0000t000000000 MAY SAVINGS ON SWIMMING POOL CHEMICALS SALE ENDS MAY 31 CHLORINE 5 LBS 4 Sugg 46 JO PH UP I DOWN SHOCK SURE l Not at our Linbrook Plaza Store Poolchem Stabilizer and Conditioner Poolchem Stabllizor and Is to pool water to shield chlorlno from loss due sunlight It is added to water only once at the rale of lb per 5 000 gallons Tho Slabillior and Condltionor remains in tho and does not to bo replacod year water is not changed Poolchom Slabillzor and Condltionor is completely it takes up to A3 hours to dissolve Tho fitter should not bo until it Is all dissolved The pool can bo usod Immediately addition even though tho stabilizer Is not completely dissolved Stock No Slzo Sugg Rotatl Our Price 1b 6 30 1405 30 Poolchem Stabilized Chlorine Concentrate Granular Stabilized Chlorine Concentrate Granular is a stabilized chlorinated in granular form In addition to supplying chlorine to pool water it replaces stabilizer and conditioner which is lost through In stabilized pools use approximately two per day per gallons of wator broadcast directly on the pool water The pool can be used Immediately after addition It is completely soluble leaving no residue to produce scale or Increase the filter load Poolchom Chlorine Concentrate is very stable It does not its stronglh in storage and does not affect the of water Poolchem Granular Concentrate can be used for super chlonnotion Stock No Slzo Sugg Retail Our Price 3 lb 8 60 7 1005 5 lb 13 35 lb 35 STARTER KIT NO Gal Pool Sugg Retail I 75 STARTER KIT NO 2 Sugg 24 Gal Pool 35 75 28 EXTENSION FORK SIT Sal of forki from to COUPON VALID a i FOAM COOLER 37i I 55jycwpojnugaiHmjij t FRISBEE TiajpTWrcouroirroTOnfinG 41flM IEMONUMI A quality c iVco CREAM Sugg Retail 85 SM2KEHUEJaILi WuWifuTLfpTinTroupoNTWTOflE Tp NORWICH TABLETS II OLD SPICE AFTER SHAVE Sugg Retail 77 ESSO BAR B QUE LIGHTER FLUID