Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 14, 1976, p. 8

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The Acton Free Press Wed January Siderotic It was degrees this morning Thursday on one of our thermometers theotheronesnid 10 degrees lake your pick oriel meet is shivering and shuddering and talk ing about the Cold I shivered and shuddered this morning too until I found Ihe barn pipes unfrozen and the car would start then I renumbered the winter in the Ottawa Valley it went down to degrees and degrees recorded tern and I kit exceeding warm time in the country The charming summer green has become three feet of white the clear fresh air become an assault to the nostrils and the solitude hike to the highway when he snowplow t make it However whenever I find myself about four inches of snow or low leiiipcntures I think hack to those Villej winter Thccirof he Dig Snow We always received more our shire of the white stuff and farmers muttered if there isn tat Ict1 four feet on the ground- be a dry spring if wc don some more snow hut then they muttered it we DID get more snow this winter it to snow on Thursdi continued until over three feet had fallen in less than hours ill whipped around b J frenzied wind That night thee ill stuck its out iked down our wood stoie twisting the damper the flames into the pipes It got quite exciting there for a while is we struggled to put cut tin fire 1 is torn between bundling the sleeping out into the snow or sitting down ing good By morning the storm hid dumped foot drift house the tarn ll have of it ere ted such mountain between us the neighbors house across the roid we thought we dloste leh other The cut through 10 15 foot gullies these hid been totally filled in with snow i skiers delight It wnscodeiinuihloimke the snow hird so we had quite a lime climbing tin drift the standing on top mid it the dun then sliding down to the door tqxif wluehw is ill isnsible The dog with us but i eust of wind she sluiced on side down the drift to thump in angry he igiinsl the pig pen window Say people crying wolf Ric and Sandy Symmes who live at Terra Colta think people are crying wolf without any justification in many cases Our local experience plus discussions with the canine control officers would lead us lo believe there are far more wild at large in this county than wolves ardent conservationists say We are frankly skeptical of reports of kills of livestock by wolves when the animal was not clearly seen and Identified by someone who knows onrush wolf from a man Shepherd mongrel Keep In mind that a wolf kill makes a Iuleicr story ham the misdeeds of an abandoned pooch the news media should we suggest show appropriate skepticism and avoid crying wolf without definite evidence Quite aside from questions of equity it makes sense to focus attention on wild dogs the major source of the problem in order to get results the Symmes told The Independent University of Guetph experts also agree with the Symmes indicating the only way to identify a wolf la by having the skull to determine whelher it Is part dog part brush wolf or coyote as they are known in the west They could also be just wild dogs Tor the farmer however it doesn matter whether the animals arc wolves or mixtures of dog and coyote or wild dogs Animals arc being killed and bothered by four legged creatures which might be dubbed Unidentified Four Legged Creatures No easy solution to wrecking yard THREE YEAR OLD Gerry Hurlburt takes his father Gerald for a spin on their snowmobile Saturday His face is warmly covered except for a peek hole for his eyes They set out for their expedition from near the Breezes Limehouse Holidays WI meeting newcomers in report pit It wis three the plows ittenipled to open the rind 1 he one who had snowmobile did wonderful serwee bread ind V hen the plows did they weren the regular rtwd erew plows nut touLh enough No this brought mold four wheel dme liters its engine welded solid from repealed repurs ten ton of rock rubble in the ind i plow on the front the driver to drift he d up nee put hit thednft miles in hour The rubble would feet out of the back the blade would i few inches into the snow he go to try ind rim i few more mehes three miles the id tins i until Hie snow deeper th in the tniek bulldozer to open Mrs Mr mil Mrs lohn ind Mis Mi hi ind Mrs II Inn r turned from few in lond of foe ptoph mil id fnm We Duff hi is fromolhtrs ill i riffli of tin winning mill w is pi iniud for it is in fimsli pulls it Mrs SI l ISI Hal ton Hills administration committee admitted they were not sure what could be done about the wrecking yard in Monday night when Jim i of residents again raised the question Mr repealed his previous statements saying the committee were looking for long term solution lie said he realized it is deslg legal nonconforming use but contended that be The slid the moving of the fence con form with the bylaw did not really since it only legalizes the wrecking yard He claimed the lime kilns were one of the few historical sites left in this yard on lop of them Chairmin said the committee his reasomhle but reminded him Hilton Hills had inherited eerlain problems from the individual municipalities We to lion deal with them diplomatic should refusing licence long as it to the Helen Mills member of the I said the residents objected when the wis issued but reeeieed no consider i ml the licence he hoped Hoy said residents difficult position thi council is in He can well revoke the licence He said if the land could he put to park use perhaps the VTA or the Niagira ran mission would w nit the land He reminded the residents hey were dealing with some one s livelihood Booth idmilted wis in eyesore hut pointed out there ire no grounds for the wrecking is sold it like mad Booth slid the wrecking is first issued in 1 to John llers hip of I suesing Seat belt warnings to Feb 1 HIT Harold If irilnm announced today lint seal belt I ilmn became effective on in 1 by agreement with of the Ministry of Ir and Com m mi it ions members of the llnlino Police f will issue irmngs only to of the new seal kit until Feb 1 Struck deer tilled the i 1ST I he body ill w the s upbringing mi or ihureh I OPPmight reduce service in Halton like se futun but w be no ligal lit offer of m through other but I tie line to he decision whether he is worth the in fits to the lie fell there was no pi let for on a mam t wrought ire hut it On January at pm a 1371 Pontiao me the driven Barbara Head Lot in No Camp- 1 tllMlle struck a deer on led for the causing over damage to the front of her vehicle w is there The committee recom mended that a report from Clerk I rench and the letter from Mr be forwarded to the solicitor for his pure his I tin of Mr mil Mrs nisi whom nerd to lost to rsoll the r hit more fun Such rire in Ire injm it t storm w and holiday wis work mjw gave us i topic of comers So when you re slim the next piddling ill think ahout the rest of the never id it so good untitle el mil it i jxirly last week a duck flies sun into i stale of imer gency mil tin dull irs i is volt I or fin Sick luldidi 1- mid ill Search ends happily bus driver finds boy Churchill Visits church in area news by Mrs I nil her parents home with Mr Mm ind morning ihureh also with Mr and in Mis Kerr over the mutiilv J in 1 1 w is and New will itlnidtd Mrs I mis Mr Mrs Boh Kerr subjeet wis I ffrey were HO itmnships mil the visiting her Hit fdhir Knox who is a pititnt in pit then on down to the Mrs Hugh her mother md j before in 1 igi ml Mrs s Dor Ik I Mr mil Mrs liruie Smith tivt jobs with ihe ir in tils it Me Mr mi Mrs Kmrtis mil Mi ttid Mrs Smith hi hid it iflib id fnm tin s is s to rintic phoiK mill rank Me Din ind ilso Mrs Mitlursiif were quests on with Mr mil Mrs hirlislennv The be forced reduce some of the policing services they provide in because of the new belt lightening policy at Queens Park A letter from Com to Chairman All in there is the possibility wc the will not be ible to pro ide tin level of serv lee is have in the past issnn passed the letter from he on to Itegion Police Commission and he sioners decided they should get more information from he about the kinds of cuts they ace Grill informed hit the has not been left out of the province s austerity program lit explained he police force flees and staffing constraints for the forthcoming year Graham asked the region when it planned issume complete policing of of the Police Commission Judge William said here was nothing Police could do ibout the problem find out whit kind of policing in Hilton tin might hue in mind promise to pin he intentions Hilton Sinci list September the his been policing Nassigiweyi Township ind Lust fall Hilton Police took over jurisdiction in township and ho of the duties It is the region will lake over policing responsibility some time in the but budget facing the may force lit sooner Inn he force planned It slowed down mis The ill to school so ll in can the these frost winter A r of pupils On hid ippv 1 win igeds ippv ill ir ir old kinder tu coming from bin irnvi hum His mother phoned school He isn there icJibour girl id it hi side him on Hit bus coming from mi I school frit win gum I hi Mr Brown sell until il i 111 m Snowmobile owners asked to be careful mi sofn dm i 26 die on roads During I 74 here wire J collisions on ro ids in Hilton in which persons were injund lo tin Ministry of ition ommumcitmns booklet Motor Vthiclf I icts his just been issied by mimstrv It shows housinds of motor chicle collision fids ind with tin ye ir figures Hen in figures on Hilton of is id toting tin losl He hid tin wrong bus boy is in time to ii supper with his A siinil incident in i urn 1 ginning of hi inn iged isking tins tin school phot delivered his hid hum he left lit know when hi livid so it would he do wih him Niedliss to sly his in ills wen loi Hid quilt son lily ill jusl proves pom I ive id vocited an stir ting off to school it such in irWogi now liny should In night thi pirints mines ami where they live hi fori lit ing irled on bus tspeci illy out in thi country In stiowniobilt this ihe is snowmohiltrs to I ike s in proiRrty I winlir tin phintition wist of is post id but signs wen ignored or torn down Snowmobiles pick down snow on new plant ilions Meeting in muling of is hi I ihriiiry it the image is not found until spring I il clubs line cooper lit with the out trees thoritv in policing numbers is not and enthusiasts are In check where intend to ride and eon the environment Missed Your Free Press Please Let Us Know Our carriers do their best to give fast courteous service but mistakes do happen so if you do not receive your paper or have any complaints regarding delivery please call our office 8532010 icked going the Vandalism problem I ills with is problem ports ino Hydro Willful dim igi to insulators from cases in 11171 to ye with mon than doubling from Tit in to in of vand w is caused bv gunfire recently not dam ige is done to i line circuit lire Northwestern cold has rounds lately He packs unite i wallop so you would be idvised when von see him coming take up arms immciliatdy and fight I m following I reward w is red In December with rifles lused in power Interruption of up to hours mm litmus and several industries hit Newmarktl Hoi land I Hiding when insula lors were shattered along miles of a transmission line At one point the line had In en completely sevtied and was BOWL for Pleasure J tot of it BQWL THE ENTIRE FAMILY CAN BOWL TOGETHER GO BOWLING ACTON BOWLING LANES to Main St N Member P A C T REG MUNICIPALITY OF HALTON THE Council ha approved formation of an ECOLOGICAL AND IN V IRON MINT ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Committee Is to be established as a TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Ihe Region to assist the Regional Government and the Regional Planning Department In development an Official Plan for the Region which will be In keeping with the area desire for a high quality natural environment The Committee will be composed of members appointed from the following areas biology planning environmental groups concerned Agencies industry commercial developers rod and gun clubs farming community and general public It Is anticipated that Committee will meet weekly THE Region will now receive applications from Individuals In the above stated areas lor Membership on Ihe ECOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL AD VISORY COMMITTEE Applicants should be resident of Halton Region and bo prepared to work a minimum average of five hours per week on Committee matters Applicants should describe their previous experience andor training In environmental concerns when applying Interested Individuals are requested to send letters application to The Region of Halton Planning Committee Harvester Road Burlington Ontario 308 Attention McEachern Regional Plannor The last date that applications will be received Is A m Friday January Additional Evening Courses at SHERIDANS OAKVILLE CAMPUS REGISTER NOW TO ENSURE A PLACE PipingBasic This course will be open to anyone 10 years of ago and up and will deal with the very basic aspects piping so no experience Is necessary This course is affiliated the Scottish Pipe Band Association and will be taught by a certified Instructor Tutor booh will be supplied but It will be necessary to have manuscript book and a chanter Mondays Starts January Sessions Fee Training Aggressiveness has always been used as a for women yet the same term Is continually used In a positive way to men skills also help women to reallie their self potential and self sufficiency both of which to their personal and professional tlons Following a discussion have you ever asked yourself How do I feel how docs the other person eel and how docs thai person feel about me By answering these questions and evaluating Ihe results women can learn to be more assertive and less aggressive Tuesdays Starts January Sen Ions Fee A similar course will be offered in operation with the YWCA on Rebecca Street during the day For this course please register at the EXT84I1 Creative Leather Craft An Introductory course In the creative use of leather as a craftsman s media Con techniques types of lealher and use tools will all bo part of the class Wednesdays 7 Starts Ja 10 Sessions Fee Ists essayists and journalists and those Involved radio and fele will be reading from a wide variety of sources and will be asked to listen to and view radio and television pro grams tor laler discussion Where I films and audio tapes will be used In class In addition to printed material Women In the Media How women are pic tured by Media how women are used by Media and how women have the Media Wednesdays Starts January Sessions Fee Television Production Technl The of the course Is to Introduce the student to complete workings of a studio All phases Of production will be explained The studio Is and capable of full colour production The students will work towards producing a hr color production The student will learn how to operate J Color cameras lighting patch panel and dimmer board Input audio mixer j board Richmond Hill effects switcher with chroma key operation of record and j edit machines In format formats used are Sony and The Sony porta pack mobile units the patch panel the editing process the use of graphics within the medium the use of model sets for chroma key application the correct settings of video sync back how to write up and lay out a script correctly J how to light up a scene correctly Thursdays 7 Starts January EMS 7101 Women In the Media A twelve week course covering Canadian women in the media both as they are pic tured by the media and as they are active In media will include writers poets novel For further Information cal Sessions Fee MO WSXOBOO Rape Defense This course taught by a woman gist and martial artist will concern rape prevention Various methods deterring raplsls will be discussed and Practical self defense techniques will be and practiced Films and guest speakers will be presented Tuesdays to Starts January Sessions Foe HO Community Services Sheridan College Community Services

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