The Acton Free Press Wed January 1976 Seek names for award recipients The much discussed Charles Thompson memorial award has been confined to residents of Acton by the Acton and Rcerea Ion Committee The award given In honor of the late Mr Thompson Is presented to the person or persons who have contributed the most to Acton recreation Mr Thompson was a resident of Erin township who used to walk into town tor sports act ivitlcs The award has only been presented once since Its intro duction several years a ho The committee had few months ago to revise the award It was first decided to have the award open to any re sident of Acton and and to have the com mittee choose the name At a later meeting it was decided to let the public choose the names or names with the committee picking the final winner from the names sub mitted Inherited At the January 13 meeting of the committee the award was further discussed kept Rain sleet or snow cant deter committee Kerwin one of the founders of the award ex plained It was something Hills Inherited when regional government came into being Sheldon felt that the memorial should be kep within the former town Thompson did not Know regional government was coming along and in all fair to him it should be kept in Acton Names may be submitted for the award to the town off- Ices on Mill St A mail chute on the outside of the building makes it possible for names to be put in at any time of day The Legion draw for half a beef was won by J Graham and two quarters won by Mrs W Wilson and Mrs Ryder The Concerned Citizens held a public meeting Tuesday evening in school Full report next week PREPARING FOR scuba diving at Fairy Lake Acton Sunday afternoon are Halton Scuba Trek members Jim Powell Jim Mulholland and Dave Francis They went down feet and walked on the bottom in almost total darkness In spile of the near blizzard on January all members of the Acton and Recreation Advisory made it to their regular meeting No carnival Plans for the introduction of a town sponsored winter carnival this year have been scrapped by the Acton and Recreation Advisory Committee due lo lack of time for planning At the January of group they decided to holdall plans next when the event can be properly organized Gas taken About 10 gallons of gas were siphoned from a school bus on Tler Transport lol Kin 19 Polite are mvestigat Sheldon Mary Anne Barrow and Ron Mitchell came in from the Speyside area and Elmer Dunn and Kerwin both arrived from the Acton area Recreation Program Co nntor John Cooper made il from Brampton Peter and Ed Wood had to plow through the streets of Aclon to get the meeting REGISTER for the Acton WINTER PROGRAMS at the Y Building on SAT JAN 24th AMMA FREE llIO BUS Every FRIDAY and SATURDAY Nite INTERNATIONAL CENTRE up to In Cash Prizes Each Night call Mrs Smith 8533687 PICK UP AT 615 PM TORONTO DOMINION BANK ACTON 630 PM CANADIAN STYLE DONUTS MILTON Three scuba divers walk 20 feet below ice Sun Through a square in the ice adventurous scuba divers slipped into the degree waters of Acton frozen Fair Lake Sundav to swim underwater and walk along the weedy bottom Overhead was almost total darkness as the noise of snowmobiles reverberated through the foot and half depth of ice and its thick coaling of new snow The men earned powerful and were guided by ropes All are members of the reeentl formed Scuba Trek and are fully divers with manv lies behind them But diving under the ice is different and for two of them was just the second lime under the ice and for one his first wintertime experience Scuba Trek president Dave Francis of Georgetown and Jim Mulholland Aclon made their second descents under ice Club secretary Jim Powell Milton made his first Mr Francis has been diving about 10 years Mr about five and Mr Powell just a year or so They enjoyed the training experience and intend to do it again in three weeks They began their prepar ations at Fairy at about a m Sunday and after Em they were back at the home Acton gulping steaming coffee and soup entailer Was J I Hewitt of Georgetown who has had a years diving ex penence He had the vital job of holding the strong ropes which assure the safety of the men underwater Air tern were about above Club members located a good spot feet from shore behind the poultry building A patch feet square was cleared From here paths three feet wide and 12 feet long were shovelled to radiate out from the centre to guide New shelves New bookshelves have been installed in the Legion games room by Gob Mem expect to exchange books divers underwater Warning signs were posted and the area roped off Spec tators too near the edge could slip In tied to trees on shore buried under snow so they catch snowmobilers A four foot square was marked on the ice cut out with chain saw and the forced under the ice where floated nearby till needed to plug up the hole again By 1 the divers donned their gear wet suits which would lei enough water in to insulate boots hats in flatable Mae West life preservers air tanks snorkel weight belts mask and goggles The snorkel could be handy if the diver were trapped under ice and could locate a pocket of air Big lights so and a knife to themselves from weeds ropes and long abandoned fish lines There provetilo be plenty of weeds on the bottom of fairv Lake at this point It was 20 feet deep dropping off suddenly as a result of dredging I- seen The divers had some slight see intangle Trek hopes to take on the project of cleaning the bottom of hairy Lake could particularly helpful in bringing up garbage and debris from the swimming area in the park Some of the members are keen about diving at the sites of wrecked lake ships at Tobermory They have been and intend to go again Maps show where the ships disappeared as long ago There are more wrecks lo be found Members also to assist if needed in an such as an search in be da Trolls Tins experience was to them since diving can be very dangerous unless done One of the divers found his regulator frortn and cut off He shot to the top at once The men said felt cold more on the surface of the lake than underwater Between GO people gathered lo walch Miclings of the club meetings arc held al Ihe Mulholland home in Acton where planning sessions precede all dives The group has been offered a building Milton as a club house if they 11 fix it up themselves There are about 10 members in the group and all have passed the specialized courses required for membership Some who try tough tests Tail The group has one woman member Diane Emerson of Georgetown who is inactivt these months since she at Scuba Trek has been organized for about a year and is looking for more members Jim Mulholland suggests people interested could call him at VALENTINE CARDS HINTONS The Corporation of the Town of Milton PUBLIC SNOW PLOWING SNOW REMOVAL Please co operate In keeping vehicles In driveways and OFF streets In the Town of Milton to allow for prompt Snow Plowing and Snow Removal Work Crews and Police are authorized to have parked vehicles which are left on the streets towed away at the owners expense if they obstruct and cleaning operations PROPERTY OWNERS Please operate fay not plowing or shovelling snow from your pro pertyon to the road Besides being dangerous it Is illegal and offend ers can be charged Your operation In observing these regulations will assist greatly In the winter control program and be to the advantage of all citizens JANUARY un NOW IN FULL SWING Low Price High This valuepacked wall paint is extrathick for good coverage and minimum spatter and drip Beautiful flat finish covers in just one coat over most colors when applied according to label directions Hands and paint tools clean up with soapy water C95 5 GALLON ENTIRE STOCK OF WALLPAPER Prepasted Stain Resistant Strippabie Vinyls from Waldec all imported lines OVER BOOKS TO FROM MANY MORE ITEMS ON SALE COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND STORE Monday Tuesday Wednesday am to pm Thursday Friday 9 am to 9 pm Saturday am to 530