Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 20, 1976, p. 4

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4 The Acton Free Press Wed October Halloween on Saturday Decision to have Halloween traditional festivities on Saturday night instead of Sundaythe right date is a good one Halton Hills council has made the decision which was being considered by members of the local Ys Mens club who are again closely involved with the day Saturday will give the costumed characters lots of time to prepare can be out good and early and back home again ditto we hope Acton has had a happy group of youngsters out each Halloween with little foolishness or vandalism in recent years Although vandalism appears to be a growing concern we trust the local people will again show their good sense Hie Ys Men are sponsoring a on the Saturday with proceeds for UNICEF and box collections are so far set for the Saturday as well We will help again The nations of the world spend an estimated million a year for military purposes By contrast has about million for supporting the buildup of basic services benefiting infants and children in countries estimated child population million An additional million is also used for relief and rehabilitation About per cent of long term aid goes to equip health centres provide piping and pumps for village wells help production of food for the family and provide textbooks and teaching aids for schools assistance directly benefits millions of infants and children Nearly 30 per cent goes to support the training of national staff nurses health and nutrition field workers primary school teachers and supervisors familychild welfare and daycare workers needed to run these services At every stage UNICEF and the countries assisted are partners in aid Each government sets its priorities However these are based on a joint survey with of the actual needs of children in the country Most governments invest many times over what UNICEF provides and many build into their national development plans services for children Acton people have been helping in their own small way for many years now Mr and Mrs Bill Wilson and now their son in law Ed have spearheaded the collections each year in a very worthwhile effort Is 16 a majority Dear Editor I wonder if you could give me a little help with a puzzling question set my teacher gave me this problem A man asked people for their opinion on a matter of public interest I think it was about education less than 1000 citizens responded to his question What would be the maximum per centagc of people who may have expressed agreement with his viewpoint Now t does l seem to matter whether I use new maths middleage maths or just plain old arithmetic keep on getting the same answer and that is per cent The Route decision mistake The Editor Dear Sir The recent lengthy and condescending reply by Ontario Hydro to fears of two farm wives Theresa Man ion and Patricia Wilson for their families safety near high voltage transmission lines is infuriating I am one of the hundreds of farmers whose farm would be crossed kitty corner by Hydro proposed transmission line from the Bruce nuclear station on Lake Huron to Milton near Tor onto About miles of the route would con of diagonal crossings of farmland Ontario Hydro has set up a slick and elaborate demonstration at near Barne complete with lunch and smiling public relations men to show the people how the admitted shock hazards of living and working near lines can be lessened The demonstration shows soys Hydro the worst that could happen It could be effective because Hydro with disarming candor invites the public to experience the Jarring shocks available under its only other line None of this expensive nonsense would be necessary if Hydro followed its own stated policy of running high voltage corridors along property lines to minimize their impact on people Very few homes and buildings are situated close to the property lines Hydro has consistently refused to guarantee in writing that a child not properly briefed on the precautions could not be killed by touching on ungrounded tractor or farm implement parked beneath one of these extra high voltage lines Why not Without a guarantee like this Hydro or any other public persua campaign Is obviously a sham Whether the child daddy should or have left the ungrounded under the lines really matter Hydro t deny that a fatal fire or teacher and I both agreed on this figure land so do most other people I know but every time I look in your paper there is a man I think his name is Campbell who keeps saying that l per cent is a majority Please tell me is this because he understand arithmetic did he never learn his grammar or is it all just the work of a printers devil Yours truly Knox Ave Acton explosion could occur during refuelling under their proposed high voltage line It only recommends involved procedures to prevent it Why should a farmer whose other pro blems these days have been well publicized have to stop and consider his every move and those of his family when working or liv ing under these lines He wouldn I need to if Hydro would concede that its route made five years ago with no input from affected people was a serious mis take It was a mistake for two reasons First because of the intolerable diagonal sings of farmland and second because no independent study was ever carried out to determine if this route is indeed the cheap est one with the least agricultural impact An independent study has been refused us by Hydro We say that no one including the Davis government which controls Hydro should have the right to trample on the basic human rights of farmers affected by its expropriation privileges We will never give in to this sort of muscleflexing by Hydro nor will we be impressed by their phony attempts to show their concern for us including the safety demonstration at Yours truly James C Dunlop 2 Conn CATTLE GRAZE contentedly in a picturesque are oblivious to the wind blowing the trees and pasture in Erin township just north of Acton They and the darkening clouds by btll smiley litre art quite a few big black birds floating these days Or hid you noticed No arc not black geese on thur way south They ire vultures They may not look like it The may more political pundits medi mam or tnumphint Tones Hut lhe ire cultures They are scrawny hungry as ihey circle impat for the mon bund body to f ill down and become a on which they fatten it corpus on which their be little eyes ire fixed is the Liber il composes the of this fur land it the moment or some other poll rcve recently that the liberals would revive only 9 per eent of he vole should an lee lion be held when the poll was taken Add to that the increasingly virulent tone of the medn low the prime minister anil a giggle of furl minor scandals in prominent liberals and it would tint Hit vultures will soon be gorging ihcmsekis There is a faint stench arising from the I iberal party these days But it is mil Hit stench of death It is more like the odour f body that needs both a strong a good hot bath pretend to be a political seer Nor di I prognostic to if filiation In short I don a diddle for of them Hut it require more than a mmlitum of common sense to realize that the I iber is far from being on its last ps who thinks otherwise is OUR READERS WRITE Continue dump fight Dear Sir or too many years I h been writing and lecturing up and down this Province about solid waste It all started here in it was in that came to the conclusion that if you are to change atti polluting land and water you have no choice but to change things at Queen Park Where ever I have debated garbage dumping Ministry of the have expounded socalled sanitary landfilling and its blessings even worse they have endorsed long ttjrm land filling Here in Region it seems Works Committee Chairman Jack is dedi to turning the prine agricultural land in the IremaineBntannia area into the waste lands of Sudbury which he left for greener pastures here in What about our local mumeipul and regional representatives in this matter Some have been outstanding others less than responsible and much of the trouble can be blamed on regionalism Few urban councillors are concerned about solid waste as long as it doesn get dumped In their area What about rural councillors of all they arc outvoted by urban majorities and can you really blame a councillor from Hills supporting a motion to put gar in the Town of Milton If he or she votes against Site the second choice could be Ashgrove and then he or she is really in trouble What about our representative at Queen Park What I he done that he could and should have done As a successful candidate for the area what would I have done I would have introduced a Private Members Bill banning long term landfilling of solid waste for a period of over five years This five year period would com mence from the date the site was authorized by the Environmental Hearing Board If for some reason alternatives to land Thanks Wicked Willie Dear Sir I have been reading with great interest all the letters about Halton Region s gar bage and in particular Site It seems all of a sudden everyone Is an expert No one has said anything about solid waste or any of the proposed sites or recycling that Bill Wicked Willy Johnson been telling us for years 1 also think a thank you is in order to BUI Johnson and the Committee which petitioned and made representation to council which presented an irrefutable case to Bell Canada and helped us get the extended service we will begin to use and enjoy this weekend Thank you Belly StoneMrs filling of in particular area were not found in extension could be granted for a one year period after approval by the nvironmental Hearing What effect would this have first huge tracts of land acres would be needed Secondly existing dumps be kept in exemplary lion If they were not this would adversely affect hearings if an extension was for Third it would move Queen Park into getting on with building Recycling and Reclamation Plants I have advocated such legislation being introduced by the Opposition In the next legislature and 1 will be discussing this matter Stephen Lewis in the very near future Such legislation would have much support from Conservationists and Orguniza lions and groups threatened with becoming the recipients of garbage from Toronto and other urban areas What the people of Site F do They have much ammunition They could through their elected represents lives Councillors Federation of lure etc demand a full disclosure of the findings at Site A This report was shelved without any proper disclosure must follow every candidate running for regional and town office from meeting to candidates meeting asking questions about their stand on the solid waste issue and long term garbage dumping They must also bombard the of every newspaper in with letters Although they have written letters to the Minister of the Environment and the Premier they must continue this letter writing campaign for it must be remem that when Brampton s garbage was to be dumped in a gravel pit in the Heart Lake area Bill Davis he per sonally Intervened and stopped this dump even though many members of Council and others had approved it The people of Site should endeavour to get the whole subject of solid waste us a topic on radio and TV open line talk shows have participated in such shows and they are very successful in getting the message across especially to the urbanltcs As on Individual I shall continue to oppose the stupidity of long term and any landfilling on prime farm land or in areas that threaten water courses There have been points or contention ralBed at Regional meetings and some downright untruths These must be contested and pub licized William A Johnson indulging in wishful fantasies or a form of self hypnosis That includes the political vultures I think they are going to go right on being scrawny ind hungry read il here first The may hive absorbed a few stiff punches in the plexus but they are i long from going to mat and being counted Why Use your head man or lady the polls and the press No body ever won an election with either or both People not polls elect governments And people are the most unpredictable ere ilurcs in the universe Thev don base their votes on logic or reason They base them on all kinds of crazy things They base them on emotions greed and fear They base them on and charisma The bast them on such things irgaret making an ass of herself on TV or Maureen hiving hard time with her first In these d lys when tube is so vital in politician getting to the people the latter base their votes in many many eases on dazzle rather than dependability on rhetoric rather than reliability lis Tis pity but When the crunch comes whom arc you going to vote for Earnest youthful Joe with his jowls jumping like a junior John Or suave elegant Pierre of the Gallic shrug the seeming utterly reasonable ipproach and the chirm of a professional actor He honest now to that a few other facts has the solid support of his party if only be cause he has led it to two successful grabs at the gold ring Clark was elected leader of the Tories by barely more than one half of the convention dcleiles Add again is i skilled and ex penenced politician He his shown thit he can be at the same time loyal to Ins bench man and ruthless when need be Clark is comparatively untried in the political is gaming skill but t hid a to be either loyal or ruthless He I dared Add some more The government con the purse strings This means patron age and post offices and pension cheques And don t tell me that nineteenth century politics Look for some sudden benevolence by the government on the eve of election And again Don count loo much on the prime ministers current unpopularity Mickcnzie King wab one of the most cor hated prime ministers we have ever had He suddenly became very popular and won an election when he introduced the baby bonus Sec last paragraph Another fact There are millions of die hard 1 ibcrals in this country They d vote Liberal if King Kong or not much to choose there were running for prime minister What do you think they will do in an election Roll over and play dead Add to this that Quebec despite its dis illusion with its own Liberal government will go it leist ninety per cent Liberal They may not love Trudeau but when it comes to a choice between a guy named Pierre and a guy named Joe there is no choice among trench Canadians While il may be on the ropes cul and bleeding the Liberal parly is a long long way from being carried out of the ring feel Here my prediction Pierre will eat Joe Clark for breakfast If he doesn I I II eat three copies of the High River Times for my breakfast The Free Press Back Issues 20 years ago taken from the Issue of the Oct 25 1056 A new record of 9 minutes was set by Bruce Andrews in the mile and a half cross country chamlonshlp race at Hamilton on Saturday The former record of was set by Kent Young of Hamilton Delta Collegiate There were over 50 In the race The young Acton runner added a gold medal to his growing collection of awards An 11 yearold Acton boy is scheduled to appear in juvenile court tomorrow in Milton charged in connection with three fires which occurred at the Scout Hall in the space of two weeks At the annual meeting of the Acton Lawn Bowling Club held recently the 1956 of ficers were reelected for 1957 They are W H Rogers president J Wood secretary treasurer Mrs E Holes ladies president Mrs M Bell secretary treasurer Miss B Wood tournament secretary Miss Ruby Clark spent a few days in Buffalo with friends this week Mr and Mrs J Allan and Albert Ford motored to North Bay over the weekend Miss K MacDonald of Vancouver left on the weekend on her return trip home after visiting here with her sister Mrs Harry Mainpnze Mr and Mr Bill Miss and Mrs spent part of last week in Montreal with Mr and Mrs Jack Main prize and their daughter Susan 50 years ago Taken from the issue of the ree Press Thursda Oct 1926 The contractors are at work on the new offices and band stand at the park and will now push forward to completion Mr J Roberts Acton did well with his sheep and swine exhibits at Erin Fair He won first on Dorset sheep first on Yorkshire hogs and first on best pair of hogs On Sunday afternoon a special harvest home service was held at Cor was well attended with Rev R Zimmerman preaching the sermon The choir of the United Church Acton was present and assisted in the service of praise MissRuthGibsonsangasacredsolo with splendid effect The annual Field Day of the Acton High School and Public School was held in the Park lost Wednesday afternoon The weather was not the suitable for the affair but the scholars entered into the sports with a zest thai overcame to some extent the deterrent of a chilly day A petition from the residents of the north westerly end of Mam Street from River Street to the C tracks was presented to the council requesting that the roadway be continued 40 feet in width for the complete section of the road to the highwoy The petition was supported by a deputation of the residents 100 years ago Taken from the Issue of the Free Press October 19 The County Agricultural Society appear to be generally fortunate in having fine weather for Iheir show days and no better desired than Thursday arid Friday of last week The second day was especially favorable for exhibition and it was taken advantage of by an immense throng of visitors As for the show itself however it cannot at least be said to have been any improvement on that of last year Indeed in many respects there was a perceptible falling off nevertheless it was on the whole very creditable to the county the large and remarkably fine show of horses being the principal redeeming feature In this department our county may truthfully be said to stand second to none in the province The annual exhibition of the Erin Agricultural Society was held on the Society grounds at Enn Village on Tuesday The day being very fine there was a very large turnout of people estimated to be from to 3 000 In every respect the show may be said to have been a perfect success with the exception probably of the small number of team horses exhibited There were a good many fine looking colts and young horses and a large number of superior cattle and sheep Inroots gram and dairy produce theshow far excelled any other we have seen this year and in ladies work and the fine arts there was an excellent display Indeed Erin s reputation for its superior exhibitions was fully sustained It is now definitely known that the Local 1 will not meet till the first week in January THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE 853 Business and Editorial Office 1 1 Copyright

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