Fight to keep Halton goes to House The fight to keep George town and north east in the federal riding of Halton will soon be taken to the floor of the House of Com mons by MP Dr Frank Phil brook possibly this week After hearings last October the Electoral Boundaries Commission decided recently to lump Georgetown and northeast with the City Brampton to form new federal riding called Brampton The decision splits Hills In half since he rest of Etquesing and Acton will remain In Dr has filed a with Parliament and is petition had the signed support of many MPs Finance Minister Donald MacDonald Indian Affairs and Northern Development Minister Judd Buchanan and Revenue Minister Bud Cut In addition the House will be hearing four other protests made and supported by other MPs including the member who presently represents the Brampton area Ross Milne office an noun this week he has a ready in which he will refer to the hundreds of real dents names on protest forms and petitions sent to himself and Hills Mayor Tom Hill over the past week Ottawa too late to be included in Philbrook protest to Parliament In the document Phil brook ho presented to the House he charges the Elec Boundary Commission failed to fully appreciate what residents told the com mission at hearings Inst fall At the time Georgetown was in a new riding called Halton Peel along with Vaughan and King Townships Mayor Hill and from area told the commission it was important that Hills not be split When the commission reviewed the rid ing changes it left Hills split His petition to Parliament also charges the commission didn pay enough attention to mdarics like has told the House commission deal with redistribution failed to Keep the question of unity or community of interest in mind He says this means adequate representation for people in Parliament is now virtually an Impossible task Sttt ffirtss One Hundred and Year No ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY MARCH 31 Fo Two Pages F Ceni Surprise study A sewage projection study received by Hills has brought a surprise to planner Mario Although had recommended to re council that effluent from tannery be accepted into the Acton sew age treatment plant when the new addition is completed the study shows acceptance of the full amount would a most immediately put the newly expanded plant at cap acity had estimated its effluent at gallons per da With the sewage treatment plant projected to he completed at the end of the plant would be taxed to capacity by late if it accepted the full amount Council had at one time recommended the new plant accept 100 of effluent daily At this rale the new plant would be at at the end of Negotiations Planner Venditti says there will obviously have to be more negotiations between and region il council of Beirdmore sewage would limit the amount other units which could be accommodated such as subdivisions How much Acton should would also have to be taken into consideration Mr Venditti says too much grow is not recommended for The planning department just recently received the re port which contained the information Own plant has never hid its effluent accepted in the town sewage treatment plant the industry in town so excluded The company has Us own treatment plant and Ins requested that its effluent be taken into the new plant when the addition is built claims to pro vide over M per cent of Ac tons industrial assessment the company argues and employs about people Time schedule The projected time schedule for the sewage treatment plant shows de signing to be completed in soil boring to be com pleted this month and the tender call to be made in Nov ember 1970 It is expected construction will take most of 1977 The present plan lakes Just over millions of gallons day With the planned add itwouldhaveacapaciiy of one million gallons a day Back in November Hills planning board voted unanimously to let Beard more hook up to the treat ment plant when the addition was completed The Beard more effluent uld he brought up to Ministry of the I nvlronment standards Canada Packers has declared plant if they hud the anee the town plant could be used more At that time it was thought it if put gallons a day into the phnt be a capacity of 100 gallons for any other development Councillors also said in November that a 10 population could be served by the million gallon pi ml and should be Councillors then agreed here was no indication Acton residents wanted the town to a real deal As far bock as a year ago regional council recommend be allowed to use the town phnt Hills planning board has recommended that per day out of the ital one million gallons in expanded Georgetown sewage plant be aside for the proposed expansion of William Company I united there Councillors felt Niclsons should be encouraged to expand Sit graph on Page Counting every fetter Certificates medals keeps the mail late Mail delivery was almost two hours late Monday mornitif on the first day of a week volume count Each piece of mail is counted and each mailman or mail voman list compiled before the carriers can start Monday brought a dose of phone hills and pension cheques and they took longer than expected to count Mail men started out about two hours late Postmaster explains the volume count is now required in every post office which has house-to- house delivery This is the first lime it has been done in Acton since house tohouse delivery wis introduced Time weight A eslimite is that each mail earner will go to 70 per cent of the places on his or her route each day The time value is established by formula The bags of mail ire also weighed in the study The study goes on for two weeks but the mail t expected to be particular late iceording to Mr There are six full time carriers one part time carrier the local ice presented at Legion Accident Friday year old Acton woman was slightly injured Friday night when she hit a car dash board as her husband braked quickly and struck two wood en posts on Highway north west of Aclon DPP said Mrs Gwendoline Price of Main St was hurt when the her husband Doug igcj2 wasdnvinghit the cedar posts which were lying in the lane The was not damaged Police the accident at the of and the Milton town line Collision Monday An accident at the sixth line and was in vestigaled by police Monday Drivers involved were Lisa Nielsen estimated 250 her vehicle and Stephen Ireland Glen Williams with damage to the van he was A whole roster of names was called Saturday at the legion when many special were presented it the banquet Members ind quests numbering about 140 attended Ihe and dunce which coincided with the anniversary of the I McCulchcon and Max Storey were joint chairmen for the program Certificates of merit were presented to all the past presidents Jimmy Jim Milne Robert Vic Patrick Max Storey and On rd J Two past presi dents unable to be there to rt their awards were Al Kirkness and Bill Charter member All three living charter members were presented and were introduced by Vic Pat nek A J Buchanan 1- red Wright and John Milne These three charter members are ill World War One ins and were of merit Other certificates of merit to James Hugh Sr Waldic and John Hugh for their contributions to the branch over Jim was entertain ment chairman for a number of vcars Hugh served on number of com mittecs Including and John Mcllugh also sit on variety of committees Jim and John were also original and fiithful members of the legion Pat worked with the poppy and membership com in fund r programs Sports Certificates wire also pre to Ivan and Kerwm Mel hail Ivan is involved in minor spirts and ing main contribution is in minor sports and mone Doug M ison catering projects were especially me ion id padre for 15 years the Rev A McKcnzie also received a certificate Second time It I was given iward IB years ago when he had expected he no longer looking the poppy impaign in His plans ever work tut lies still in charge the poppy fund there Sunt ward Siturdav special service medal is prep for the an of he Me and certificates of mcnl both were presented to he members of the Continued on 2 500 club Winner takes cash Seventeen year old Cliff emerged the big winner in this year club when a packed Legion Hall heard his name announced Saturday night as he winner of a car or cash Cliff a student Acton high school decided on the cash and was presented with the cheque by Don Lindsay draw organizer at school on Tuesday He has taken a driver education course school does nol have his After Cliff returned home from evening out younger sister Linda informed him of his win Thinking a pract ical joke he dismissed the thought until he telephoned his father at the Legion only to have her statement con firmed Cliff plans to spend a bit of the money but save most of it Immediately upon receiving cheque he head towards the bank to deposit it Cliff had never purchased a club ticket before this year nor does he buy lottery tickets His father John Creasy won some money for selling the winning ticket Names drawn tirsl drawn for was that of Wayne Scott The numbers of ticket holders were drawn from a barrel wilh for every winner But the awards of the night were kept till the end about llMpm when there were just a few names left on the tug blackboard As the tension mounted the lost six lucky people were lo for for Pat for Dawkins for and George for 200 This left just one name on the board that of Cliff Crease The last moments were particularly tense for John Creasey who was present al though son Cliff wasn The lasl two numbers in the were I hose of Mr who works with him at American Motors and his til winners The 10 winners announced at intervals were Wayne Scott Alec lliehards Buchanan John Salmon ope Smith Henry Wedge Ken I foyd Mc Jim I indsay Ella Morton Sam Block Ted Curtis Shirley Clay Jordan Barb Weldon Kevin Lumbers Ed Edna Sampson Tom Watson and Hick Lambert Itlg crowd All parts of the new Legion were jammed for the even The annua banquet hud been held and there wis large crowd it the regular night dance Music there was by The Wheels The were made throughout the evening in the lounge area Kent Tocher provided entertainment here liaises Don I organized the evenings pro gram and on different people to draw names Some of were minor hockey officials he 500 club takes in about and ends up with over for minor hockey in It has been a popular money making scheme for seven or eight years now Whoopee Turn to Page Bl Dinner first garbage fa ter The controversial question of where lo put all of garbage will be the subject when Chamber of Com merec hosts i dinner meeting on Monda April The timely subject will be dealt wilh several speakers Assocnlion president Bill Johnson region engineer Jack who also sits on the technical coord com miltec for the resource recovery study for he region and Jack chairman of the region public works com expected is a film on the invironment loaned by It s reported to be ex sav the s organ icrs from he Chamber irst comes a buffet dinner then serious stuff on ice Studies have included possible sites very near lo these have not been in contention recenlly The Chamber is hoping to spark the interest of citizens with its important subject next Monday Anyone may come tickets can be bought at Nielsens clothing store shoe store or the Acton Canadian Fried Chicken and Pizza Spot Dinner it 7 it all in new Hear evidence this morning An inquest investigating the circumstances of a two ear crash which claimed seven lives on March6 began today Wednesday in county courthouse on On the jury are Hugh Bell foreman Brad bury Stuarl Danhill Donna and Ken Grant eligible people were interviewed There are about people attending his morninc including 13 from the press ind TV There are a couple of TV cameras in the hall of the court house I- to testify were a path and a lexicologist They testified there was no indication of alcohol in Eric Coulures system However evidence from a friend indicated he had had two drinks prior to the accident Witnesses continued lo report their knowledge of Couture s that evening press lime The jury will be to mike recommendation the present police policy of high speed chases I ric Couture IB Acton dm of the stolen car John 17 Acton driver of the second car and pass John 19 Lynn Marshall It 4 Acton Scott 18 R I I Kevin 17 and Tim lit formerly of Eden Mills were ill killed Bus agency soon says GO Transit Coach lines in ation with GO Transit is on the verco of getting an in Aclon according to GO Tom Henry The spokesman had been told Gray Coach that the town would have a depot imminently but could reveal any time or names Watson restaurant Mill St had previously been the agency hut when GO Transit replaced Gray coach buses through town they Jecided to give up Gray Coach lines is operating the buses for Trinsit between and Toronto An of the new agency should be made soon There has also been a pro blem with Acton parcels dropped off in George town ind the addressee not knowing where Supply teachers incensed by cut WINNING SMILE IS flashed by yearold Cliff Creasey sitting on the left as a cheque for is presented to him by 500 club draw organizer Don Lindsay Cliffs name was the last one drawn Saturday night at the Legion making him the grand prize winner of a new car or cash Sherri Ferguson Mark Ferguson Val Irwin Gary Campbell and Teresa peer to get a better view of the cheque as the presentation was being made supply teachers in North Hilton are more than a little upset by the Hilton Board of Education decision to cut their pay by as much per cent are also angry that they received no Individual notification and burned of the through local paper In a press release to tbia the teachers they are bearing the brunt of the achool boards restraint pro- grain In spite of the lad they are fully qualified experienced acreeHd by the board Tbey point out teachers are paid less than regular beginner teacher wages and being asked to lake a SO per cent cut la hard to take Supply teachers the press release suggest take tbe full the absent teacher and believe tbey should get Ml day pay for a full days Although tbera war strong objections from the North elementary prin cipals the Board Education decided wages would save this year In the period from April to December Effective April teachers at levels four five six and seven will receive teachers at levels one two and three will be reduced All supply tea will also receive four per cent hoi May pay Supply teachers at levels one to three will get a day those at levels four to seven will get MO a day Supply teachers had just received a raise In the fall of bringing for the first three pay categories up from to a lo f or the other four categories Principals from North warned the board by letter a pay reduction far teachers might mean good supply teachers wont be available also raised the question of whether this would also mean viceprincipals and principals would be forced teach Board trustees were not Impressed however They decided the pay cut was