Churchill Anniversary service for community church Bainnatad by Mrs J Turner Roots it helps to remember who we are was the topic of the sermon delivered by the Rev Charles Beaton BD on the occasion of the churchs 139th Anniversary Mr Beaton referred to the churchs founding fathers the Hiram Denny the Swackha triers Ma sales I vera Snyders and Smiths He stated that the faith and determination of its people had enabled the church over the past years to several crisis each of which might have caused it to close and that only indolence and indifference of its members could now defeat it In his congregation sat a number of descendants of the pioneers he named among them four generations of the Denny family Mrs Susie Denny son Clarence Denny grandson Ray Denny and greatgrandson Michael Denny In his evening discourse entitled Fools for Christ Rev Beaton compared Christian values with those of the successoriented comm ercial world The Christian emphasis on trusting car ing sharing healing make him appear a fool in the eyes of those interested only in selfaggrandizement plea sure and the accumulation of wealth but the fulfilment is found in a life of Christian service The evening service was also well attended Ebenezer Special music for the two services was provided by the regular youth choir also several selections by Gods Kids accompanied by Michael Cooper on guitar and solos by Jack Denny and Erica Cornell The Churchill Church arches ta assisted organist Mrs Donald Anderson A beautiful arrangement of red carnations donated by Mrs Kockx adorned the communion able Following the evening service the ladles of the CCW served refreshments in the Sunday School room where a friendly social time was enjoyed Anniversary Sunday guests at the Turner home were Mrs Turners parents Mr and Mrs J J Julian Brampton also a sisterinlaw Mrs Jean Julian with daughter of Mr and Mrs Bumey and family of Port Colbourne visted Saturday evening with Mr and Mrs Thompson after attending the Highland Games in Georgetown Mr and Mrs Ed Green Toronto visited on Sunday with her brother Mr Fred MacArthur and called on Mrs MacArthur who is still a patient in General Hospital Guelph Mr and Mrs C Swackhamer on Sunday attended a family celebration honouring Mr and Mrs Calvin on the occasion of their wedding anniver sary A barbecue supper was held at the home of another sister Mr and Mrs George Sunday guests with Mr and Mrs Wm Kockx and Helen were Mr and Mrs Philip Sheridan and children old friends from Toronto Little Michael Denny son of Mr and Mrs Ray Denny celebrated his second bir thday at his home on Sunday June Guests were his grandparents Mr and Mrs Clarence Denny and Mr and Mrs Ted Brown Sr The change to summer hours of worship at Churchill usually takes some of us by surprise but makes it easier to fit in the multitude of ac tivities the fine weather sugg ests Next Sunday June 19 at 1030 am is Communion Sun day The following Sunday June at the same hour all are embarking by bus courtesy Clarence Denny for Elora Gorge Park for the annual Sunday School picnic Members are forewarned to arrive fully prepared be cause after the open air wor ship service there will be a picnic lunch sports activities and swimming Congratulations to our minister the Rev James L McFadden who graduated this week from a sixyear course in Criminology from Woodsworth College Univer sity of Toronto He received the highest marks in the class and won the Top Award Scholarship to further his studies in Criminology Horseshoes ball game by Winifred Smith We extend sympathy to Mrs Rita who received word lost week of the sudden death of her brother George Oakes who lived in Toronto Mrs Is the last other family as two of her sisters died within the two years We are happy to report that Mrs Ada Kirk wood was able to leave hospital on Sunday after recent surgery We sin cerely hope her health will be much improved Several from our commun ity were seen at the Speyside Highland games held at Georgetown on Saturday The weather was perfect and judging by the large crowd the day was a success Visitors at the Smith farm on Sunday were Mr and Mrs Clayton Root and baby daughter Cheryl from Water loo and Mr and Mrs Griff en Jones from who ore spending holidays there The weather cooperated on Wednesday night for the first competitive game for the Ballinafad girls baseball teams The Blue Jays won 14 to over the Yellow Birds Weather permitting there will bo another game this Wed nesday evening at pm Mr and Mrs Dan OConnor were hosts for the horseshoe pitching contest on Saturday afternoon at their home The 20 or so children had fun play ing games and swimming The adults paired off for competition in the game of pitching horseshoes winning being Gord Cotton and Pat who received a trophy for their effort A bounteous picnic supper was served on the lawn It was communion Sunday at the church when Sacra ment of the Lords Supper was observed The Junior Choir with Mr Bob at the organ rendered the anthem Let Us Break Bread Together They are always a delight to listen to The beautiful flowers placed in the were in loving memory of The Acton Free Press Wednesday June B9 Next Sunday is a special day when Senior Citizens and fathers will be honored A buffet luncheon will be served in the basement As holiday time Is almost here and some children will be away the Junor Choir were treated to refreshments from The Dairy Queen by their The annual congregational leaders after taking part In picnic is planned for Sunday service on Sunday June Wednesday June 15th 630 The Bibles View 700 The Rud Whiting Show Bart Arnold Arnold The Questors Pyramid Power Parts 2 3 WEDNESDAY JUNE 630 The Bibles View 700 The Rud Whiting Show ThB Questors ACTON CHAMBER of COMMERCE From the Acton Chamber of Commerce we wish to thank the three candidates for taking part in the Meet the Candidates Night and to express our congratulations to Mr Julian Reed MPP who was reelected to the Legislature Holy Communion observed on Sunday HOMEfiCOTIrXJE J by Ron McLean Holy Communion was ob served at Ebenezer Sunday morning Rev R Finley spoke on Communion Symbols What Jesus used at the table in the upper room we use every day Ordinary things of life can be hallowed by God In taking bread Jesus says it is bread that will sustain body and soul Then He took the cup This cup is the new covenant In my blood A covenant is a promise The rainbow said people and I will be your God We are prone to the same weakness as people of old After supper Jesus took the towel and wiped the feet of the disciples to bring rest to the weary It is easy to feel the presence of God at the Lords table When you go out into the world take the towel of ser vice with you The June meeting of Ebenezer UCW was held at the manse Twentyone ladies answered the roll with a verse containing the name of Bible vegetable Mrs John Limehouse by Mrs A Benton The WM S met at the home of Mrs Patterson on Wed evening The president Mrs Rough ley opened by reading Little Things Scripture was read by Miss Brigham Text word music and roll call were answered in verses of scripture All had Interesting current events Following the text word music Mrs Crlchton deve loped study on that subject She said music is a language named for Muse goddess of the Arts about the end of the 9th century It was spelled in old hymn books She mentioned some prominent composers of our old time classical music At the close of the meeting Mrs Patterson served a tasty lunch of cake berries and ice cream to the nine present Local notes Mrs Robert Rough of London spent the past week with Mrs J and Miss Four local ladies joined Bannockbum WI for on enjoyable educational bus trip to the Elmlra district Mon Films showing the history and culture of the and a good roast beef dinner were held in the Elmlra Church An old order then conducted a bus tour several miles north among the well- kept farms Afterwards they were left for an hour brows ing in Oldc Town Village Co Ltd a large market and store Communion services will be held next Sun June 19 at am at Limehouse Presbyterian Church We are sorry to hear of Joe Scotts broken jaw resulting from a collision while playing baseball chlng the president opened the meeting with a reading about Abilities It was decided to nave a strawberry social on June It is planned to have a turkey supper on Oct 18 The treasurers report given by Mrs Keith Anderson showed a healthy balance Mrs Don Early reported on taking various supplies to St Josephs hospital and also sending five boxes to Angola and used stamps to the leprosy mission Various ladies described their crafts Mrs Early gave the members interesting little figures she had made She gave an inspiring talk on the power of prayer in healing Tender SHORT HIPS OF BEEF Cut Wrapped LOVELL BROS MODERN MEAT MARKET