B6The Acton Free Press Wed March 1976 Eden Mills Supper meeting holidays news by Mrs Georgina Wright An annual event is the com meetings of Rockwood and Eden Mills P res by ten on Women at the Manse of Rev and Mrs D Sinclair Dublin Street which was held Friday The two groups sat down to a delicious lunch eon at 12 noon with Rev Sinclair saying the blessing A few hymns were The guest speakers were Mr and Mrs Rob Sinclair who have just returned home from Japan after a year teaching there They told us of the customs and their travels which took them by train across Russia the different foods etc They both taught in different schools Rob worked two nights a week teaching English in Osaka They had a great lence and have hopes of going back some time The Eden Mills Group adjourned to another room to have a small meet ing A vote of thanks was given to the young couple for their interesting talk from both groups and Mrs and Mrs Milne thanked the Sinclairs for the use of their home and a pkas ant afternoon well spent The Presbyterian Women of Eden Mills Presbyterian Church were a busy group on Wednesday afternoon when they catered to a Come as you arc Supper which ex all expectations as regards to customers The balmy afternoon kept them coming from five clock until Iff Well spring is finally here we it through another winter Every year I trudge through March keeping a deter mined smile on my face but the first wirm day lifts my spirits to bubbling point Yesterday the we woke to degree temperatures and a warm breeze The bam was a soggy mess and the horses wanted OUT preferably before breakfast rooster was hysterical with enthusiasm and just t shut up By the timet was halfway to work passed two joggers and a child exercising a pony My heart was fit to burst and I wantedtocrow too I did actually in the privacy of my own car of course Today I once more typing amid a flurry of Persian hair I should be steam cleaning the carpet but 1 m listening to the donkey whooping with delight the same rooster and horses splashing in puddles and 1 m eyeing a new Reader s Digest It a good day through the mud and enjoy The birth of a Crocus It now Wednesday the and spring is still with us No ficklesnow storms This morning eight little purple crocuses stood up and bowed by the basement window I brought four in he house and nestled them in a favorite w me glass adore crocuses Their yellow and lavender blooms arc such a tonic after acres of white I remember a February night years ago when I sat and watched a pot of crocuses on the kitchen table open before my eyes The whole process took about an hour and was like watching timelapse cinematography The buds started to crack and petals unfolded In such a short time seven wee crocuses were born My delight was tinged with some disappointment how ever The blooms were white Mud I always wonder why we herald spring this wiy Its surely the messiest time of year Snow is a great equalizer Even the is bearable under a blanket of snow Then spring comes and you face a lawn covered with dog dirt The house becomes impossible to keep clean so wiry am I steam cleaning the carpet But nothing gets my pints down in spring The yard cleanup the mud the fencing a flooded basement or soggy barn I still trip around with an idiotic grin 1 s spring eight They enjoyed a roast beef or turkey dinner with all the trimmings and delicious dessert The women ore well pleased with their venture Dancer Miss Mary Ellen Eden Mills entertained at the Alton Seniors Citizens Acton last week with her Scotch and Irish Dancing Miss Kathv who is editor for the Shorthorn news for the dominion of Canada has returned home for a few days after visiting Calgary Red Deer Saskn toon and Holiday Mr and Mrs John returned ifter a week holiday in in the Cirnbein Mr and Mrs Rodney Hell family have returned home after the school where they enjoyed skiing at Owls Head in Que Mr and Mrs II Cole en joyed recently in St Petersburg Honda Mr and Mrs Fred have just returned holiday in ft man Ebenezer Musical treat set ItunMiUan treat is in store next Sunday at 11 when the choirs of he three Arkell Eden Mills and then join to hive Ihe service will be lowed by a pot hick lunch choice irticles will hinds at Mrs Art s sale on Agreement for Domtar of Hie United Intern Union has signed new three ye agreement with Papers in Georgetown Gilbert Hay vice president of the Intermtionil union said the three year ment wide for eents per hour effective to 1 and per cent on Miy I 1977 In addition to the the employees will receive a 4 tents per hour tost of living all uh the length the agreement Basic rate it the mill in Georgetown will be per hour plus the cent cost Mnj 1 Ihe rale will increase 12 per hour plus the cost living bonus on l 1977 Baliinafad New tack shop busy sale in hall Saturday CHARTER MEMBERS and life members of Silverwood Women s Institute Mrs Muriel Miller and Mrs Minda Corbett cut the Institute s anniversary cake at Saturday night s euchre party in Stewarttown hall Baliinafad Correspondent tells of being transplanted I was rndmg a honk by filth and her feelings on relinquishing her farm home and moving to just a house were so like mine it helped mt realize that maybe not so Yes quite adjusted and mj new house is a fine one There no to be done not hardly a cobweb to sweep down only wee to worry over and it ill w is i to be sure forme forthosewhocared bout me for fifl odd I looked over the hills and woods rail fences getting icily in need or repair mil farm buildings needing attention Then I think of the times we back the road towards the bush ind the lovelj wee spnnf under the beech trees as it bubbled over the rocks How we would just to sit there on the bit stone view he bush the special spot in the corner where clumps if crew where and tongue flaunted their to say mining of the cow slips Then ill the while the red w black birds were aw us for pint their spot Robins The other day my own special robin I know it was mine for me he his head at my cat and me He looked it us and is sure as could be said What s with it Whit are you don down here I flew to step up there and fussed around and no cat and no you in the w indow He alw came there first in the sprinL and fluttered fussed iround to let us know he was Memories life how we do like the old spots with their wonderful memories over fiftyoddyears who have sold their farms even though it was necessary very sensible have simi sentiments as I have I m not complaining at all Nominations candidate Wellington Peel New Democrats plan to man a soon for the expected election meeting of rid executive last it was decided to choose a candidate it mcctinL on Thursday April it the II ill in at Lewis of the Official Opposition in the Ontario will be guest spe President liter Kceltr of I Hi it he is prepared for in We have had team pre election work list Octibcr Keelcr sud We ire confident of making significant gains in Keelcr Jid that a search committee has been possible candid lies preparation for the minution meeting We II the voters real allern live Keeler said You can that Davis his been insensitive to Ontario needs he will be told that by the people on the next election d Georgetown complex plan A seat arena and a library in the same building adjoining Gordon Alcott arena in Georgetown with a million price tag was pro posed to Hills council by Ed Elshger and Ab Ten of the special building committee In contrast a library alone on another site including land and servicing costs was estimated by Mr at Si l million The library arena was the costliest choice of four pre by the committee All others had the same area por with a 185 185 foot ice surface but differed in num of washrooms kitchen and elevators Estimates for the three were million SI 1 million and EVERY MONDAY BINGO NOW HELD IN GEORGETOWN ELKS LODGE Mount Rd Georgetown a ltd Gm Doors Open 7PM Bingo Starts Games 3 Specials Jackpot in 56 GUARANTEED DO FREE BUS SERVICE Prom Gorrttv Weve got Spring Fever prices on all new MF farm tractors under 80 pto hp Spring into action and save SAVE to available inventories until April 2nd 1976 Come on in see for yourself you cant beat these Spring Fever Values ALLISON 1 Gtorietown hut old wis with prayers for for recovery f r ill for joy over for just pleas ml ihiinh apart i anniversary I hen was tin out loving dauihtirs sons rami grinds ins drive in the hick door through the hack kitihm ind Oh yes I must and I must put on luppj icl ind look and I will hut it snot whit many think this bunt trans pi iiitcd ItiliSh rtill Mrs Llnstead has been very 111 with a bad at tack of flu She has been con fined to her bed and hasn seemed to be to recover from It We arc glad to know is now convalescing Miss Snow is spend ing a of wicks in Ed monton Shi there last and is visiting r who has been III in hospital and is recovering from surgery party A family parly was held in lull Saturday night to honor Mr and Mrs Ken whose took place reimtly The on Sunday is by Mr I rid till Stiles was ill with a bad of flu and was un ihlctobiwithus In the place f sermon pimphlet was based on Murk 2 1 In this lisson read of paralyz id mm whosi friends in or dir him to Jesus be of the crowd let him down through the roof so Je sus I him Meeting in small groups with a to us wi discussed Discovering ricndship ItifLrrmf to the blocking thi wdy of thi mdn who thin the mm who wire inlicdl dnd ind not then fin illy who their Jesus would help friend stressful turns may have truly confidential friends but ilw tin ask God to i inn ind our lives to 1 us Wi win sorry not to minister with us but cairn with fitlint if friend ship i band Mr and Mrs It was gratifying to hear a few comments from him Also as always Mrs Me ncry music on our recent ly installed organ added to was an busy place the past week with all of Viola and family pitching in and helping to serve the who came to buy Churchill Just to browse around the new Tack Shop It really looks as if our equine friends are coming back into the pic lure Mrs Mane Conklin an interested equestrian was one of the helpers An auction sale was held again on Sunday afternoon in the hall There seemed to be a big crowd in attendance The Community Centre board held a bake and rum mage sale on Saturday Several people visit friends and families by Mrs rred Church and Sunday school at Churchill ity church were very well attended considering the roads We welcome our new neigh who have moved into Churchill district Jeffrey and Christine Kerr have been visiting the past with their aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Grant Downs Mrs Robert Miller and Miss Margaret Miller of Brougham Mr and Mrs Kivin of Toronto Mr and Mrs Glen Kitchen of Woodstock Mr and Mrs Humphrey and three girls of Georgetown and Dr and Mrs of Guelph have bicn guests of Mr and Mrs Bob Kerr and family dif days through the week Mr and Mrs Gordon Brooks of Barnc have been visiting Mrs Mary McEach and Mr Angus John McAdam spent last week s holiday at his home in Churchill from school at St Catharines Mrs Walker of was a Monday guest of Mr and Mrs Fred MaeAr Georgetown Denture Clinic 106 Guelph Street N to Post Off a on No ghw GEORGETOWN ONTARIO I Onnr J KOHARl J NOVAK DT COMPLETE DENTURE SERVICE Phone 7912314 NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF ERIN Dog Licenses ARE NOW PAYABLE 1st Male or Spayed Female 500 Female 800 All Succeeding Dogs 1500 Kennel L cense if qua After August 1 Penalty of per dog will be added Alex Duncan George St Hillsburgh Erin Township Doo Control Officer Telephone 8S54527 Listen to a Mend Bill Deegan 400 800 I