PRIVATE SALE house years new bedroom end unit broad loom sliding gloss doors to a fully yard Vendor will assist fin purchaser Price COUNTRY CHARMER bedroom home on a acres stream at rear of property Gracious living room provides lavish enter area Splc and Span Move right in Call Jessie Flnley The Royal Trust Company Realtor Woolwich Street Guelph 5000 or 8Aa CHRISTIE WOODS REAL ESTATE LTD Represented in Acton by ROY GOODWIN COUNTRY It Acre building lot close to Milton permit available Asking We need a tew more listings We have many qualified buy ers some with all cash for homes building lots farms acreages CALL NOW 1630 or use our Toronto Line B6a42 Dearie do you Farm The Acton Free Press Wed April remember If you re not a middleaged farmer chances are you ve never heard of Farm Forum Chances are you have never heard of a way of life that Included sitting around the big farm kitchen table Monday nights at listening to a familiar voice on CBC radio announce Farm Radio Forum Between the years 1M1 and 1953 over farmers and their wives belonged to SO Farm F organizations in what was then Halton County Broadcast from coast to coast in Canada the programs would include a discussion on a pertinent farming subject followed by a suggested list of questions for the radio audience MimwMitw Forum RuaTrutt CONVENIENT LOCATION 33and scenic acres may be bought separately or parcel adjoining estate type homes Would make a good hobby farm Please call Jessie Fin ley The Royal Trust Com Realtor Woolwich Street 5000 or 4678 86a 43 Penney REALTOR Exclusive listing agents tor Milton Towers Condominium apartments on Drive EXECUTIVE RETREAT On a very large scenic lot abutting Rock wood comer this spacious custom built home cathedral ceilings ground floor laundry room games room plus an elegant rec room complete with wet bar log burning fireplace and patio walkout Many valuable extras are Included In Ihls reasonable 900 now with June Warner A REAL CHARMER Three bedroom through out loads of kitchen cupboards finished recreation room and more and only Call Mary Villa now IS BUYING A HOUSE A GAMBLE NOT IN THIS CASE This four bedroom can be readily adapted to your lifestyle This home comes complete with 1 baths through out and an excellent 1st mortgage at to per cent Asking 900 Contact Terry Sanderson ATOWNHOME NAMED DESIRE An Immaculate three bedroom home with a gar age Included In the low purchase price of Is a fridge stove washer dryer The dor will also assist with secondary financing it re quired To see the exceptional buy please call Dune Archibald 43 AT Beat the current interest rale and save about per month by purchasing this with attached garage The home throughout fridge and stove Backing on to a park gives this home an of privacy Asking 157 900 Call Terry Sanderson SUPER SIDESPUT Are you looking for a tour level complete with main floor family room large kitchen and living on a good size lot on a quiet crescent Wo got one for you now Asking Call Terry Sanderson LAND LOTS OF LAND Call June Warner COUNTRY ESTATE Beautiful hand crafted field stone adorns the front of this largo two storey four bedroom custom built home on acres just miles west of Milton Special features Include a spacious ground floor family room with patio walkout and fireplace formal living room also with fireplace and a separate dining room quality throughout two baths and oversized double garage Priced 00 Tovlewthls and other town or country properties Call John PENNEY REAL ESTATE LTD 476 Steeles Avenue Milton For More Details Call June Warner Mary Villa Manager Duncan Archibald Sanderson Jack Mitchell John 070 Group discussions At m the radios would switch off and the farmers mostly drawn from neigh boring farms would hash out the issue raised and send their findings in to their pro vincial secretary Farm Forum Guide a tabloid style publication was distributed to members with facts figures and arguments on Ihe pros and cons of the broad cast loplc for the coming week The Guide listed supplementary reading and sometimes a list of films related to he topic under cussion Financing for the Guide and head office activities came from the cent fee paid by each farm couple at meetings One group left One of the few remaining Forums in is here in the region of Thirty four years after it the Forum in still meets Now it is strictly a social get logether The members maintain Ihe sense community of the earlier meetings Although the majority of the meetings were held the large farm homes the one room Pinegrove School was also used for broader community activities ought school Members of Farm Forum purclnscd the old school for many the school of their childhood and it is now used for the groups regular euchre parties every second Monday night to help finance upkeep of the historic building The old No for meetings of the Junior Farmers for reunions and presentations as a polling station and the occasional pre- wed ding stag According to Clare Burt Farm Forums Provincial Secretary from 1MB to 1954 there is still a group going strong in Teeswatcr Ontario They never missed a meeting he attests and are an alive and wideawake going bunch During his six year term of office Clare Burl had as many Forums meeting each Monday night across Ontario the average number in the mid Dwindled by By no more than IS groups still meeting in homes in Nelson Esqucsing and Townships Nassaga weya the township with the fewest number or farms at one lime had the largest Nelson Township was one of the first formed in in among LAST FARM FORUM group in Halton is the one which still cultural practices concerns meets regularly at Pine Grove School near They are with vaenns Land Act and one of two in Ontario the other at Teeswater The group are back row from left Albert Hunter John Brander Wellington adopted a child Stringer Chester Early Earl Wilson and Richard through the save the children Third row from left Spencer Wilson Mac Fund They sent care Alexander Claude McLaughlin Cliff Hunter Bruce parcels England and donated to the Winnipeg Hood Relief bund Expenses to a course lit the Ontario Agricultural College in Guelph were pud for several hell students Thatcher Alan Harrop Tom McGee Kay Wilson and Vera Thatcher Second row from left are Russell Gertrude McGee Jean Mvrtle Hunter Irene Hunter Jean Harrop Louie Alexander Eunice Wilson and Anne Wilson Front row from left Harold Smelhe Harold Early Guy Wilson Elizabeth Brain Kathryn Stringer Pat In front is Edgar Thatcher the golden days of radio CLARE BURT was the Ontario Provincial Secretary for the Farm Forum during the years 1948 to 1954 At one time he had as many as Forums meeting each Monday night The average number was 900 across Ontario id era 1 1 on formed The first Forum organizers were directors of the newly formed reiteration of The Federition was organized and main lined by the formers selves with little from the far munity No action Some people thought form no more than a place tor a lot of talk no action Some saw it as a pressure group as a means of pultuic pressure on governments to change un legislation and to ticip improve the lot of farmer com From 1941 to 1H5 the was the only local Exceptions were with some organization actively teachers helping where the engaged in promoting Farm meetings were held in Forum Support was schools Attempts were made until the ippointmcnl of a field mm in ihe district lo a single Forum but summer of 1941 ihey rarely in than a minority i a school district geltin Until this time there was little inter Forum visiting and few techniques learned Church THE CHURCH OF MARTYR Anglican 1976 Willow St and St Di Rev Leonard Sunday April a Holy Eucharist m Martins 30 a m Church School and Nursery Wednesday April a m Holy J p Confirmation Everyone welcome PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON Andrew A Mr Irr Mr DA gin Sunday April 1976 a Minister s Con Class for Teen a m Session meeting 11 Church School for Beginners Kindergarten and Grades to 1100 am Divine Worship and Spring Communion Address on Theme Let Us Keep The Feast Babies and toddlers cared for In Nursery during Everyone Most Welcome CHURCHILL COMMUNITY CHURCH Churchill Minister The Rev J A B D and Mrs Eleanor Sunday April 25 1976 00 am Worship and Church School The Church on the Hill Is an Interdenominational gallon mlnlsterlnc to the needs of the community All Welcome EVANGEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE A O Pislo Sunday April a Sunday School Morning Worship Evening Evangelistic Service Sunday A OC Nalion Day of Fasting and Prayer Tuesday BOO m Prayer Service and Bible Study Wednesday April a m at Paslor s residence Thursday and Boys Brigade 30 Junior Choir Rehearsal pm C A Service ALL ARE WELCOME Excellent free town Bus Service tor children and adults to and from Sunday School on the All Red Buss Also Rural pick up For Information phone or Isaiah and Seek ye the Lord while He may be found call ye upon Him while he Is near Let wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his noughts and let him return unto the Lord and he will have mercy upon him and to our God for he will abundantly pardon BETH EL CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Sunday April 1976 Sunday Worship Services at 10 a and pm Pre school Sunday School during Ihe morning service Sunday School during mo afternoon service You are welcome Church of Back God Hour heard over these Hamilton CKOC am dial St Catharines CMSC a dial Toronto C FM am dial 101 H Z Toronto 11 dial MAPLE AVENUE Georgetown A Fellowsh p si Church Sunday April m Sunday School for all ages Morning Worship Evening Fellow ship Thought Peace day when Christ r mind the UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA TRINITY CHURCH ACTON Rev Chas Beaton A B George Elliott A Ph Dlreclorof Music Sunday April 1976 10 a Worship Service Sunday Church School and Nursery Everyone most welcome ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH BOM 11 East Founded Pastor Rev Das Sydney M Dlv Paslor Phone 1835 Thursday 7 p m Quarterly Business Meeting Friday Choir Practice Sunday April 25 1976 10 am Sunday School and Adult Bible Class Morning Worship 7 Mission Circle Thank Offering Speaker Miss Edith former missionary In India Slides and Refreshments BAHAI FAITH You are warmly Invlteo to attend fireside discussions Friday evenings at 30 p m Phone Among the teachings of His Holiness Baha Is that religion must be ho cause of fellowship and If It be comes cause of estrange ment then It Is not a If It aggravates the dlseaso then It becomes unnecessary concerning discussions Sometimes political ments actually resulted in the break up of a local Forum Women joined From onwards women miny of whom belonged to Women Institute became more Involved in Forum and meetings moved from schools individual homes Refresh ments and entertainment periods became an important part of the meetings Films speakers were added to the programs Some Forums were used as i means for farmers to get together discuss mediate problems rather than the broad range of topics offered by the broadcasts Federation helprd Dunne Clare Burl time as Provincial a full time field man was acquired by Ihe County Fcder of Agriculture It was during these 1945 lo 1J52 number of Forums from to as high as 1000 Clare Burt h id Ihe arouse enthusiasm and de much time to suggest methods of increasing the numbers of Forums His visits to individual Forums increased morile and resulted in increased organ ictivity Despite his efforts the turnover of Forums wis high In a Farm Forum Committee wis formed in 1J4B under the direction of Ihe Federation field man and Clare Burt They would at lend Ihe first local meeting and go through the entire evenings program with the group although it is reported hat on one occasion only the organizers and the janitor of school were there Most meetings however had a least half dozen people Count rallies Annual county rallies were held each spring by the executive of Ihe Farm Rallies brought from 110 lo people and Ihe programs would consist of speakers entertain mint and social hours projects initiated by Ihe committee included Ihe sponsoring of Folk Schools and he building and equip ping of Park They also produced three half hour radio broadcasts two in 1950 and one in 1951 Folk The Folk School FARM FORUMS in March 1955 were represented at a gathering in Bannockburn School The members of four forums heard an address by the National Secretary of Farm Forums Floyd Gnesbach From left front row are Stan Turner chairman of Halton Farm Forums Mrs Gnesbach and Mr Gnesbach Back row are Alan Harrop president of Pine Grove Forum Mrs L Davidson president of Bannockburn Forum Robert Miller President of Stone School Forum and Harry Davis president of Forum Following Ihe general decline in membership in he educational purpose adopted by some groups be came secondary lo the social benefits In a UNESCO publication dated 1954 and edited by Alexander Sim the opinion is voiced that farmers initially supported the Forum idea because they thought it was a mouthpiece for voicing their protest than a mcins tor self improvement When it obvious il held little clout interest wnncd Whatever the reason for he decline of groups here is no Lift freeze Region Admin istralion Committee has recommended thai Regional Council s freeze on hiring at he Regional Health Unil The freeze initialed at the committees suggestion has been in since December The freeze restricted to the Health Unit and applied not only to new positions bui those vacancies caused resignations The committee is told edncsday in the early hid a decided ember only two people had television and the resigned That report from disinterest of the upcoming the personnel director came generation of farmers who as some surprise to Hoard of were communicating through Health and more sophisticated Depart Committee members menl of grams pro Deputy Treasurer Jim McQueen explained that the region has in excess of because of lis staff Board of Health ippomtee George Gray asked how long the intended o keep the freeze on He jested it was a little onerous on the He ilth Unit and won at thai department hid been singled out for Ihe restraint program Several members of the committee felt the initial intent was hat the freeze would ipply to all depirt ments in the region considerable discus sum the committee agreed lo ask council to lift the freeze and allow the Unit to hire up its full complement V Bob now director he new Ontario cultural Museum at Kelso was responsible for making a Pilot television version of arm Radio Forum The year was 1956 at CKNXTV in Wingham The programs were shown locally never erncd after the did get off the ground on tlie Folk School Movement network People would gather lo live Television Farm Forum together under could I v inevitable SrrcrsMslekM Prostitution nil petty theft high Prostitution and gambling seem be it low ebb in Million Region No charges were I under these two off March to in it fern lies 110 til of IW people were birred so fir if leader someone who had fale of the radio version ideas for enriching life through art and expanded ferrni now humin relationships Dissemination of inform Men and women would a to farming com together in a local home in Canada has been for upwards of 10 days and left in Ihe hands of the various ms by Region Petty theft under ranked lushest in charges laid followed JO liquor off ind shoplifting Easter Sunday lor upwards of 10 days in incnanosounc various learn at eel or guest arm rural fllfi It was at one uch broadcasts and Rural J el V M JIT manager or the Clare Burt George During March or ere called a lire Travel Agency decided to go senior lor 1341 charges were laid Willi a on Cobblchlll ltd on raster into business for I t CBC reecnlly visited percent of the crimes Barnes heard a Quaker doctor from or the solved County talk about the Commonwealth Broadcasting On an or the year joys of having a business of Association There he held to date the in rale is ones own and he made lra courses as In running percent on a great Impression Mr Burt or Farm type lolul of charges recalls broadcasting Males run afoul the law Folk Schools were financed than by County grants the In the developing nations of X ly Federation Agriculture the world the radio link wllh l Jo and contributions farmer Is no doubt Neither Folk f ihe same educational nrT J Schools nor Farm Forum opportunity as was attempted lasted much In Helton past by Canada Radio firm 1 1 thcmidSC rum male ehirged was working in his according fire chief Mike Holmes when a neighbor lold him a pile of scrap wood and bet ween his home and Ihe next which was under construction was on fire Mr Barnes called the fire depart ment who doused the flames fire occurred it in There was no damage he chief says