Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 31, 1976, B3

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Spilling the pins at Acton Bowling Lanes with Ken Hulford MIXED Mir Rookies up on the top rung when made wo and totala win The New were headed tor land but stayed on sale ground with in win la the finale Heading up the win were Ben George and Lynda Martin Topi for Newcomers were Terry Wilson IBB and Kevin ISO Capers dropped the first Ho to Sleepers then equalized In the second and hung on to grab the final go by pins lor a two and totals win with Barry Hunter SIS 280 j Sheldon Barker SRI 8J pacing the win Bob Woodcock and Dave Campbell 107 It a point split for Boosters and Jokers Jokers won the tint by enough pins to take the bonus point for totals while Boosters got theirs by winning the last two Top trio in Jokers trundling were Mallby 237 536 and Guy Payne Top Irl counters or Boosters were Steve 535 C54 Andrews 203 Gary Maltby and Jim Levy League standing Rookies Jokers Sleepers Capers 52 Newcomers Boosters BEARDMORE Mar The league leading Jet Set dropped with big win In the finale to make It a point split when they took total Top were Jack Van Bill Boyd 229 and Phil BOO 219 Far Barbar ians It was Bryan Dunn flB7 310 While and Ken 21B Every game was a winning one Cor NoNames they met up wllh Roger although the last go was close 10 pins decided It Tripling and singling In the win were Susan Arlc Doug Vlckcry and Bert Venema Getting cm for the Dodgers were 216 Joe Richards Dur Now worthy and Bill McGllloway ft Pat Mitchell 232 Van 1SS and Jill McLaren 443 209 For Novices Paula St key IS7 Charlotte Lawrence and Pat 418 157 were League standing Fireballs Dandy Lions Lucky Pins Novices Unicorns Ding A Lings BLUE SPRINGS FLOWER SHOP March The league- lead big Snapdragons continued their winning ways with a two and totals win from Asters Melanlc 221 Debbie Thomson IBS and Trembly 511 175 leading the win parade Top trio for Asters Here Edna Kennedy 207 Jackie Parker 195 and Jane 176 were best Trllllums came up with a two and totals win the middle spasm Top trio In the win were BettyHardle 208 winkles trundling were Verb Marg Gilbert and Joan 447 161 two and totals win from Moss Hardware who saved face with a last game win Top trio for the were Audrey You mint Donna Jeffrey and Sokoiowskl 235 For the Mossttes It Pat 219 Betty Cheyne and Fran Pierce ndln treatment Heading up the win were Morjoric rani Judy Brit ton 611232 2M JaneTafllefcr4L Agnes McGlnnfs League standing Snar Acton I Hills Garden Centre 93 Thistle Custodial Thornton Construction Moss Hardware A CC March Jitter Rugs took the front running Dames for two and totals The Dames salvaging the last canto and first Bice by one point Heading ihe Iter Rug uprising were Wendy Fabian Mary McDonald 611 233 and Marianne Hitchcock Tops In Dames trundling were June 768 270 Daphne Pre volt 538 193 Carpel Daggers bagged a three game win from Ranlc Dailies to crowd the league leaders with Mary Pstenaudc641 234 Wilms Ward 209 and Gallant 487 sparking win Top 156 mltcs Just that I total Shots after dropping canto to Not Mes Reg Marin 256 FrcdBilocco573181 Jake Van and Harold 207 the win Best In the s efforts were Brad 194 Pete Holmis Terry Curlew IBS and Bud Martin 197 League standing Jet Set Barbarians Not Me s No- Names 56 Roger s Dodgers Hot Shots SPEARS PLUMBING HEATING Mr Pin Busters increased their lead somewhat with a three game win from Rolling Stones Heading up the win were June 334 Linda Chandler 258 Brian and Gunlher 530 Top counters for Rolling Stones were Sid Spear 288 Norm Chandler and Donna Zeeuw 444 165 Lucky Thirteen took all Pin winning the league championship was no fluke finished off the regular schedule with a two and totals win from Honey Bees Tripling and singling In the champs win were Joan Knight 238 Terry 253 Debbie Storey Savard 201 20 and Linda Main Gelling cm for Honey Bees were McKinnon 280 Nick Hoy and Jean McAfee The second place Spitfires made It a 2 point spilt when they met up with Torpedoes They won the last two after getting clobbered In the first goby enough to let Torpedoes have the bonus pont for totals Up on the triple and single plateaus for Spitfires were Marlon Storey 260 VTnce Thornton 251 Ruth Ann Moycr and Harry Durham 239 For Torpedoes It was Fd Wood 208 Marl Thornton 212 and Keith Andrews Sexy Seven made It a two and totals win from Teardrops with Herts Wundcr Brad Timbers 224 John Dunn and Sojka 211 tripling and singling Gelling the mentlonables for Teardrops were McKinnon 326 Jim Thornhlll Janet Timbers and Gorgeous George Kronsch- Final league standing IB Spitfires Tor pedoes Honey Bees Tear drops Sexy Seven INDUSTRIALCOMMERCIAL March 24 With a three game win the Firestone crew Johns Texaco Service regained 227 Jim and for Rai were Linda Webster 442 and Archibald 434 184 Dusters made it a two gam from Trl Cats but the Cats a big winner In the middle totals to force a point split Heading up Carpet roll were Norma Price 231 Joyce Adams and Barb Edmonds on Tops for wire Irene Mamie Allan 219 and Wilson League standing Dlny Damet Carpet Baggers Carpel Dusters Dailies JltterRugs Trl Cats MAJOR March Sliver Creek Shell missed In the first gome with Store by pins but made no mistakes In wrapping up the next two games to hang on to the ACTON MIXED Mar Hellions continue to hold the top spot ai a of a two and total win from who averted the shutout by a last game win Top tri counters In the win were Baker 218 Jacklo Don 214 and Mom Making with the molt for were Gerry Paley 511 215 Janscn 233 and Val White 188 The sec ond place Hot Shots failed to gain on the leaders but kept up to the pace with a two and win from after losing out In the first canto by pins Heading up the win were Bryan Billings Fran Baker Dor othy Leecc and Tom Lai Tops for Pushovers were Laura Treble Peter Hurdle 526 218 and Peg Hurdle Tiny Tlmi had no trouble In racking up a triple win from the Satnta alter grabbing the first by 21 pins Tap for Tiny Tims were Laurie Johnson 49 Arlle While and George Minders 119 Topping the Saints trundlfng were Agnes McGlnnls 587 242 Jerry Buchanan 185 and Henry 487 League standings Hellions 126 Hot Shots PI Pushovers 100 Jeiiabclls 87 Saints Tiny Tims BIG FOUR Mar Dummies made It a two and totals win from the leagueleading who avoid the treatment with a last same win Top trio in the win were Harry Price 249 Jack Van 259 and Joint tat Top Irlo for Misfits were Bob Smith 191 Ken 495 and Grace Gran 476 165 Every game was a winning one for Hot Shots when they met up with the Happy Rollers Top In the win were 1st 215 Van Dam and Jack dc Best in the Rollers efforts were Van Norma I rice League standing Misfits Dummies Happy Hollers Hot Shots IIFADPIN There Is no truth to the rumour when Mac Herring ion landed at the real of the Acton Meadows bowling team the canine population in hills The Acton Free Press Wed March 31 1976 B3 Exhibit of tools Meditation Fryer a doff w Bob 289 Bryan Dunn 273 and Gory Turkosi were tops Acton Meadows signalled their return from with a three game win from Dominion Hotel with Jim Bullough Mac and Norm 301 heading up the win Young Stive Archibald was Lonesome Luke for 609 240 Acton the A CC ladles weekly draw Tom Mr and Mrs League Staves back on the active bowing scene after having a troublesome appendix removed a belated thank you lo George Archibald who acted as Judge of play for our Adams Clas As Youth Bowl Council Zone Representative Judge of 1 lay Is Hi setting was the of hi Ho before reluming I Northland that winds again my ACTON MINOR peewees press an attack against Acton won 10 over the host team The played twice during the threeday tournament LArche Auxiliary is seeking canvassers Tin munbirs of new Developmental Centrt scheduled be opened on April in Milton The Mowers of Hope campaign will in the second week of May The number to call if you can assist is given above Wild dogs on loose Milton issued a warning to residents of the area of lon to turd children and livestock pack of wild dogs loose in the area The puck recently chased killed heifer belonging ti barms on the I meat It It Camp- In II In Region Museum at Kelso now has one of the most interesting exhibition of tools to be seen When Adam Alexander I came to Canada as a stone mason to work on Castle In Hamilton in he purchased the farm which is now Kelso Park near Milton The trees were so tall on the south of his farm that it was not until he started felling that he realized the Niagara Escarpment jutted so high This is the peak seen while travelling on Highway west of Milton A plank measuring inches wide by 12 feet long and over two inches thick is proof of size of the timber grown here yearb ago This pine plank sets the theme of the display of tools and when you view the log hook pike broad axes old cross cuts bucksaws and various others in the setting of the ancient barn with its hand hewn pegged timbers you realize the back breaking work that was involved in the early buildings Hood plant J To complement this the finer woodworking tools including various wood planes All are restored to their original condition and the beautiful wood grains and brass work make these tools a sight to behold Region Museum is situated in the heart of Kelso Park open to p Monday lo 1pm to weekends and holidays Approve supermarket A new Safeway super market in Milton could be completed in one year says Division Manager Norman Kncbel of the executive of Canada Safeway Ltd Milton council week approved the supermarket and its proposed location near Highway next lo tne new Canadian Tire store Mr said it would take six weeks for the com to the builder the okay to commence work benefits A meeting to explain the benefits of Transcendental Meditation was held recently in the Acton Public Library Blaine Watson of Guelph was the speaker He explained to his audi that over research studies have been done so far on Transcendental These have shown that when one meditates twice daily he can expect to icnce such benefits as in creased learning ability im proved resistance to disease increased fast reaction time a decrease in the use of alcohol and cigarettes At present there are about eight meditators in the Acton area Through the central office in Guelph arrange ments can be made for them or others interested in lo meet Lectures on Transcen dental Meditation are held every Wednesday evening in at the Public Library at 7 p and anyone who was unable to attend the Acton meeting is invited to attend iimniiiiiiitiiiimti iiiiiiniiimiiiiiiim in new member Mrs Pat J at their monthly meetinj Tuesd dome of Mrs may Ticket are still available for the Sprint to lie I eld on Sa lurch at Hi Hand Hall on Wallace St m be obtained by needed The is eager to volunteers for the of ipe campaign Hit proceeds of Ins cam will jo to the North lialloii for the mint illy retarded They in turn mince the ee in Hornby Sunshine school the Nursery the AUTO LIFE FIRE LIABILITY ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS SEE ED PASSMORE 8 MILL ST ACTON Phone 8533340 or Res 856285 REPRESENTING CI AG INSURANCE in iiiiiii imiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini in Tom White 2GT Top for Reliable Taxis were Bolt Wood cock Harry Silver Moon 27B and Hank League standing Silver Creek Shell Acton Meadows rt Store Acton Lanes the top spot Gary Reliable Taxis Jim Terry Bone Masles MB 11 Hotel laden if the second for J It by Spear Louis 203 and Tom Staves lea Tops In Pin trundllnR were Marly de Zeeuw Ted Sankcy and Shirley SkeggsHir Happy Hookers were a two and winner from Hot Shot who won the middle Sparking win we c Donna Staves 237 Helen SIS 1S5 and Don Oakley 478190 Best in Hot Shots efforts Mary 215 League standing Pin Dusters Pin Lucky Thirteen Hookers 53 Rolling Stone TUESDAY SELECTS March Fireballs got fired up for a two and totals win alter dropping the go to Lucky Pins Colleen Jackie HlgRins and Tell Connolly 533 paced the win Making with the moat for Lucky Pin were Darlcne McDonald 216 Jensen SOS and Jean 201 Dandy Lions took the first go from Ding A Lings by pins walked away with the second and were all let to Sab the finale but Ding A Ling other ideal and It by pin Top in the win were Fran Baker Solly Smith ISO 1BZ and Edna Edge Top for Ding A were Donna Yvonne Hamilton and Marie Gill were a two and totals winner Novices averting the count by a 11 pin win In the last canto Heading up the win were In Too trio or Fire stone were Hank 263 Keith Andrews and The Station Hotel knocked Drive In off the top rung for Conway 7B9 Gerry Beaver Ward and Patenaude 282 featured the win Top trlplcra for the Olympians were Dec 251 and brother Shorty 679 24S Automotive kept their slim playoff hopes alive a two Same win from Reliable Snack with Kori Terry Curlew and Tom Browning 218 heading Ihe win Best In the Snack Dan efforts were Don 74B and Harry Silver Moon 2S8 League standing John Texaco Service Olympla Drive In Reliable Snack Bar Station Hotel Auto motive 31 Firestone ACTON LADIES March Nielsen Clothing continue to along In the lop by virtue of a two and totals win from Acton I G A Pat Wood Belle Kitchen 182 and Donna Mane paced the win Top trio for the were Linda 220 Marianne McGrath and Anderson 184 Hills Garden Centre got after dropping the lint canto to Thomson Construction for a two and totals win with Mary Wild May 236 and Lynda McDonald 239 heading up the win Making with ACTON FRIENDS March The front running dropped the first go Playmates by pins equalized In the second with a pin win then stashed away the finale by bin were shy three pins of taking Irtali and settled for a Up Hoy Diane 273 Topelko 235 and Gelling solos lor Playmates wen Dawn Case John Bobble Thompson Carmen Masters The solos of Leo Cassivl Murray and Larry paced the three game win of Sharpshooters when they net up with Go Getters who had Langlols 635 Margot Wilson and Watson 200 tripling and singling Spitfires were a two and totals winner from Monica John Case Mtke Noble and Garnet Case heading up the win with singles Tripling and singling In Boozers efforts were Lou 209 Ellen Larsen Dave Gold Kevin Davidson 216 and Doug llendsbei League standing Rambler HI SB Spitfires Play LAKEVIEW CENTRE Carpel ait J Flooring Installers On Staff I jt DC I CELANESE VENTURE OZITE CALLAWAY ARMSTRONG AND GA F mi i the lor were Edna Mclina EOT mt ACTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Dinner Meeting Monday April 15th Legion Hall Dinner 7 5 per person SUBJECT Proposed landfill sites in County Speakers Bill Johnson enqineer Jack Corbett public works chairman Jack Raftis councillor G RESERVATIONS Nielsen s Clothing 853 Swetman Shoes 853 Acton Fried Chicken 2450 and Pizza Spot Clean your carpet faster and better with Steamex APRIL 1 2 3 Thank you for making our first year the sensational success it has been We re celebrating with extra special savings We re also opening brand new stores for you Lighting Unlimited Hi Lo Fashions featuring fashions for the larger lady and maternity wear Echoes Fashions new expansion and ThB Playroom Amusement Centre We re now even more so this area foremost Fashion Centre with more of everything As part of this celebration we re going to look back a little more than one year J 3 en nil if do in poo yet hi Jt ltd lube toe pell lip or wo 0 to en and It TPU lor U 1 Reninthe pro Doll oursel Rent Ifyyou carpet cleaner Ik or in Friday EvenlnQi at 3D and Salu day highly Fashion and Now with a Full Orchestra Live Singing In Country Don Th One All Nam Weak Tho Wo Contost Fldny Evaninn Swoon to Big Band Sound Gualph Own Ell at Saturday at Bring I ho Kid In lor Fron Full Colour Tho of followed by Birthday Cnko also for ho Kids Thursday Friday Comploto an Pnga of This Supplamont Sod on display ACTON 878 9262 GEORGETOWN 7541877 7230877 6b25 FOR DEALERSHIP ENQUIRIES CALL TORONTO stone rond man

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