8 The Acton Free Press Wed March MPP Reed has riding office Doing his best help bridge the communication gap between citizens and their government Halton- Liberal Julian Monday opened a riding office in Milton I nope to do most of my cons work here while my Toronto office handles the legislative load he told this newspaper Monday morning as he and secretary Donna Hume set up files and got the office at Main SI Milton organized for business There were the usual first day problems including a mix up in the telephone system and a Bell Canada workman was wandering in and out as Reed and Mrs Hume worked and with first day Construction Ironically the typewriter had arrived in a carton labelled Jul an Reed Con Office il should have read Constituency Office and the affable Member for Burlington felt that sort or summed up the way the office was running at that point He s located in two rooms part of a suile of rooms that once was occupied by Halton Region Conservation Authority upstairs over Milton Hardware at Milton Main Martin St inlerscction This will be available to everyone in the Burlington riding he said IthasaMilton telephone number 18781729 which is toll free from all his con plus a second phone 1 linking his Milton riding office with his Toronto office at Queens Park Information too The said he also hoped his riding office would serve us a government in formation office He plans to have nil types of government literature available for con itiluonts Secretary Donna Hume is married to George Hume and lives at Ihc Hume farm Milton Her background is in banking accounting and office work Her last position was as secretary to the vice- resident of a typesetting in Toronto Mr Reed said he chose Donna from 56 applications he received for the advertised opening She not just a secretary she also going to have to do some public rela work he said adding she really my general manager Her intial work hours will be to m but the hours will be changed if a need is shown The MPP plans to be available in the nding office at certain times of the week again depending on the need Secretary Mrs Philomena Andrews remains as secre tary in his Toronto office LOCAL MEMBER Julian Reed Monday morning opened his first riding office at 225 Mam St in Milton to give constitu ents better access to him and the provincial gov ernment He pictured getting settled into the office with full time secretary Donna Hume Police need funds for communications A battle between Halton and Queen Park could be brewing over a difference of opinion about grants for the Halton Police Communica tions Centre The province says the re gion has already received money for the police com muni cations centre but Hal ton says it hasn t Chief Ken Skerrctt told Police Commission Thursday he would like sec the problem straightened out so there won t be missels over funds for police such as there have in other reaions He noted region council says it t have money in its capital project budge for the communications centre Mayor Harry Barrett however said Queens Park said the money for the com mumcations centre was in eluded in the region atari up grant Hills councillor Hie Morrow who was sitting in for regional chairman Allan Masson at the meeting noted the project is go the tenders and there Isn any money pay for it Commission chairman Judge William suggested the police simply the communications en- re in the budget and leave It up to the region and province to come up with the money Barrett said the province claims the money It was to contribute for the com muni call una centre was part of the unconditional start up grants but if the region was supposed to spend some of the money on the police then it was a conditional grant He said the region simply doesn have the money so will have to go to the province to get it Morrow suggested check with other regions lo see where they got money for regionalizing police forces He said investigation will likely show got a raw deal He felt the region would have to prove to Queen Park it has been treated unfairly Judge Warrender reminded the commission the com munications centre is and it isn t the police commission job find the money MINI GLACIER slips and melts in sunshine Sun day Spring is winning the battle WHO DOES IT CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT LINDQUISTAND HOLMES 519 evenings THINK COOL THINK For Your AIR CONDITIONING over Installations In Hal ton County WE PROMISE THE BEST SERVICE IN TOWN SEETHE SPECIALISTS IN HEATING AIR CONDI TIONING HOME COMFORT HEATING CONDITIONING GEORGETOWN ARCHITECTURAL SERVICE GRAPHIC ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES Plans Residential Commercial Additions Renovations DAVE RYDER AC T Ac tori 1770 or 1645 datf COOPER BUSINESS SERVICE Bookkeeping Income Tax Payroll Sy slams Cost Systems Small Business Specialists 3370 Ma In St Acton Ada on Rec Rooms Houses BUILDING YOUR NEW HOME Framing Trimming Cup boards rooms Super vision shell erecting and building of Pre Manufactured homes 10 years experience Call GERRY WARD 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