Guelph sister of the bride They wore sleeveless pink gowns and carried pink carnations and white daisies The bride is the daughter of Erin Irs Lasbv and friend the groom was Westminister St Paul Presbyterian Church Guelph was the setting for the June wedding of Susan Marcia Nancy and Norman Brian Sinclair The Rev Kenneth Wilson officiated at the double ring ceremony with Norman as organist and Paul friend of the groom as soloist He sang O Perfect Love the Lord Prayer and the Wedding Prayer Mrs Lasby and the late Edgar Ave She is a recent graduate of the Ontario Teacher Education College Hamilton The groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Norman Sincla 5 Georgetown He is employed by R Martin Structures Georgetown The bride was escorted down the aisle by her brother Ronald Kitchener She wore a long sleeved gown with a Renaissance neckline and carried a bouquet of pink man Ushers were Carl Smith Guelph nephew or the bride and Bailey Georgetown brother in law of groom Ronald Lasby was the master of ceremonies at a dinner and dance held at the Curling club George Stevenson a neighbor of the brides family made a toast to the bride and her mother made the wedding cake Three showers were held for the bride prior to her marriage A linen shower was held at the home of Mrs Gordon Smith in Hostesses were Miss Linda Smith Mrs Beryl Coles and Mrs Hood A miscellaneous shower was hosted by Mrs Marilyn McDonald and Mrs Ellen at Mrs McDonald home in and a second shower at the home of Mrs Sheila Hamilton 2 Acton The couple made their home at Maria St Acton following a honeymoon to the and New England States HONDA CIVIC WEVE GOT EM IMMEDIATE DELIVERY PI US PREP STANDARD SHIFT OR AUTOMATIC NO DOWN PAYMENT BANK PLAN FINANCING BAZ MOTORS LTD JttMX COUNTRY TV is honoring its warranty service any customer who has lost a TV in our recent fire please come to the store All arrangements will be made at that time We wish to thank the firefighters and elf ourfnends for their help John Salmon Proprietor B InG AT THE INTERNATIONAL CENTRE AIRPORT RD AND DERRY Every Monday 715 pm Sharp BUS LEAVES ACTON 600 pm MILTON 630 BUS SERVICE FOR ACTON and MILTON CALL 8533125 or 8531550 Sponsored by Circle B No go towards ucatlonal religious cultural and other charitable WAITES and Patrick Trottier had a June wedding in St AJban s Church They will return to their studies at the University of Toronto in the fall Photo by Bob Dye Married 50 years time goes quickly Anyone married under is just a bride ex claims Mrs Marie Butler of 16 Clare Court as she and her husband Edwin get ready for a party honoring their years of marriage The couple was married in Halifax Nova Scotia on July 1B27 It wan Dominion Day weekend and Canadians were celebrating their anniversary of confederation when the Butlers exchanged their wedding vows Now jO years later the couple ib enjoying their retirement in Acton In 1930 Mr and Mrs Butler moved from Halifax to Toronto There Mr Butler drove the Toronto Telegram truck for many years They were very good to me he thinks back Mrs Butler also worked for many years with batons where she wos a clerk About the same time the succumbed to all their difficulties Bovis subdivision was being built The Butlers liked for its and decided to make their home here Now they cannot believe how much the town has grown in five short years since their arrival The pair find it hard to believe years has gone past since their marriage We struck gold Mr Butler joked and now we are going for diamonds he laughed referring to the traditional names for and anni versa The first 19 years are the toughest Mrs Butler laughs looking fondly at her husband She said there is no special secret being married to the same person all these years She explained a sense of humor is needed but no formula for a happy mar riage You just have to use your brains Monday the couple drove to St Catharines where an anniversary party was held at the home of their son Edwin They also have a son Robert of Acton and daughter Eunice of Scar borough POWERLINE ELECTRICIANS Alberta Aborts Power Limited an owned utility serving over 340 communities In north am and east central Alberta Our generation capacity bo appro over the next four year and additional and servicemen are needed maintain cur customer LINEMEN baud with one of our craw in the end mo of d it let and I SERVICEMEN provide continuous service a rural and urban customers in a prescribed service area through Ihe Installation opera Hon and maintenance of calgarvlce QuaBtfcadon Journeyman and 3rd year apprentice elect experienced In ensrgiiod overhead and trans mission systems Exposure to underground is an asset It hough not essential If You Are Interested In Salary levels commensurate with qualifications and experience within range of 300 St per month Group banal package including I a nturance pension and medical be no tits Company training program Permanent employment offering good op port or advancement and limited travel allowance lor selected locations Relocation assistance available to the successful applicant Qua Hied cants ere urged to reply writing staling personal history and quel flections Jury to R Buksa Personnel Department Alberta Power Limited 10040 104 Street Edmonton Alberta For further Information call 14034246161 Interview be conducted In meor comers red LIITIIT6C THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF MILTON PROPERTY FOR SALE The Corporation of the Town of Milton will accept written proposals for the purchase of the property formerly used as a Municipal Arena situated on Brown Street Milton Ontario For information regarding the proposals or to see the property please contact the undersigned The Town reserves the right to reject any or all proposals received C Thompson Clerk Town or Milton Main St E 14168787211 Now Famous peelstick tile floors surface fTnishlM w Announcing Easy Care with the new ULTRA surface finish Peel and Stick reinforced vinyl floor tile from Fllntkotel New EasyCaro means good bye wax New Hoots g vo you more enjoy lie your Moor keeps back you Just wipe up messy damp mop now and Your EoayCaro floor stays spark ng And EaayCare Installs The adhesive Is already on Ihe back or Ihe I Just pool and slick A snap lor do Discover EasyCare today and say Goodbye wax GEORGETOWN 8 James St PHONE 8772207 Mm Tien MO A ftLtM MM MO AM MOP ACTON 12 Church St PHONE 8531660 Mil TMrMJMJI Fit MOM Mar SAMOA MOM DELIVERY ABLE Price 96 MACKENZIE BUILDAU