Wed July Bill Karolidis cooking at the Delrex Restaurant Restaurant here years licit aura l been run by Ihe family since 1959 Angelo Bill and father Louis cook rive waitresses who also work at bar complete the staff The reslnurant was re modelled and made into tavern in 1 Previously It had been a favorite with young who would slop to meet friends for cokes and fries Now the lias hanged to and busi ness is even better Tht is dtpot Although it be I the Karolidis family is glad of this service to if Georgetown and fellow merchants of the art very fond of Georgetown says Bill Kiir and this feeling Is reel for years is a long time to remain a popular restaurant CORAL BEAD NECKLACES Values up to 00 Highly Styled FASHION WATCHES 20 Styles to Choose From Year Written Guarantee Reg 14 95 9 MANY OTHER ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION GEORGETOWN MARKET CENTRE Delrex Smoke Shop is a favorite stop Smoke Shop thriving Thirteen ago II Harris bought existing smoke shop to satisfy his de sire for his own It has rim lined a family enter prist since carries j variety of items There is milk but candy luk and chips fines gifts film and lob ire avail post in store stuttered outside the store indicate the shop with children In deed about half the store has items designed for them While the skrt is opt seven days I week lis busiest days ire Thursdaj and diy llusincss does not vary seisonall with the excep tion Christmas whin the Smoke Shop booming Prescription counter at Shoppers Drug Mart is a busy place Shoppers Drug employs 20 SHOES I THE GEORGETOWN MARKET CENTRE SHOP OUR SPECIAL BARGAIN RACKS IN FRONT OF THE STORE Browse throughout the store and see our fine selection of DRESS and CASUAL SHOES LUGGAGE and PURSES Open Wednesday Night Till 9 pm- In 1972 Market Centre housed Shopper Drug one of a chain of similar stores reaching coast to toast with roughly The Georgetown branch employs people Three are pharmacists including the associate in charge of this stort Ian Three deportments cosmetics and general merchandise arc doing well Salt of prescriptions depend to greit extent on he Sales increase during damp chilly days Trained qualified cosine 1 work in the cosmetics department Shopper s Drug Mart his products under its own name that of I Brand vcrythlng considered Shopper s Drug Mart lias the largest selection of drug toods in Georgetown and LUGGAGE GEORGETOWN MARKET 773HW