Town must expand system Regions Public Works Depart hopes to have a new well In Acton in operation by this summer Manager or Maintenance and Jack Corbett said Actons water supply would be overtaxed at peak periods in the summer if the system t ex in the near future We have to find water soon to satisfy peak demands and provide adequate flows Mr said the work itself would involve running a 12 inch water main from the well across the park along Knox St and hooking Into the existing main The job is expected to cost about 000 About per cent of that cost is for the watermain itself and Ihc balance is for the pump and Mr Corbett said that once the well is in operation it could serve the needs of the town for the next 10 or years Special tests have be taken to be turn that use of the well won t adversely affect he water level in the lake or cause any adverse affect to any upstream users Mr Corbett said there were some legal and technical problems that had to be ironed out before he well could be put into operation There is lots of water here that can be used if it can be taken We could if needed sink a second welt in about the same spot if it was needed in about 10 or 15 years long as it did not affect the level of the water in the lake The wtil was drilled by Acton Council prior to regional but has never been hooked up As the town expands the need for water becomes greater If the system isn t ex panded by this summer or early next year Acton residents could face a water shortage and possibly water rationing One Hundred and Firs Year No ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY MAY 1976 Thirty Pages Fifteen Cents Cameron may be done properly DRAMA MEMBER Mane Parker blows a bubble and tries to ignore teacher Geoff Samson as he applies yet another layer for makeup Miss Parker is being prepared for her role as the younger sister in the play Final Dress Rehearsal The club is also offering the play One Spring Morning Both pieces will be presented Thursday at the high school Doors open at m Miss Parker appears in both productions Committee wants info Hills works com recommended Mon that the town proceed with total reconstruction of a moron St ret I including installation of storm sewers curbs and gutters so drainage problems on the streel can be solved Deputy engineer Ted told the lhal it would Lost to totally reconstruct street bring up to urban si indards Two other possible methods of solving the drainage problems were also dis cussed H thinner reported a side walk ancl curb installation on east side of the street would cost wink it would cost for just curbs on both sides of micron Street Engineer Austin noted tot reconstruction of the would include sub- so front lawns could drain unto the lie lined region would have proceeded with resurfacing work on Cameron Street last week if the town had not requested the delay while it plotted its own course Austin said the town completes its work the street ihe region Mill intends di its resurfacing job Councillor rn Hyde pushed to have the project until least next year since it wasn I in the and noted other pro jects have been dropped for this year of budget t money Austin Die money might be found under miscell budget funds and noted if full recon struclionwascirriedout then half cost would be paid for by Queen He added neither of the other two plans would be said he doubted the own could afford complete reconstruction year wondered if the town could delay the region paving work until next year said some kind of irrdngcment might be possible lo delay the paving Hills tives on the Board of are likely to be invited to a future council meeting following a recom by council s finance and personnel com mi tec Monday night Councillor Pat said he wondered if the trustees would grant council the courtesy of a short visit to explain the huge increase in the board s budget announced recently mated the education levy will represent of every tax dollar pud by Hills residents this vear I don mean to criticize their budget I just want to understand it emphasized Councillor Ernie Sykes added that the only way council be iw irt of what building plans the board has for this ire i officially is tn receive a copy of the education budget The education portion of the tax dollar is going to be I if concern to local taxpayers iccurding Councillor Miller Councillor reminded his colleagues however tin of the board has been idv intageous m some ways There a new koine up in town would not ivt able to if ford he said Hills is only per cent of the becomes iffordiblc Councillor be d like to know how No toll to imnicdi itch following dilute lo i rejjomil board mil whether the de- ffscLs this year Campbellviile promote between and the board flee his sen ice in treasurer Hay Knit school board rcpre- the t this been just fir inform Hilton Hills trust board in m l f W iris I pur ind Change speed loll free calling between and Campbellviile will be introduced on October 1G 1 Denny Bell manager announced this week The iddition of Milton to the local irca In July with the this yeir indicates Ihe interdependence of idjieent communities he modifications in the and impbell v sw itching centres ill be completed soon along with the jirovision of lines between the two local Mr commented thai when long distance charges between centres are removed telephone customers talk longer and the number of by is much is per cent Mr added In it here will be no change in monthly telephone rites for customers When the change is com Dieted customers will hive free calling Guilph Hock wood Georgetown Mil ton mil There are connected to the Acton switching centre at present Last year tele- hones were iddcd to the e office Approve store Main AgneS Consider Knox fence another year and noted the town already has much of the engineering work for the pro ject completed He noted the town would be spending only more of Is money do the job properly than it would if it did he cheapest job possible Councillor Dick said since sanitary sewers have already been installed then the town should do the whole sireet properly and install storm sewers Properly Hurst said the town should do the total reconstruction job so problem will be solved once for all if there arc still problems it is the resi denls problems to solve he declared Hyde cautioned the com miltee not to lei worth of free asphalt which would go down after the town finishes work affect its judgment The committee agreed it is a rare opportunity for Hills to be able to make changes to a street be fore the region finishes the job Shot wolf Hilton Hills resident Elgin shot a wolf within feet of his barn last week The wolf about pounds was shot about 30 on Thursday after it attacked a pet dog about feet from the back of the barn Mr Curne said the wolves had been seen off and on all wmler in the area of their farm on the Fifth Line of Halton Hills between Five and Ten The wolf been examined find out if it had rabies because Mr Currie was assured wolves carry the disease He said about six weeks ago when the wolf attacked pel dog he phoned the vet to find about possibility of rabies and was issured the wolf didn I carry the disease Dominion Day crackers ignite OS WORKING ENTHUSIASTICALLY at shining a car window is Susan Mellor one of the high school students participating in the car wash Saturday The feel of Highway outside Acton which is currently posted at miles per hour should be changed to 30 miles an hour Hills works committee recom mended Monday The Ministry of Transport and Communications wrote to the town saying that the speed area is unenforce able because it is so short and serves no useful purpose The miles per hour was reduced last year when the 30 miles per hour limit area was extended south It was suggested it would be besl for town to reduce the speed from to instead of increasing it from to Queen S Park will be contacted lo see what it thinks of Ihe town remedy A plan to replace the remains of an old ick smith s shop at the corner of Main and Agnes Streets with store wis approved in by Hills subsid lary phnning Tuesday night Architect IhorSticuri rep resenting Construction presented plan which would see some kind of development built where the old described is in eyesore by planning board chairman Pal now Sticura said the ret outlet would tie 1 square feet and there would be parkin for led I induslri I for five the square foot lot He said he didn I know yet whit kind of rein would he located on the site but suggested would be one small store loin Hill lli pi inner submit report lo pi limine Jut Hurst said he didn think the sh iuld be oncd industrial inywiy pi board to ippruvi the development in subjict to the pi inner rcpori I used the of store in that ind noted even before Hills is born everyone h been w for just such be I im person illy pie ised tins forth We have lor jusl such for a lone lime deel Councillor Joe the town to investigate the possibility of building pit and wire firm fence between the Knox Church parking lot and the old cemetery Hurst told Hills works committee Monday night since parking is used for municipal parking the low n should pay whole of inexpensive fence He and engineer Robert Austin will look into the further Planned reunion now cancelled Volunteers to draw neighbors to Centre This year edition of Ihe Dominion Day celebrations which are cosponsored by the ire fighters and the Rotary Club will be held on July The organizing committee met Tuesday and settled on dale will be limited short can of July cert by he Acton Cilnens Hand and a demonstration which will be followed by the fireworks display Through Ihe day there will be a fishing derby Part of the cost of the fire works will be covered by selling of tickets The planned reunion of of the 1 era has incellcd due lo lack of response Organizers Charles Caswell and Bill Coleman of Toronto sent of explanation to those who did reply their advertisement and articles in ree Press The response was not f icienl we could fin go through with il Mr Caswell says Arrange ments had be made wilh Legion here for one of Ihc suggested dates and the men planning the get together couldn t wail any longer hear from people They said a great number of Actonlans had expressed interest in had nol replied to their letter saying specifically how many would attend They are wondering if would be possible to hold the reunion some other time They had under letters of iceeptance some of them for two or three people One of them Cnirles Lane was willing to come back from as far as Buffalo New York Others replied from Toronto Georgetown Hock wood and Thoughts of a reunion be gan when a and picture appeared in Free Press about a bottle found In the wall of former Caswell home here The mystery of the names in the bottle was soon solved through several lively letters of reminlsccn which were published Mr Caswell conceived the Idea of meeting old friends and neighbors again and sent many Several townsfolk ind organizers look the first in selling up volunteer vice the Community vice Centre by iltempting mesh the needs of the town volunteers talenls last Wednesday former teachers nurses plus a reccnl in community exchanged ideas with pro fessional people on training attracting volunteers and the Centre priorities Volunteers were urgLd bring ilong a friend lor Centre which is lor May at the centre starting at 7 30 p volunteers joined nine pcoplL who have been lated wilh Centre since its discussions were first held Inst year One discussed by all groups which split up for in formil talks on meals on wheels Ideas concerning how encourage drivers to Inns port food were exchanged It wis ilso felt that the town needed a place where could such is a coffee house lunds for the Centre also received The Com Service Centre received a grant from the town and another from region totalling for a years operation The Men also for Centre The meeting took place in the building Several who attended first volunteers mceling said now know the Centre they will try gel neighbors and friends In Right turns M HI Eastern JIM HIGGINS proudly watched as his four daughters became members of the Acton Legion Monday evening The girls decided a few months ago to all join when the youngest Jane turned years old Left to right Gibson Jane Higgins Jim Higgins Charlene Van Oosten and Catherine Tosher Residents want fence Hills works committee members will inspect a road allowance Ihe corner of two Acton residents pro perties where Michael Heller and J want to build a fence Mr Heller livcsntluOMIllStreet West and Mr Szydlow ski Storey Drive The two residents want to pay for the fence themselves so hey can keep off their property There were problems with flnowmobllcrs on both the vale property and town owned property last winter The committee praised the idea that some residents wanted to build a fence without slicking I to with a bill Hills works commit tec recommended Monday lhal police and Ministry of Transportation and Com be contacted to sec what think of the idea of allowing right hand turns onto Avenue al Ihe corner of Young and Queen Streets Engineer Robert Austin said Eastern Avenue is a one way slrect and signs were put up prohibiting right hand turns from the Young and Queen Streel corner the request of the police The police wanted lo en force the by law which iloesn allow the signs and if no signs were in place Austin said he assumed the town can repeal the by law to permit right hand turns and Ihen amend It to make sure left hand turns continue lo be illegal Councillor Joe Hurst pointed that if there was an accident at railway racks on Mill Streel and right I allowed onto I astern Avenue hen here is no way for people get downtown He added if the Wallace Street by pass was useable then people could use il to get downtown UP UP AND AWAY goes Mike javelin during the high school track and field meet last week The meet is used as a preliminary for the and Peel meets later this month