Wed July 1976 mi FARM WAGON and a 1919 International Harvester ore ton truck are among the larger BLACKSMITHS TOOLS form an interesting exhibits display upstairs in the Museum Portraying history of agriculture Ontario s first Agricultural opened last year on a acre site adjacent to Kelso Conservation Are starting to portray the story of earl in the province The main building and worfcsh focal point of what will eventually community A centuryold farmste house and two barns from Burlingl moved to the museum and the from Milton was taken down piece reerected on the site They are the will eventually be about six early Museum Manager W Carber take years to complete the while the main building and site are to Monday to Friday Photos on this page depict s Museums exhibits which help to farming in Ontario THE DASH CHURN is a relic from yesterday farming featured in a main entrance display at the Agricultural Museum The woodworker s tools are on display in the lobby EARLY STONE PULLER came from the collection of the late Chai Matthews a Langstaff house mover His complete collection of 15 pieces was acquired by the provincial government and forms the nucl of displays in the Museum at Milton IMPLEMENTS used in sowing the seed are featured in one of the Museum s several display areas There are some unusual pieces in the display LUCAS FARMSTEAD was transported from Burlington to become the first farm setting at the Museum complc 1835 and the bar