4 The Acton Free Press Wed March SCOUTS DAVID Fuller and Brian Hogan wash up dishes in the Scout Hall last weekend during their third annual Scout Photo by Mark Rowe Scout and Guide news The third annual Scout went very well for Acton Scouts The programme started at 30 Friday afternoon at the Scout Hall Scouts Brian Mark Daw kins David Fuller Yves Sa Frank Goulding Paul Carter and John Sit were then taken on a tour of the Acton rce by reporter Helen On the return Scouts identified trees around the Robert Little School After dinner films games and campfire were the program me Atcampfire Scout David Fuller learned the Peanuts the Elephant skit Saturday morning the Scouts worked on their per fitness After lunch hey loaded up their gear for a Discover Acton Hike About the only thing they discovered was how wet it was Scoutcraft and lashing fil led up the remainder of the afternoon After supper Die boys had discussion on its like smoking and drinking As we spoke Scoutcr John lit up a cigarette After the discussion the Scouts promptly roped lied and hung him from his feet They then made sure his butt was out by pouring cold water over his face After campf ire during which rank Goulding played like a well known cool person on television the Scouts got into bed Sunday morning the Ro man Catholics were off to church while the others held Scouts More personal fitness and citizen badge re quirements were worked on In the afternoon a Scavenger Hunt was run around the hall The programme concluded about Sunday afternoon STEVE SAXON placed first on the boys div lsion of the Optimist Oratorical contest zone finals in Orange vi He Steve will now go to the semifinals in Toronto on April 24 If he wins there he will proceed to the finals in Niagara Falls on May Photo by Peeter Saxon John Sharpies Mark Howe and Rick Savillc ran the camping programme Many thanks to Venturer Jim Saxon for help ing out morning a bus load of Girl Guides left Acton for the Ontario Science Cen IreinToronlo rhefirsl Alton Guide Company under Cap tain Helen Howe and the sec Acton Guide company under Captain Jean Vaughan went to the world famous for the day It was a day of exciting and learning It wis very worth while trip The first Acton Venturer company will be holding its first rummage sale this Saturday at the Scout Hall Selection is quite good so please try to pop down and look over the merchandise The sale will start clock The April group committee meeting will be held on day April 1J at 8 at the Scout Hall Pledge try and at tend and find out what the are doing this spring MZ Bennett news I IHnisc and Hall The grade six volley ball team has done well in winning will be in the championship There is going to he a music concert for grades and on Tuesday The school is still bringing in sponsor money There is going to he a science fair on April The Bennett patrols had a pizza parly Monday night Stay tuned for more M Acton 4H is organized by Br on da Brown organization meeting held There v ere members pre sent al this meeting The leaders Nino Bra da Bob Cathy Rob Murray and Tom Parker corned all the members and the new members introduced themselves The new executive was as follows president JoAnne vicepresi dent Mane Murray secre tory Judy Brown and press reporter Brown Mark I handed out pamphlets to all the mem Enrolment forms were passed out and filled in Members voted to have meet on the third Tuesday of every month The new prcsi dent JoAnne gave a few words and then closed the meeting MAPLE ROCK SHOOTING RANGE ACTON Robert Little News by Merle School is back and rolling again and I hope everybody had a good holiday Congratulations to the boy hockey team in winning the North Ha I ton Hockey tournament The winning team members were Rusty Miller Dal ton Trtfor Gardener Paul Vicary Murray Me abb Jeff uson Todd Don Rob Edge Paul Campbell Ron Jackson Mark Staley Rob Evans Frank Jamie McMillan Scott Timbers Rob Mark Duval Rick Poot and their coaches Mr Coleman Chris Swetman and their manager Kevin Archibald The grades four and five s of Robert Little and Speyside School were entertained Tuesday morning in our re by a Wood wind Quintette from the Hamilton Philharmonic Youth Ell bowling Scott Greig receives provincial contest prize Scott of Speyside school has been awarded an honorable mention in the final results of the provincial Fire Prevention Poster Contest Wards one and two ire chief Mick Homes had pre viously awarded Scott with an honorable mention in the Region of contest last fall Milton award Kerry of Holy Rosary Separate Milton was also presented v an honorable mention by that town s fire chief A E Clement Both will receive ten dollars and a certificate First prize winner in the girls division was or Sudbury and in the boys Andrew Pala of Pel ham Both will receive a Canada Savings Bond and a certificate and Fire Proven lion material for the school library Alcohol drug course at Sheridan College IS A healthy cell and a heap of posters in the library tell all about it Admiring some of the creations of Robert Little grade threes are Leah Stanbndge Jackie Haynes Jason Stanbndge Carolyn Sewell Amanda Kovacs Denise Looyenga and Adrienne Kovacs Cancer Society representatives inspired the art work Due to demand Sheridan College will repeal a vital specialized course in Alcoholism and Drug Dependency beginning Tuesday April Tht Training and and drug dependency The participants limited lo will be exposed to information diagnosis BANTAMS 1st Shift The Birds flew away the Mice strung up by toenails The Jumped way from the with both games and totals The Chicks hid along with the first glim and totals but the Owls found the last game the last game and Ihe theft the li Hones hoofed up the first Standings Horses IT Snowmen DoasU Octopus Snakes Cows Top Tin Gordon Laura 183 Peter Mills Stephen Dave Kevin Galloway with both games of Birthday to Janice Mcliaac Jeff and Jill Mai nl Talk on teacher attitudes of Sheridan College in with Dean Darnell Work Consul 1 the llalton Centre Addiction foundation will sessions it the Campus if r ltd Brian Greg College and mid Peel Hoards duniion art bringing William an inter known educator to next month urkey will speak on April JO it on tin subject of icher Attitudes to the talk is free is ally known or his research writing and lectures on self epl theory and processes dueation ral highly for hum of books says positive teacher Hides transcend methods skills techniques perform and competencies These attitudes are by a deep feeling of concern with the person in the educational process Ihe program jinneipilly it medical corrections health ind social services personnel as well as interested persons who have contact with people suffering from breast self examination Dunn 131 Lisa Alan Itlgglru Shane sleeves 1281 Hoy 147 Tracey The first shift Coke and Orange Crush winners were Sally with pins over average and Brian Canary with 4 pins over average Winning for the second shift Laura with pins over average and Mark with pins over got treat THE of the Week is drawn for the Free Press by en terpnsing Tim Garton Enroll in 4H club cornered the Hot Shots s Standing Hot Wild Cat Super Six One fl all Team 42 streaked a ay with Ihe first and Jumping Jacks jumped in for the second gome The Underdogs the tint game but Runners overlook them for thelast two games and The Jaws the first two games wilh enough for totals leaving the Canadian Champs last game Standings Streakers Jaws Road Runners Jumping Jacks Canadian Champs Underdogs Top Ten Kevin Paul Nolan Kevin Archibald 531 Mardelle Phillips 513193 John Adams Kim Shelly Schipper 478 son 190 Gary Mandarine 220 Janet Agar Tt Missiles flew away with the last two games and totals alter dropping the first lame to Ihe Milfston- Board pays In 1J7j joint use of Hies the town and Ho of due up the hoard than it did tht town 1 he dance w is brought to the attention of illon Hills committee by tn Director in report of the rteiproe use of f minus The report w ill be discussed it liter date iftcr the retrcition director discusses the costs with ho representatives irk I lit Hill A II lubs were March Ihe ton 1 Junior Calf Senior Beef Calf I aid Crop livestock Judgtif Iractor ind Horse lubs were organ izcd it the Agricultural Hall Milton Grounds 1 p m Acton 11 Calf Club was organitd it the Acton torn litre The Hilton Sheep lub Sen nee were in tin yi ir I do nol line tnibershiploh i I I lull- Cartoon of the week in j lining is 14 as of J in I IJT tet Ihe Agnelli immediately At present ire i in 4 try one inter in Id is of J in I 1971 I I97C the Story the gar Earthquakes Just squeaked by with the Inst game being one pin up Standings Missiles 71 Earthquakes Volcanoes Millstones Storey Tellers Top Ten Rob Pat 238 Brent McEaehem Sue Thorn Gary John 524185 50 Couture Dave Mills 512 Clint Dawn enroll it the Office Milton or at Ihe first regular meeting of club Stan president of the Itiltnn 4 leaders ouneil welcomed the mem to mother year in II encouraged everyone lo put enthusiasm into their 4 I iint Stewart one of five II dcici lies from to Wisconsin related her lenee in Buffalo ounty dur Ihe one week visit Prank discussed the Conference for 15- olds nt the University of led from Ionl High School in spoke to the on hosting dents for i weekend judging competition a I us trip demonstration and il evening and a visit from five 4 from are planned for the The last chance to enrol in will be it the first inn ting in April for each club ir it the Agricultural Office meetings Contact the I cultural Office Milton if you have questions ASSOCIATE TAX CONSULTANTS Mill St GEORGETOWN 8772217 Depend on Classified Ads Phone 8532010 A REMINDER of last autumn rests on spring ACTON MINOR BASEBALL ASSOCIATION I Softball Registration AT THE ACTON COMMUNITY CENTRE APRIL 3 830 am to pm PROOF OF AGE REQUIRED Age Classification as of January 1 GIRLS Squirts Pee Wee Bantam Midget Juvenile Under Under 11 Under 13 Under 15 Under 17 Under BOYS T Ball Atoms Squirts Pee Wee Bantirr Midqet Under Under 9 Under Under 13 Under 15 Under Under 19 FEES One Child Two Children of Same Family Three or Mori Children of Same Family 12 SI PENALTY FOR LATE REGISTRATION child t PHONE 8531728 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION WEVE PUT SQUEEZE OH HIGH PRICES- PRICES EFFECTIVE MARCH 31 APRIL 12 Libby Tim STANDARD PEAS Homo Jar iave INST COFFEE 79 79 Save 14c Bicks 32 J BABY DILL PICKLES Kraft 8oi CANADIAN CHEESE SLICES Bottle Sava 20c WIND CLEANER 299 Savo 10c Libby TOMATO JUICE Compbdll Tint VEGETABLE SO U P 1 Suva 33c Lonf BIG BOY BUTTERMILK BREAD MEAT SPECIALS BLADE R0AST SHORT RIB ROAST 89 CROSS RIB ROAST 99 BLADE ROAST CHUC STEAKS McQuaidii Pit BEEF PJEL2MiOO Swiffs COOK HAM IEEE PORK MINI SIZZLERS AFRESH PRODUCE LETTUCE Size 3S US No 1 Size CELERY Sunkiit Sizo113 NAVEL ORANGES