Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 14, 1976, p. 17

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THE TRIO of HEALTH end HAPPINESS How to Dominion ooo The Acton Free Press Wed January Id 17 BEE LINE AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC Sketches III by John McDonald Seed House Clcer1 feBEELINE James Bradley a native of Ireland emigrated to Canada and eventually settled in Glen Williams James was a milt by trade and while re siding in the Glen he a business which tool handles and bobbins In January 1B7C he purchased the Dobbin Spool and Turning from J Williams a descendant of the Williams which founded the village It was during the late that James Bradley acres on the south eastern limits of the village of Georgetown and called tht new home Cedar Vale Farm In for a new on the farm in caved in and killed him married airier on July and ten children were the result of this marriage The youngest child William born January worked as a teller at the Georgetown branch of the Bank of Himiltonwhich was the first chartered institution in County In order to help maintain the family ham gave up his position at the bank and stayed home to work farm He operated i market garden growing large crops of strawberries raspberries and hi a large orchard on the Vale Farm Remnants of the tan he seen THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HALTON HILLS BYLAW NO 75 111 A by law to stop up and convey to the abutting owner part of Peel Street in the Town of Halton Hills in the Regional Municipality of Halton formerly in the Town of Acton County of WHEREAS Council tor this Corporation proposes to stop up and close part Peel Street In the Town of Hills formerly In the Town Acton which said portion of Peel Street is shown outlined In red on the Plan of Survey attached as Schedule A to this by law and Is more particularly described In metes and bounds description attached as Schedule to this by law AND WHEREAS Council for this Corporation has Instructed the Clerk Administrator to publish notice of Council intention to stop up close and convey the portion of Peel Street above mentioned to the abutting owner In accordance with the provlsonsol The Municipal Act P SO 1970 IB as amended NOW THEREFORE COUNCIL FOR THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HILLS ENACTS AS FOLLOWS That part of Peel Street In Town Hallon Hills formerly In Town of Acton In the Regional Municipality of and shown outlined In red on Ihe Plan of Survey attached as Schedule A to this by law and more particularly described by metes and bounds on Schedule B attached to this by law be and the same Is hereby closed and stopped up Notice of the Intention of Council for this Corporation to pass this by law shall be published once a week lor four consecutive weeks in the Acton Free Press and Council tor this Corporation shall hear any objections to the proposed closing and conveying above mentioned part of Peel Street to abutting owner at Its regular meeting on the 2nd day February or so soon thereafter as Is possible and It there arc no valid to the proposed closing at such meeting Council shall give this by law a third and final reading The Mayor and the Clerk Administrator are hereby to execute under the Seal of this Corporallon any documents which may be necessary for the this matter LAW read a third time MAYOR CLERK ADMINISTRATOR PLAN OF SURVEY on LOT and part of LOT REGISTERED PLAN TOWNOF HILLS Formerly TOWN OF ACTON REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF SCALE I Inch 30 Feet SCHEDULEB ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract land and premises situate lying and being In the Town Hills formerly Town of Acton In the Regional Municipality formerly County Halton and In Province Ontario containing by admeasurement an area square feat more or less and being composed part Peel Street Registered Plan In the said Town Halton Hills formerly Town Acton and which said parcel of land may be more particularly described as follows COMMENCING at a point where a post and wire fence Inter sects the southeasterly limit of Peel Street being also the northwesterly limit Lot Registered Plan Town of Hills formerly Town Acton said point being distant 7 measured southwesterly along the south easterly limit Peel Street the northerly angle of said Lot THENCE In a northwesterly direction along the said post and wlrelence a distance toa polntthcre In marking the Intersection with northwesterly face of a board fence THENCE southwesterly along the northwesterly ace of said board to a point In the northerly production of westerly face the west wall of the two storey brick dwelling as it Is presently located on said lot and on part Peel Street THENCE In a direction along the last described west lace brick wall to a point therein marking the Inter section with the southeasterly limit of Peel Street THENCE In a northeasterly direction along Ihe last des crlbed limit being also along the northwesterly limit of Lot to the point commencement William the Cedar Vale harm until when he Armenian Re lief Association of Cimdi purchased a large portion of the farm It wis on July 1 1923 that a group of orphan boys arrived in Georgetown were orphaned is i re sult of the GrecoTurkish and were brought here by Canadian humanitarians an period tht hoys wire sent to work Ontario farms The Hoys harm on Hit old firm until J when tht Unit of pur the propcrl for Ihe Georgetown School for Girls school opt riled until mil the town of bought lit I mils mil build in is project ml opened i com centre met ling rooms mil sports fields situ iled in i pitUinsiie Ihe old nunc wis when town mined the piojeel lie Community the turn Willi hid hid been lied in il business for i I In isters Sunbeam coffee makers health lumps and electric dry shavers wen sold by the firm on a mnl order The com panj maintained building near the railroad station in the building now occupied by Construction When electric business experienced a slow period Williams Bradley also started small seed trade on i mail order basis mainly In occupy indretiin his employees The seed business flourished and by he established what is now Dominion Seed House which issitmlcd on a portion of the old Bradley inn the most success fill ml cert madas order business in garden seeds the Dominion Seed Mouse propria very n seeds Con held ilh fornud in 11 Tin firm lilottd iniplie m Itipul I 1 irtlesst Hi Ohio could off liehiiiLiiriuit i ill or stk giving ill the ii mi i Ihe world for seeds which in sold The offers inee of uncommon Willi wisactnt in mmunily in which he I Hi stmd n many or tit of which the lumber ind i until the BRADLEY and an employee pose in front of the Dominion Seed House in 1940 The grounds of the seed house are now like a huge garden in the centre of town with flowers blooming through the growing season whir si din Indus us il the I il I I iti Is I le llu irlust file it mm tit V nametin I iy wis for litkkt the ition in 1J2 Hi is keen mnsiei in pi iil with Hit eortclown I itiin Hind in IJ0H he w is of tin I Rifles sm to illt lie Quebec whin tinirj1 it i il flu I- i irk iidi I lit Is JAMES BRADLEY and family pose at s Studios Georgetown for a likeness oE the family on November 1 William Bradley founder of the Dominion Seed House is the boy between his father s knees THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF HALTON IN THE MATTER OF an Application by The Regional Municipality of to establish Urban Service Areas to provide for the establish financing expansion and operation of water works and sewage works pursuant to The Regional Municipality of Halton Act SO Chapter 70 Sections 76 and AND IN THE MATTER OF the Ontario Municipal Board making an Order to define the Urban Services and cost of Urban Services and to determine the manner and what lands or rateable property are to bear the cost of pro for Urban Services pursuant to Section Id of The Municipal Act TAKE NOTICE THAT I the lands proposed to be Included in the Urban Ser vice Areas applied for are all lands within the corporate limits of the Town of Georgetown to be known as Urban Service Area No 1 and the Town of Acton to be as Urban Service Area No as those limits existed upon the thirty first 31st day of December 1973 Intention of The Regional Municipality Halton is to raise money required for meeting the costs including establishment construction maintenance operation and debt charges of sewer works and the costs and debt charges of water works by Imposing from time to time rates upon the lands included within the Urban Service Areas applied for any person having a complaint against or an lection to the establishment of the Urban Service Areas applied for may file such complaint or ob lection In writing with the Clerk of The Regional Municipality of Halton within twenty one days of the first publication of this notice by forwarding such complaint or objection to Clerk of The Regional Municipality of Halton Harvester Road Burlington Ontario For the purpose of this notice the first publication date is the 14th day of January and all complaints and objections malted shall be deemed received upon the expiry of five 5 days from the date designated by the postmark affixed to mailed complaints or lections DATEDat Burlington this day of January THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF HALTON BY ITS CLERK GARFIELD BROWN District Council nominations The steering committee I formed October to set up I the first District Health Coun I in Milton Region is seek ins for til Sheridan olltge President John M Porter chairman of committee s ml the will comprise 15 to 17 members and ibout 10 nominitions have ilready I been received The District Health Council has the broad responsibility to an overview of all the health and related vices In a district to assess present and and to advise the Ministry of Health on which of those needs to meet first and how to go about doing it professional Persons named to the health council should reflect a high degree of commitment said Porter Both profession deliverers of health service and lav people will be ap pointed Members of the DIs trict Health Council will be unpaid The committee anticipates that Initially considerable time may be required in set ting up Ihe council After the steering commit tee examined the nominations the list will be forwirded to the Ministry of Health which will appoint the council Nominations should he sent to J Porter at Sheridan College by Jan Nomination forms are avail able from Mrs Soodeen at or RECEIVE GRANT The Credit Valley Con scrvation Authority received three Ontario government grants totalling Natural Resources Minister I announced this week A grant will help pay for the construction of the 140 by foot pool change houses and sanitary facilities Terra Colta conservation area officially opened In July The second grant for will pay part of the cost of buying 23 acres of land from the Annie Burns estate The land is located at Lot 29 Con adjacent to the existing acre Silver Creek Conservation Area The third grant for is slated for land and construction of the Creek channel improvement in Ml by the

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